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1、Module 2 Unit 4 Cyberspace 基础落实,高频单词思忆1.adj.人造的2.n.真实,现实3.vt.提议5.n.娱乐,款待6.n.时髦,时尚,artificial,reality,attack,offer,entertainment,fashion,7.vt.拒绝,不接受8.n.目的地9.n.风景,景色10.vt.影响 n.影响;效果11.n.犯罪,罪行 adj.犯罪 的,犯法的;n.罪犯12.vi.消失 vi.出现13.n.毁灭 v.毁坏,reject,destination,scenery,affect,effect,crime,criminal,disappear,

2、appear,destruction,destroy,14.vt.建议,提议 n.15.n.安排 vt.16.n.观光,游览;旅游业 n.游客17.vi.定居 n.定居地18.adj.吸引人的,有魅力的 vt.吸引,suggest,suggestion,arrangement,arrange,tourism,tourist,settle,settlement,attractive,attract,重点短语再现1.true实现2.be optimistic 对乐观3.action采取行动4.hang(电话用语)别挂断5.get touch和取得联系6.be up 做,从事于7.the flesh

3、亲自,本人8.over接管,接收9.consist 由组成10.cut 切断(供应、电源等),come,about,take,on,in,to,in,take,of,off,典型句式运用1.Its clear that we are going to see a huge growth in shopping on the Internet.Its clear that.很显然。句型中it为形式主语,真正的主语是that从句。她显然是生气了。,考点提炼,句子仿照,It was clear that she was angry.,2.I see people living and working

4、 in a virtual world.see sb.doing sth.看见某人正在做 某事。表示感官的动词see,watch,notice,hear,listen to,feel等后常跟doing sth.作宾语的 补足语,表示“看到、听到或感觉到某人正在 做某事”。我听见废墟里有人呼救。,考点提炼,句子仿照,I heard someone crying for help in the,ruins.,3.We wont go if it rains.在含有条件、时间状语从句的复合 句 中,从句常用一般现在时表将来,主句常用 将来时态。如果你去参加聚会,我也去。,If you go to t

5、he party,Ill go.,考点提炼,句子仿照,4.,if we had virtual reality holidays,we wouldnt have any problems with the weather.if条件句为与现在事实相反的条件 或假设时,从句多用一般过去时,主句常用 would,should,could+动词原形。如果我是你,我会接受那份工作的。,If I were you,I would take the job.,考点提炼,句子仿照,导练互动重点单词1.reality n.现实;事实 Some experts see our future in virtual.

6、(回归课本P8)经典例句 Our dream of flying to the moon has become a reality.我们的飞月梦想变成了现实。Our company didnt lose money in the financial crisis,in reality,we made a profit.在这次金融危机中,我们公司没有亏损,事实上我们还盈利了。,reality,What you need to do is to turn your aim into reality.你需要做的就是把目标变成现实。归纳拓展in reality=in fact事实上,实际上turn s

7、th.into reality把变成现实become a reality=come true变成现实real adj.真实的,实际存在的,非凭空想像的realize vt.实现,使成为现实,翻译句子(用两种结构翻译)努力工作,你会实现你的梦想的。(1)(2),Work hard and you will realize your dream.,Work hard and you will turn your dream into,reality.,2.affect vt.影响;(疾病等)侵袭 Peter Taylor finds out how computers and the Intern

8、et are going to our ives.(回归课本P8)经典例句 Smoking affects health.吸烟影响健康。He was affected with high fever last night.他昨天晚上发高烧。,affect,归纳拓展affect sth.影响某物be affected with.患病effect n.影响;效果单项填空Millions of people in Sichuan Province by the May 12 earthquake in 2008.A.were affected B.were influencedC.have been

9、 affected D.were effected解析 influence指潜移默化地影响。,A,3.crime n.犯罪,罪行 One worry is in cyberspace.(回归课 本P8)经典例句 To steal is a crime.偷盗是犯罪行为。It increasingly worries people that teenagers commit crimes.青少年犯罪越来越让人们担忧。,crime,归纳拓展commit a crime犯罪criminal n.罪犯完成句子他辍学后沦为罪犯。He when he dropped out of school.,turne

10、d to crime,4.attack vt.&n.攻击,袭击;(病等)侵 袭,发作 In the future,terrorists may“”the worlds computers,cause chaos,and make planes and trains crash.(回归课本P8)经典例句 It was said that the Flu first attacked Mexico.据说这次流感最先侵袭的是墨西哥。We made an attack on the enemy at midnight.午夜时分我们向敌人发起进攻。,attack,归纳拓展under attack遭到袭击

