【安徽】2011高三英语一轮复习 Unit 24 Society精品课件 北师大版.ppt

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1、Unit 24 Society基础落实高频单词思忆1.vt.&vi.存储,储蓄2.vt.积累3.n.退休金,养老金4.vt.&vi.辞职5.vi.收缩,缩小6.n.相撞,冲突7.vt.着手做,从事8.vt.废除,deposit,accumulate,pension,resign,shrink,collision,undertake,abolish,9.adv.而且,再者,此外10.adj.初级的,主要的11.vt.应受,值得12.adj.自愿的 n.志愿者13.vt.统治,治理 n.政府14.vt.选举,推选 n.选举15.n.口渴 adj.口渴的16.adv.所以,因此 n.结果,后果,mo

2、reover,primary,deserve,voluntary,volunteer,govern,government,elect,election,thirst,thirsty,consequently,consequence,重点短语再现e into 形成,存在2.wind sb.惹恼某人3.knock sb.撞上某人4.point转折点5.principle原则上6.be the increase在增加7.seriously认真对待8.be aimed 目标是,针对9.take.account考虑;体谅10.be of缺乏,being,up,into,turning,on,on,tak

3、e,at,into,short,11.show 炫耀,卖弄12.up编造;弥补13.keep an on照看;密切注视14.back to追溯到15.lose faith 不再信任16.it easy放松;别着急17.do with废除18.to start 首先19.take 从事;占用(时间、地点)20.be dying 极想要;渴望获得,off,make,eye,date,in,take,away,with,up,for,典型句式运用1.As a society,its high time that we took these issues more seriously.its(high

4、)time that sb.did sth.为固定句型,意为“到某人该做某事的时 候了,某人该做某事了”。that从句要用虚拟 语气,使用过去时态或should+动词原形,should不可省略。此句型可与its time for sb.to do sth.进行转换。政府该采取措施了。,考点提炼,句子仿照,Its high time that the government took,measures.,2.and it is not surprising that tourists love the hutongs.it is not surprising that这件事 并不令人惊奇该句型中的

5、surprising或其他v.-ing都被看成是形容词,如interesting,exciting,astonishing,frightening等。煤矿坍塌造成200多人死亡的事件令 人震惊。,考点提炼,句子仿照,It was astonishing that the collapse of,the coal mine caused more than 200 deaths.,3.Trade unions demand that the government shorten the working week.demand要求,后跟从句时,常用“should+动词原形”结构,should可省略

6、。此 类词还有:suggest,insist,order,request,require等。他们要求公司给予报酬。,考点提炼,句子仿照,They demanded that they(should)be paid,by the company.,4.The only time that life sentences should be given is when a person is so dangerous that the community is at risk if he or she is let out of prison.the only/the very/the first/

7、the last time后接定语从句时,常用that引导而不 用when。我第一次见她是在一个公园。,考点提炼,句子仿照,The first time that I saw her was in a,park.,导练互动重点单词1.burden n.重担,负担;v.使担负 Instead,they feel like a burden because every month we have to hand over most of the money we earn to pay for them.(回归课本P34)经典例句 I dont want to burden you with my

8、 problems.我不想让我的问题给你增加负担。,The burden on his back seemed to be crushing him to the earth.他背上的重担似乎要把他压倒在地。Too much praise is a burden to a child.太多的赞扬对孩子是一种负担。归纳拓展the burden of sth.的负担a burden on/to sb.某人身上的重担bear/carry/shoulder a heavy burden负有/负起/肩负重担burden sb.with sth.使某人担负某事,介词填空Students used to b

9、e burdened much homework and the burden them made a lot of children depressed.,with,on,2.adjustment n.调整,调节 If laws such as these came into being,a huge adjustment would be required.(回归课本P34)经典例句 After I called the phone company they made an adjustment to my bill.我给电话公司打电话后,他们调整了我的账单。The company mad

10、e an adjustment to my salary.公司对我的薪金作了调整。The body quickly adjusts(itself)to changes in temperature.身体迅速(自行)调节以适应气温的变化。,归纳拓展plan adjustment方案调整make an adjustment作出调整adjust v.调整,调节,适应adjust a watch把手表调准adjust to the new environment适应新的环境adjust(sth./oneself)to sth.调整以适应/适合完成句子You must(适应新的环境).,adjust y

