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1、Section B(1a2f),Unit 4I used to be afraid of the dark.,课前导学,核心单词1._ n.蚂蚁2._ n.昆虫3._ adv.不常;很少4._ v.&n.影响5._ adj.缺席;不在6._ v.不及格;失败;未能(做到)7._ n.考试;审查8._ adv.确切地;精确地9._ n.自豪;骄傲,ant,insect,seldom,influence,absent,fail,examination,exactly,pride,10._ adj.自豪的;骄傲的11._ adj.总的;普遍的;常规的n.将军 12._ n.介绍常考短语1._ 对感到

2、紧张2._ 在方面做得好3._ 照顾;照看4._ 缺席;不在5._ 决定做,proud,general,introduction,be nervous about,do well in,take care of,be absent from,make a decision to do,6._ 寄宿学校7._ 亲自;亲身8._ 即使;纵然9._ 为感到自豪10._ 交朋友典型句子1.I used to be nervous about tests all the time.What about you?_,boarding school,in person,even though,take pr

3、ide in/be proud of,make friends,我以前对考试一直感到紧张。你呢?,2.It is hard to believe that he used to have difficulties in school._3.Sometimes he was absent from classes and failed his examinations._ 4.It was exactly what I needed._5.Its very important for parents to be there for their children._,很难相信他过去在学校有许多困难

4、。,有时他旷课,考试不及格。,这正是我所需要的。,对父母来说,陪伴自己的孩子很重要。,要点梳理,重点词汇精析【1】nervous 的用法【教材例句】I used to be nervous about tests all the time.我过去常常为考试感到担忧。(教材第29页)【要点思维导图】,【举例】I felt really nervous before the interview.面试前我感到惶恐不安。She smiled nervously in front of crowds.她在人群前紧张地笑了笑。Mikes nervousness showed in his voice.迈克

5、的声音里透着紧张不安。He was nervous about inviting us.他不敢邀请我们。,【拓展】be+adj.+about短语,【应用】()Im really _ before the competition.Take it easy.Sure you are the best.A.coolB.seriousC.nervousD.patient【2】seldom 的用法【教材例句】When he was a little boy,he seldom caused any problems,and his family spent a lot of time together.

6、当他是个小男孩时,他很少惹麻烦,并且他的家人多数时间都在一起。(教材第30页),C,【用法】seldom adv.意为“很少;不常”,它是一个频度副词,通常放在行为动词之前,系动词和助动词之后,表否定意义。如果seldom出现在反意疑问句的陈述部分,则该句视为否定句。【举例】How often is he late for class?他多久迟到一次?He is seldom late.他很少迟到。He seldom goes to see the film,does he?他很少去看电影,是吗?No,he doesnt.是的,他很少去。,【拓展】常见的表示肯定意义的频度副词有:always,

7、usually,often,sometimes等;常见的表示否定意义的词汇有:no,never,seldom,rarely,nowhere,hardly,few,little,no one,nothing等。【应用】()1.Have you ever seen Tom recently?_.He often goes on business in Canada.A.SeldomB.UsuallyC.AlwaysD.Often,A,()2.Designated drivers(代驾司机)are _ seen in our city because drunk driving is not all

8、owed.(2016扬州)A.neverB.seldomC.hardlyD.always【3】be absent from的用法;fail的用法【教材例句】Sometimes he was absent from classes and failed his examinations.有时候他逃课,还考试不合格。(教材第30页)【用法1】absent adj.意为“缺席的;不在的”,其名词形式为absence,其反义词为present,意为“到场的;出席的”。be absent from 意为“缺席”。,D,【拓展】以介词from结尾的常见短语,【举例】A good student would

9、 not be absent from school.好学生是不会逃课的。,【用法2】fail v.意为“不及格;失败”,其名词形式为failure。pass可作fail的反义词,意为“及格;通过”。fail to do sth.是固定搭配,表示“没能做某事”。【举例】Our plan has failed.我们的计划失败了。Im sorry I failed to keep my promise.对不起我没能恪守承诺。【应用】根据汉语意思完成句子1.阿尔弗雷德昨天缺课了。Alfred _ _ _ class yesterday.,was,absent,from,2.他所做的一切都失败了。He

10、 _ in everything he tried.3.他没做完家庭作业。He _ _ _ his homework.【4】be proud of的用法【教材例句】“.I know my parents love me and theyre always proud of me,”says Li Wen.“我知道我的父母爱我,而且他们总是为我感到自豪。”李文说。(教材第30页),failed,failed,to,finish,【用法】be proud of 意为“以为骄傲;感到自豪”,后接名词或代词作宾语。其中,proud是形容词,意为“骄傲的;自豪的”。be proud后面可以接动词不定式(

11、to do)和that从句。proud的名词形式是pride,意为“骄傲;自豪”。take pride in意为“为感到自豪”,相当于be proud of。【举例】He takes pride in/is proud of running with these great men.他很荣幸与这些伟人一起奋斗。We are proud to have such a good daughter.我们为拥有一个如此好的女儿而骄傲。She was proud that her daughter had so much talent.女儿这么有天赋令她骄傲。,【应用】()1.Kobes childre

12、n are proud _ him.(2016大庆)A.in B.of C.off D.out2.他们的女儿现已成为著名的科学家,他们感到非常自豪。(根据汉语意思完成句子)They take great _ _ their daughter who is now a famous scientist.易混词(组)辨析all the time与always的区别【教材例句】We just study all the time.我们只是一直学习。(教材第29页),B,pride,in,Now I understand that even though they are busy,they are

