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1、20132014学年度襄阳一中高二英语学案(单元归纳及检测)Book 5 Unit 3 (2013年9月18日)必修5 Unit 3重点单词:1. impressionimprenn.印象,感想,印记The new teacher made a good impression on the students.新教师给学生留下了好印象。I was under the impression that you were coming tomorrow.我以为你明天才来呢。I have the impression that Ive seen that man before. 我觉得我以前见过那个人。

2、单词联想:impress v.给印象 impressive adj.给人印象深刻的impress sb. with sth. 给某人留下印象impress sth. on /upon sb.使某人铭记某物The scenery is strongly impressed on my mind I am strongly impressed with the scenery. 这景色给我留下了极为深刻的印象。2. previous:pri:vjs adj.在前的,早先的 previous to 在之前Previous to coming here, I worked in London.来这之前

3、,我在伦敦工作。3. guide:gaid n.指导;向导;导游 vt.指引;指导guide sb. to / through / around带领某人到/ 穿过/ 参观Martin guided him to the reception-room. 马丁将他领到接待室He guided the company through the difficulties. 他带领公司渡过了难关。4. tolerate:tl,reit vt.容忍,忍受 tolerance n.忍受,容忍 tolerant adj.忍受的,容忍的I cannot tolerate your bad manners. 我不能

4、容忍你的无礼行为。Our teacher wont tolerate any cheating on exams. 我们老师容不得任何考试作弊行为。 We tolerate all opinions here. 我们这里容许发表各种意见。5. adjustment:dstmnt n调整;调节 adjust vt.调整,调节;适应;习惯搭配:adjust + n. +to 调整使适合/适应 adjust oneself to 使自己适应You can adjust the table to the height of any child.这张桌子可以配合小孩的高度任意调整。She soon ad

5、justed (herself) to his way of life .她很快(使自己)适应了他的生活方式。The company made an adjustment in my salary. 公司对我的薪金作了调整。6. press:pres vi./vt. 按,压,逼迫press against/ on 把按在上 press sth. into sth. 将某物压入(按入或塞入)另一物中 press sb. to do sth. 劝说某人做某事,督促某人做某事I had to press myself against the wall to let them pass.我紧贴墙壁让他

6、们过去。Press this button to start the engine. 按此钮发动引擎(不定式表目的)He pressed her to come with him. 他强迫她跟他走。7. fasten:fsn vt.系老,扎牢fasten to / on 将系/扣/钉/ 装在上He fastened a light to his bicycle. 他在他的自行车上安装了一个灯The old lady fastened her eyes on the stranger. 老太太始终注视着那个陌生人。8. sweep up 打扫;横扫He was left to sweep up

7、the bits of paper and broken glasses.他被留下了清扫纸屑和碎玻璃The strong wind swept up the leaves off the street.强风把街上的树叶一扫而光。我脑子里闪过一个想法9. switch:swit n.开关;转换Turn on /off the switch开/关a switch in 在方面的转变make a switch作变动You pressed the wrong switch. 你按错了开关。Theres been a switch in our plans. 我们的计划改变了 vt.转换They swi

8、tched the talk to a more interesting subject. 他们把谈话转到比较有趣的题目上去了。Hang on, please. Ill switch you to the manager. 请不要挂断电话。我给你转接到经理那儿去。They switched the train to the other track. 他们把列车转到另一轨道上。打开(或关掉).的开关(+on/off) He switched the light on. 他打开电灯。“开”、“关”的译法(1) 开(关)门、窗、盒子等 Open the door / window close / s

9、hut the door/ window(2) 开(关)电器(如收音机、电灯)Switch on the radio /lightswitch off the radio /light(3) 开(关)电器、水、煤气turn on the radio / water/ gasturn off the radio / water / gas10. optimistic:,ptimistik adj.乐观的 be optimistic about 对持乐观态度11. speed up 加速The train speeded up.火车不久就加速了。 12. instant:instnt n.瞬间;片

