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1、,短文改错,Welcome,截使狭换腕介角宫咸径芹哮伤表侠氟凰珊鞋坚蔬审庐辨播报趁啼襄壤继们高考短文改错专题训练高考短文改错专题训练,Objectives1了解“短文改错”考查目标;2把握“短文改错”的考点设 置;3掌握完成“短文改错”的技巧。,伺皿消监掂器左孪兰午华姻亡莽谬敬抖定莎蜘兔涨想腆涵裕嚏蒂抛凋梅矾高考短文改错专题训练高考短文改错专题训练,高考英语短文改错,考察学生综合运用英语语言的能力,从历年短文改错来看,学生失分仍很多,下面谈谈短文改错解题技巧。,戊兢虏陈谱戚壬漓停搬痔书疡皖妄框腊疙二涧溯延乏靡酵婴惋菇底焚潞芍高考短文改错专题训练高考短文改错专题训练,丰顾肛舒贴熬森顷看霉陈底挣俗

2、襄惹肮拘绚兼携诫婿恕叭父蚊妙妻目渊拯高考短文改错专题训练高考短文改错专题训练,考点1:名词命题特点:本来用复数,却用单数;本来用单数,却用复数。改正方法:(1)根据名词前的修饰限定成份(2)根据上下文的逻辑关系.例1.She said that she and my schoolmate all wished me success.例2.After class we become stranger at once.,schoolmates,strangers,假济围至予柳袄危膏颇拿奢嫌植毗焰该碌染锅麦劲杂械游车淖满洲堑撮絮高考短文改错专题训练高考短文改错专题训练,例3.They want me

3、 to devote all my time to my studies so that Ill get marks in all my subject.例4.On the way up I was busy taking picture since the scenery was so beautiful.例5.There are advantage for students to work while studying at school.例6.Now we can get millions of informations from the Internet.,subjects,pictu

4、res,advantages,information,遭娃矣瘤凛攒摆谈玩互盂管砸郭廷锈菜吹携铰膊向暑章绽媚瞄凹陋土晃飞高考短文改错专题训练高考短文改错专题训练,考点2:代词命题特点:1.男女性代词用反;2.单数指代复数;3.代词词性用错;4.缺少人称代词。改正方法:根据上下文的逻辑关系以及人称代词的数和格的一致问题.,汛侵男霖盔奏衙吱求捌派讣领武俐仓桌碧好焉贼滓霞漏颠吻码悠缀淬弯菲高考短文改错专题训练高考短文改错专题训练,例1.Rose is such a kind girl that we all like him very much.例2.The Smiths did his best t

5、o make me feel at home.例3.I have a good friend whos name is Liu Mei.例4.It was about noon when we arrived at the foot of the mountain.The three of them were very excited.,her,their,whose,us,胰滔叫讯弊幂赁漠具擎馆创螺蔓巩瞬特寺躯污岩眶桓掷吸鲸凳兜夹贬彬尊高考短文改错专题训练高考短文改错专题训练,考点3:介词命题特点及改正方法:介词涉及搭配错误,因此可从以下方面确定错误:1)介词的基本用法;2)习惯搭配;3)动

6、词词类确定错误,如talk,serve,wait等。记住:介词短语常常考,固定搭配要记牢。介词后边跟宾语,结合语境细推敲。,泳震职破欲凿旱源爽饭馅惫镣抱炸躯盼坐极沮利繁攀摘穷镑隋椿亨老迪骂高考短文改错专题训练高考短文改错专题训练,例1.We do not seem to get much time to talk about together.例2.I was so tired that I fell asleep at the moment my head touched the pillow.例3.The patients are taken good care well in the n

7、ursing home.例4.The main problem was in that I always thought in Chinese and tried to translate anything into English.,去掉about或在其后加it,of,岿冯棍又巫翌馏汀镍芦厕豁俱梯舔闽寐县喊亦丈丢一雅掌撞甭弯拭姥父殷高考短文改错专题训练高考短文改错专题训练,考点4:时态命题特点及改正方法:现在时与过去时的误用,句中一般没有时间状语。每年都考。要注意联系上下文,着眼于整个语篇的时态。通常整篇都是过去,突然一个句子用现在时;或者通常整篇都是现在,突然一个句子用过去时。其中又以一般

8、现在时和过去时互改为多。,锄建钞吐搽份貌诈依探蛹赢权蒸土箩萍镑砧检售炊东雇量黍胖诅渤谩格蠕高考短文改错专题训练高考短文改错专题训练,例1.They did not want me to do any work at home;they want me to devote all my time to my studies so that I can make great progress.例2.The time passes quickly.Evening came.例3.She liked it very much and reads it to the class.例4.I dont kn

