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1、襄阳市第四十七中学九年级英语学科教学案课 题Unit 4 课时1执 笔:王秀琼审核:备课组教学目标1.What would you do if you found a million dollars? 2.Id give it to the police. 3. If I were you, Id buy some new clothes. 教学重难点虚拟语气的用法学 习 过 程【预习导学】一.请你将下列单词翻译成英语.百万_医学的_研究_领带_烦恼_如果将会怎么样_二、翻译下列词组:把捐给慈善机构 _存入银行_医学研究 _ 迟到_带一件礼物 _ 在聚会上_穿衬衣打领带 _担心_【语法导学】1

2、、关于虚拟语气。虚拟语气表示说话人的愿望、假设或建议,不是客观存在的事实。根据时间的不同,虚拟条件句分为三种,即: 与现在事实相反的虚拟语气。 与过去事实相反的虚拟语气。 与将来事实相反的虚拟语气。本单元所学为第一种。(1) 与现在事实相反的虚拟语气,其结构为:if 引导虚拟语气的条件状语从 句,从句为非真实条件句,一般用过去时主句用“should/ would/ could/ might动词原形”.1. If I had time, I would go for a walk. (事实上我现在没有时间,不能去散步)2. If I were invited, I would go to the

3、 dinner. (事实上没有人邀请我,我也不能去参加宴会)3. If I had a million dollars, I would put it in the bank. (事实上我没有一百万美圆,也不可能存在银行)【课前探究】What would you do if you had a million yuan?1._2._3._4._【词语理解】1. million(n. 百万)的用法.two _ dollars/ _of dollar注意:million与具体的数字连用时,其后不加s,也不加of;million不与具体的数字连用时,其后加s,与of连用。类似用法的单词有hundre

4、d, thousand, billion等。翻译:500个聚会_ 数千个礼物_2、I dont know what to wear. (我不知道穿什么)注意:what to wear“疑问词不定式”结构作宾语。翻译:Can you tell me_(怎么办)?I dont know_( 什么时候开始)。当“疑问词不定式”结构作宾语时,可以改写成一个宾语从句的形式。填填:He doesnt know which pairs of shoes he should buy.(同义句转换)He doesnt know_ .【课堂导学】 I.讨论完成1a II.讨论图片III 听完成1 b 听录音将图画

5、标上正确的顺序。IV.听完成2 a 听录音圈画出Larry 紧张的理由。V. 听完成2 b 听录音挑选出Larry 的姐姐对她说的四件事情。【课堂测试】一用所给动词的适当形式填空1. If I _(find) a purse, I _(give) it to the police.2. If I _(be) a bird, I _(fly) in the blue sky.3. If you _(have) something important, you_( can go) now.4. If I _(be) you, I _(choose) this one.二根据汉语补全句子1.如果我有

6、一百万美圆,我就会买一栋大房子.If I_,I_.2. 如果我是你, 我就会去那里.If I _, I _.3. 如果我有一架飞机,我就会环游世界If I _, I _.4.如果我有许多钱,我会将它捐献给医疗研究If I_,I_5.把钱捐给慈善事业是一个好主意_is a good idea.三选择填空( )1.If I _ you, I _a house.A. was; would buy B. was; will buy C. were; would buy D. were; bought( ) 2._do you want?A. What other B. What else C. Oth

7、er what D. else what( ) 3. Jack usually gets _when he speaks in public.A. happily B. exciting C. nervous D. tired( ) 4.What would you do if she _tomorrow?A. wasnt come B. doesnt come C. wouldnt come D. didnt come( )5.I dont know if Mary _to my party next Sunday. If she _,I will be very happy.A. will

8、 come; comes B. will come; will come C. comes; will come D. comes; comes( ) 6.What would you do if everyone else _a present?A. will bring B. brings C. brought D. would bring( )7.If you dont know _,you can talk to Tom.A. someone B. everyone C. no one D. anyone( )8.I dont know _to buy my sister a scar

9、f.A. weather B. if C. whether D. what( )9.Theres _rice at home. Please go and buy some.A. a little B. a few C. few D. little( )10.Look, theres _girl dancing under the tree.A. a little B. little C. few D. a few 襄阳市第四十七中学九年级英语学科教学案课 题Unit 4 课时2执 笔:王秀琼审核:备课组教学目标1.让学生熟练运用虚拟语气(虚拟条件句)2.能够针对虚拟的事情,展望自己的做法和观

10、点3.通过情景交际,帮助学生树立正确金钱观与价值观,树立善待,关爱他人的意识教学重点运用虚拟语气谈论自己的看法和观点学 习 过 程自主空间【课前预习】I.阅读3a翻译下列短语1. Get nervous_ 2.get pimples _3. 参加大考_4.长时间散步_5. 养个小宠物_6.帮助某人做某_7. 看起来很糟糕 _8.考试前夜_9让某人做某事_10.吃很多蔬菜水果_【课前探究】Discuss: What would you do if you were a head teacher? _. 【课堂导学】I.Pre-reading .What problems do you have