10、刻for an instant一瞬间in an instant立即;马上on the instant立即;立刻;马上the instant 一就An instant later the explosion occurred. 一会儿之后,爆炸就发生了 adj.立即的,立刻的The telegram asked for an instant reply. 这封电报要求立即回复。紧迫的,迫切的;迫在眉睫的 The flood victims were in instant need of help. 水灾难民急需救助。(食品)速食的;速溶的 instant coffee速溶咖啡instant no

11、odles 方便面He often eats out at an instant Chinese restaurant. 他常在一家中式快餐馆吃饭13. greedygri:di adj.贪吃的,贪婪的 The dictator was greedy for power. 那个独裁者贪图权力。渴望的 She is greedy for success/ to succeed. 她渴望成功。 14. swallow:swlu vt.吞下;咽下 swallow up吞没;耗尽He swallowed the pills with a cup of water. 他用一杯水吞下了这些药丸。The w

12、aves swallowed up the little boat. 波浪吞没了小船。He swallowed the insults and kept on working. 他忍受侮辱继续努力。 She swallowed her displeasure and smiled. 她抑制自己的不快,强颜欢笑15. representative n. 代表,典型人物 adj.典型的;有代表性的Our company has a representative in New York.我们公司在纽约有代理人。I couldnt be present myself, but I sent my re

13、presentative to the meeting.我本人不能亲自出席,可我派了代表出席会议。be representative ofbe characteristic of 的典型be typical of 16. motivation,mutivein动机 motivate v.给予/成为动机What is the motivation behind the sudden change? 这种突然转变背后的动机是什么?Many people said that pay was their main motivation for working. 大多数人说赚取报酬是他们工作的主要动机。

14、重点短语1. in all aspects= from every aspect 从各方面2.leave/make/give an impression on sb 给某人留下印象 get a good/ bad impression of sb./ sth.对某人/某物印象好/不好。have the impression that 觉得be under the impression that 觉得认为impress sth on sb 给某人留下印象3.take up拿起;接受;开始;占有(时间、空间);继续take over 接管;控制;继承take back 取回;取消take for

15、当作;误认为take sth. for granted 认为是理所当然的take in;摄取;欺骗;理解;包括;收留take off 脱掉;模仿;起飞;成名take on 雇佣;呈现;承担4. constantThe birth rate in this city is almost constant. (不变的)He drove at a constant speed.(固定的)Babies need constant attention.(不断的,时常的)As I walked through the town, I was constantly reminded of my childh

16、ood.当我步行穿过市镇时,见到的景象使我不断地回想起自己的童年。5.previous在前的;早先的(只做定语) previous to(介词) 先于6. be uncertain about/ of 对不确定7.be surrounded by/with 被包围/围绕 surrounding环境(常用复数),周围的事物8.for lack of因缺乏(a) lack of缺乏lack (for) sth缺乏;缺少be lacking in sth 缺乏(表实际上存在的情况)be short of 短缺9.adjust to 调节,调整;适应,习惯 accustom sb./oneself t

17、o 习惯于10.be back on ones feet 恢复;完全复原 keep ones feet on the ground实事求是 stand on ones own feet 独立自主,自主under ones feet 碍手碍脚;讨厌 struggle to ones feet 挣扎着站起来rise to ones feet站起来 jump to ones feet跳起来11. fasten sth to sth 把系到12.lose sight of看不见at the sight of在看到时catch sight of 望见;看到in sight 在视线内;可以被看见in si

18、ght of可以看见out of sight 看不见了;不被人看见at first sight 乍一看13.sweep up 打扫,横扫动词+ up 短语荟萃:clean up 清除,收拾干净 make up 弥补,编造,拼凑成 give up 放弃 eat up吃光 lock sb. up将某人监禁起来 look up向上看,查询,好转,有起色pull up往上拽,(车)停, put up举起,张贴;为提供食宿 ring up打电话 set up建立,开创 wake up 醒来,唤醒 call up召唤,调动,打电话tear up撕毁,取消 open up 开设,开业 开放,开发use up

