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1、课题:PEP五年级下册 Unit 3 教学内容:A Read and write 教学目标与要求1、 知识技能目标能听、说、读、写句子When is your birthday? Its in May. My birthday is in June. Uncle Bills birthday is in June, too.会询问并回答某人的生日在哪个月,如When is Grandpas birthday? Its in June.能够猜测别人的生日在哪个月,如Is his /her birthday in June? 理解并会运用句型How many birthdays are there

2、 in June? There are three birthdays in June. 了解动词所有格形式。了解中外名人的生日,自己家人的生日和中西方重要节日的日期。2、 情感策略文化目标情感目标:热爱生活,关心家人策略目标:能积极与他人合作,共同完成任务。教学重、难点教学重点:掌握四会句型When is your birthday? Its in May. My birthday is in June. Uncle Bills birthday is in June, too.教学难点理解句子I am making a birthday chart for our family. 理解并会

3、运用句型 There are three birthdays in June.教具学具CAI课件 人名卡片 生日表格教学过程一、 复习旧知 Warm up and review1、Greeting T : Hello, boys and girls! How are you? T : What day is it today? Whats the weather like today? T : First ,lets enjoy a song 设计意图:学生拍手唱歌,活跃气氛,集中思维。2、 Review复习句型 When is your birthday?T : Ask and answer

4、 one by one : when is your birthday?/My birthday is in .调查班上学生的生日,引导理解句子 There are birthdays in .T : Who has a birthday in Jan.?Please hands up.(学生举手)T : How many birthdays are there in Jan.?(师生一起数)Ss:引导学生回答 There are two birthdays in Jan. .Wang Wens birthday is in Jan. .Li Fangs birthday is in Jan.

5、 ,too.T :Who has a birthday in Sept. ?Please hands up.设计意图:此环节为Read and write 句型教学作辅垫:There are three birthdays in June. My birthday is in June. Uncle Bills birthday is in June, too. 调查班上学生一月生日有几个人?二月生日有几个人深入实际,贴近学生生活,创造真实语境,学生兴趣浓厚。让学生在用中学,学了就用。让学生对句型首先有个感知,分散难点,逐层突破。巩固12个月份T : Lets read it quickly.

6、 CAI闪动月份,学生快速读出。 复习中西方节日日期 CAI 出现圣诞老人 T : Who is he ? S :Hes Christmas father.T: when is Christmas day?S:Its in Dec. .T: When is teachers day?S:Its in Sept. .T: Who can ask like this?S1:When is Childrens Day?Ss:Its in June. 猜伟人的生日 T : Whos he ? Ss:He is Lu Xun. T: Guess,when is his birthday? You can

7、 use the sentence : Is his birthday in ? S1: Is his birthday in Jan.? S2 : Is his birthday in Nov.?设计意图:通过形式多样的活动,引导学生巩固掌握12个月份,了解中西方重要节日和自己亲人的生日。同时通过猜鲁迅的生日,训练句型:Is his /her birthday in?为后面新授知识的衔接做好辅垫。二、呈现新知 presentationStep 1 T : Look at the boy ? Whos he ?Ss : Hes John.T : When is his birthday ? L

8、ets listen.CAI播放Read and writeT : when is Johns birthday?S: Its in June.设计意图:首先让学生用心听课文,对课文整体有个初步的感知,了解课文大意。其次训练学生的听力,对学生进行语音、语调、语感和节奏的熏陶。Step 2 T: Please turn to page 32, read the passage by yourself and circle the new words.学生自己预习对话,找出生词难句。T: Who has the new words? 学生拼出不认识的单词,老师帮助解决。Making-make +

9、ingChart- chair + farmer a birthday chart Uncle BillsAunt Marys 名词所有格Cousin Alices设计意图:不同的单词含有相同的字母组合,引导学生发现规律,有意识的渗透语音知识。在以前的学习中已经接触过名词所有格,在此环节向学生简单介绍什么是名词所有格。并举一反三。Step 3T : Please read the passage again,then answer my question: How many people are there in Johns family? Who are they?学生独立阅读思考S : T

10、here are eight. Grandpa, grandma, uncle, aunt, Alice, mother, father and John. 老师在黑板上出示Johns family treeJohns family tree Grandma grandpaMom dad uncle aunt Alice me Step 4 T: What is john doing? Please draw lines on your books.S1: He is making a birthday chart.T: OK, this is johns birthday chart. Jo

