【安徽】2011高三英语一轮复习 Unit 2 Heroes精品课件 北师大版.ppt

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1、,Unit 2 Heroes 基础落实,高频单词思忆1.adj.平等的2.adj.灵巧的,熟练的3.vt.钦佩;羡慕4.adj.慷慨的,大方的5.adv.后来,然后6.vi.&n.斗争7.adj.糟的;可怕的8.n.运动员,equal,skillful,admire,generous,afterwards,struggle,awful,athlete,9.n.灾难;祸患10.vt.提升,促进11.n.质量,品质12.adj.自信的,有信心的13.vi.比赛,竞争 n.比 赛 n.竞争者,比赛者14.adj.令人惊异的 vt.使惊 奇;使惊愕 n.惊奇;诧异,disaster,promote,q

2、uality,confident,compete,competition,competitor,amazing,amaze,amazement,15.n.暴力,暴行 adj.猛 烈的;狂暴的16.adv.幸运地 adj.幸 运的;侥幸的 n.命运,运气17.n.伤害,损害 vt.损害,伤害18.vi.反应 n.反应,violence,fortunately,fortunate,fortune,injury,injure,reaction,react,violent,重点短语再现1.let 发出,放出(声音等)2.judge.依据评判3.pull 使从(受伤)中活下来;渡过难 关4.ones a

3、ttention吸引某 人的注意力5.suicide自杀6.be strict sb.对某人严格,out,by,through,draw/attract/hold,commit,with,7.get involved 参加,参与8.a road success 成功之路e it别胡扯10.lift(火箭、航天器等)发射,起飞,升空pete 同比赛e an end结束,with,to,off,off,against/with,to,典型句式运用1.,he smiled and waved to the crowds waiting for him.waiting for him为现在分词短语作

4、定语。现在分词短语作定语时常后置,单个的 分词常放在名词前。现在分词与其所修饰的词 之间为主动关系。朝南的房间是我们的教室。,考点提炼,句子仿照,The room facing south is our classroom.,2.Brandi,the sisters mother,taught her daughters at home so that they completed their high school while developing their tennis careers.while developing their tennis careers是while they we

5、re developing their tennis careers的省略。以when,while等引导 的状语从句。当从句主语与主句的主语一致 时,可以省略状语从句的主语和系动词be。当过马路时,他被汽车撞倒了。,考点提炼,考点提炼,While(he was)crossing the street,he was,knocked by a car.,3.Among them was Sharon MacAuliffe,a high school teacher,.Among them was Sharon MacAul-iffe为倒装结构,为了表达生动把表地点、方 位的词放在句首,同时把谓语动

6、词放在主语之 前。报告厅里坐着一位教授。,考点提炼,句子仿照,In the lecture hall sat a professor.,导练互动重点单词1.character n.品格;性格;(小说、戏剧中 的)人物,角色;文字 Scar is a cruel and dangerous in Lion King.(回归课本P21)经典例句 Sports help to train a persons character.运动有助于锻炼一个人的性格。I wish this book were written in bigger character.我希望这本书的字再大一点儿。,characte

7、r,归纳拓展in character在性格/质方面;与(风格)相同a man of character有个性的人,有骨气的人a leading character主角out of character不适合,和不相称翻译句子他性格坚强。,He is firm in character.,2.afterwards adv.然后,后来经典例句 I did not remember the correct answer until afterwards.到后来我才想起正确答案。We will eat first and go out afterwards.我们先吃饭,然后再出去。She died in

8、 an accident shortly afterwards.不久以后,他就在一次事故中丧生了。,归纳拓展soon/shortly afterwards不久以后forward(s)向前backward(s)向后upward(s)向上downward(s)向下单项填空She was very well before lunch,but felt sick.A.afterwards B.forwardsC.downwards D.upwards,A,3.equal adj.平等的,均等的;胜任的;vt.比 得上,敌得过 His first victory was to win the right

9、s for blacks to sit on buses.(回归课本P25)经典例句 Being ill,I am not equal to the journey.我因病不能参加这次旅行。Nobody equals him in English.在英语方面没有人能同他相比。Women demand equal pay for equal work.妇女要求同工同酬。,equal,归纳拓展be equal in在某方面相等be equal to与相等;胜任equality n.平等完成句子None of us can(比得上她的容貌).,equal her in beauty,4.strugg