11、personal attack人身攻击heart attack心脏病发作make an attack on/upon.对发起进攻,抨击完成句子Some small towns in Iraq(仍在遭受袭击).,are still under,attack,5.offer n.&vt.提供,供应 Already,users can buy books,find out about holiday,book tickets,and get all sorts of information from the Inter-net.(回归课本P8)经典例句 Many foreigners offered

12、 to do some rescue work in the earthquake.在这次地震中许多外 国人主动去做一些救援工作。,offers,The host family offered us food and clothes.主人一家主动给我们提供衣食。They offered$80,000 for the house.他们出价8万美元买这套房子。归纳拓展offer sb.sth.=offer sth.to sb.向某人提供某物offer to do sth.主动要做某事offer(sb.)money for sth.(向某人)出钱买某物accept/take ones offer接受

13、某人的提议或帮助make an offer提议;出价;提供,易混辨析offer/supply/provide(1)offer指主动提供帮助、服务或令人向往之物,可接动词不定式作宾语,也可接双宾语,即offer sb.sth.或offer sth.to sb.。(2)supply主要指定期供应,含有连续不断地供给之意。其句型是:supply sb.with sth.或supply sth.to sb.。(3)provide表示仅仅是出于某种责任,主动提供所需之物,尤其是生活必需品。其常用结构:provide sb.with sth.或provide sth.for sb.。,介词填空(1)She

14、 provided a wonderful dinner us.(2)They offered two rooms the students.(3)The power station supplies us enough electricity.,for,to,with,6.harm v.&n.伤害,损害 A terrorist is someone who does terrible things to countries,governments and people.(回归课本P8)经典例句 He would never frighten anyone or cause them any

15、harm.他永远不会吓唬或伤害任何人。The flood last year did great harm to Taiwan.去年的洪水对台湾造成了极大的危害。,harm,归纳拓展harm sb./sth.对某人/某物有害do/cause harm to sb./sth.(=do/cause sb./sth.harm)对某人/某物有害mean no harm(to.)(对)没有恶意harmful adj.有害的be harmful to对有害,易混辨析hurt/harm/injure/damage(1)hurt普通用语,既可指肉体上的伤害。也可指精神上、感情上的伤害。(2)harm用于肉体或

16、精神上的伤害均可,有时可指引起不安或不便,还可用于抽象事物,尤其是指不道德的事情。(3)injure比hurt正式,hurt多指伤痛,而 injure则指损害健康、成就、容貌等,强调功能的损失。(4)damage主要指对于物的损害,强调对于价值、用途、外观等所造成的损失,这种损失或因自然灾害所致,或由人为原因而造成。,用hurt,damage,injure的适当形式填空(1)Im sorry to have your feelings.(2)The latest typhoon caused great to the crops.(3)She was badly in the car acci

17、dent.,hurt,damage,hurt/injured,7.fashion n.时髦,时尚经典例句 Shopping on the Internet is now in fashion.网上购物现在很时尚。Some styles never go out of fashion.有些款式永远不会过时。归纳拓展 come into fashion成为时尚,流行(强调动作)be in fashion流行,入时(强调状态)be out of fashion不再流行,过时 follow the fashion赶时髦,翻译句子(1)牛仔裤仍然流行。(2)年轻人喜欢赶时髦。,Jeans are sti

18、ll in fashion.,Young people like to follow the fashion.,8.reject vt.拒绝,不接受经典例句 The board rejected all our ideas.董事会否决了我们的所有想法。The prisoners plea for pardon was rejected.犯人的赦免请求被驳回了。归纳拓展 reject sb./sth.拒绝某人/物 reject ones request拒绝某人的请求 reject ones offer/help拒绝某人的帮助,易混辨析refuse/reject(1)refuse 拒绝,可接名词、

19、代词或动词不定式,主语可以是人或物,指拒绝要求、申请、请愿、引诱、忠告、帮助等。可作及物或不及物动词。(2)reject 拒绝,拒收,扔掉,其后多跟名词,主语只能是人,拒绝不适当、不满意或厌恶的东西,如赠物、求婚、正义、忠告、计划、建议等或扔掉认为无价值的东西。,单项填空We his idea for a music club,and decided to have an art club instead.A.accepted B.disagreedC.rejected D.agreed,C,9.arrangement n.安排,整理经典例句 The manager made an arran