11、hns family birthdayJan.Feb.Mar.April MayJune DadJuly Aug. Sept.Oct.Nov.Dec. T : Dads birthday is in Jan. .教师从上面family tree中把爸爸的名片取下并贴在一月框里。T: When is grandma, grandpa, mom, uncle, aunt, Alice ,Johns birthday?You have 3 minutes to finish the chart. Please draw lines on your books.学生再读课文,解决老师提出的问题。T:

12、When is grandpas/ grandmas/ uncles/aunts/ moms/ Alices/ Johns birthday?S: Its in 老师分别提问,学生一一作答,并上黑板从Johns family tree中取下名片卡贴入birthday chart相对应的月份中。 T: Great, here is the chart. T: Look at the chart, how many birthdays are there in May?S1: There are two birthdays in May. Mom and grandmas birthday is

13、in May.T: How many birthdays are there in Jone?S2: There are three birthdays in June. Johns, grandpas, uncle Bills birthday is in June.T: Who has a birthday in April?S3: Cousin Alices birthday is in April.T: Who has a birthday in Jan.?S4: Dads birthday is in Jan. .T: Who has a birthday in March?S: 引

14、导学生回答None, nobody.设计意图:引导学生分析课文,重在培养学生的学习策略,教会学生学习方法。如:让学生圈出重点单词,在重点句子下面划出波浪线等等。三、practice(操练)Step 1T: Look at read and write, listen and repeat. 放录音,学生跟读两遍。T: Boys are John,girls are grandma.分角色朗读Step 2T: Please close your books, look at the chart and finish the passage. There are_people in Johns f

15、amily. His grandmas birthday is in _ . Moms birthday is in _ . Uncle Bills birthday is in _. Grandpas birthday is in _ . Johns birthday is in _ . Aunt Marys birthday is in _ . Cousin Alices birthday is in _ . There are _ birthday in _. There are three birthdays in _ .T : Finish? Lets check you answe

16、rs.Step 3T: What about your group? please do a survey in your groups. Make a birthday chart for you group.每组发一张小组生日统计表,小组合作共同完成。 Our groups birthday chartJan.Feb.Mar.April MayJune July Aug. Sept.Oct.Nov.Dec.T : Who can show me your chart. 小组代表汇报小组成员生日情况。S: Li Lis birthday is in Jan. . There are two

17、birthdays in May, Chen Jies birthday is in May ,Liu fangs birthday is in May, too.四、Homework Do a survey about your familys birthday chart.教学评价与反思1、设计思路 根据小学英语兴趣性原则、活动性原则和生活性原则,在实施教学过程中我注意体现学生是学习的主体,调动学生学习的积极性。本课以生日为话题,教学对象为五年级学生,他们已具备一定的英语知识和认知水平,但毕竟是小学生,儿童的天性是不变的。因此,在教学中我采用直观的图片、动作和多媒体设备,增加了立体感,同时

18、尽量多设置真实情境,让学生在情境中掌握句子,运用语言。句型和单词穿插教学、新旧知识交替出现,随着活动层层深入,让学生从听教师说到自己说,逐渐掌握语言。2. 给学生创设了真实的情境和语境。语言最本质的功能是在生活中的交流和沟通。可尽量利用各种教学手段,结合教学内容,创造适当的生活情景,多给学生开口实践的机会。积极为学生创设自主学习和相互交流的机会,让学生在交流中理解,在交流中记忆,在交流中掌握。为了充分调动学生的学习积极性,体现学生的主体性,做到“以学生为本”,使他们变被动接受为主动愉快地学习,在教学中我让学生问答中外的重要节日,名人和自己亲人的生日。学生兴趣深厚,通过这种寓教于乐的教学方法,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,使他们感受到学习英语是件非常快乐的事情。3. 培养学生积极运用已有的语言知识进行表达和交流基础教育阶段英语的主要任务是培养学生的综合语言运用能力。在整个教学过程是学生能积极运用已有的语言知识进行表达和交流。4.渗透德育教育,学会关爱他人。 知道自己家人和朋友的生日,学会关心亲人。了解中西方的重要节日,并知道节日的意义。


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