10、le n.斗争,拼搏;vi.抗争;努力;挣扎经典例句 He struggled to control his temper.他努力控制住自己的脾气。He struggled against cancer for two years.他同癌症抗争了两年。He struggled to his feet and went on run-ning.他挣扎着站起来继续往前跑。,归纳拓展struggle to do sth.挣扎着/努力做某事struggle against/with.与抗争struggle for为而斗争struggle to ones feet挣扎着站起来take up the st

11、ruggle开始斗争完成句子Just as in human society,(动物不得不进行生存竞争).,animals have to,struggle for existence,5.protest v.&n.抗议;反对;主张 Martin liked Gandhis ideas about peace-ful.(回归课本P25)经典例句 They protested to the mayor that the ta-xes were too high.他们向市长提出抗议说税 款过高。He protested his innocence.他声称自己无罪。He made a protest

12、 against the plan.他对那个计划提出异议。,protest,归纳拓展protest against.对提出抗议make a protest against抗议under protest抗议的,极不乐意的,无奈的翻译句子她无可奈何地缴纳了罚金。,She paid the fine under protest.,pete v.竞争;比赛 He has always been very strict with his daughters,training them hard to against each other.(回归课本P26)经典例句 Companies must be a

13、ble to compete in the marketplace.公司一定要在商品交易中有竞争力。We can not compete with them on price.我们不能在价格上和他们竞争。,compete,归纳拓展compete for championship争夺冠军compete with/against.与竞争compete for.为而竞争compete in在方面竞争competition n.竞争in competition with.和比赛介词填空He will compete his old friends the race the first place.,w

14、ith,in,for,7.keen adj.渴望的;敏锐的;激烈的 They have already expressed a int-erest in working in design after their tennis careers come to an end.(回归课本 P26)经典例句 The blind have a keen sense of touch.盲人有敏锐的触觉。He is keen on stamp collecting.他喜欢集邮。He is keen to have a look at the Great Wall.他想去看长城。,keen,归纳拓展be k

15、een to do sth.渴望做某事be keen on/about(doing)sth.(口)喜爱,渴望a keen football match激烈的足球比赛翻译句子她非常喜爱体育运动。,Shes very keen on sports.,8.promote vt.促进,增进;晋升,使升级 He also raised a lot of money to medical research into back injuries.(回归 课本P28)经典例句 Milk promotes health.牛奶可以增进健康。The young army officer was promoted t

16、o the captain.这个年轻军官被提升为上尉。The company is trying to promote a new product.这家公司在尽力促销一种新产品。,promote,归纳拓展be promoted to.被提升为promote friendship增进友谊promotion n.提升,晋级get/win promotion获得晋级完成句子The organization works to(促进世界和平).,promote world,peace,9.injury n.伤害,损害;伤口 He also raised a lot of money to promote

17、 medical research into back.(回归 课本P28)经典例句 Smoking does an injury to health.吸烟有害身体健康。The injury to their key player could be a decisive factor in the game.他们主力队员 受伤可能是这场比赛胜负的决定性因素。Your remarks may injure her pride.你的话可能会伤害她的自尊心。,injuries,归纳拓展 do sb.an injury伤害某人 do an injury to sb.伤害某人 injure v.伤害,损

18、害 injured adj.受伤的 易混辨析 wound/harm/hurt/injure(1)wound常指在战争、暴力或灾害中受伤,其 名词形式指战斗中因刀或枪而受的创伤、伤口。(2)harm常用于口语,一般只作及物动词,表示“对有害/损害”,指伤及一个人或其心 情、健康、权利、事业等。作名词时只能作不 可数名词,意为“损害,伤害”。,(3)hurt为一般用语,既可以指肉体上的伤害,也可以指精神上的伤害。名词尤指精神上或感情 上的伤害、肉体上的伤痛。(4)injure主要指在事故中受伤。作名词可指平 时的大小创伤或伤害,还可指事故中的伤害。用wound,harm,hurt,injure填空

19、(1)The cyclist got severely.(2)He was in the battle.(3)His words my feelings.,injured/hurt,wounded,hurt,mit v.犯错误/罪,做不合法的事;托付.,but Ive never had any thoughts of suicide.(回归课本P28)经典例句 The girl was committed to the care of an aunt.这女孩被交给姨妈照顾。He was arrested for committing several crimes.他因犯多种罪行而被逮捕了。,

