【安徽】2011高三英语一轮复习 Unit 16 Stories精品课件 北师大版.ppt

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1、Module 6Unit 16 Stories 基础落实.高频单词思忆1.vt.抛弃,放弃2.n.牺牲品,受害者3.n.目击证人;v.目击4.vi.颤抖,发抖5.adj.栩栩如生的,鲜艳的;生动的,逼真的6.adj.苛刻的;严厉的,abandon,victim,witness,tremble,vivid,severe,6.adj.苛刻的;严厉的7.adj.顽固的,倔强的8.adj.复杂的9.adj.头晕目眩的10.n.突破,重大发现11.n.遗失,丢失 v.遗失,丢掉12.n.同情 vi.(对某人)同情13.adj.反常的,不正常的 adj.正常的,通常的,severe,stubborn,co

2、mplex,dizzy,breakthrough,loss,lose,sympathy,sympathize,abnormal,normal,14.vt.使泄气,使灰心 vt.鼓舞,鼓励15.n.痛苦,困难 v.遭受(痛 苦、损害等),受苦16.adj.令人钦佩的;极佳的 vt.佩服;称赞17.n.限制,约束 vt.限 制,约束18.vt.介绍,提出,呈现 n.出 席;存在;到场,discourage,encourage,suffering,suffer,admirable,admire,restriction,restrict,present,presence,.重点短语再现1.split

3、断绝关系;分成小部分2.put up 容忍,忍受3.ones side侧身4.name.以命名5.hold 支撑起6.figure 理解7.knock sb.撞倒某人8.leave a deep impression sb.给某人留下深刻 印象e into 出现e 偶遇11.count 依靠12.end 以结束,以告终,up,with,on,after,up,out,over,on,view,across,on,up,.典型句式运用1.,she was very eager to learn more and use it as much as she could.as+adj./adv.原级

4、+as sb.can/could 意为“尽某人所能,尽可能地”。有时可以用 as.as possible。请尽可能早来。.,考点提炼,句子仿照,Please come as early as you can/possible,2.I didnt then understand anything unless I touched it.unless引导条件状语从句,意为“除非,如果不”,含义上相当于if.not。如果没被邀请我就不去参加宴会。.,考点提炼,句子仿照,I wont go to the party unless(Im),invited,3.It was the first time

5、Helen had understood such a complex word.It is/was the first time(that)sb.“这是某人第一次”。本句型中的 first也可换成其他序数词,second,third.等;其后that从句要用完成时态。即It is the.time(that)sb.has/have done.或it was the.time(that)sb.had done.。这是我第一次出国。.,考点提炼,句子仿照,It is the first time that I have been abroad,4.I came last in the e las

6、t/first/second/third.获得最后一名/第一名/第二名/第三名,意 思同“win the.place”。我们足球队在上一轮获得第一名。.,考点提炼,句子仿照,Our football team came first in the last,round,导练互动重点单词1.abandon vt.抛弃,遗弃,离弃,放弃;中止经典例句 Those who abandon themselves to despair can not succeed.那些自暴自弃的人无法成功。The cruel man abandoned his wife and children.那个狠心的男人抛弃了他

7、的妻儿。He abandoned himself to grief.他陷入悲痛之中。,归纳拓展abandon ones country/friend背弃祖国/朋友abandon ones hope放弃希望abandon oneself to沉溺于,纵情于abandon oneself to despair自暴自弃用所给词的适当形式填空The police didnt find the(lose)driver,but they found the(abandon)taxi.,lost,abandoned,2.witness vt.&vi.亲见,目击;作证;为作证;n.见证人,目击者.wrote

8、about a terrible volcanic eruption that he had as a young man.(回归课本P6)经典例句 He is a key witness in this case.在这个案件中,他是一个主要见证人。Did anyone witness the traffic accident?有谁目击了这场交通事故?I bore witness to his innocence.我为他的无辜作证。,witnessed,归纳拓展give/bear witness to sb./sth.为作证witness to sb./sth.作的证人a witness to

9、.的见证人witness an accident目击一场(交通)事故用witness的适当形式填空We are still looking for to the car accident.People who(witness)the accident please call the police station.,witnesses,witnessed,3.occur vi.发生;出现;想出 The eruption had on August 24th,79 AD.(回归课本P6)经典例句 Didnt it occur to you that he was lying?你当时没想到他在撒谎吗

