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1、Unit 9Can you come to my party?,临湘六中八年级英语备课组,By Li Li,Section A 1a-1c,学习目标:语言知识目标:1)能掌握以下单词:prepare,prepare for,exam,flu,go to the doctor,2)能掌握以下句型:Can you come to my party on Saturday afternoon?Sure,Id love to.,3)用情态动词can来表达邀请。,自学指导一,尝试拼读下面五个新单词(129页)prepare prepare for exam flu go to the doctor 你能

2、在一分钟内认读新单词吗?小组纠音。,Words and expressions,prepareprepare forexam Flu go to the doctor,v.preparation n.准备be ready for 为做准备test n.考试have a coldhave the flu n.流感 see a doctor 去看医生,我会读,V.使做好准备,把准备好 为做准备 n.考试 n.流感 去看医生,我会说,prepareprepare forexamflugo to the doctor,我会做,1.Im_(有空的)tomorrow.Lets go swimming.2-

3、What are you doing,Lucy?-New years day is coming.Im _(把-准备好)for the New years party.3Althought he worked hard,he failed in the _(考试).4.We should do exercise every day to keep away from the _(流感).5.If you dont feel well,please go to the _(医生).,单词检测,1.prepare v.使做好准备;把准备好,2.prepare for 为做准备,e.g.We nee

4、d to prepare for the New Year.我们需要为新年做一些准备。,e.g.Dont prepare dinner this afternoon.Lets eat outside.下午不用准备晚饭了。我们出去吃。,New Words,3.exam n.(=examination)考试,e.g.Did you do well in the math exam?你数学考得怎么样?,4.flu n.流行性感冒;流感,e.g.Doctor Li,I think I have the flu.李医生,我觉得我得流感了。,Lead-in,What do you usually do o

5、n weekends?,I usually help my parents.,prepare for an exam,meet my friends,What do you usually do on weekends?,I usually help my parents.,Sorry.I have the flu.I have to go to the doctor.,Lets go hiking tomorrow.,play basketball have the fluplay the piano go to the doctor help my parents go to the co

6、ncert prepare for a test meet my friend,根据箭头指向的汉语说出英语短语。,Game,Presentation,A:Can you come to my party?,B:Sure,Id love to.,Sorry,I cant.I have to,A:Can you play basketball with us?B:Sorry,I cant.I have to,study for a test,B:Sorry,I cant.I have to,go to the doctor,A:Can you?,visit my friend,A:Can you?

7、,B:Sorry,I cant.I have to,go to the concert,自学指导二,1、小组合作学习完成1a。2、背诵1a中的短语并熟读图中的对话。,Match the phrases with the pictures(a-e).,1a,1.prepare for an exam _2.help my parents _,a,e,3.go to the doctor _4.meet my friend _5.have the flu _,d,b,c,Listening,Listen and write the names(Tim,Kay,Anna and Wilson)nex

8、t to the correct students in the picture.,1b,Anna,Tim,Kay,Wilson,Can you come to my party on Saturday afternoon?,Sure,Id love to.,Pair work,1c,You are the students in the picture.Student A,invite three students to your party.Student B,C and D,give answers.,Sorry,I cant.I have to prepare for an exam.

9、,Im sorry,too.I must go to the doctor.,患流感 _ 见我的朋友_ 帮助父母_ 看医生 _ prepare for an exam _ have to do sth._ come to the party _ Id love to._ 二、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。(4x15)(必做题)1.Students _ _ for the Chinese test tomorrow.(学生们正在准备语文考试。)2.We are going to have an _next Friday.(我们下周五将会进行一场考试。)3.Hows your brother g

10、oing?Not good.He _ _ _.(不太好。他感冒了)4.-Whats wrong with you?-I feel a little uncomfortable,so Im going to.(我有点儿不舒服,我打算去看医生。)5.-Lets go fishing!Tom.-Im sorry,I cant.I have to.(对不起,我不去。我得帮助我的父母),一、写出下列词语的中文或英文。5x8(选做题),堂堂清,Section A 2a-2d,学习目标重点单词:available,until,hang,catch重点短语:another time,go bike ridin