20、committing,归纳拓展commit suicide自杀commit murder谋杀commit an error做错事commit a crime犯罪完成句子If we dont understand this,we shall(犯极大的错误).,commit a lot of mistakes,11.react vi.起反应,回应 How did your parents to the acci-dent?(回归课本P28)经典例句 Children tend to react against their parents by going against their wish.孩子

21、们通常以违背父母的意愿来反抗他们。Iron reacts with water and air to produce rust.铁与水、空气起化学反应而生锈。,react,归纳拓展react on(upon).对起作用,对有影响react against反抗,反对react to.对作出反应react with.与起反应完成句子How did he(对你的建议反应如何)?,react to your suggestion,12.admire vt.钦佩;羡慕,赞赏;欣赏 He is the most successful Chinese baske-tball player who has j

22、oined NBA and is by Americans.(回归课本P33)经典例句 Visitors admire Beijing for its beauty.观光者赞赏北京的美丽。I admire your courage very much./I have great admiration for your courage.我非常佩服你的勇气。We stopped halfway up the hill to admire the view.我们在半山腰停下来欣赏风景。,admired,归纳拓展admire sth./sb.钦佩/羡慕某人admire sb.for sth.因而钦佩某

23、人be admired for sth.由于而受到崇敬admiration n.钦佩;佩服;羡慕have great admiration for sth.钦佩翻译句子我真的很佩服你说出真相的勇气。,I really admire your courage to tell the,truth.,重点短语与句型13.separate from将与分开 When the spaceship the ro-cket,I suddenly got a feeling of soaring into the sky.(回归课本P22)经典例句 The war separated him from his

24、 families.战争使他妻离子散。Higher living standards separate the older generation from their children.较高的生活标准把老一代人同他们的儿辈区别 开来。,separated from,易混辨析 separate from/divide into(1)separate(.)from(.)表示“将 与分开”,指把原来连在一起或接近的分隔 开来。(2)divide(.)into(.)往往是指把某个整块 分割为若干部分。用separate from,divide into的适当形式填空(1)The Taiwan Stra

25、it Taiwan from Fujian.(2)the class two groups.,separates,Divide,into,14.let out放出;泄露 When Shenzhou V its parachute,I felt the ship was shaking.(回归课本P23)经典例句 He opened the window to let out the foul air.他打开窗户,放出污浊的空气。When the land was seen,the sailors let out a cry of joy.当看见陆地时,水手们发出一阵欢呼。Someone had

26、 let the news out.有人把这消息泄漏出去了。,let out,归纳拓展Let it be!不要管它!听之任之!let in让进入;放进来let down放下,降低,使失望完成句子Someone has(将这个秘密透露给)to the workers.,let out this secret,15.in prison在服刑,在坐牢 He spent 27 years for fighting for the rights of black South Africans.(回归课本P25)经典例句 The man was sentenced to three years in pr

27、ison.他被判三年监禁。He was put in prison for theft.他因偷窃被关入狱中。Hes been in and out of prison for years.他多年来屡次进出监狱。,in prison,归纳拓展in prison在服刑,在坐牢(表状态,可延续)in the prison在监狱里(不一定服刑)out of prison出狱(表状态,可延续)go to prison入狱go to the prison去监狱throw/send/put/cast sb.to/into prison把某人投进监狱单项填空He in prison for five year

28、s for robbing a bank.A.has been put B.has been thrownC.was sent D.has been,D,16.be strict with.对(某人)要求严 格 He has always his daughters,training them hard to compete against each other.(回归课本P26)经典例句 We must be strict with ourselves in(doing)our work.在工作中我们必须严于律己。The teacher is very strict in examining

29、 his students homework.这位老师严格检查他学生的作业。,been very strict with,归纳拓展be strict in(doing)sth.对(做某事)要求严格be strict with sb.in sth.在某方面对某人要求严格翻译句子父母不应该对孩子太过严格。,Parents should not be too strict with their,children.,17.make progress取得进步 Serena has continued to improve and fantastic.(回归课本P20)经典例句 Study hard an

30、d make progress every day.好好学习,天天向上。The student is making rapid progress in his studies.这个学生学习上进步很快。,make,progress,归纳拓展make great/much/a lot of progress取得巨大进步make no/little progress没有取得进步make progress in.在取得进步in progress在进行中完成句子The ship(缓慢前进)through the rough sea.,made slow progress,18.on ones own独自