19、 用完,用尽 pick up拾起,捡起,学会,获悉,听到,见到,恢复健康speed up 加速;加快 stay up熬夜turn up出现,露面,到场;声音调大come up想出14. at a speed of以速度reduce speed 减速speed by很快地过去,飞逝 pick up speed逐渐加快速度 slow down减速at a speed of.以的速度 at high/low speed以高速/低速at a speed of 以的速度 at the speed of light/sound以光速/音速 with speed 快速地15.slide into 移动,溜进

20、16.be optimistic about对乐观be pessimistic about对悲观的 be particular about 对挑剔(讲究的)be curious about 对好奇 be crazy about对痴迷的 17. in a flash即刻;瞬间a flash of hope一线希望a flash of lightning闪电a flash of anger/inspiration怒上心来, 灵感闪动flash back to sth回忆;回顾某人突然想到 It flashed upon sb. that It occurs/occurred to sb. that

21、 It hits/hit sb. that It strikes/ struck sb. that 18.switch on接上;打开switch off切断;关掉switch to 变换到;转(换)到switch over完全转变;转换19.an instant reply/response立即回答an instant death猝死at that instant在那瞬间for an instant一瞬间on the instant立即;瞬间the instant (that)一就20.be greedy for对贪婪21.as if/though+ done/doing/to doe.g.

22、 The man followed suddenly stopped as if to see whether he was going in the right direction.as if to see=as if he was to seeas if/though引导虚拟语气22.be similar to与相似 the same as 同一样23. provide sb with sth提供某人某物 provide sth. for sb. 为某人提供某物24.in no time立刻;马上at no time绝不 take ones time不着急;慢慢来at a time一次 a

23、t one time曾经at any time任何时候in time 及时 on time 准时from time to time时常;时不时的重点句型1.过去分词作状语Worried about the journey, I was unsettled for the first few days.Hit by a lack of fresh air, my head ached.2.现在分词做状语Arriving at a strange-looking house, he showed me into a large, bright clean room.3.关系副词引导的定语从句Wel

24、l , now, there is a system where the waste is disposed of using the principles of ecology.(先行词是system/ case/ stage/ situation/ condition,用关系副词引导)4. 倒装句Inside was an exhibition of the most up-to-date invention of the 31st century.5. He telephoned her instantly/ the instant/ immediately he came home.他

25、一回到家,就给她打电话。表示“一就”的多种表示方法:表示“一就”的多种表示方法: immediately /directly/ instantly 作连词引导时间状语从句 the moment /the second/ the minute 等引导时间状语从句 as soon as 引导时间状语从句 Hardly/ No sooner +过去完成时+when/ than +一般过去时 On +(动)名词He began his research immediately he arrived at his office.He began his research the moment he ar

26、rived at his office.He began his research as soon as he arrived at his officeHardle had he arrived at his office when he began his research.No sooner had he arrived at his office than he began his research.He began his research on arriving at his office.必修五Unit 3单词检测n.方面;层面 _n.印象;感想;印记_adj.时常发生的;连续不

27、断的_adv.不断地_n.喷气式飞机_adj.在前的;先前的_adj.不确定的;无把握的_n.指导;向导;导游_n.药片_n.太空舱;胶囊_n.乘务员;服务员_n女乘务员 _n.通路;开口;开端_adv.往(向,从)一侧,侧着_n.周围的事物;环境_vt. 容忍;忍受_vt.缺乏;没有_n.调整;调节_v. 调整,适应_n.面具;面罩;伪装_n.运输工具;客车_vt.按;压;逼迫_vt.系牢;扎牢_n.腰带;皮带_vt.使闪光;使闪现_vt.开关;转换_n.时间表;时刻表_adj.筋疲力尽的;疲惫不堪的_adj.乐观主义_adj.悲观(主义)的_n.泥浆_n.沙漠;荒原_v. 模仿,仿造_ad

