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1、,神经系统,中枢神经,周围神经,中枢神经抑制药:镇静催眠药,镇痛药等,中枢兴奋药:咖啡因等,传出神经系统药物,传入神经:局麻药,镇痛药等,传出神经:,Objective(学习目标):understand the following concepts and the relationship between these conceptsRelationship between Sympathetic Nervous System,Parasympathetic Nervous System and Cholinergic fibers and Adrenergic fibers The conc

2、ept of Neurotransmitter.Extended Comparative Study:take noradrenaline as an example to compare“Neurotransmitter,neuromodularor,and hormone and their relationship”.Muscarinic and nicotinic effects.Extended Analysis:How to differentiate nerve stimulation and muscle stimulation Alpha and beta adrenergi

3、c effects How are Acetylcholine and noradrenaline release modulated.Extended Comparative Study:Agonist-stimulatory and inhibitory effects(compare activation of M receptor).Agonist-antagonist(compare activation of N receptor),Review of peripheral nervous system,Q-How is PNS classifiedThe nervous syst

4、em is divided into the central nervous system(CNS)and the peripheral nervous system(PNS,外周神经).PNS is composed by Efferent Division(传出)and Afferent Division.Efferent Division is further divided into the autonomic nervous system(ANS)and the somatic system.,ANS,which has also been called the visceral o

5、r involuntary nervous system,regulates autonomic functions that occur without conscious control.(自主神经的特点:不能用意识控制)The autonomic nervous system can be further sub-divided in to:Sympathetic Nervous System and Parasympathetic Nervous System,Sympathetic Nervous SystemThe sympathetic nervous system is als

6、o referred to as the flight or fight system,as it prepares our body for emergencies.It results in increased heart beat,high blood pressure and brings about other changes by the release of adrenaline,that prepares us to face danger or stress.Parasympathetic Nervous SystemThe Parasympathetic Nervous S

7、ystem on the other hand has just the opposite effect.It helps in calming and relaxing the body and ensures proper functioning of the digestive system.Hence,it is also known as the Rest and Digest System.It contracts the pupil,restores normal blood pressure and heart beat.,PNS,Afferent Division,Effer

8、ent Division,Efferent Division,(Adrenergic fibers):(Cholinergic fibers):,N1(N),N2(M),M,N1,N1,Q-Why ANS are also called Cholinergic fibers and Adrenergic fibers Cholinergic fibers:Neurotransmitter,Acetylcholine(Ach);Receptor,Muscarinic(M)毒蕈碱 receptor(muscarine binding)and Nicotinic(N)receptors(bindin

9、g to nicotine which is isolated from tobacco.(a)Presynaptic fibers of sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves(N1)(b)Postsynaptic fibers of parasynaptic nerves(M)(c)Somatic motor fibers(N2),(d)Adrenal medulla(Adrenal medulla is like a modified sympathetic ganglion+postsynaptic nerve)(N1,)(e)Postsynapt

10、ic fibers of sympathetic nerves(sweat glands cholinergic M receptor),Muscaria mushroom(muscarine),Tobacco nicotine,Elephant,Elephant,激动剂只产生激动作用吗?这张图给你什么提示?胆碱能M2 与M4 受体(绿色方框)导致细胞内K+与Ca2+下降(K+外流增加,Ca2+内流减少),导致超极化(节前抑制),心脏抑制,拮抗平滑肌收缩;胆碱能M1 M3与M5 受体(蓝色方框)导致细胞内 Na+与Ca2+上升(Na+,Ca2+内流增加),导致去极化(节后兴奋),腺体分泌,平滑

11、肌收缩。-Phenomenon of Dynamic counterbalance,hyperpolarization,The finding of ACh,Q-Can you differentiate nerve stimulation and muscle stimulation?Stimulating nerve causes muscle(from frog leg)contractionNo contraction with curare pre-treatmentCurare(箭毒):South America arrow poison(N2 receptor antagonis

12、t),curare,no change,Nicotine(N receptor agonist)stimulates muscle contraction if used aloneNo contraction found with curare pre-treatment,nicotine,no change,curare,Stimulating muscle causes contractionContraction remained even with curare pre-treatment,curare,rise in tension,ConclusionIf nicotine bi

13、nds,contractionIf curare binds,no contractionNicotine and curare competed each other on N2 receptorCurare does not block the contraction resulted from directly stimulated on skeletal muscle,Q-Describe the classification of cholinergic receptors(1)Classification of Muscarinic(M)receptor M1,M2,M3,M4,M

14、5 located in eye,heart,lung,gastrointestinal tract,bladder,uterus,and penis.(2)Nicotinic receptors N1(NN)all autonomic nervous system ganglia(神经节,突触)and the adrenal medulla(肾上腺髓质)N2(NM)on skeletal muscle,The effects of activation of M receptor(a)Heart:rate,contraction,conduction(抑制作用)(b)Glands secre

15、tion:Salivary(唾液腺),lacrimal(泪腺),and gastrointestinal secretion(激动作用)(c)Smooth muscle contraction:Gastric,Bronchial;gall bladder(胆囊),urinary bladder(激动作用)(d)Pupil:Miosis contraction(缩瞳)of sphincter muscle of Iris(虹膜括约肌),accommodation for near vision(调节于近视,激动作用),Q-Describe the classification location,

16、and the effects of activation of adrenergic receptors receptor:1 2 receptor:1 2Adrenergic fibers:Most postsynaptic fibers of sympathetic nuronNeurotransmitter,Noradrenaline(Norepinephrine,NE,NA);Alpha1(1)Eye,arterioles of skin,bladder,viscera and mucous membranes,uterus,penis Alpha2(2)Presynaptic ne

17、rve terminals,Beta1(1)Heart and kidney Beta2(2):smooth muscle Arterioles of heart,lungs and skeletal muscle,uterus,bladder,lung and liver,(2)Effects from activation of receptor Pupil:Dilation(contraction of radial muscle of iris Vascular smooth muscle:1,contraction(激动作用)Presynaptic negative feedback

18、 regulation:2 受体:减少NA 的释放。-Dynamic counterbalance,(3)Effects from activation of receptorHeart:rate,contraction,conduction Bronchial smooth muscle:dilation 2 Vascular smooth muscle:dilation 1 Vascular smooth muscle:contraction-Dynamic counterbalance Increased glycogenolysis and lipolysis(resulting in

19、 increased blood glucose and free fatty acids for energy expenditure),Effects of autonomic stimulation,Autonomic Effects on Various Organs of the Body,Q-How are ACh eliminated,Neurotransmitter Acetylcholine(ACh)Synthesis catalyzed by choline acetyltransferaseStored within synaptic vesicles of nerve

20、terminalsNeuronal action potentials stimulate release of AChACh is inactivated by the enzyme acetylcholinesterase(AChE),The relationship between catecholamines,Q-How are NE eliminated,Norepinephrine(NE)Synthesized from dopamineStored in synaptic vesiclesReleased in response to neuronal action potentialsRemoved from the synapse and body by several mechanisms,e.g.,reuptake,diffusion,and enzyme hydrolization,Homotropic and heterotropic inhibition,Homo,Homo,Hetero-,M1,2,Feedback regulation and Relationship between neurotransmitter and neuromodulator,


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