10、?The crash occurred only minutes after the plane take-off.空难在飞机起飞几分钟后就发生了。A brilliant idea occurred to me.我想到一个极好的主意。,occurred,归纳拓展sth.occurs to sb.某人突然想起,某人发生某事It occurs to sb.that.某人突然想起occur(过去式/分词occurred,现在分词occurring)易混辨析occur/happen/take place(1)occur表示“发生”时,是相当正式的用语,且很少用于口语,用于指具体事物时可与happen互

11、换(但happen后接不定式时,不能与occur互换)。,(2)happen普通用词,用来表示事情和过程的发 生,用happen to sb.表示(非计划中的)某事 发生在某人身上。(3)take place常指有计划或有安排的事情发生。用occur,happen,take place的适当形式填空(1)I was in half way when it to me that I had left my notebook home,so I had to fetch it.(2)I to be there when the celebration took place.,occurred,ha

12、ppened,4.loss n.遗失,丢失;损失 Yet,over the centuries,there was a greater.(回归课本P6)经典例句 The great scientist Qian Xuesens death means a great loss to science.伟大科学家钱学森的去世是科学界的重大损失。The government of China took effective measures to cut the losses the financial crisis brought.中国政府采取有效措施以减少金融危机带来的损 失。,loss,He s

13、uffered a temporary loss of memory.他暂时丧失了记忆。归纳拓展the/a loss of.的丢失/丧失suffer a loss(of.)遭受(的)损失cut the loss减少损失at a loss不知所措,困惑lose v.失去;迷失;败lost adj.丢失的,迷失的,用loss的适当形式填空 in thought,he knew nothing about the fire.So he suffered a of all his possessions.He was at a what to do next.,Lost,loss,losing,los

14、s,5.burst vi.&vt.(使)爆裂/胀破;打开;突 然(进入某一状态)The building exploded because a gas pipe had.(回归课本P7)经典例句 Her door burst open,and Mrs.Smith burst in.她的门突然开了,史密斯太太冲了进来。After ten days of rain the river burst its banks.下了十天雨后河堤决口了。We all burst out laughing at the expression on her face.看到她脸上的表情,我们都大笑起来。,burst,

15、归纳拓展burst in(burst into a place)突然进入,突然进入某地burst into tears=burst out crying突然大哭burst into laughter=burst out laughing突然大笑起来burst open突然开了,用介、副词填空(1)The little girl burst crying when she fell down.(2)The audience burst cheers when Liu Xiang won the first place in the 11th National Sports of China.(3

16、)Hearing the news,the boss burst angrily.,out,into,in,6.discourage vt.使泄气,使灰心;阻碍经典例句 I was discouraged at the discouraging news.听到那个令人失望的消息我感到沮丧。Her parents tried to discourage her from going abroad.她的父母想劝她打消出国的念头。A new law has been brought in to discourage racial prejudice.一项反对种族歧视的新法律已被提出。,归纳拓展dis

17、courage sb./sth.使某人泄气discourage sb.from doing sth.劝阻某人干某事;打消某人做的念头discouraging adj.令人泄气的discouragement n.泄气be discouraged at.对感到泄气encourage vt.鼓励,用discourage的适当形式填空(1)To my,I failed in the driving test again.(2)I feel at the worldwide financial crisis,especially the situation in America.,discouragem

18、ent,discouraged,discouraging,7.suffering n.痛苦,苦难经典例句 The sufferings of innocent people caused by the war cannot be compensated for by money.战争给无辜的人民带来的苦难不是金钱 可以补偿的。He was diagnosed as suffering from H1N1 Flu.他被诊断为患有H1N1流感。The patient kept complaining of his suffering all night.那个病人整个晚上不停地叫苦。,归纳拓展suf

19、fering作“痛苦,疼痛”讲,为不可数名词,作“种种痛苦,苦难的经历”讲,常用复数。go through sufferings历经/经历苦难the suffering of.的痛苦suffer v.受苦;患病;遭受(痛苦、损害、失败、困苦、饥饿等)suffer from.苦于;患病翻译句子All the sufferings he had gone through in the war time paid off.。,他在战争期间所遭受的苦难都有了回报,8.restriction n.限制,约束 With these severe on her communication,Helens be

