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1、.重要单词聚焦1 n行李2n.景色;风景3 vt.&vi.包围;围绕4 vi.&vt.测量;衡量;判定 n.计量制;计量单位;措施5prep.&adv.在船、飞机、火车或公共汽车上,baggage,scenery,surround,measure,aboard,6 prep.在之内7 n.边界;国界;边沿8 adj.轻微的;微小的9 vt.&vi.混合;调配10 n.混合(物);混合状态11 vt.证实;证明;批准12adj.富有的13 n.距离;远方14 adj.市区的adv.在市区;往市区15 adv.接近,大约,within,within,slight,mix,mixture,confi

2、rm,wealthy,distance,downtown,approximately,16 n.黎明;拂晓;破晓17 adj.宽阔的;广泛的18 n.传统;风俗19vt.使恐怖;恐吓20 adj.恐惧的;受惊吓的21 adj.欣喜的;高兴的;愉快的22vt.使印象深刻;使铭记,dawn,broad,tradition,terrify,terrified,pleased,impress,.重点短语扫描1rather 与其;不愿2to do 设法做3have a gift 对有天赋4 the way 一直5as as 远到;直到6go 穿过,检查7settle 定居;平静下来;专心于8catch

3、sight 看见;瞥见9 the distance 在远处,than,manage,for,all,far,through,down,of,in,10dream 梦想11dawn 在黎明时12go 去商业区,of,at,downtown,.课文原句突破1Canada has more fresh water than any other country in the world.信息提取本句是同范围内比较,必须有other。例句仿写小明比他班级里的其他男孩都高。Xiao Ming is_ _ _ _ _in his class.【答案】taller than any other boy,2It

4、s approximately four hundred kilometres northeast of Toronto,so it would take too long.信息提取It takes some time(to do sth.)是固定句式,意为“(做某事)要花多长时间;(做某事)需要多长时间”。例句仿写解决这个问题只需十分钟。_ _ _ _ _ _ _the problem.【答案】It only took ten minutes to solve,3Going eastward,youll pass mountains and thousands of lakes and fo

5、rests,as well as wide rivers and large cities.信息提取as well as用做连词,意为“和,同,又;不但而且”。例句仿写他不但聪明而且能干。He is hardworking_ _ _ _.【答案】as well as clever,4It is so wet there that the trees are extremely tall,some measuring over 90 metres.信息提取some measuring over 90 metres为独立主格结构,在句中作伴随状语。例句仿写他低着头进了房间。He entered t

6、he room,_ _ _.【答案】his head lowered,surround v(一般用于被动语态)包围,围绕,The school was surrounded by/with a fence.学校四周围着篱笆。As a child,I was surrounded by love and kindness.幼年时,我备受关爱。,surrounding adj.周围的surroundings n环境Id like to bring up my child in healthy surroundings.我想在健康的环境中养育我的孩子。It took me a few weeks t

7、o get used to my new surroundings.我用了几周的时间去适应新环境。,1The baby was playing on the carpet_by all kinds of toys.AsurroundingBsurroundedCsurrounds Dhaving surrounded【解析】由句子结构可知此处应使用非谓语动词可排除C项,再由the carpet与surround之间是被动关系可排除A、D两项,此处是过去分词作状语,故选B。【答案】B,2We could see the building _by trees when we got there t

8、hat morning.Ais surrounded BsurroundedCto be surrounded Dsurrounding【解析】句意为:“我们看到大楼被树木围绕着。”这里是用过去分词作宾语补足语。【答案】B,measure(1)n.办法,措施,尺寸This medicine may not help him,but it is the only measure I can take before the doctor comes.这药可能对他没帮助,但在医生到来之前我没有其他办法。,You should take effective measures to improve yo

9、ur working conditions.你们应采取有效措施来改善你们的工作条件。Please make a suit to my measure.请按照我的尺寸做一套西服。(2)vt.测定Did you measure the distance between those two development areas?你们测量了那两个开发区之间的距离了吗?,3At the same time,they are taking strong_to protect wildlife resources.Aactions BmeasuresCstep Defforts【解析】take action/

10、measures/steps都可表示“采取措施”。句意为:同时他们正在采取强有力的措施保护野生动物资源。【答案】B,impress vt.使铭记;铭刻;给留下极深的印象,The teacher impressed the importance of English on/upon me.老师让我铭记(向我强调)英语的重要性。My father impressed me with the value of hard work.父亲要我牢记努力工作的重要性。I was deeply impressed by/at/with his speech.他的演说给我留下了深刻印象。His words ar