20、gement for a meeting.经理安排了一次会议/会面。Ive arranged for a car to pick you up at seven oclock.我已安排了汽车7点去接你。,归纳拓展make an arrangement作出安排arrange vt.安排arrange for sb./sth.to do sth.安排某人/某物做某事完成句子Have you(做好去欧洲旅行的安排了吗)?,made an arrangement for a journey,to Europe,10.suggest vt.建议,提议;暗示.,can you any good books

21、 for my project?(回归课本P12)经典例句 I suggest putting the meeting off.我建议将会议延期举行。I suggest they not drive too fast.(=I suggest they shouldnt drive too fast.)我建议他们开车不要太快。Her expression suggested that she was angry.从她的表情可以看出她生气了。,suggest,归纳拓展suggest doing sth.(to sb.)建议某人做某事suggest sth.建议某事;表明某事suggest that

22、.(should do)建议(should可以省略)suggest that.(陈述语气)表明,暗示suggestion n.建议make a suggestion提建议,单项填空(1)The weekend was coming.Mr.Smith suggested to the seaside,while his wife was considering the wild animals in the zoo.A.going;seeing B.to go;to see C.going;to see D.to go;seeing(2)My suggestion is that you muc

23、h meat.A.wouldnt take B.shall not take C.not have D.wont have,C,A,11.settle vi.定居;vt.解决 The history of the city goes back 650 years when the Maoris in the area.(回归课本P14)经典例句 He went to the USA after graduation and settled there later.毕业后他去了美国,后来就在那儿定居了。Youd better settle down to your own work.你最好安心做

24、自己的事。With the problem settled,I went home happily.解决了问题,我高兴地回家了。,settled,归纳拓展settle down安静下来;定居,安顿下来;舒适地坐下来settle down(to sth.)开始专心于(某项工作、活动等);认真地着手去做settle a problem解决问题settlement n.定居地翻译句子美国与伊拉克之间的分歧(dispute)何时能解决?,When will the dispute between America and,Iraq be settled?,12.view n.风景;视野;观点 In th

25、e city,you can enjoy an amazing from the Sky Tower.(回归课本P14)经典例句 After I turned a corner,a small river came into view.我转过弯去之后,一条小河映入眼帘。Whats your point of view about the plan?你对这个计划是什么观点?,view,归纳拓展be in view在视野中come into view出现在视野中point of view观点,看法易混辨析scene/scenery/view/sight(1)scene指局部的、一眼可见全貌的风景或

26、景色,不限于自然的风景,此种情况下是可数名词,作“布景”讲时,指的是舞台的部分场景。(2)scenery指某一国家或地区整体的自然风景,不可数名词。作“布景”讲时,指舞台的全部场景。,(3)view常指从某一特定地点看到的景色、风景。(4)sight指某一地区值得观赏的具有特色的人文景观、风景名胜等。用view,scenery,scene,sight填空(1)The police quickly reached the of the murder.(2)The West Lake is famous for its.(3)She lost her in an accident.(4)If yo

27、u stand here,youll get a better of the river.,scene,scenery,sight,view,13.average adj.平均的;n.一般的,普通 的;n.平均数 It has a warm climate with plenty of sunshinethe temperature in January(summer)is 23.4 and in July(winter)it is 7.8.(回归课本P14)经典例句 Forty companies closed down every day on average in the economi

28、c crisis.在这次经 济危机中,平均每天有40家公司倒闭。,average,The average of 4,5 and 9 is six.4、5、9三数的平均数为6。He is just an average student in the school.他只是这个学校里的一名普通学生。归纳拓展average students普通学生above/below average在一般水平以上/以下on average平均起来完成句子My IQ is just(高于平均水平).,above average,重点短语与句型e true实现,变成现实 Which of the predictions

29、 in them have already?(回归课本P7)经典例句 Winning the medal was like a dream coming true.获得这枚奖牌好比梦想成真。,come true,易混辨析come true/realizecome true为不及物动词短语,不用于被动语态;而其同义词realize为及物动词。His dream came true.=He realized his dream.他的梦想实现了。单项填空He his intention of becoming an actor.A.realize B.came trueC.come true D.r

