一般现在时的语法课 (2).ppt

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《一般现在时的语法课 (2).ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《一般现在时的语法课 (2).ppt(10页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、我 I我们 we你,你们 you他 he她 she它 it,你能告诉我,哪个是第一人称、第二人称和第三人称吗?,一般现在时:,既不是正在进行的,也不是过去或者未来的,而是最普通的时态。,认真观察下列句子,你能通过自学总结出知识点吗?,I make breakfast in the morning.You make breakfast in the morning.He makes breakfast in the morning.She makes breakfast in the morning.Anna and I make breakfast in the morning.通过以上句子我

2、们可以总结出:在一般现在时的状态中,当主语是第_人称,并且为(单数/复数)时,动词发生变化。一般情况下,这种变化是在动词后直接加_。,三,S,当主语为第三人称单数(简称三单)时,动词变化。变化的规则:1.一般情况下,是动词后直接加S;2.以ch、sh结尾的,加es;例如wash washes但是有一些特殊变化,需要我们熟练记忆。例如 have has go goes do does,1.I usually have lunch at 12:00.He usually _ lunch at 12:00.2.The sunlight _on(照射进)in Johns room.3.You wake

3、 up at 6:00,but he _ up(醒来)at 6:30.4.His father always _ him(带着他)to school.5.She _ morning exercises(做早操)at 7:00 every day.6.He just _his face(洗脸).,根据句意,用动词的适当形式填空!,has,goes,wakes,takes,does,washes,在一般现在时状态下,如何将句子变成一般疑问句?,1.I make breakfast at 8:00.我在8点做早饭。变为一般疑问句 Do you make breakfast at 8:00?你在8点做

4、早饭了吗?Yes,I do./No,I dont.是的,我做了。/不,我没做。2.He makes breakfast in the morning.他在早上做早饭。变为一般疑问句 Does he make breakfast in the morning?他在早上做早饭了吗?Yes,he does./No,he doesnt.是的他做了。/不,他没做。,普通的句子,变成一般疑问句,有一个小规律:一调二改三变化。,I make breakfast in the morning.他在早上做早饭。,第一步,调位置。do You make breakfast in the morning.,第二步,

5、改大小写。Do you make breakfast in the morning.,第三步,句点变成问号。Do you make breakfast in the morning?,答语:Yes,I do.是的,我做了。No,I dont.不,我没做。do问,do答。,普通的句子,变成一般疑问句,有一个小规律:一调二改三变化。,He makes breakfast in the morning.他在早上做早饭。,第一步,调位置。does He makes breakfast in the morning.,第二步,改大小写。Does he makes breakfast in the mor

6、ning.,第三步,助动词后跟动词原形,句点变成问号。Does he make breakfast in the morning?,答语:Yes,he does.是的,他做了。No,he doesnt.不,他没做。does问,does答。,普通句子变成一般疑问句的规律,你掌握了吗?,请同学们在同桌的帮助下,试一试吧!如果你的同桌不懂,要热心帮助他(她)哦!加油!,请将下列句子变成一般疑问句!,1.He makes breakfast at 8:00.他在早上做早饭。2.I do morning exercises in the morning.我在早上做早操。3.She wakes up in

7、 the afternoon.她在下午醒来。4.I walk to school at 14:00.我14:00走路去学校。5.Anna usually has milk and bread for breakfast.安娜通常早饭吃牛奶面包。,Doe Anna usually have milk and bread for breakfast?,Does he make breakfast at 8:00?他在早上做早饭吗?,Do you do morning exercises in the morning?,Does she wake up in the afternoon?,Do you walk to school at 14:00?,


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