11、g,last fall,hang out重点句式:Im not available.I have too much homework this weekend.Thanks for asking.I remember we went bike riding together last fall when he visited you.Sam isnt leaving until next Wednesday.Can you hang out with us on Monday night?Catch you on Monday.,Words and expressions,until hang

12、 hang out catch,conj.&prep.到时候 v.悬挂;垂下 闲逛;常去某处 v.及时赶上;接住;抓住,availableanother time,adj.有空的;可获得的 其他时间;别的时间,自学指导一小组合作学习P66的新单词。,我会读,adj.有空的;可获得的 其他时间;别的时间,conj.&prep.到时候 v.悬挂;垂下 闲逛;常去某处 v.及时赶上;接住;抓住,availableanother time,until hang hang out catch,我会说,自学检测,根据汉语或首字母提示完成句子。1.Im not _(有空的).I have to prepar

13、e for tomorrows_(考试).2.Thanks for _(闲逛)with me.3.I must come _(下次).4.My teacher works u_11:00p.m every day.5.My brother _(抓)some birds on my uncles farm last week.,Listen and circle can or cant.,Listening,2a,1.Jeff(can/cant)go to the party.2.Mary(can/cant)go to the party.3.May(can/cant)go to the par

14、ty.4.Mei Ling(can/cant)go to the party.5.Paul(can/cant)go to the party.,Listen again.Who cant go to the party?Why?Complete the chart.,Jeff,meet his friend on Saturday,May,has the flu,Mei Ling,study for a math test,2b,Look at the reason in the chart in 2b.Write some more.Then,Student A,invite your pa

15、rtner to do something.Student B,say you cant go and why.,1.too much homework2._ _ _,Pairwork,2c,Hey,Dave.Can you go to the movies on Saturday?,Im sorry,Im not available.I have too much homework this weekend.,Thats too bad.Maybe another time.,Sure,Joe.Thanks for asking.,自学指导二,小组合作学习2d中的对话,理解其意思并分角色表演

16、对话。,1.What did they do last fall?_2.What does Nick have to do on Saturday?_3.When will they hang out?_,2d,Reading,Read the conversation and answer the questions.,They went bike riding.,Nick has to prepare for an exam.,On Monday night.,自学检测,2d,Role-play the conversation.,Jeff:Hey,Nick,can you come to

17、 my house on Saturday?My cousin Sam from Xian is going to be there.Nick:Oh,Sam!I remember we went bike riding together last fall where he visited you.Jeff:Yes,thats right.Nick:Id love to come,but Im afraid I cant.I have an exam on Monday so I must prepare for it.Jeff:Thats really too bad!Oh,but sam

18、isnt leaving until next Wednesday.Can you hang out with us on Monday night?Nick:Sure!Catch you on Monday!,1.Sam isnt leaving until next Wednesday.在英语中,not until 是一个常见句型,表示“直到才”。在口语中,还可使用till代替until,构成not until结构。e.g.Dont leave todays work till tomorrow.不要把今天的事留到明天去做。I didnt go to bed last night unti

19、l past midnight.昨晚我过了午夜12点才睡。,2.Catch you on Monday!礼拜一见!这是英语中道别的又一种说法,相当于See you on Monday!类似的说法还有:Catch/See you later!(回头见!),1、完成下面汉译英。1.有空的_ 2.到时_3.悬挂_ 4.抓住_ 5.别的时间_ 6.骑自行车旅游_ 7.去年秋天_ 8.闲逛_,1.我没有时间,这个周末我有太多的作业。2.我记得去年秋天他来看你时我们一起骑自行车旅行。3.萨姆直到下周三才离开。4.你周一晚上和我一起随便逛逛吗?5.周一联系你。,堂堂清,2、翻译下列句子,Homework,假

20、设你将于这个周末过生日,并开一个生日聚会,你邀请朋友们参加你的聚会,但有几名同学因故不能来,请你将与他们的对话用英语写出来。,Section A Grammar focus-3c,学习目标:1.语言知识目标:1)学习掌握下列词汇:invite,accept,refuse 2)进行一步复习巩固运用Section A 部分所学的生词和词组。,3)进一步学习运用所学的知识来表达邀请;学会如何回答别人对自己的邀请,以及 学会如何有礼貌地拒绝他人的邀请,并陈述理由。4)掌握情态动词can,must,have to,might的用法,Words and expressions,inviteacceptre