30、ealized,D,15.find out发现,查明 Peter Taylor how computers and the Internet are going to affect our lives.(回归课本P8)经典例句 We must find out the truth of the matter.我们必须查明事情真相。,finds out,易混辨析find/find out/discover(1)find多指“偶然发现,碰到,找到”,后可以接名词、复合结构、从句等。(2)find out多指通过观察、探索而发现事情的真相,调查找出原因或发现秘密、错误等,可接名词、代词、从句等。(3

31、)discover指发现客观事物的存在,发现已存在但不为人所知的事物。,用find,find out,discover的适当形式填空(1)The teacher wanted to why she was so often absent from school.(2)Have you your lost book?(3)Its said that Columbus America.,find out,found,discovered,16.connect.with与相连 In 1983,there were only 200 computers the Internet.(回归课本P8)经典例

32、句 The corridor connects to the living room.这走廊与客厅相连。归纳拓展 be connected with与有关系,与有 亲戚关系 connect to(与)相连,连接,联系 connection n.连接,联络,关系,关联,connected to,have a/no connection with.与有/无关系in connection with与有关单项填空If we can the two firms we will be stronger.A.touch B.contact C.connect D.mix,C,17.hang on不挂断(电话

33、);紧握不放 Just on a second.(回归课本P11)经典例句 Hang on to the rope!紧紧抓住绳子!Hang on a minute while I look it up.别挂电话,我查一下。归纳拓展 hold on不挂断(电话);坚持 hang up挂断(电话);搁置 hang about闲逛 ring off挂断(电话),hang,单项填空Is Peter there?,please.Ill see if I can find him for you.A.Hold up B.Hold onC.Hold out D.Hold off解析 hold on意为“不要

34、挂断,请等一会儿”,符合句意,其余选项均不是打电话时的用语。,B,18.get in touch with与取得联系 经典例句 In order to get in touch with his teammates,Mr.King had tried out various ways.为了与队友取得联系,金先生尝试了多种方法。The astronauts in outer space can keep in touch with the people on the earths surface.身在宇宙外太空的宇航员能够与地面人保持联系。,归纳拓展be in touch with与有联系kee

35、p/stay in touch with与保持联络lose touch with和失去联系out of touch with和失去联系;与没有通信注意 get in/lose touch with强调动作,keep/stay in touch及be in/out of touch强调状态。,用以上短语的适当形式填空(1)How long have you with each other?(2)I dont know his telephone number.How can I him?,been in/out of touch,get in touch with,19.be up to从事,正

36、在干事;由决定 What to this weekend,John?(回 归课本P11)经典例句 The children are very quiet;I wonder what theyre up to.孩子们很平静,我不知道他们又在捣什么鬼。Its up to parents to teach their children manners.应由父母来教给他们的孩子礼仪。Its up to you to decide whether to leave or to stay.是走还是留你说了算。,are you up,归纳拓展be up to sb.to do sth.应由某人做某事be u

37、p to sb.由某人来决定up to(数目)到之多;直到(用于表时间的名词前)up to now到目前为止(用于现在完成时)完成句子Shall we go to the cinema this weekend?(你来决定吧).,Its up to you,20.be known as作为而出名;被称作 It is also“the city of sails”because of all the boats there.(回归课本P15)经典例句 Chinese are well known as a friendly people.中国人以其友好而闻名。Jinan is well know

38、n for its springs.济南以其泉水而出名。,known as,归纳拓展be known for因而出名be known to为所知be known by根据了解Its known to all that.众所周知介词填空The pretty girl is known the public a film star her excellent performance in a film.,to,as,for,21.consist of由组成 New Zealand,in the South Pacific,two large islands plus other smaller i

39、slands.(回归课本P18)经典例句 This club consists of 200 members.这个俱乐部由200名会员组成。归纳拓展 be made up of=consist of.由组成,consis-,ts of,注意 consist of不用于被动形式。consist in在于;存在于(不用于进行时态)consist with与一致单项填空Water is hydrogen and oxygen.A.consist of B.consisted ofC.made up of D.making up,C,22.cut off切断(电源等);隔绝;剪切下来 New Zeal

40、and was from the rest of the land on Earth for 80 million years.(回归课本P18)经典例句 In the earthquake,electricity and water supply were cut off.地震中水、电供应全被切断了。The mountain village was cut off from the world by the heavy snow.大雪使得小山村与世隔绝。,cut off,归纳拓展cut across取捷径,走近路cut in插话,打断cut down砍倒;降低,减少完成句子I have to