13、always thinking of me.现在我理解了,尽管他们很忙,但他们总是挂念着我。(教材第30页)【要点思维导图】,【举例】I have a dog and a cat,but they fight all the time.我养了一只猫和一只狗,但它们老是打架。I shall always remember this.我将永远记住这一点。【应用】1.Its not good to complain _(一直).(根据括号里的中文完成句子,词数不限)()2.He _ gets up early every morning.A.all the timeB.all timeC.alway

14、sD.never,all the time,C,文脉梳理,【1】迅速通读教材P30-2b课文“He Studies Harder Than He Used to”,完成下面的表格,his parents,his grandparents,boarding school,Used to,He used to 4._ in school.After his parents went to the city,he often felt 5._ and 6._,and it 7._his schoolwork.He caused many problems:He became 8._ in study

15、ing.Sometimes he was 9._ classes.He 10._ his examinations.When he was sent to the 11._,he was 12._ and was not able to 13._ _ in school.He found life there 14._ and he wanted to 15._ the school.,have difficulties,lonely,unhappy,influenced,less interested,absent from,failed,boarding school,shy,diffic

16、ult,leave,After a long talk with his parents,He has really changed:He has become more 16._.He 17._ in school.He has even 18._ and 19._ in many other activities.He is 20._.He works 21._ han he used to.He knows his parents 22._ him and they are always 23._ him.Its very 24._ for parents to 25._ for the

17、ir children.,outgoing,has made some good friends,joined the school basketball team,become active,much happier,even harder,love,proud of,important,be there,【2】模拟对话发挥你的想象,补全李文和他父母见面后的对话After spending 24 hours on the train and 5 hours on the bus,Li Wens parents arrived at his boarding school,and they h

18、ad a conversation.Li Wen:(Standing at the door with his head down.)Mom,Dad.Parents:Dear son,come here.Do you really want to quit(退学)?Can you tell us why?Li Wen:_.Parents:But we have to work to support you.Everything we do is for you.Even though _,(略),we are always _ you.Li Wen:(Tears in eyes.)I just

19、 want you to care about me more.Parents:Forgive us,son.Well _Li Wen:Thank you.I love you,Mom and Dad.Ill try to be your good boy,I promise.Parents:Good boy,well take pride in _.,【3】本课时主要短语串联应用(用方框内短语的适当形式填空)fail the examinations,when.was a little boy,be proud of,be absent from,make the decision to,b

20、e worried about,advise.(not)to,become less interested,much harder,cause problems1._ he _,Sean used to think that he was the happiest boy in the whole world,with a caring,knowledgeable father who worked as a professor and a beautiful,kind Mom.Under the influence of his father,Sean became interested i

21、n studying at a very early age,When,was a little boy,and his parents 2._ him.However,something unfortunate changed Seans life.In a car accident,his father died.To support the family,his mother has to work longer than before,and that was when Sean began to 3._.He didnt know what to do without his fat

22、her.He became a problem child:He 4._ in studying.He was often 5._ classes.He paid no attention to his schoolwork,so he 6._ one time after another.His mother is so 7._ him,were proud of,cause problems,became less interested,absent from,failed the examinations,worried about,but what should she do?To o

23、ur surprise,Sean totally changed after he read a letter.It was a letter written by his mother.In the letter,she told Sean how much she loved and worried about him,but she had to work more to support him.She also told him that his father wanted him to be strong and would take pride in everything good

24、 he did even though he lived in another world.From then on,Sean 8._ work harder even than he used to do.Now,he works 9._ and becomes the top,made the decision to,much harder,student in our school.Besides,he 10._ his mom _ work that hard because hes found a part-time job in a fast food restaurant.He

25、works there every weekend.He loves his parents both,and he wants to be their pride.,advised,not to,课堂练习,一、根据句意及汉语提示完成单词1.Peter _(很少)smiles.He is usually so sad.2.I am _(缺席)from my school today.3.His friend has a good _(影响)on him.4.He got the first in his _(考试).5.I can answer his questions _(精确地).,se

26、ldom,absent,influence,examination,exactly,二、用所给单词的适当形式填空1.It is hard _(understand)this book.2.We are _(pride)of our study.3.Im always _(think)of my hometown when I hear the song.4.His father is used to _(go)for a walk after dinner.5.Please give an _(introduce)of yourself.,to understand,proud,thinkin

27、g,going,introduction,三、单项填空()1.Do you like seeing a movie on your mobile phone?No.I _ do that because it makes me uncomfortable.A.seldomB.oftenC.usuallyD.sometimes()2.The famous singer will come and sing for us _,so I will go to the concert tonight.A.in personB.take care ofC.look afterD.all the time

28、,A,A,()3.Lisa is _ and she has an _ sister.A.11-year-old;8-year-oldB.11 years old;8-year-oldC.11 years old;8 years oldD.11-year-old;8 years old()4.He _ the office.He is having a meeting.A.is absent inB.absent inC.absent fromD.is absent from,B,D,()5.Tom played football well.He used to be _ the school

29、 team.A.onB.inC.upD.out四、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词1.吉姆和他的堂弟缺席了昨天的聚会。太可惜了!Both Jim and his cousin _ _ _ the party yesterday.What a pity!2.这本词典正是我在找的。This dictionary is _ what I am _ _.,A,were,absent,from,exactly,looking,for,3.我为我的国家而骄傲。I _ _ _/_ _ _ my country.4.她对她的发言感到很紧张。She was _ _ her speech.5.在做出决定之前我会让你知道的。I will let you know before I _ _ _.,am,proud,of,take,pride,in,nervous,about,make,a,decision,


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