21、fuse,v.邀请 v.接受 v.拒绝,我会读,自学指导一,自学P67的单词,Lead-in,Can you play soccer tomorrow afternoon?,Sure.Id love to.,Im afraid not.I have the flu.,Can Kate go fishing tomorrow morning?,No,she cant.She must prepare for the math exam.,Can Linda hang out on Saturday afternoon?,No,shes not available.She has to help

22、her mom.,Can Nick and Peter go hiking tomorrow?,No,they are not free.They might have to visit their grandparents.,自学指导二小组合作学习讨论并掌握情态动词can,must,have to,might的用法。运用情态动词have to,must,might等有礼貌地说明拒绝他人邀请的理由。,自学检测二.Grammar Focus.1.学生阅读Grammar Focus中的句子,然后做填空练习。星期六你能来我的聚会吗?_ you _ to my party on Saturday?当然

23、,我乐意来。Sure._ _ _.对不起,我必须为数学考试而学习。Sorry,I _ _ _ a math test.明天晚上你能去看影剧院吗?_ you _ to the movie _ night?当然可以,听起来很棒。_,that _ _.恐怕不行,我得了流感。Im _ not.I have the _.他能去聚会吗?_ he _ to the party?不能。他必须帮助他的父母亲。No,he _.He _ to help his parents.她能参加棒球比赛吗?_ she go to the baseball _?不,她没有空。她必须去看医生。No,shes _ _.She _

24、to _ to the _.他们能去看电影吗?_ they_ to the _?不,他们没有空。他们可能必须去见朋友。No,theyre not _.They _ _ _ meet their _.,Grammar Focus,1.星期六你能来我的聚会吗?_ you _ to my party on Saturday?2.当然,我乐意去。Sure._ _ _.3.对不起,我必须为数学考试而学习。Sorry,I _ _ _ a math test.4.明天晚上你能去看电影吗?_ you _ to the movies _ night?,Grammar focus,Id love to,Can c

25、ome,must study for,Can go,根据课本内容,完成下列句子。,tomorrow,5.当然可以,听起来很棒。_,that _ _.6.恐怕不行,我得了流感。Im _ not.I have the _.7.他能去聚会吗?_ he _ to the party?8.不能。他得帮助他的父母。No,he _.He _ to help his parents.9.她能参加棒球比赛吗?_ she go to the baseball _?,Sure sounds great,afraid flu,Can game,Can go,cant has,10.不,她没有空。她必须去看医生。No,

26、shes _ _.She _ _ to the _.11.他们能去看电影吗?_ they _ to the _?12.不,他们没有空。他们可能必须去见朋友。No,theyre not _.They _ _ _ meet their _.,not available must,go doctor,to friends,Can go movies,free might have,can 用于表示“_”,如:汤姆会骑马。_Can you?表达“_”,答语:同意用 _不同意用 _ _如:恐怕不行,我要去探望我的姑姑。_,Grammar,Tom can ride a horse.,Im afraid n

27、ot.I have to visit my aunt.,能,会,邀请或建议,Sure,Id love to.,Sorry,I cant.I 或 Im afraid not.I have to,watch TV,on the weekend,my cousin,visit my grandparents,practice the violin,1.A:What are you going to do on Saturday?B:Im not sure.I might _.2.A:What are you planning to do after school?B:I dont know._.,3

28、a,Practice,Complete the answers with might and one of the phrases in the box.,watch TV,I might practice the violin,3.A:When will you finish the science homework?B:_.4.A:Who are you going to the movies with?B:_.5.A:Are you free to come to my place on Saturday?B:_.,I might finish it on the weekend,I m

29、ight go with my cousin,Sorry.I might visit my grandparents,1.Inviting:_(can/play tennis)Accepting:_2.Inviting:_(would like to/go to the movies)Refusing:_ Reasons:_(might have to),Complete the sentences below.Use the words in brackets to help you.,3b,Can you play tennis with us?,Sure.Id love to.,Woul