11、ourself to the new,environment,3.resign vt.&vi.辞职;放弃(权力等)His boss insisted that he work longer hours so he resigned.(回归课本P35)经典例句 He resigned his post as headmaster.他辞去校长职务。The team refused to resign themselves to being defeated.该队不甘失败。The Education Minister resigned from office.教育部长辞职了。,归纳拓展resign

12、ones office辞职resign from.从辞职resign ones post as辞去职务resign oneself to认命;只好be resigned to ones fate听天由命翻译句子我经过再三考虑后决定辞职。,After much consideration I decided to,resign.,4.elect vt.选举,推选经典例句 Voters always elect the candidate most tuned in to their needs.选民总是选那些最能体察其疾苦的候选人。In America,presidential election

13、s are held every four years.美国总统选举每四年举行一次。,归纳拓展elect sb.to do sth.选定某人做某事elect sb.(as/to be)+n.选举某人当election n.选举,当选win/lose an election在选举中获胜/失败run for an election参加竞选,用适当的介词填空(1)He was elected chairman the committee.(2)Six officials would like to run the election.(3)He defeated his opponents this

14、election.,of,for,in,5.merciful adj.宽大的,仁慈的经典例句 The prisoner begged the judge to be merciful.囚犯恳求法官宽恕。She was merciful to the prisoners.她对犯人很仁慈。The ship was at the mercy of the wave.那只船任由暴风雨摆布。,归纳拓展be merciful to sb.对某人宽容mercy n.仁慈,宽恕show mercy to sb.have mercy on sb.对怜悯at the mercy of sb./sth.任处置,由摆

15、布ask/beg for mercy请求/乞求宽恕without mercy毫不怜悯,用适当的介词填空(1)They showed little mercy the enemies.(2)We were treated mercy.(3)Have mercy us!We will never make such mistakes again.,to,with/without,on,6.collision n.冲突,碰撞经典例句 His car had a collision with a truck.他的车子与货车相撞。The two ships came into collision.那两只

16、船相撞了。Her political activities brought her into collision with the law.她的政治活动触犯了法律。,归纳拓展have a collision with sb.on sth.在某方面和某人冲突come into collision(with.)(与)冲突,抵触,对立完成句子Science and religion(在这个问题上发生冲突).,come into collision on,the question,7.undertake vt.着手做;从事;承诺 The government undertook the preserv

17、ation of many of the oldest hutongs.(回归课本P38)经典例句 He undertook to finish the job by Friday.他答应在星期五以前完成工作。The lawyer undertook the case without a fee.这位律师免费承办案件。Ill undertake for your security.我将保证你的安全。,归纳拓展undertake sth.承接/承担/承办某事undertake to do sth./that从句 承办某事,答应做某事undertake for sth.保证,担保完成句子She(答

18、应还清欠款)within six months.,undertook to pay off the money,8.thirst n.渴,口渴;渴望.or satisfying their thirst with a cold Tsingtao beer.(回归课本P38)经典例句 Some animals died of thirst in the desert.有些动物在沙漠中因干渴而死亡。She has a strong thirst for knowledge.她有强烈的求知欲。His thirst for money made him a robber.他对金钱的渴求使他成了抢劫犯。

19、,归纳拓展satisfy/relieve ones thirst解渴,止渴die of thirst死于干渴a thirst for knowledge如饥似渴的求知欲thirst for sth.渴望/渴求某物thirsty adj.渴的be thirsty for sth.渴望/渴求某物完成句子She(如此渴望这个消息)of her lost child that she was almost driven mad.,was so thirsty for the news,重点短语与句型e into being形成,存在,出现,诞生 If laws such as these came i

20、nto being,a huge adjustment would be required and there would certainly be diverse reactions.(回归课本P34)经典例句 No one knows when such a custom first came into being.没有人知道这种风俗习惯是什么时候开始有的。The European Union came into being in 1993.欧洲联盟诞生于1993年。,The new tax rates come into effect from April.新的税率政策从4月起生效。归纳