11、e strongly impressed on my memory.他的话铭刻在我的记忆里。,impression n印象leave/make/have a(n).impression on sb.给某人留下的印象His first speech as manager made a strong impression on his audience.他当经理后的第一次演讲给听众留下了深刻的印象。,4His first speech as president made a strong _on the whole nation.Aattention BdepressionCexpression

12、Dimpression【解析】句意为:他当会长后的第一次演讲给全国人民留下了深刻的印象。attention注意;depression沮丧;expression表达。make an impression on sb.固定词组,“给某人以印象”。【答案】D,terrify vt.使恐怖;恐吓His sudden appearance terrified them.他突然出现,把他们吓坏了。They were terrified by/at his sudden appearance.他突然出现,把他们吓坏了。The child was terrified of being left alone i

13、n the house.那孩子一个人被留在房子里,感到很害怕。,(1)terrified adj.惊恐的;恐怖的(2)terrifying adj.可怕的,令人恐怖的,The terrified look on his face shows that hes greatly terrified.他脸上害怕的表情表明了他非常惊恐。That must have been a terrifying experience for you.(对你来说)那一定是一次非常可怕的经历。,5To people who survived the earthquake,it is considered the mo

14、st_experience of their lives.Aterrified BterrifyingCpleased Dpleasing【解析】terrifying表示“可怕的”;terrified表示“感到可怕的”;C、D两项意义不合语境。【答案】B,6It was a really_experience.Afterwards everybody was very_.Aterrifying;shocking Bterrified;shockingCterrifying;shocked Dterrified;shocked【解析】现在分词作定语表示主语的特征,过去分词作表语表示主语的心理状态

15、。【答案】C,catch sight of看见,发现I caught sight of his tall figure in the crowd.在人群中我看到他那高大的体形。I caught sight of my old friend in town today.今天在城里看见我的老朋友了。,lose sight of看不见at first sight乍看起来at the sight of一看见in sight在看得见的范围内out of sight在看不见的地方I saw her for a moment but then lost sight of her.我看到了她一会儿,但很快她就

16、在人群中消失了。The little bird was soon out of sight.那只小鸟马上就消失在视线外。At first sight their demands seemed reasonable.乍看之下,他们的要求似乎满合理的。,7(2008年天津卷)At the railway station,the mother waved goodbye to her daughter until the train was_.Aout of sight Bout of reachCout of order Dout of place【解析】句意为:在车站,母亲向女儿挥手告别直到火车

17、从她的视野中消失。out of sight看不见,在视野之外;out of reach够不到,力所不能及的;out of order混乱的;out of place不适合的,不恰当的。【答案】A,have a gift for对有天赋The little girl has a gift for music and promises to be a musician.那个小女孩有音乐天赋,有希望成为音乐家。Lang Lang has a gift for playing the piano.郎朗有弹钢琴的天赋。,(1)gift n天赋,天生的才能He was a man of excellent

18、 gifts.他是一位极有天赋的人。(2)gifted adj.有天分的,有天赋的be gifted at/in sth.在方面有天赋Jordan is gifted at/in playing basketball,which makes him world famous.乔丹有打篮球的天赋,这使得他闻名世界。Fang Zhongyong was a gifted child.方仲永是个聪慧的儿童。,8Mrs Taylor has_8yearold daughter who has_gift for paintingshe has won two national prizes.Aa;a B

19、an;theCan;a Dthe;a【解析】8yearold中的eight是以元音发音开头的单词,所以第一空填an;第二空考查固定短语has a gift for.,意为“有天赋”。【答案】C,in the distance在远处,远方的We saw lights in the distance.我们看到了远处的点点灯光。(1)within walking distance在步行可及的地方,几步之遥My parents live within walking distance of me.我父母住在我家附近。,(2)at/from a distance(of)从远处This picture l

20、ooks better at a distance.从远处看,这张画更好看。(3)keep sb.at a distance与某人保持一段距离,不很亲密It was difficult to get to know her because she always kept everyone at a distance.很难搞懂她,因为她总是与人保持一定的距离。,9The faces of the famous American presidents on Mount Rushmore can be seen from a_of 60 miles.Alength BdistanceCway Dsp