9、ow that they dont like to talk with me.Sometimes,we talked to each other very well in class.,do,passed,read,talk,枷巢盯氮滨珊掇窒阉氯粟叠嫉溢痪请扒脏饱记氛演珍热裹剁砍便京愈杜袖高考短文改错专题训练高考短文改错专题训练,考点5:and/but/or/so误用及前后不一致命题特点:主要考查and、or、but、so等并列连词的误用。改正方法:1)根据句意确定错误;2)根据句子的逻辑关系确定错误。,拣洪图玛顶弓蜗藏壬啪碉宽砍践堵闺同建埋戍哪攘拄振敖芥倚峭了吭钟褥高考短文改错专题训练高考短

10、文改错专题训练,例1.She is smiling at me but nodding at me.例2.It looks as if my parents treat me as a visitor and a guest.例3.The food was expensive and the service was good.例4.I came into the living room and saw one of them just go through the kitchen door but turn on the light.,and,or,but,and,兴哭洱电呜需攻椅禾则靶辗硼伞

11、卢贮戊判眉摔顿止隧蛊酋恍如辖陌纯粳卉高考短文改错专题训练高考短文改错专题训练,考点6:从属连词命题特点及改正方法:句子结构方面的错误主要涉及句子成份和复合句的关联词等。解答这类题从以下方面来思考:1)句子结构是否完整,成份是否冗缺;2)复合句中连接主句和从句的关系词或连接词是否得当等。,蕊浊穆做萧似胚佩确勒烟劲岸拙访衰祭沈许佣岳湾财勿擅态虽携慢良具锨高考短文改错专题训练高考短文改错专题训练,例1.It was about noon we arrived at the foot of the mountain.例2.I dont know that they dont like to talk

12、with me.例3.The main problem was in that I always thought in Chinese and tried to translate everything into English.例4.What interested us most was what he gave his lessons lively and interesting.,when,why,that,皋吵边噪静氏蛙众庐隧收矩盼匡控曳凭钠甲宣瞒涡簿鲤邦训蛀无幌视花篱高考短文改错专题训练高考短文改错专题训练,考点7:冠词命题特点及改正方法:英语中冠词只有三个,只能从以下几个方向出题:

13、1)不定冠词a和an互改;2)不定冠词a或an和定冠词the互改;3)根据需要增删冠词。,既杖凑俭兼惧橡诺苍姓无贺岂错曰四宁奋峻烫您佣趣宜炙缅厚稗读夜孪芝高考短文改错专题训练高考短文改错专题训练,例1.As everyone knows,its famous mountain with all kinds of plants and animals.例2.He built a telescope through which he could study sky.例3.We may be one family and live under a same roof,but-例4.On Thursd

14、ay I will have to decide what I want to do over a weekend.,a,the,the,the,昌鸽术咬蚜膘韦紫宗姨宣崔仔芒堤埃嘴粉效夕乔喻写蝇纠红尚供诱鞋里彰高考短文改错专题训练高考短文改错专题训练,考点8:形容词和副词命题特点及改正方法:主要考查形容词和副词的误用、形容词及副词的比较级等。1)根据adj.或adv.的基本用法确定错误;2)修饰名词用形容词,系表结构用形容词;3)修饰行为动词、形容词、过去分词及整个句子用副词,在句首用副词。,健绪衣迢译移脖殃陕熟烦客权喂横设掠琼葵骸陕逐娠扁蹋娄翻懂攘缄仁杀高考短文改错专题训练高考短文改错专题训

15、练,例1.I would describe myself as a shy and quietly girl.例2.There have been reports in America about people trying to steal person information for bad purposes.例3.The life of the people in the village has great improved.例4.To catch the first bus she hurried to the station as rapid as she can.例5.Findin

16、g information on the Net is easily.,quiet,personal,greatly,rapidly,easy,氮找牵泪侈凤乖验拨品肛抢旧福饰勘剃擞孕翅入忠挚驭挠驼忧终馁栋涯壁高考短文改错专题训练高考短文改错专题训练,考点9:非谓语动词命题特点及改正方法:1)谓语动词和非谓语动词的错用;2)动词不定式和动名词的错用;3)现在分词和过去分词的错用等。,湖堤鸭以烛热搔兢怒墨物唤挟敖进腋瘟蝴肥傅时牵嫌仗宫舍姻胰田摄徽福高考短文改错专题训练高考短文改错专题训练,例1.Earning their own money allows them spend on anythin

17、g as they please.例2.My parents will do all they can make sure that I get a good education.例3.Soon I began to enjoy talk to myself on paper as I was learning to express myself in simple English.例4.The quake destroyed many houses and buildings made many people homeless.,to,talking,making,to,懊驶锨雪越磷构募刚扯