41、(缩减开支)with the economic crisis going on.,cut down my expense,23.It is clear that we are going to see a huge growth in shopping on the Int-ernet.很显然,我们将会看到网上购物的巨 大增长。句式分析 句中it为形式主语,真正的主语为 that 引导 的主语从句,在主语从句中,that 不作句子 成分,但不可以省略,主语从句常用 it 作形 式主语,当然也可以将从句置于句首直接作 主语。,There are few clouds in the sky.It

42、is clear that the weather will soon turn out fine.天上几乎没有什么云彩了,很显然天气很快就要转晴。John works very hard.It is quite possible that he will pass the College Entrance Exam next month.约翰学习非常刻苦,他通过下月的大学入学考试是完全可能的。,归纳拓展 it替代后面that引导的从句作形式主语的句式有:(1)It is+adj.(clear,apparent,obvious,possible,probable,likely,certain,

43、natural.)that-clause(谓语形式用陈述语气)(2)It is+n.(a pity,shame,ones duty,no use,no good,no wonder,no surprise.)that-clause(谓语形式用陈述语气)(3)It is+p.p.(said,believed,known,recorded,estimated,announced,expected.)that-clause(谓语形式用陈述语气),翻译句子(1)他会成功,这是肯定的。(2)真遗憾,他不能参加晚会。(3)据说他曾是一位著名的作家。,It is certain that he will s

44、ucceed.,It is a pity that he cant attend the,party.,It is said that he was a famous writer.,24.Some experts see our future in virtual realitythe use of computers with so-unds and pictures that make you feel as if you are in a real situation.有些专家看到虚拟现实的未来运用计 算机产生的声音和视觉效果,使你感觉就 好像生活在现实中一样。,句式分析as if=a

45、s though好像,后面的从句有时用真实语气,有时应用虚拟语气,用虚拟语气时,表示对现在情况的虚拟,从句动词常用过去式;如果表示对过去情况的虚拟,从句常用过去完成时形式。It seems as if he has known that matter.看来他好像已经知道那件事了。(可能性大,接受事实,用陈述语气),She is so happy as if she were a free bird.她高兴得就像一只自由的小鸟。(虚拟语气)The man keeps asleep in the room as if he were dead.He hasnt yet responded to o

46、ur heavy knock on the door.那个人在屋里睡得很香,像个死人似的,他对我们用劲敲门没有丝毫的反应。,易混辨析as if/even if(1)as if好像,和as though同意,引导表语从句或方式状语从句。(2)even if即使,和even though同意,引导让步状语从句。,单项填空(1)When a pencil is partly in the glass of water,it looks as if it.A.breaks B.has broken C.were broken D.had been broken(2)The young man alwa

47、ys talks a lot he knew everything,which,of course,makes others unhappy.A.once B.even though C.in case D.as though,C,D,25.But I still find it hard to imagine.但我还是发现难以想像。句式分析 it在句中充当形式宾语,后面的动词不定式to imagine为真正的宾语。We all find it difficult to make him change his mind.我们都发现要让他改变主意很难。They felt it difficult

48、 to finish the work in such a short time.他们认为在这么短的时间内完成这项工作是困 难的。,Dad makes it a habit to get up early in the morning.爸爸已养成早起的习惯。归纳拓展在find,think,consider,believe,feel,make等动词后常跟复合宾语,且常用it作形式宾语,而将作宾语的动词不定式移到宾语补足语的后面。注意it不可用that,this,one等代替。,完成句子(1)(我们认为那是我们 的责任)to study hard.(2)我觉得学好英语不难。,We think it

49、 our duty,I feel it easy/not difficult to learn,English well.,26.,if we had virtual reality holi days,we wouldnt have any problems with the weather.如果我们有虚拟现实 假日,我们就不用考虑天气问题了。句式分析 从句所表达的是不可能实现的、与客观事实完 全相反的条件或假设,是虚拟条件句。从句多 用一般过去时或过去完成时,表示对现在或过 去的一种假设。,具体时态表达如下表:,If I had known the truth,I wouldnt have

50、 let him go.如果我知道真相,我就不会让他走了。I would try more new things if I were your age.如果我是你们这个年龄,我会更多地尝试新事物。翻译句子如果你明天就毕业,你会去干什么?,If you were to/should graduate tomorrow,what would you do?,27.In 1985,the Newzealand government made the whole country a nuclear-free zone.1985年,新西兰政府宣布整 个国家为无核区 句式分析 make+n.(宾语)+n.


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