30、d you like to go to the movies?,Im afraid I cant.,I might have to prepare for the math exam.,3.Inviting:_(can/hang out with us tonight)Refusing:_,Reason:_(must)4.Inviting:_ _(would like to/come to my birthday party)Accepting:_,Sure.Id love to.,birthday party?,Would you like to come to my,Sorry.I can

31、t.,I must help my mom at home.,Can you hang out with us tonight?,指导:1.根据要求可知,应让我们写出一句邀请的话和接受邀请或拒绝的问答句,如果是拒绝邀请应给出理由。2.按提示词,用Can you?或Would you like?加上所做事项来询问。如果是拒绝邀请,可以想一个适当理由来说明。,Write down everything you have to do next week.Choose a day and time to have a party.Then invite classmates to your party

32、.,3c,Group work,Invite your classmates to your party.See if they are available.,Talking,Can you come to my party on Saturday afternoon?,Sure.Id love to.,Im sorry.I must practice the violin on Saturday afternoon.,Im afraid not.I have the flu.,Exercise,A:Hey,Bob.1._B:Im sorry.I have to help my parents

33、.A:2._.How about you,Ling Ling?Can you come to my party?L:3._A:On Saturday afternoon.L:Oh,no,I cant.4._A:Thats too bad.5._.L:Sure!Thanks for asking.,堂堂清,A.Thats too bad.B.Can you come to my party?C.Are you going shopping with me?D.Maybe another time.E.I have to study for a test.F.When is it?G.Id lov

34、e to.1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._,B,A,F,E,D,Homework,你的朋友邀请你去看电影,请根据在3c中所填写的信息编写一个与你朋友的对话。,A:Can you go to the movie on Saturday evening?B:Sorry,I cant.I have to,Section B 1a-1f,学习目标:语言知识目标:能掌握以下单词:the day before yesterday the day after tomorrow,weekday,look after.,2)能掌握以下句型:Whats today?Its Monday.Can you pl

35、ay tennis with me?Sorry,I cant.I,自学指导一,自学130页上标有P68的单词,the day before yesterday the day after tomorrow weekday,look after,,Words and expressions,the day before yesterdaythe day after tomorrowweekdaylook after,前天 后天 n.工作日 照料;照顾,我会读,前天后天 n.工作日照料;照顾,我会说,the day before yesterday the day after tomorrow w

36、eekday look after,自学检测,我会做,根据句意用方框中单词或词组的适当形式填空。,Weekday,the day before yesterday,the day after tomorrow,look after,weekend.,1.Tom is going to visit his uncle _.2.We have to go to school on_.3.The had a piano lesson _.4.Jim has to _his aunts baby,his aunt isnt at home.5.Saturday and Sunday are _.,1.

37、Write down these phrases.,Review,1)为做准备 _2)得了流感 _3)去见朋友 _4)当然,我愿意去 _5)太多作业 _,prepare for,have the flu,Sure.Id love to.,meet the friends,too much homework,6.对不起,我没空。_7.直到才 _ 8.泡在某处 _ 9.accept反义词 _,Sorry.Im not available.,hang out,not until,refuse,hang out,tonight;study for a math test play tennis;not

38、 free,go to the doctor come to my party;I love to.,.,2.Make an invitation to your friends.,2)Can you play tennis with us?Im not free.I must go to the doctor.,3)Can you come to my party today?Sure.Id love to.,1)Can you hang out with us tonight?Sorry.I must study for a math test.,20th,17th,18th,19th,2

39、1st,22nd,23rd,today,yesterday,tomorrow,the day after tomorrow,weekday,weekday,weekday,weekday,weekday,Write the words below the correct dates.,weekend,weekend,1a+1b,the day before tomorrow,What day is it today?Its Tuesday.1.What day was it yesterday?It was Monday.2.What day is it tomorrow?Its Wednes

40、day.3.What day is it the day after tomorrow?Its Thursday.,Leading-in,1.What was the date yesterday?It was December the 18th.2.Whats the date tomorrow?Its December the 20th.3.Whats the date the day after tomorrow?Its December the 21th.,Whats the date today?,Its December the 19th.,A:What was yesterday