31、的,靠自己;独立完成 At first,he couldnt breathe without a machine,but he learnt to breathe.(回归课本P28)经典例句 Although her father was in the firm,she got the job on her own.尽管她父亲在公司 里,但她那份工作却是靠自己得到的。I want a room of my own.我想要一个属于自己的房间。Ill only take the job on my own terms.我只会按自己的条件接受这份工作。,on his,own,归纳拓展on ones

32、own terms/on ones terms根据自己的主张或条件of ones own属于某人自己的用of ones own,on ones own填空He is only a child.He cant do the job,but he said he wanted a chance.,on,his own,of,his own,19.pull through使从(受伤)中活下 来;渡过难关 The doctor said I was not going to.(回归课本P28)经典例句 His injuries are severe but hes expected to pull t

33、hrough.他的伤势很重,但有望康复。Margaret had difficulty with her maths,but her teacher pulled her through.玛格丽特数学学习上遇到了困难,但是她的老师 帮助她克服了。He pulled up at the traffic lights.他在交通信号口处停了下来。,pull,through,归纳拓展pull apart撕开,分开,拉开;使不安pull down拆掉,拆毁pull off匆匆脱掉pull over(使车辆)停靠在路边pull up把拉起来;使车停住单项填空His temperature has gone

34、 down.So we think hell pull soon.A.together B.through C.over D.around,B,20.far too太,极为 Im busy with living to thinking of giving up.(回归课本P28)经典例句 Tell him to go away;Im far too busy to see him.叫他走吧;我实在太忙了,抽不出时间见他。They worked far into the night.他们工作到深夜。Im far from pleased with your behaviour.我对你的表现很不

35、满意。,far too,归纳拓展far too的意思相当于too,far起强调作用,too后面接形容词或副词的原级。同义短语为much too。as/so far as远到,直到;(表程度、范围)就,尽,至于by far大量;得多(修饰比较级或最高级)so far迄今为止;到这(那)点;仅到一定程度far from远远不,一点也不单项填空It is difficult for such a small child.A.far too B.very tooC.too far D.too very,A,21.The spaceship,called Shenzhou V,was carrying

36、Chinas first astronaut,Yang Liwei,who was a pilot in the army,was chosen from 1,500 other army pilots.这艘命名为“神舟五号”的宇宙飞船载着中 国第一位宇航员杨利伟飞向太空。杨利伟 是从1500名部队飞行员中挑选出来的,句式分析这里called Shenzhou V为过去分词短语作名词the spaceship的定语,相当于定语从句which is/has been called Shenzhou V。过去分词短语作定语与其修饰的名词之间含有被动关系且该被动动作已经结束或完成。Yesterday

37、 I met a girl called Kate.昨天我认识了一个名叫凯特的女孩。The computer centre opened last year is very popular among children.去年开办的电脑中心很受孩子们的欢迎。,归纳拓展过去分词作定语表示被动和完成,现在分词作定语表示主动和进行。单个的分词作定语常放在被修饰的词之前,分词短语作定语常放在被修饰的词后,试比较:The sheep is eating fallen leaves.羊正在吃树上的落叶。The leaves falling from the tree are flying in the sk

38、y.树上的落叶在天空飞舞。,单项填空(1)The Town Hall in the 1800s was the most distinguished building at that time.A.to be completed B.having been completed C.completed D.being completed,C,(2)All the Chinese people feel proud of the 29th Olympic Games last summer,where China won the most gold medals.A.being held B.ha

39、ving held C.to be held D.held,D,22.Millions of people all over China were watching TV when the spaceship landed safely.在飞船安全着陆的时刻,全中国亿万 人民都在观看电视直播。句式分析 when conj.正在这时;当时候。when连接并列句,相当于at the time suddenly,when分句不可放在另一分句前;且前一分句多用 过去进行时、be about to do或表示刚完成某事 的过去完成时。此时不可用while代替when。,I was about to le

40、ave my office when a boy came in.我正要离开办公室,这时一个男孩进来了。I was sleeping soundly when someone knocked at the door.我正睡得香突然有人敲门。I had just finished my work when she came in.我刚刚做完工作这时她就进来了。单项填空The children were playing games happily in the garden it began to blow strongly.A.since B.while C.as D.when,D,23.Jen