20、haviour was often unbearable.(回归课本P10)经典例句 Cars are restricted to 40 kilometres per hour in the city center.在市中心车速限制在每小时40公里以内。The government placed many restrictions on foreign trade.政府对外贸设置了许多限制。Child should not be allowed to do anything without restriction.不应该允许孩子不加约束地做任何事情。,restrictions,归纳拓展plac

21、e/put a restriction on.对于加以限制without restriction没有限制的restrict vt.限制,约束restrict sth.to sth.把限制到完成句子We shouldnt(对施加太多限制)childrens actions.,put/place too much restriction,on,9.eager adj.渴望的,热衷的.,she was very to learn more and use it as much as she could.(回归课本P11)经典例句 As students,we should be eager for

22、knowledge.作为学生,我们应该渴求知识。Some people are eager to get money while others are eager for fame.有些人急于赚钱而另一些人渴望成名。,eager,归纳拓展 be eager to do sth.渴望做 be eager for sth.急于得到 be eager that.热切地希望 易混辨析 eager/anxious(1)eager强调对成功的渴望,带有更多热切、兴奋的情绪。(2)anxious强调“担心,忧虑”,对结果感到不 安,带有更多的焦虑、担忧。,完成句子(1)She is to go to col

23、lege,but about not passing the College Entrance Examinations.(2)What he is for is knowledge,and he often stays up reading books,which makes his mother about his health.,eager,anxious,eager,anxious,重点短语与句型10.on ones side侧身 Another man,lying,looks as if he is trying to get up.(回归课本P6)经典例句 Write your n

24、ame on the side of the box.把你的名字写在盒子的侧面。There is a scratch on the side of my car.我汽车的侧面有一道划痕。,on his side,归纳拓展 on表示“以为支点,以支撑”lie on ones side/back/stomach侧/仰/腹卧 stand on the/ones head倒立 on foot步行 crawl on all fours用四肢爬行 完成句子(1)He was lying(侧卧).(2)Now lay the jar(侧面).,on his side,on its side,e into v

25、iew在视野内,看得见 经典例句 A beautiful sight came into view as we climbed up the hill.我们爬到山顶,一幅美丽的景象映入眼帘。After the President Obama came into power,a lot of new laws came into effect.奥巴马总统当权后,实施了许多新法律。No one knows when the mountain came into being.没人知道这座山是何时开始形成的。,归纳拓展come into view=come into sight进入视野,映入眼帘com

26、e into action开始行动come into being产生,发生,形成come into effect生效,奏效come into power当权come into use开始使用完成句子The new law(生效)next month.,comes into effect,e across(偶然)遇到,发现 I an interesting name story when I visited my cousin in Henan Province.(回归课本P8)经典例句 I came across an old photo of my father in the book.在这

27、本书里我偶然发现了父亲的一张旧照片。Where did you come across her?你在哪儿碰到她的?How did the accident come about?事故是如何发生的?,came across,归纳拓展 come about发生,产生;引起 come off脱落,从离开 come out出来;出版;发芽 come up出现,上来 come up with提出,想出 用介、副词填空(1)I wonder how it came that she was two hours late on such a short trip.(2)He didnt notice a b

28、utton come his coat when he got on the bus.(3)When new things come,we should come up new ideas to solve them.,about,off,up,with,13.name.after.以给命名 This student is a purple flower.(回归课本P8)经典例句 He is named after his grandfather to memorize him.为纪念祖父,给他取了祖父的名字。I only know him by name.我只知道他的名字而已。He went

29、 aboard the plane under the name of Jack.他以杰克之名登上了飞机。,named after,归纳拓展by name凭名字;名叫;名义上be the name of名叫的call ones names辱骂某人in the name of以名义;代表under the name of以(不是本名的)为名字完成句子The bridge was(按照设计者的名字命名).,named after the engineer who,designed it,14.hold up举起 She became quite famous when she invented a