41、?B:It was A:Whats tomorrow?B:Its A:Whats the day after tomorrow?B:Its,A:Whats today?B:Its Tuesday,the 19th.,1c,Listening,1d,Listen.Can Vince play tennis with Andy?Circle Yes or No.,Yes No,1e,Listen again.Match Vinces activities with the days in 1d.,b,a,a,b,c,Vince _ play tennis with Andy.He _ go to

42、the doctor and study for a test today._,he _ soccer.After that,he has a piano _.And he is _ to babysit his sister _.,cant,has to,Tomorrow,has to play,lesson,going,the day after tomorrow,He is really _ this week.,busy,Fill in the blanks according to 1d.,Pairwork,Hi,Vince.Can you play tennis with me?,

43、When?,Andy invite Vince to play tennis.,Today.,Sorry,I cant.I,1.the day before yesterday 前天,e.g.Ill leave Beijing the day after tomorrow.我将于后天离开北京。,e.g.He arrived in New York the day before yesterday.他前天到达了纽约。,2.the day after tomorrow 后天,New words,1.the day before yesterday 前天,e.g.Ill leave Beijing

44、the day after tomorrow.我将于后天离开北京。,e.g.He arrived in New York the day before yesterday.他前天到达了纽约。,2.the day after tomorrow 后天,New words,堂堂清,一、根据句意及首字母提示完成句子。1.Betty is always ready to help with all the party p_.2.There are five w_ in a week.3.Why did she refuse the i_ of the dance party?4.Please a_ my

45、 invitation.5.Theyre going to the cinema the day after t_.6.We study very hard on w_.二、根据汉语提示完成句子。1.他不得不照顾妈妈。He-his mother.2.前天我们去看电影了。We-to the movie-3.后天我要上钢琴课。Ill have a-lesson-4.你能和我一起去打网球吗?Can you-me?,Section B 2a-2e,3、能掌握以下句型:,(1)I look forward to hearing from you all.(2)Bring Ms.Steen to the

46、party without telling her so that she can be surprised.4、通过阅读邀请函来掌握必要的信息。,学习目标,1、能掌握以下单词:invitation,reply,forward,delete,print,sad,goodbye,take a trip,glad,preparation,glue,without,surprised 2、能握以下重点短掌语:accept an invitation make an invitation,look forward to,help out,hear from,自学指导一,小组合作学习130页标有P69的

47、单词。小组纠音。你能在3分钟内认读这些单词吗?,Words and expressions,replyforwarddeleteprintsadgoodbye,v.回答;答复 v.转寄;发送adv.向前;前进 v.删除 v.打印;印刷 adj.(令人)悲哀的;难过的 interj;&n.再见,invitationturn down,邀请;请柬拒绝,我会读,Words and expressions,take a tripgladpreparationgluewithoutsurprised,去旅行 adj.高兴;愿意 n.准备;准备工作 n.胶水 prep.没有;不(做某事)adj.惊奇的;感

48、觉意外的,look forward tohear from,期待,盼望;接到(某人的)信;电话,我会读,e.g.She didnt accept my invitation.她没有接受我的邀请。He didnt do any preparation for this exam,so he failed.他考试前没做任何准备,所以不及格。,1.invitation n.邀请;请柬 preparation n.准备;准备工作,New words,动词+ion(后缀)invitation动词+ion(后缀)preparation,2.reply v.回答;答复,e.g.They replied my

49、 letter three days ago.三天前他们回复了我的信。,e.g.Can you print this for me?你能给我打印一下这个吗?,3.print v.打印;印刷,4.delete v.删除,e.g.Please delete my name from your list.请把我的名字从你的名单中删除。,5.turn down 拒绝,e.g.Why did she turn down your invitation?她为什么拒绝你的邀请?,6.forward v.转寄;发送 adv.向前;前进,e.g.You can forward e-mail to someone

50、 else.你可以将电子邮件转发给别人。She stepped forward in order to see clearly.她向前走了一步以便能看得更清楚。,7.sad adj.(令人)悲哀的;(令人)难过的,e.g.She was very sad when her cat died.她的猫死后,她很悲伤。,e.g.I am glad that you can come.你能来我很高兴。,8.glad adj.高兴;愿意,e.g.She said goodbye and walked away.她说了再见就走了。,9.goodbye interj.&n.再见,e.g.Id like to


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