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1、Starter Unit 2,Whats this in English?,1a-2e,Lead-in,Can you sing it?,A _B _C _D _E _F _G _H _,1a,Look for the small letters in the picture for these big letters.Check()the ones you found.,Presentation,an,a key,a pen,a cup,a ruler,a map,a jacket,a quilt,orange,this,that,English,Whats this in English?

2、,Its a ruler.,Whats this in English?,Its an orange.,Whats that in English?,Its a map.,Whats that in English?,Its a key.,Listen and repeat.,1b,Whats this in English?,Its an orange.,Whats that in English?,Its a map.,Whats this in English?,Its a map.,Practice the conversation in the picture with your p

3、artner.,1c,Pairwork,Its an orange.,Whats that in English?,Whats this in English?,Its a.,Practice,Make your own conversations.,Whats this in English?,Its a/an,Whats that in English?,Its a/an,I i J j K k L l M m N n,Listen and repeat.,Listening,2a,O o P p Q q R r,l o q k i n p r m j,Listen and number

4、the letters you hear 1-10.,2b,Listening,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,Look and copy.,Writing,2c,Writing,Write the missing big letter or small letter for each pair.,2d,m,K,p,R,j,Q,l,O,n,I,Talking,Talk about what these letters mean.,2e,P,NBA,kg,Explanation,1.this 是指示代词,意为“这;这个”,指近处或距说话人近的人或事物。that 意为“那;那个”,指远处或距

5、说话人远的人或事物。例如:,This is a ruler.,That is a key.,2.in English 意为“用英语”,其中in是介词,表示“用语言、声音、方式等”。e.g.in Chinese 用汉语 in Japanese 用日语 Whats this in Chinese?这个用汉语怎么说?,3.冠词a 与an 的用法 冠词a和an是虚词,只用在单数可数名词前,表示“一”。a用在以辅音音素开头单词之前,an用在以元音音素开头单词之前。这里的元音音素和辅音音素是指读音,而不是指字母。e.g.a pen/pen/一支钢笔(/p/为辅音音素)an apple/pl/一个苹果(/为

6、元音音素),4.Whats this in English?Whats this in English?意为“这个用英语怎么说?”用来询问某物,回答时要用“It is/Its a(n)+名词”,其中 it 用来指代 this 或that。whats=what is,意为“是什么”。用来提问的特殊疑问句总是放在句子的开头。,e.g.Whats this in English?这个用英语怎么说?Its a jacket.它是一件夹克衫。Whats that in English?那个用英语怎么说?Its an egg.那是一只鸡蛋。,5.字母/音标/音素字母就如同我们汉语中的笔画一样,是拼写单词的

7、组成元素。音素是英语语音的最小单位。把音素记录下来的符号叫音标,通常写在/或 里。口诀:冠词 a,an 两种帽,单数名词常需要;辅音单数 a 提前,元音单数 an 优先。,a key,a pen,a ruler,a cup,a map,a jacket,a quilt,an orange,Exercises,1.将单词与图片连线。,2.在四线三格中写出左邻右舍。,J j,M m,P p,Q q,F f,1.This is _ orange.A.a B.an C./2.That is _ map.A.a B.an C./3.Whats this?_“I”.A.ItsB.This is C.Its,3.选择填空。,4.“千克”的英文缩写是 _。A.UN B.cm C.kg5.“(美国)全国篮球协会”的英文缩 写是 _。A.NBAB.BBCC.UN,4.看图填空。,Hello,Helen!Oh,_,Eric.Whats _ in English?_ _ pen.And _ _ in English?Its _ _.,Hello,this,Its a,whats that,an orange,课下练习用英语询问你知道的事物的名称。背诵字母Ii到Rr。,Thank you!,


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