30、 new way of suspension bridges during the building process.(回归课本P8)经典例句 He held up a big stone to show off his strength.他举起一块大石头炫耀自己的力气。Traffic has been held up for two hours by the snowstorm.由于暴雪,交通已被阻断了两个小时。,holding up,The criminals held up the bank and took all the money.罪犯抢劫了银行,拿走了所有钱财。归纳拓展hold

31、up还有“(使)耽搁;(试图)抢劫”等含义hold back阻挡;抑制,控制;退缩不前;隐瞒hold on(打电话时)别挂断,等着;继续/坚持下去hold on to抓住不放,保住,用介、副词填空(1)A car accident held the traffic.(2)I couldnt hold my tears when I heard the sad news.,up,back,15.count on/upon依靠,指望,信赖 Her father thought he was admirable because he built bridges you can really.(回归课

32、本P8)经典例句 The cow was the only thing they could count on for money.他们全靠那头牛赚钱。You can count on him to help you.你可以指望他帮你。Were counting on winning the match.我们期望能赢得这场比赛。,count on,归纳拓展 count on doing sth.期望/指望做某事 count on sth./sb.指望/依靠某事/某人 count on sb.to do sth.指望/依靠某人做某事 count down倒计时;倒数 count in把算在内;考

33、虑在内 用介、副词填空(1)When considering going camping,we should count the weather.(2)Youd better not count his coming.,in,on,16.put up with容忍,忍受 She was worried that her daughter would have to too much teasing with a mans name.(回归课本P8)经典例句 Why must we put up with foreign troops on Chinese soil?我们为什么要容忍外国部队在中

34、国领土上?Noise in this city is coming to the point where we cant put up with it.这个城市的噪音快到我们无法忍受的地步了。,put up with,A notice was put up saying that anybody with high fever must not enter the school.张贴了通知告知任何发高烧的人不许进入学校。归纳拓展put up搭起,建造;张贴put out扑灭,使熄灭put forward把提前;提出put off推迟,使延期完成句子Nobody can(忍受他的懒惰).,put

35、 up with his laziness/being,lazy,17.Pliny described a cloud coming down the mountain,blocking out the sun and burying everything in its path,including whole villages and towns.普 利尼描述道,一团云自山巅而降,遮天蔽 日,将所经之处的一切,包括一座座村庄 和城镇统统吞没。句式分析 coming down the mountain分词短语作定语修 饰名词cloud;分词短语blocking out the sun and

36、burying everything in its path作结果 状语,而including whole villages and towns为介词短语作状语。,分词(短语)作状语时,可以表示时间、条件、原因、结果、让步、伴随等,其逻辑主语应与句中主语相一致。The students went out of the classroom,laughing and talking.学生们有说有笑地走出教室。(伴随)A big rock slid from the hill,blocking the way.一块大岩石从山上滑下来,挡住了路。(结果)Not knowing her address

37、or telephone number,we couldnt get in touch with her.不知道她的地址和电话号码,我们没法与她取得联系。,完成句子It rained nonstop for two days,completely(毁了我们去野餐的希望).,ruining our hope of picnic,18.It was the first time Helen had understood such a complex worda word for something she couldnt touch.海伦第一次懂得了如此复杂的单 词一个触摸不到的单词的含义。句式分

38、析 It was/is the first/second.time that.这是某人第一/二次做某事,本句型that 从句常用完成时态。Its the first time that I have been here.这是我第一次来这里。,It was the second time that he had seen the film.那已是他第二次看那部电影了。用所给词的适当形式填空(1)The first time I(see)her,I was struck by her beauty.(2)It is the third time that you(make)the same mis

39、take.,saw,have made,19.Now that Helen understood the key to language,she was very eager to learn more and use it as much as she could.既然海伦理解了语言的关键所在,那么她 非常渴望多学些并尽可能多的去利用它。句式分析 now that既然,由于,是连词词组,引导原因 状语从句,表示明显的原因或即成的事实。口 语中that常可省略。Now that everyone is here.Lets begin our class.既然大家都到了,咱们上课吧。,Now(t

40、hat)you have come,why not just stay?既来之,则安之。归纳拓展其他引导原因状语从句的连接词:because因为(语气较重,常用于回答why的提问)since因为,既然,由于(可与now that互换)as因为(语气较弱)for因为(并列连词,引导一个分句,不能置于句首,表示进一步补充说明),用适当的连接词填空(1)It must have rained last night,the ground is wet.(2)youve got a chance,you might as well make full use of it.,for,Now that/Si

