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1、Unit1.Where did you go on vacation?,Section AThe Third Period,Grammar Focus-3c,go to the beach,go to the mountains,visit ones teacher(s),go on vacation,go to summer camp,visit museums,stay at home,去参加夏令营,待在家里,去爬山,去海滩,参观博物馆,去度假,拜访/看望老师,Grammar Focus,1.你去了什么地方去度假?_ _ you go on _?2.我去了纽约市。I _ _ New Yor

2、k City.3.你和别的什么人一起去的吗?_ _ go out with _?,Grammar Focus,vacation,Where did,went to,Did you,anyone,根据课本内容,完成下列句子。,4.不,没有别人在这儿。每个人都在度假。No._ _ was here._ was on _.5.你买了什么特别的东西了吗?_ you buy _ _?6.是的,我为我爸爸买了些东西。Yes,I _ _ for my father.7.不,我没有买什么东西。No,I _ _.,No one,Everyone,vacation,anything special,Did,bou

3、ght something,bought nothing,8.吃的怎么样?_ _ the food?9.所有的东西尝起来都很好。_ _ really good.10.每个人都玩得很开心吗?_ _ have a good time?11.是的。一切事物都很棒。Yes._ was excellent.,How was,Everything tasted,Did everyone,Everything,复合不定代词的用法,1.不定代词some,any,no,every与-one,-body,-thing构成复合代词。我们称之为复合不定代词,含-body的复合不定代词与含-one的复合不定代词在功能和

4、意义上完全相同,可以互换。只是用-body时显得较通俗些,多用于口语中,用-one时显得较文雅些,更常见于正式场合及书面语中。,复合不定代词都具有单数的含义,因此通常被看成是单数第三人称。当它们充当句子的主语时,其后的谓语动词用单数形式。如:Is everyone here today?今天,大家都到齐了吗?Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it.世上无难事,只怕有心人。Nobody/No one knows his name Thereissomethingorsomebodynearus.(作主语),2.因为some一般用于肯定

5、句,any一般用于否定句或疑问句,no表示完全否定,因此由some,any,no与-one,-body组成的复合代词的用法也一样。somebody,someone,something一般用于肯定句,而anybody,anyone,anything一般用于否定句、疑问句或条件句。,-Did you buy anything special?-Yes,I bought something for my father.-No,I didnt buy anything.(I bought nothing)Someone is singing in the next room.Does anyone l

6、ive in the old house?Did you go out with anyone?No one knows his name.,Wouldyoulikesomethingtoeat?表示邀请时,疑问句里可用something,3.第二部分为-one和-body的复合代词只能用于表示人,它们的形式是单数形式,相应的人称代词和物主代词用单数 he,him,his(不一定指男性)。但在非正式文体中常用复数代词 they,them,their来避免由于 如:,Everyone knows this,doesnt he dont they?There is someone in your

7、office.Can you hear them talking?them指代someone,4.第二部分为-thing的复合代词只能用于指物。相应的人称代词也只能用 it,而不用 they。如:There was something wrong with the car so he had to stopped it.Everything is ready,isnt it?一切都准备好了,是吗?,5.形容词修饰这些复合不定代词,形容词必须后置。如:Thereissomethingwrongwithyourears Is there anything interesting on TV ton

8、ight?interesting修饰anything I have something important to tell you.Is there anything else in the box?-Letsgivehersomethingdifferenttoeat.-SomethingEnglish?Iknowfishandchips!Would you give me something to drink?,1.Do you have _ to do this evening?A.important something B.anything important C.something

9、important 2._ is watching TV.Lets turn it off.A.Somebody B.Anybody C.Nobody3.Would you like _?I can get it for you.A.something else B.anything else C.everything else4.I agree with most of what you said,but I dont agree with _.A.everything B:anything C.something D.nothing,3a,Fill in the blanks with t

10、he words in the boxAnd practice the conversation,Linda:Did you do_ fun on your vacation,Alice?Alice:yes,I did.I went to Sanya.Linda:How did you like it?Alice:Well,it was my first time there.So _ was really interesting.Linda:Did you go with_?Alice:Yes,I did.I went with my sister.Linda:Did you go shop

11、ping?Alice:of course.I bought _ for my parents,but _ for myself.Linda:Why didnt you buy_ for yourself?Alice:I didnt really see _ I liked.,anything,everything,anyone,something,anything,nothing,anything,anyonesomethinganythingeverythingnothing,3b,Fill in the blanks in the e-mail message with the words

12、 in the box,anything,everything,nothing,everyone,no one,Dear Bill,How was your vacation?Did you do _ interesting?Did _ in the family go with you?I went to a friends farm in the countryside with my family._ was great.We fed some hens and saw some baby pigs.They were so cute!The only problem was that