21、拓展come into+n.:come into use开始使用come into contact联系come into existence形成come into force生效,实施come into sight看见come into power上台,当政,用适当的名词填空(1)No one knows when the earth came into.(2)Obama came into when the USA was in trouble of the financial crisis.(3)The new law will come into next month.,being/ex

22、istence,power,force,10.take.seriously当真;认真地对待 As a society,its high time that we took these issues more seriously.(回归课本P34)经典例句 I dont think you need take it too seriously.我认为你没必要把那太当真了。He could not take such questions seriously.他不可能把这类事情当真。Please take me seriously,Im not joking.我是说真的,不是开玩笑。,完成句子Chi

23、ldren often(把一切当真),so dont say such things to them.,take everything seriously,11.be on the increase在增加经典例句 The number of cars is on the increase.汽车的数量正在增加。They have increased the price of petrol by almost 20%.他们把石油的价格几乎提高了百分之二十。School violence is on the increase these years.近些年学校暴力在增加。,归纳拓展on the in

24、crease中,increase为名词;increase也可以作动词,常用于下列用法:increase by+倍数/百分数/度数(表示纯增长的量)意为“增加了”increase to.增加到(表示增长的程度)increase in表示在某方面增长(increase是动词),用适当的介词填空There is great increase food production,but the prices of food have increased 50%compared to 5 years ago.People say the cost of food processing has been th

25、e increase these years.,in,by,on,12.trade with与交易 Does Utopia ever trade with other countries?(回归课本P36)经典例句 They trade in fruit.他们做水果生意。Our country trades with a lot of countries in the world.我们的国家与世界上许多国家有生意往来。The early settlers traded copper for corn.早期的移民者用铜换取玉米。,归纳拓展trade in.做方面的生意/买卖trade with.

26、与做生意trade.for.用来交换翻译句子中国与外国在许多领域都有贸易往来。,China trades with foreign countries in many,fields.,13.show off炫耀,卖弄经典例句 I wish youd stop showing offWe all know how clever you are!我希望你不要再炫耀自己了我们全都知道 你是多么地聪明!He couldnt wait to show off his new car to his friends.他急不可待地在朋友面前炫耀他的新车。,归纳拓展show sth.to sb.向某人展示某物s

27、how up到席,露面;显眼;暴露;揭发;嘲笑;使人难堪show sb.round/around领某人参观show sb.in领进(客人等)show sb.out送出(客人等)on show被展出make a show of sth.卖弄,显示,展览;装样子make a show of oneself丢丑,出洋相,用适当的介、副词填空(1)Exhibits show are new items of high technology.(2)Why hasnt he showed?Just wait.He is sure to come.He wont miss the chance to sho

28、w the new car.,on,up,off,14.take up从事,占据 Id like to take up acting.(回归课本P37)经典例句 He has taken up playing the guitar.他开始迷上玩吉他了。The job took up most of Sunday.这项工作占用了大半个星期天。These boxes of yours are taking up too much space.你的这些箱子占去了太多的地方。,归纳拓展take up有“从事活动;占据(时间、空间)拿起;开始对感兴趣”等多重含义。由take构成的常见短语有:take o

29、ff起飞;脱衣服;(事业)开始有成take on呈现take in吸收;欺骗take over接管take down拿下,记下,完成句子After he retired he(开始对绘画感兴趣)as his hobby.,took up painting,15.charge.for(doing)sth.收费;控告经典例句 charge two dollars for repairing the bike 修自行车索价两美元 How much do you charge for your eggs?你的鸡蛋卖多少钱?They charged me with neglecting my duty.