28、j.可移动的,活动的_n.公民;居民;市民_n.打字员_n.打字机_n.邮资_n.按钮;纽扣_n.瞬间;片刻_n.接受者;接收器_n.效率,功效_adj.效率高的,有能力的_n.垃圾箱_adj.贪吃的;贪婪的_vt.吞下;咽下_n.原料;材料_vt.回收利用;再利用_n.代表;典型人物_n.货物 _n.定居;解决_n.动机_B5U3多项选择题(选出最佳选项)1. Alcoholism and gambling affect all _ of family life. We should stay away from them since young. A. sides B. aspects C

29、. advantages D. directions2. Most foreign bankers are cautiously _ about the countrys economic future. A. positive B. enthusiastic C. optimistic D. passive3. The company comes back to life by switching to manufacturing _ food for those who have no time for cooking. A. instant B. prompt C. swift D. d

30、elicious4. Jacks academic performances are not so satisfactory just because he lacks _ but not intelligence. A. motivation B. activity C. participation D. motive5. His parents would rather _ their belt than let him drop out of school A. press B. tolerate C. fasten D. tighten6. Being out of work for

31、more than a year, he has to _ his pride and turns to his friends and relatives for help. A. swallow B. assist C. recycle D. desert7. When challenged, he suddenly _ a gun and the hooligans(流氓) fled in all directions. A. switched B. displayed C. produced D. adjusted8. Our son doesnt know what to _ at

32、the university. He cant make up his mind about his future. A. take after B. take in C. take over D. take up9. At last they _ a burning cigarette end for the big fire, which reminded people again never to smoke in bed. A. criticized B. blamed C. accused D. disposed10. A sudden feeling of guilt _ all

33、my anger away and I forgave all his mistakes. A. tore B. carried C. swept D. swallow11. I an happy that youve got the job, and obviously you made a good _ on those who interviewed you. A. impression B. influence C. comment D. efficiency12. Exchange students should first learn to _ and accept the cul

34、ture differences to have a successful study experience abroad. A. tolerate B. clarify C. forget D. reject13. It was really hard to _ my anger when he made fun of my clothes in front of the class but I didnt say anything back. A. suspect B. swallow C. confirm D. digest14. The teacher _ the story wher

35、e he had left off the day before and all the kids became quite and listened. A. took up B. sped up C. set up D. kept up15. The caring mother closed the door in a(n) _ way so as not to wake the baby, who had just fallen asleep after an hours crying. A. serious B. reliable C. cautious D. obvious16. Pe

36、ople should visit a sports store for _ advice on buying the right running shoes to improve their speed and avoid injuries. A. expert B. enormous C. unique D.previous17. Universally recognized as a politician _ for power and money, he was denied any possibility to win the election. A. uncertain B. gr

37、eedy C. responsible D. positive18. Compared with less developed countries, the income gap in rich countries has greatly narrows, and the living standards are _ the same between town and the country. A. naturally B. constantly C. roughly D. slightly19. As the plane flew higher and higher into the sky

38、, I finally _ the land and felt a little uneasy. A. lost sight of B. caught sight of C. got close to D. looked down upon20. You should apologize to your classmate for the quarrel, I think. -No way! Its not my _. A. aspect B. fault C. taste D. accountBook5 Unit3短语检测从各方面1. _ 2. _给某人留下印象1. _ 2. _take u

39、p 1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ take in 1._ 2._ 3_ 4._take off 1._ 2._ 3. _呈现_接管,继承_先于,在之前_对不确定_被包围_因缺乏_调整,适应_恢复,完全康复(back)_站起来 _跳起来_挣扎着站起来_把系到/固定到_看见_看不见_在视野之内,可以被看见_看不见了;不被人看见_乍一看 _打扫,横扫_以速度_加速_溜进_对乐观_对挑剔_对好奇_即刻,瞬间_某人突然想到1._ 2. _ 3._ 4._接上,打开_切断,关掉_对贪婪_同一样_与相似_立刻,马上_不着急,慢慢来_Book 5 Unit 3句型检测1._, I went to see what was happening. (frighten) 我被巨大的声音吓坏了,去看一下发生了什么。2. I


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