11、at home(school)? Make a list and then ask your partner for advice.IIFinish 3a,1.快速阅读,找出每个问题的合适建议。翻译句子。1. I dont know what to say or do. _2.The food you eat could help with this problem._III. Pair work, Finish 3b. .重点难点释义(Language Points)1. if的三种用法 1)当“如果”讲,引导条件状语从句要用一般现在时(遵循“主将从现”的原则)。2)当“是否”讲,引导宾语从

12、句,可以使用将来时。3)if引导虚拟语气,只能用过去时,若动词为be,一律用“were”. Eg.1)We _(go) hiking if it _ (not rain) tomorrow. 2)I dont know _(他明天是否能来). If he _(come),I will call you.3) _(如果他有空),He would come to see me.2.friendly ,adj.友好的,其反义词unfriendly, be friendly to sb.对友好.make friends with sb.与交朋友,friendship友谊3.看句子找规律。1)I get

13、 nervous before big parties.2)I cant sleep before I take a big exam.3)If I were you, Id take a long walk before going to bed. 其中1)中before为_词,后接_词;2)中before为_词,后接_从句;3)中before为_词,后接_形式【当堂训练】.一用所给词的适当形式填空1. He is always f_ to others ,so people all like him.2.After_ (read) the instruction, I know how t

14、o use the machine3.Wow,so many books ,I dont know which _ (buy).4.I drank a lot of coffee before _(go) to bed, So I passed a _(sleep)night last night.5.If I _ (have)lots of money , Id put it in the bank.6. Listening to music can help you _ (relax).二单项选择( )1. If you_ know anyone, You can talk to him.

15、A. didnt B. wont C. dont D. not( )2. I want a dog. But my parents wont let me have _A. i t B. one C. that D. dog( ) 3.It rained_, People could _ go out.A. hardly ,hardly B. hard, hard C. hardly, hard D. hard, hardly( )4.If he _you .He _ be afraid.A. is ,wouldnt B. was, wouldnt C, were, wont D, were,

16、 wouldnt( )5.Im deeply moved and I dont know_ . A .to say what B how to say. C. what to say D. when to say( )6.You are never _-young _ start doing things. A. such; that B. so; that C. too ;to D. not ;enough( )7.Do you know if it _ tomorrow? If it_ ,Ill stay at home. A .will rain ; will rain B. rains

17、; rains C. rains; will rain D. will rain; rains三根据汉语意思完成下列句子。1.我不知去简的生日聚会该穿什么衣服 I dont know _ _ _ to Jeans birthday party.2.如果我是你,我就带上我的太阳镜。 If I _ you, I _ _ my sunglasses .3. 考前我睡不好,我太疲倦而没考好I cant _ _ an exam. So I m _ tired _ _ well.4.不要紧张,让我帮你放松一下。Dont _ _ ,Let me _ _ _5.多吃蔬菜和水果对你健康有益。_ lots of

18、fruits and vegetables _ _ _ your _ 襄阳市第四十七中学九年级英语学科教学案课 题Unit 4 课时3执 笔:王秀琼审核:备课组教学目标1.识记并运用单词: herself, energetic, confident, permission2.理解并运用短语: be afraid to do sth., in public, be like, in front of3. 重点词汇用法及正确运用虚拟语气 教学重点运用虚拟语气学 习 过 程自主空间【课前预习】汉译英 1.对有信心_ 2.做演讲_ 3.全校 _4.没有经过允许_ 5.请求的允许_ 6.介绍自己_ 7.

19、邀请某人去做某事 _ 【课前探究】What are you like? What would you do if the teacher asked you to give a speech in front of the whole school?_.【词句理解】1. Without ones permission 未经某人的允许. Ask ones permission 请求某人的允许 She asked her teachers permission to go home. without +n./ving/人称代词宾格.(1) We wont go_(没有你)(2)We cant li

20、ve_(没有空气)(3)They have got many books_( 没有买)2. Id introduce myself. introduce oneself 作自我介绍introduce sb. to sb. 把某人介绍给某人3. Id invite him /her to have dinner at my house. invite sb. to do sth. invite sb to a place/ sb be invited to a place邀请某人到某地. Id like to _(邀请你参加我的聚会) this evening. I_(invite) to Lu

21、cys party last Sunday.4.confident adj. be confident of sth/sb=have confidence in sb/sth, be confident to do sth【课堂导学】1.大声朗读1a的每一个句子,然后根据每个句子所表达的意思选择对应的形容词。2.认真听录音,然后完成2a与2b。大声朗读2a与2b中的句子。3.根据1a提供的信息,模仿1b与同伴分角色表演。4.根据2a和2b提供的信息与同伴进行角色扮演。【当堂达标】一根据句意及首字母完成单词。1. C_ means people arent afraid of to speak

22、in public.2.He spoke so fast that I could h_ follow him.3.Dont speak too loudly in p_.4.Wed better not come into her room without her p_.5.Let me i_ myself to all of you. 6.E_means people are hardly ever tired.7. Id i_ him to have dinner at my home. 、二单项选择( )1. If he _ here, that would be very good.