41、nce,20.My computers really slow.I need to get the hard disk upgraded.我的电脑太 慢了,硬盘需要升级。句式分析 have/get sth.done让某事被做。(1)Youd better have/get that bad tooth pulled out.你最好把那颗坏牙拔掉。(2)I cant get/have the machine started.那台机器我发动不起来。,(3)The naughty boy had/got his leg broken when climbing the wall.那个淘气的孩子爬墙的

42、时候把腿摔断了。归纳拓展 have/get sth.done还有其他意思:(1)让(请)别人做某事。(如句1)(2)使某事完成(自己也可能参加)。(如句2)(3)遭遇某种不好的情况。(如句3)翻译句子 在公共汽车上他的钱包被偷了。.,He got his wallet stolen on the bus,21.The more I looked down,the redder my face became.我越往下看,脸就变得越红。句式分析 the+比较级+(主语+谓语),the+比较级+(主语+谓语)意为“越就越”。more是指一个形容 词或副词的比较级,但也可以是一个修饰语作 定语,后面跟

43、名词;即the more+名词,the more+名词(或者形容词比较级)The more he thought,the happier he felt.他越想越高兴。,The more money you earn,the bigger houses you can buy.你挣钱越多,就能买越大的房子。The more books you read,the more knowledge you will get.读的书越多,你获得的知识就越多。翻译句子笑得越多,烦恼就越少。.,The more you laugh,the less trouble you have,品味构词1.利用派生法,

44、品句填词(1)During the Culture Revolution,my parents didnt just live a life but also suffered great from the political society.(hard)(2)Hanks is a from the USA while its said that he has never won a to a university.(school),hard,scholar,scholarship,hardship,串联扩展,hardship,会员资格,(统称),会员,成员,所有权,professorship

45、,音乐才能,音乐,技能,2.利用派生法,品句填词There are students of different personalities.Some are honest while others are.(honesty),dishonest,串联扩展,dishonest,不友好的,淘气的,自私的,脆弱的,考题回扣【例1】It took building supplies to construct these energysaving houses.It took brains,too.(浙江高考)A.other than B.more than C.rather than D.less t

46、han 解析 句意为:建造这些节能房屋,不仅仅要 花费建筑材料,还要付出智力。more than在句 中意为“不仅仅”,修饰名词。other than不 同于,除了;rather than宁可也不愿,与 其倒不如;less than不到,少于。,B,课文原文However,much buildings and objects,it is the forms of the people who were caught in the disaster that have made the city a monument to human history.,more than,【例2】Im not

47、surprised that he became a writer.Even as a child he had a imagination.(天津高考)A.clear B.cautious C.funny D.vivid 解析 clear清晰的;cautious小心谨慎的;funny滑稽的;vivid丰富的;生动的。have a vivid imagination有丰富的想像力。课文原文 In that moment,Helen finally understood the beautiful truth of the word“love”.,D,vivid,【例3】This is the

48、first time we a film in the cinema together as a family.(陕西高考)A.see B.had seen C.saw D.have seen 解析 在This/It is the first/second.time that从句中,that从句谓语动词用现在完 成时态。句意为:这是第一次我们全家人一起 到电影院看电影。课文原文 It was the first time Helen such a complex word.,D,had understood,【例4】A small car is big enough for a family

49、of three you need more space for baggage.(全国高考)A.once B.because C.if D.unless 解析 本题考查连词的用法。句意为:“一辆 小汽车对于一个三口之家足够大了,除非你需 要更多的空间放行李。”unless相当于if not。课文原文.I did not then understand anything I touched it.,D,unless,写作技能记叙文的语篇连接词 在记叙文中常用one day,at first,then,later,afterwards,soon,before,after,when,while,a

50、s soon as,since,during,eventually,at last,finally,in the end,immediately.等来叙述前后过程。,范例欣赏 请根据以下三幅图的先后顺序,叙述上周你们班春游从开始到结束的完整过程。(据2008年北京高考题),【参考范文】The next day,we set off early in the morning.climbing the mountain,we enjoyed the warm sunshine and a beautiful view.However,we reached the top,we were shock


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