21、ace【解析】考查辨析名词词意。“a distance of数字”表示“距离”。【答案】B,Rather than take the aeroplane all the way,they decided to fly to Vancouver and then take the train west to east across Canada.她们不想一路乘飞机,而决定先飞到温哥华,再乘火车从西向东横穿加拿大到达东海岸。rather than宁愿而不愿;而不是;与其倒不如(连接平行结构),I think Tom,rather than you,is to blame.我想不是你,而是汤姆应受责

22、备。Id prefer to be a volunteer rather than stay at home.我愿成为一名志愿者,而不愿呆在家里。I would die rather than give in to the enemy.我宁愿死也不屈服于敌人。,would rather从句(从句中谓语动词用虚拟语气)过去时表示现在或将来的愿望。过去完成时表示过去的愿望。I would rather you came tomorrow than today.我宁愿你明天来而不是今天。Do you mind if I smoke?你介意我抽烟吗?Well,Id rather you didnt.嗯

23、,最好别抽烟。Id rather you hadnt told him the truth.我宁愿你没把事实真相告诉他。,10(2006年全国卷)To enjoy the scenery,Zrene would rather spend long hours on the train_travel by air.Aas BtoCthan Dwhile【解析】句意为:为了欣赏风景,Zrene宁愿花几个小时的时间坐火车也不坐飞机旅行。would rather.than.表示主观上的抉择,意思是“宁愿而不”。【答案】C,11Most people would agree that nuclear s

24、cience should be developed to benefit the human beings_harm them.Amore than Brather thanCother than Dbetter than【解析】句意为:绝大多数人同意核科技发展应该造福人类而非危害人类。只有rather than表示“而不是,而非”之意。【答案】B,12In fact,Peter would rather have left for Shanghai than_in New York.Ato stay BstayedCstaying Dstay【解析】考查would rather do.th

25、an do的结构。本题易错选D。本题实际结构为“would rather have done than(have)done”,故应选(have)stayed。【答案】B,Its too bad you cant go as far as Ottawa,Canadas capital.很可惜你们不能一直走到加拿大的首都渥太华。as far as(1)远至,一直走到We didnt go so far as the bridge.我们没有走到桥。Ill walk with you as far as the post office.我陪你走到邮局。,(2)就而言,从来看;尽所能as/so far

26、as sb./sth.is concerned就某人/物而言as far as the eye can see/reach就视力所能及so/as far as I can see依我看As far as Im concerned,most young people in China like playing ping pong.据我所知,大部分中国年轻人喜欢打乒乓球。As far as I know,he didnt cheat in the exam.据我所知,他考试时没作弊。His parents supported him as far as they could.他的父母竭尽全力支持他

27、。,13(2008年北京春)_I can see,there is only one possible way to keep away from the danger.AAs long as BAs far asCJust as DEven if【解析】as far as I can see据我所知。as long as只要,表示条件;just as就像,表示方式;even if即使,表示让步;皆不符合语境。【答案】B,14How far apart do they live?_I know,they live in the same neighbourhood.AAs long as BA

28、s far asCAs well as DAs often as【解析】as far as I know据我所知。【答案】B,It is so wet there that the trees are extremely tall,some measuring over 90 metres.那儿湿气大,树木极高,有些树高度超过90米。some measuring over 90 metres为独立主格结构,在句中作伴随状语。这种独立主格结构由名词(代词)加分词(现在分词或过去分词)构成,分词的逻辑主语是该名词(代词)。该结构在句中作状语,可以表示时间、原因、条件或伴随等。,He lay on

29、his back,his teeth set and his glaring eyes looking straight upward.(伴随状语)他躺在那儿,牙关紧闭,而且他发怒的眼睛直盯着前方。Time permitting,well have a dictation.(条件状语)如果时间允许,我们就听写。The meeting over,we all went home happily.会议结束了,我们都高兴地回家了。,15(2007年重庆卷)The children went home from the grammar school,their lessons_for the day.