23、 A. is B. was C. were D. has been( )2. If a friend said something bad _ you, what would you do? A. about B. on C. for D. to( )3. I dont know _.A. what to do it B. how to do it C. what to do D. to do what( )4. He is too tired _ any longer. A. not to walk B. to walk C. walking D. not walking( )5. He w

24、ent to school without _ goodbye A. say B. says C. saying D. to say( )6. He is afraid to speak in _ public. A. the B a C. an D. /( )7.You shouldnt _ others things_ permission.A. lend; without B. borrow; withC. borrow; without D. lend; with( )8.How long may I_ _the this book?A. borrow B. lend C. buy D

25、. keep( )9.Lets wait_ the bus stop.A. / B. for C. at D. in( )10.Lucy couldnt wait_ the box when she got home.A. open B. to open C. opened D. to open三根据汉语提示完成英语句子.1. 他不知道怎样使用MP4。He doesnt know _ _ _the MP4 player 2. 如果你想走的话,必须得到他的允许。You must _ _ _ _if you want to leave early.3. I dont know _(说什么和做什么)

26、.4._(如果我是你),I would wear a shirt and tie.5.自信的人不害怕在公众场合讲话。 _people arent afraid_ _ _ _6.外向的人喜欢结交新朋友。_ people like to _ _ _. 襄阳市第四十七中学九年级英语学科教学案课 题Unit 4 课时4执 笔:王秀琼审核:备课组教学目标 1.让学生了解一些个性特征 2.掌握重点短语的用法。教学重点 培养学生的阅读能力学 习 过 程自主空间【自主学习】 译成英语1.一点也不_2.大量的_3.容易相处_4.一小圈好朋友_5.喜欢别人的陪伴_6.惹恼别人_7.宁愿呆在家里也不愿参加晚会_8说

27、某人的坏话_9.立刻,马上_10.一个好听众_【课前探究】Look at 3b in Section B, can you design your own personality survey? Think about it and have a try._【语言学习】1.annoy v.使烦恼 annoying adj.令人恼火的annoyed adj.烦恼的.短语annoy sb. be annoyed with sb/about sth. 如:What he said annoys me very much.=Im very annoyed with him about what he

28、said. 用下面几组词照句(1)interest interested interesting (2)worry worried worrying(3) surprise surprised surprising (4) frustrate frustrated frustrating (5)excite excited exciting2.get on/along with.“与.相处,进展”(1)妈妈常告诉我要和同学们好好相处Mother often tells me_.(2)你的英语学得怎样?How are you_?3. would rather do.than do.=prefer

29、 to do.rather than do.“宁愿而不愿”她宁可步行也不坐公交车(1)_/_.【课堂活动】1.展示探究结果2. Reading. Look at the survey in 2a, then read the passage in 3a and fill in the blanks. 3. Please put them into Chinese.(1)Social situations dont bother you in the slightest._.(2)People will come to you when they want advice. _.(3)You li

30、ke talking to one or two people rather than to a group._(4)You would also rather stay at home and read a good book than go to a party._.【跟踪练习】( ) 1.What would you do if someone_ you to be in a movie? A. asked B. ask C. asking D. asks( ) 2.He is a person who is easy_. A. get along B. to get along wit

31、h C. to get along D. get along with( )3.If a friend said _about you, would you care about what he said?A. bad something B. something bad C. bad anything D. anything bad( )4.He would rather die in China than _.A. go abroad B. to go abroad C. going abroad D. goes abroad( )5.-Why didnt you go to the pa

32、rty last night?-I _.A. didnt invite B. am not invited C. wasnt invited D. dont invite( )6._if you had a chance to study abroad?A. Where would you go B. Where you would goC. Where are you going D. Where you went( )7.There are_ flowers in th square during National Day. A. millions of B. two millions C

33、. two millions of D. two million of( )8.If I _ten years younger, I _very happy. A. am, shall be B. were, would be C. were, shall be D. am, would be ( )9.He went to the teacher for_.A. an advice B. some advice C. some advices D. some piece of advice( )10.If you answered yes_ most questions, you are o

34、utgoing and pretty confident. A. for B. to C. as D. at二根据汉语完成句子。1._(说朋友的坏话)isnt polite.2.He doesnt like watching a football match_/_(一点儿也不)3.How are you_(与你的同学相处)?4.He often plays with_(一圈儿坏孩子)5._(社会环境)can influence teenagers. 襄阳市第四十七中学九年级英语学科教学案课 题Unit 4 课时5执 笔:王秀琼审核:备课组教学目标让学生巩固复习本单元所学重点词汇及语法。教学重点

35、培养应变能力和解决问题的能力,写作能力的培养(回复邮件).学 习 过 程自主空间【课前预习】一.词组翻译.一次英语演讲比赛_名列前茅_考得最好_想出_其余的学生/工作_代表班级_解决人们问题的好方法_害怕在其他人面前说话_让失望_事实上_和谈得很多_更有见识的_在午饭时间_【课前探究】回答问题:If you have some problems, what will you do? Who will you ask for help?-. 【词句理解】1.win-won -won获胜 win the first place 赢得第一名 win back赢回来(后面+事/物,a game ,a war 等) beat打败,获胜(+人,a team等)e up with 想出,提出,产生=produce,find,想出=think of(a plan,a reply) come短语:com


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