30、他们指控我玩忽职守。,归纳拓展charge the gun with powder用火药填满枪charge sb.with murder指控某人谋杀in charge of负责;经营;掌管in the charge of sb.由某人负责,由某人管理take charge(of)负责;看管,掌管;接办under the charge of sb.在某人的看管(负责)之下,翻译句子(1)谁在负责这件事?(2)理发他给我要了100元。,Who is in charge of the matter?,He charged me 100 yuan for cutting my hair.,16.kee

31、p an eye on照看;密切注视 They were then able to place guards at the entrances of the various hutongs,which made it easier to keep an eye on peoples movements.(回归课本P38)经典例句 Please keep an eye on the baby for me.请替我照看一下婴儿。Keep an eye on the stove in case the coffee boils.照看着点炉子以防咖啡溢出来了。,归纳拓展由keep组成的常见短语有:ke

32、ep away(from)不使接近,不接近keep back阻止,抵制;扣下;隐瞒keep out使不入内keep up保持,继续,持续keep up with.不落后,赶上keep sb.from doing sth.不让某人做keep in touch with与保持联系,用介、副词填空(1)Youd better keep the dog of the sleeping room.(2)The police are keeping an eye the suspect.(3)She couldnt keep her tears on hearing the news.(4)Keep fr

33、om the people who have been infected with the disease.,out,on,back,away,17.more than Nowadays,the word“hutong”has come to mean more than just the alleys that connect the courtyards.(回归课本P38)归纳拓展 more than的用法及意义归纳如下:(1)用在数字前面时,意为“多于,超过”,相 当于over或above。At present a train can travel more than 120 kilom

34、etres an hour.目前,火车每小时行 驶120多公里。,(2)用在名词前面时,意为“不只是,不仅仅是”,相当于not only。Mr.Zhang is more than our teacher.He is also our friend.张老师不仅是我们的老师,他还是我们的朋友。(3)用在形容词或副词的前面时,意为“很,非常,相当地”,相当于very或quite。After the long march,we were all more than tired.长途行军后,我们都很累。,(4)more than can/could+v.,意为“不能”;相当于not。That is m

35、ore than I can tell you,sir.这一点是我不能告诉您的,先生。(5)no more than意为“仅仅,只有”。有强烈表示少的意思,相当于only。more.than意为“与其倒不如”。,翻译句子(1)Im more than happy to help you.(2)What you said is more than I can understand.,我非常乐意帮你忙。,你的话我理解不了。,18.on principle原则上;依照原则 Im totally against harder sentences on principle.(回归课本P40)经典例句 H

36、e doesnt invest in the stock market on principle.原则上他不投资股市。I never smoke in public on principle.依照原则我从不在公共场所吸烟。What he did was right on principle.他所做的原则上是对的。,归纳拓展“on+名词”的更多短语:on average平均起来on time准时on balance总而言之on business因公出差on campus在校内on duty值班on earth究竟,用on+名词的适当形式填空(1)When the accident happene

37、d,nobody was on.(2)I went to Shanghai on last month.(3)What on do you want to say?,duty,business,earth,19.Not increased happiness,but stress and less free time to be ourselves and enjoy being with our friends and families.(结果)不是更快乐了,而是压 力(增加了),独处和享受与朋友、家人共 处的自由支配的时间更少了。,句式分析not.but.不是而是,表示取舍关系,常连接主语

38、、表语和宾语。Not you but your father is to blame.不是你,而是你父亲该受责备。They own not one but three houses.他们不是拥有一幢,而是三幢房屋。,归纳拓展(1)not only.but also.不但而且,表示递进关系,常连接两个并列的主语、谓语、状语和并列句。(2)若not.but.,not only.but also.连接两个主语,谓语动词应与就近的名词、代词保持人称、数的一致。完成句子(1)It is(不是你所做的而是你所说的)that made me angry.(2)Not he but his friends(受

39、伤)in the traffic accident.,not what you did but what you,said,were hurt,20.As a society,its high time that we took these issues more seriously.作为 整个社会来讲,我们早应该认真考虑这些问 题了。句式分析 It is(high/about)time that后面的从句谓 语动词要用过去式或用should加动词原形,但 should不可省略。多用在虚拟语气中,并不表 示过去时态,表示“是该做的时候了”,high在句中只不过是强调,起加强语气的作用。,Its

40、 high time that you studied hard at English.你早该努力学习英语了。Hurry up.Its high time that went aboard the plane.快点,我们该登机了。Its high time you should think of the problem.你该考虑这个问题了。,用所给词的适当形式填空(1)It was the first time that I(be)abroad.(2)Its time that you(change)yourself.,had been,changed,21.Id rather you did