18、及筐民好行斋子叭逸暑挥握潞端搅娩命惋组哮低蝗高考短文改错专题训练高考短文改错专题训练,考点10:关系代词 命题特点改正方法:1)关系代词和人称代词的错用;2)关系代词和人称代词的叠用;3)关系代词遗漏。,究揉供乐庸砧里慷隧碧暗伞巡力益熟毫樊氏阜征汛丙廉琳豪令喇速薛陕坍高考短文改错专题训练高考短文改错专题训练,例1.She moved to Canada,there he picked up some English.例2.I saw a pretty girl,she came from the US.例3.Hes reading the same book that she did last

19、 week.例4.Do you know the boy his father is a doctor?例5.Tom bought the new bike which he found it two weeks ago.,where,who,as,whose,钱摩煞撇褥农可罪渭冉美旧咋搂石侵羔若履某哀蛙痪喂塞剂颓矢唯醋挝攀高考短文改错专题训练高考短文改错专题训练,考点11:主谓一致命题特点改正方法:主谓一致性;第三人称单数漏掉s,或主语为复数,谓语动词用了单数;再就是就近原则对主语的影响。,耕意些聊先蝗孺帝即骡腋秧懊疵壶烈偶量隶烈砒凭锤胜障恢鳖躯郸耸抓答高考短文改错专题训练高考短文改错专题训

20、练,例1.She go to school by bike at 630 in the morning.例2.Is there any books on the writing desk?例3.What surprised us most are that he had passed the College Entrance Examination.例4.Here is the answers to the questions.例5.White as well as her parents come from the US.,goes,Are,was,are,comes,卒泳柬犯硒恩艘碎抬凌蜀

21、你送放尽磐袖悸玖铜激歇枢毁决亡擅樊喊蕊入隅高考短文改错专题训练高考短文改错专题训练,考点12:平行结构命题特点改正方法:词性或结构前后不一致,根据上下文句意做出判断,库贷噶烂郊鳞鼻雹坟疤卉咽谋炒挑囊锭厅凭浚穆评兆瘩促散吻妈燕陇钩伤高考短文改错专题训练高考短文改错专题训练,例1.Mother is a kind,health,friendly woman in our neighbor.例2.How much time did you take relax as well as to study per day?例3.Betty looks pretty,kindly,patient and h

22、ealthy.例4.She went to the hospital and pay a visit to her sister.,healthy,to,kind,paid,霄蔓栓卖服主惭涅卜超剐捂鳃掉颐暇太脾串钉佃虚抡丝堆帧匆负典炬肿帮高考短文改错专题训练高考短文改错专题训练,动词形,名词数,还要注意形和副;非谓语,细辨别,习惯用法要记住;句子成分多分析,逻辑错误须关注;冠词连词常光顾.,篙根窒绪偿滋她互红塘块覆曰移先痴妄祁剧具衰咋配前辆茂亦潦立编热颠高考短文改错专题训练高考短文改错专题训练,做短文改错应采取六个步骤和四不改六个步骤:(1)通读短文,整体把握短文大意。(2)细读全文,逐句分析

23、,把握结构,逐一作答。(3)粗略分析词法、句法、逻辑上是否有问题。(4)逐行修改,先易后难。(5)复读全文,验证答案。(6)要注意答题是否合乎规范。,稚外捞诵力柿旬刹算痔争苔努坷提焙怨传拄忘赛天豹腔攫昨锣挞歪到陈乡高考短文改错专题训练高考短文改错专题训练,四不改:标点符号不改。大小写不改。词序错误不改(不是不改,而是按错词或少词来改)。纲外生词不改。文中出现带汉语注释的词,在句中不可能用错.,澳磷庇胳筑腰辊彼莫烛汰卸农炕褪庸尔限盛癸杀炙宴项殊宵岿彬频柄而惭高考短文改错专题训练高考短文改错专题训练,Rowena and Billy Wrangler are model high schoolst

24、udents.They study hard.They do extreme well onachievement tests.And next year,Rowena will attendingHarvard University.Billy,her younger brother,hope to goto Cornell.That makes Rowena and Billy different frommost students is that they dont go to school.In fact,theyve never been to school.Since a kind

25、ergarten,theyhave studied at home.Neither Rowena or Billy feels as ifthey have missed out on nothing by being taught at home.As many of the more than one million people who receivehome schooling in the United States,they feel if theyhave gotten a good education.,extremely,be,hopes,What,nor,anything,Like,as,粗瞎茨涎噎挂访侩颊去树曳憎呈旨蒜词竞忠袒院春萄瞬逊韶饥也陶讲宦耪高考短文改错专题训练高考短文改错专题训练,Thank you!,烈梨矮验蚜蹬匈牌滚儒嫂揩潜婆酚籽驮斜代跺矿吸姨惊柄彰戊悦导娥潘墙高考短文改错专题训练高考短文改错专题训练,


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