13、there was _ much to do in the evening but read.Still _ seemed to be bored.Bye for now.Mark,anything,everyone,everything,nothing,No one,1.Everything tasted really good!所有的东西尝起来真的很好吃!taste在此为系动词,意为“尝起来”,其后接形容词。a.The food tastes really great.食物尝起来棒极了。b.The milk tasted terrible.牛奶尝起来很糟糕。2.Did everyone h

14、ave a good time?大家玩得开心吗 have a good time=enjoy oneself=have fun 玩得开心(+doing)eg:We had a good time visiting the Great Wall.=We _ _ _the the Great Wall.=We _ _ _the Great Wall.,enjoyed ourselves visiting,had fun visiting,Language points,3.How did you like it?你觉得它怎么样?How do/did you like?“你觉得怎样?”,用来询问对方

15、的观点或看法,相当于 What do you think of?或How do you feel about?eg:How do you like your new job?=_ _ _ _ _ your new job?=_ _ _ _ _ your new job?,What do you think of,How do you feeling about,4.Did you go shopping?你们去购物了吗?go shopping意为“去购物;去买东西”,do some shopping.(同义短语)eg:I usually go shopping on Sundays.我通常星期

16、天去购物。拓展:“go+doing”形式表示“去做某事”,常用于表达从事某一体育活动或休闲活动。go bike riding 骑自行车旅行 go climbing去爬山 go skating去滑冰 go hiking去远足 go sightseeing去观光 go fishing去钓鱼 go swimming去游泳 go camping去野go boating去划船 go surfing去冲浪 go skateboarding去进行滑板运动,5.I went to a friends farm in the countryside with my family.我和家人一起去了乡下一个朋友的农

17、场.a friends farm是名词所有格形式。一般情况下,表示“有生命的人或物”的名词后面加s,表示所属关系。eg:The red bike is Alices.自行车是爱丽斯的。拓展:名词所有格的构成:1)单数名词词尾加“s”,复数名词词尾没有s,也要加“s”:the girl s pen女孩的钢笔 womens shoes女鞋 on Childrens Day,2)复数名词以s结尾的只加“”:the students reading room学生阅览室 Teachers Day教师节 3)如果两个名词并列,并且分别有s,表“分别有”;Johns and Kates rooms约翰和凯特

18、(各自)的房间 只有后一个名词有一个s,则表示“共有”:Lily and Lucys father莉莉和露西的爸爸 4)表无生命的名词一般与of构成短语,表示所有关系 a map of China一幅中国地图 the name of the story那个故事的名字,6.The only problem was that there was nothing much to do in the evening but read.唯一的问题是晚上除了读书没什么事可做。nothing much to do意为“没什么事可做”。a.I have_ _ _ _this afternoon.今天下午我没什

19、么特殊的事可做。b.There is _ _ _ _,so I go to bed early.没什么事可做,因此我就早早睡觉了。拓展:nothingbut意为“除之外什么也没有;只有”。but后可接名词或动词原形。a.I had nothing but a cup of tea this morning.我今天早上只喝了杯茶。b.I had nothing to do but watch TV.我无事可做,只有看电视。,nothing much to do,nothing much to do,7.Still no one seemed to be bored.(即使这样)仍然没有人看起来无

20、聊。1)seem不及物动词或系动词,“好像;似乎;看来”。eg:Everything seems easy.一切似乎很容易。拓展:a.seem+adj.“看起来”。You seem happy today.你今天看起来很高兴。b.seem+to do sth.“似乎,好像做某事”。I seem to have a cold.我似乎感冒了。c.It seems/seemed+从句“看起来好像;似乎”。It seems that no one believes you.看起来好像没有人相信你。d.seem like“好像,似乎”。It seems like a good idea.它好像是个好主意

21、。,8.Still no one seemed to be bored.(即使这样)仍然没有人看起来无聊。2)辨析:bored与boring a.bored意为“厌烦的;感到无聊的”,一般在句中修饰人,作表语 b.boring意为“无聊的;令人厌烦的”,一般在句中修饰事或物,可作表语和定语 eg:a.Im _ with what he said.我对他说的话厌烦极了。b.I find the story very _.我发现这个故事太无聊了,bored,boring,3c,Ask your group questions about their last vacation.Then tell

22、the class your results.,Report like this:In our group,everyone ate something at a restaurant,重点短语 go on vacation去度假 stay at home待在家里 go to the mountains去爬山 go to the beach去海滩 visit museums 参观博物馆 go to summer camp去参观夏令营 quite a few相当多 study for为而学习 go out 出去 most of the time大部分时间 taste good尝起来很好吃 hav

23、e a good time玩得高兴,HOMEWORK:Write about your vacation,For example:Last summer I went to the beach.My vacation was great.I went there by bus and my bus trip was relaxing.The beach was very beautiful.It was sunny,cool and humid.the people were friendly and the food were delicious.I enjoyed my vacation very much and I hope to go there again.,Thanks a lot!,


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