41、nt mention that.我宁愿你不要提那件事。句式分析 would rather后常接从句,从句用一般过去时 表示对现在或将来的虚拟;用过去完成时表示 对过去的虚拟。Dont come tomorrow.Id rather you came next weekend.明天别来,我希望你下周再来。Id rather you didnt smoke in our home.我希望你不要在家里抽烟。Which would you rather have,tea or coffee?你喜欢喝茶,还是喝咖啡呢?,归纳拓展would rather(not)do sth.宁愿(不)做某事would

42、rather.than.(=would.rather than.)宁愿也不愿prefer to.rather than.宁愿也不愿rather than而不是or rather更确切地说,用所给词的适当形式填空(1)I would rather(stay)at home on rainy days.(2)Nobody would rather you(be)caught in trouble.(3)Rather than go(go)abroad,I prefer(work)at home.,stay,were,to work,22.How come?为什么?句式分析 how come意为“是

43、怎么回事,为什么”。可以单独(后面不接成分)出现在对话的语境 中(实质上是省略上文提到的事情),也可以 在how come后接语序完整的陈述句。How come you are late?你迟到了是怎么回事?How come he isnt here?他怎么不在这儿 呢?How come you never visit us any more?你再也不来拜访我们了是怎么回事?,单句改错How come did you make the same mistake again?,How come you made the same mistake again?,23.Just relax,take

44、 it easy.别紧张,放松。句式分析 take it easy意为“放松,悠着点,别烦 恼”,常用来劝慰别人不要紧张、别烦恼,其 中的it可用things替代。Sit down and take it easy.坐下来放松。Nothing serious about your illness,so take it easy.你的病情不严重,别紧张。Every thing is going o well,take it easy。一切进展顺利,你放心。,易混辨析take ones time/take it easy(1)take ones time意为“慢慢来,不着急”,表示在时间上不用赶,

45、时间宽裕,不催促。(2)take it easy意为“别紧张,放松点”常指没什么严重的或重要的,不必担心;常用来安慰病人、伤者或焦虑的人。用take ones time,take it easy填空(1),theres still ten minutes left.(2)We have already sent for a doctor,.,Take your time,take it easy,品味构词1.利用派生法,品句填词His mother is considered as a modern.She has written more than 300.Her new book will

46、 come out.(poem),poetess,poems,poetry,串联扩展,poetical,poetic,“诗”的归纳,dramatic poem,田园诗,love poem,rubbish poem,2.利用派生法,品句填词During the of my mother,my home was out of order.For example,my father himself from the meeting and I was from school.(absence),absence,absented,absent,串联扩展,absent,present,考题回扣【例1】S

47、cientists have many theories about how the universe into being.(北京高考)A.cameB.was coming C.had comeD.would come 解析 宇宙形成是过去的事情,故用一般过去 时态。课文原文 If laws such as these came into being,a huge adjustment would be required and there would certainly be diverse reactions.,A,【例2】By the time he realizes he into

48、a trap,itll be too late for him to do anything about it.(山东高考)A.walksB.walked C.has walkedD.had walked 解析 由句中realizes及itll be可知应用现 在的时态,故排除B、D两项,由句意可知空白 处强调已经完成的动作,故用现在完成时。课文原文 Nowadays,the word“hutong”has come to mean more than just the alleys that connect the courtyards.,C,【例3】Lucys new job paid t

49、wice as much as she had made in the restaurant.(山东高考)A.workingB.work C.to workD.worked 解析 working in the restaurant为现在分词 短语在句中作状语。课文原文 Because the houses were built facing each other around courtyards,the families who lived there were an important part of each others lives.,A,【例4】I am afraid I cant

50、return the book to you before Friday.(重庆高考)A.Dont be afraid B.Be careful C.Not at all D.Take your time 解析 take ones time 不用急,慢慢来。课文原文 But take your time,think a lot.,D,写作技能提升英语写作常用谚语、格言(二)God helps those who help themselves.自助者天助。Good health is above wealth.健康胜于财富。Genuine knowledge comes from practi


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