30、Afinishing BfinishedChad finished Dwent finished【解析】句意为:那天的课程一结束,孩子们纷纷从那所文法学校回到家里。当两句话并列时,需要并列连词,而题干中没有并列连词,故排除C、D两项;可判断逗号后应为独立主格结构作状语,在此结构中逻辑主语lessons与逻辑谓语finish之间为被动关系,故排除A项。【答案】B,16(2007年全国卷)At the beginning of class,the noise of desks_could be heard outside the classroom.Aopened and closed Bto b

31、e opened and closedCbeing opened and closed Dto open and close【解析】考查介词后面动名词的被动形式。介词宾格/所有格being done。【答案】C,17All the factors_,the planned trip will have to be called off.Aconsidered Bbe consideredCconsidering Dhaving considered,【解析】本题考查独立主格结构的用法。句意为:考虑了所有的因素之后,原来计划好的旅行不得不取消了。本句中的consider与all the fact

32、ors之间为动宾关系,在句子中要用被动形式,因此排除C、D两项,前后两部分不是并列的分句,要采用“名词过去分词”形式的独立主格结构作时间状语,相当于after all the factors are considered,此处的独立主格结构也可改写成with all the factors considered。【答案】A,.单词拼写1During the war this village was _(包围)by the enemy and more than 200 people were killed.【答案】surrounded2What she saw _(使害怕)her and sh

33、e had bad dreams every night after that.【答案】terrified,3They arrived in New York at_(黎明)the next day.【答案】dawn4My brother will_(证实)what I have told you.【答案】confirm5He succeeded in business and was very_(富有的)【答案】wealthy,.选词填空in the distance;rather than;settle down;have a gift for;within the reach of1He

34、 hopes to_in the countryside.【答案】settle down2The young man_foreign languages and has mastered three of them.【答案】has a gift for3_,he could see the tall chimneys of the factory.【答案】In the distance,4Its dangerous placing the medicine_the children.【答案】within the reach of5_take the aeroplane,they decided

35、 to drive to Toronto.【答案】Rather than,.巧思妙解1The road conditions there turned out to be very good,_was more than we could expect.Ait BwhatCwhich Dthat【解析】句意为:那儿的路况原来很好,出乎我们的预料。which用于引导非限制性定语从句,指代前面的情况。由逗号可知本句不是并列句,排除A项;what 不引导定语从句;that 不引导非限制性定语从句。【答案】C,2It suddenly occurred to me_there was a short

36、cut to the history museum.Aif BthatCwhether Das if【答案】B,3The child broke the window,but_was his parents fault for letting him play football indoors.Athere BitCone Dwhich【答案】B,4The key to success in English is to find a right learning method,_I think is important.Awho BthatCwhat Dwhich【答案】D,.语法专练本单元语

37、法同位语从句1(2009年东北三校第一次联考)The professor gives every one of us the impression_he is a real expert in this field.Awhich BwhatCwhere Dthat,【解析】考查同位语从句。句意为:这位教授留给我们每个人的印象是他是该领域真正的专家。that he is a real expert in this field是同位语从句,用来解释抽象名词impression的具体内容,that在从句中不作成分,没有词义,但是不可省略。【答案】D,2(2010年上海春招)There is no o

38、bvious evidence_there is life on any other planet in the solar system.Awhich BthatChow Dwhere【解析】考查名词性从句。此处是that引导同位语从句对evidence进行具体的说明。句意为:没有明显的证据表明太阳系的其他行星上有生命存在。【答案】B,3(2009年郑州第一次检测)A plan has been put forward_more graduates should go to work in the country this year.Awhen BthatCwhether Dhow【解析】考

39、查同位语从句。句意为:“一个计划已经被提出,让更多的毕业生到农村工作。”从空格处到句末是同位语从句,用来解释说明a plan的具体内容。【答案】B,4(2009年绵阳市第三次诊断)A warm thought suddenly came to me_I might use the pocket money to buy some flowers for my mothers birthday.Awhat BwhichCthat Dwhether,【解析】考查句式结构。由语境可知:I might use the pocket money to buy some flowers for my mo

40、thers birthday.是对thought内容的解释,也就是说两者是同位关系,所以用连接词that引导同位语从句。句意为:我突然有一个强烈的想法,我可以用我的零花钱为我妈妈的生日买些鲜花。【答案】C,5(2008年陕西卷)Tomorrow is Toms birthday.Have you got any idea_the party is to be held?Awhat BwhichCthat Dwhere,【解析】句意为:明天是汤姆的生日。你认为晚会应当在哪里举行?where引导一个宾语从句,并在宾语从句里作地点状语。由句式结构可以判断_ the party is to be held是got any idea的同位语,故空格处应为同位语从句的引导词,且该从句中句子成分完整,但语意不完整,故应选择D项,表示地点。【答案】D,


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