41、nifer was in the kitchen,with her hands in a bowl of flour,.詹尼弗在 厨房,双手正放在面粉碗里,句式分析“with+宾语+介词短语”在本句中作伴随状语。The teacher came in with a book in his hand.老师进来了,手里拿着一本书。He was sleeping with his shoes on.他穿着鞋子睡着了。,With the boy leading the way,we found the place easily.有那个小孩领路,我们很容易找到了那个地方。With so much wor

42、k to do,I had no time to play.有那么多的活干,我没有时间玩。,归纳拓展英语中的“with+复合宾语”结构也叫with复合结构,即with+宾语+宾语补足语。with复合结构在句子中多作状语,表示原因、时间、条件、伴随、方式等。with复合结构在句子中还可以作定语。完成句子Look!The man(头上戴着帽子)is my brother.,with a hat on his head,24.He retired in 1999 and now travels around the world,meeting leaders and talking about pr

43、oblems like AIDS.他于 1999年退休,现在正忙着环游各地,会见 各国领导人与他们讨论像艾滋病之类的问 题。句式分析 本句中meeting leaders and talking about problems like AIDS为现在分词短语作伴随状 语。,Talking and laughing,they went home.他们有说有笑地回家了。The visiting minister expressed his satisfaction with the peace talks,adding that he would come to China again.来访的总理

44、表达了对和谈的满意,并且补充说他还会再来中国。,归纳拓展现在分词或其短语作状语时,可以表示时间、原因、结果、条件、让步、行为方式、伴随状况等;表示时间关系的v.-ing 短语有时可由连词while或when引出。Hearing the news,they got excited.=When they heard the news they got excited.)(时间)当他们听到这个消息时,非常兴奋。翻译句子他坐在那儿无所事事。,He sat there doing nothing.,25.So you can see,Im far too busy with living to thin

45、k of giving up!所以你 看,我现在太忙于生存而无暇言弃。句式分析 这里用too+adj./adv.+to do sth.说明结果,表示“太以致于不能做某事”,有时在 too+adj./adv.前面出现否定副词never表示肯 定意义。,After many hourss walk along the mount trail,the travellers felt too tired to move on,so they had to have a rest.在沿着山路行走了好几个小时后,那些人感觉太疲倦以致于无法继续前进,因而不得不停下来休息。The bird flew acro

46、ss the sky overhead too fast for us to see what it was like.那只鸟从头顶上飞过的速度太快以致于我们没看清它是什么样子。,归纳拓展too.to结构常表示否定意义,表示“太而不能”;但如果too.to之间的adj.或adv.为glad,happy,anxious,eager等表示心理、情感的词时,则表示肯定含义,意为“太”。Im too glad/happy to see you.我见到你太高兴了。翻译句子(1)我太累了不能再走了。(2)Im too anxious to know the truth.,Im too tired to w

47、alk any longer.,我太想知道真相了。,品味构词1.利用派生法,品句填词(1)The of the island is by the unwise.(govern)(2)Do you know why the May 4th broke out?Sorry,I dont know.Because at that time my family from Beijing to Hong Kong.(move)(3)The news caused great among her friends when she told them.(excite),government,governed

48、,governor,Movement,moved,exciting,excitement,excitedly,串联扩展,argument,陈述,声明,协定,department,约会,确定,宣告,公示,settlement,2.利用转化法,品句解词(1)On arrival at the station,I always beside the newspaper.(2)Just now I nothing but a in his hand.(3)She that she must have left her bag on the train for some.,stand,stand,站立,

49、动词;摊位,名词,saw,saw,看见,动词;锯,名词,reasoned,reason,判定,断定,动词;原因,名词,串联扩展,飞,面临,苍蝇,火柴,比赛,套,副,轮到的机会,燕子,考题回扣【例1】Hiking by oneself can be fun and good for health.It may also be good for building.(湖北高考)A.respect B.friendship C.reputation D.character 解析 respect尊重;方面;friendship友谊;reputation名声;character性格,品格。句意 为:独自远

50、足可能是一件有趣的事,也是对健 康有好处的事。它还有利于一个人品格的发 展。build培养,发展(思想、品格等)。,D,课文原文Scar is a cruel and dangerous in Lion King.,character,【例2】With the world changing fast,we have something new with all by ourselves every day.(重庆高考)A.deal B.dealt C.to deal D.dealing 解析 句意为:随着世界的快速变化,每天我 们都有些新东西要自行应对。由句意知,表示“有要做”要用have.t


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