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1、News 1:The world price of rice has risen by over 100%compared with that of last year,which disturbs manycountries now.,Hunger riot(饥饿暴动),worries,News 2.The hunger problem is expanding in the world.Therefore.Some poor people in Hayti have to eat the mud cakes as their main food now.,the mud cakes,5 m

2、illion children die of hunger every year.,What do you think would happen if tomorrow there was suddenly no rice to eat?,suffer from starvation and starve to deathfeel scared/be panic(惊慌)fight for food,even kill each other and the whole country would get into trouble.,Do something to help end hunger

3、in the world!,He is concerned about the hunger problem very much!and he believes he will make the impossible possible.,Yuan Longping is more like a _ than a _.,farmer,scientist,Although he is one of Chinas most famous scientists,Yuan Longping considers himself a farmer,for he works the land to do hi

4、s research.,Look at the title of the passage and the picture.,A pioneer for all people,Yuan Longping,People all over the world,A pioneer for all people,The style of the passage may be_.A.a story B.a travel journal C.a biography(An introduction to a person),The text is about a(n)1._ _ named Yuan Long

5、ping who made a great contribution to finding ways to 2._.,agricultural,grow more rice,pioneer,A PIONEER FOR ALL PEOPLE,Match the following headings with the right paragraphs.,Para.1 Dr Yuans appearance and his achievement,Task 3 Careful reading,Q1:What does Dr Yuan look like?,He has a sunburnt face

6、 and arms and a slim,strong body.He is more like a farmer than a scientist.,Q2:What is his achievement?,He grows what is called super hybrid rice,which makes it possible to produce one-third more of the crop in the same fields.,True or False:1.Dr Yuan is more a farmer than a scientist.2.Dr Yuans kin

7、d of rice is the most suitable for Chinas farmland.,F,T,Para.2,A.He was born into a poor farmers family.B.He graduated from Southwest Agriculture college.C.In 1950,Chinese farmers produced 5.5 billion tons of rice.D.20 billion tons of rice was produced by growing his hybrid rice.E.He searched a way

8、to increase rice outputs without expanding the area of fields.F.He helps rid the world of hunger by circulating his knowledge in less developed countries.,in right time order,a,c,b,e,d,f,Para.2,His biography,Born in Beijing,Graduated from college,Hunger was a great problem Saw the great need for inc

9、reasing the rice output,200 million tons was produced,Circulating his knowledge,22%7%,Means?,UNrid the world of hunger,Which of the following description about Dr Yuans personality is not true?He is satisfied with his life because he is now rich and famous.B.He cares little about money and fame.C.He

10、 would rather work than lead a comfortable life.D.He enjoys a simpler life than most rich and famous people.,Para.3 Dr Yuans personality,reading,He gives millions of yuan to equip others for their research in agriculture,listening to violin music,playing mah-jong,swimming,Para.4 Two dreams,The first

11、 dream:,The rice plants were as tall as sorghum.Each ear of rice was as big as an ear of corn.Each grain of rice was as huge as a peanut.,To export his rice so that it can be grown all over the world,The second dream,Dreaming for things costs nothing,Para4:Two Dreams,Explanation:It means that dreams

12、 are free and everybody can have ideas about what their future life will be.,Task3:Deep Understanding,Answer the following questions,1.Is Dr Yuan more of a scientist or more of a farmer?Do you think he is a businessman?Give your reasons.2.How would you describe Dr Yuans personality?,personality,crea

13、tive 富创造力的,frugal 俭朴的,learned 精通学问的,aggressive 进取的,devoted 有献身精神的,plain朴素的淡泊的,determined/strong-willed意志坚定的,selfless无私的,语 篇理 解,根据课文“A Pioneer for All People”,在下文空格中填上恰当的词语,使文章连贯完整。From his sunburnt face and arms,Yuan Longping looks just 1._one of the millions of Chinese farmers.He 2._(struggle)for t

14、hese farmers for the past five decades.Yuan Longping has become the first agricultural pioneer 3._(grow)rice with high output all over the world.This kind of rice 4._(call)super hybrid rice.When he was still a young man,,like,has struggled,to grow,is called,语 篇理 解,hunger used to be 5._very disturbin

15、g problem in many parts of the countryside.Thats 6._he decided to increase harvests without 7._(expand)the size of the fields.Thanks to his hard work,22%of the worlds people are fed 8._only 7%of the farmland in China.However,Yuan Longping is not satisfied with the 9._(achieve)he has made.He dreams o

16、f contributing even more 10._the people of the whole world.,a,why,expanding,from,achievement,to,Task5:Discussion,If you had a chance to do something to rid the world of hunger,what would you do?,hunger,The measures taken to deal with hunger:,Invent a new kind of plant to produce more food.,Find a so

17、rt of fertilizer(肥料)to give rice enough nutrition.,Stop the pollution to the environment and protect the soil in the field.,etc.,A PoemBy Li Shen,Farmers weeding at noon,Sweat down the field soon.Who knows food on a tray,Due to their toiling day.,I have known Dr Yuans achievement.I have known Dr Yua

18、ns life experiences.I have known Dr Yuans two dreams lead him to success.I have learnt a lot from Dr Yuans scientific spirits.I have learnt to read fast to find out the topic of a paragraph.I have learnt to read carefully to find out details.I will work hard to go for my dreams.I feel happy to work

19、with others.I will do what I can to help people and change the world I still have a question,五、【当堂小结 反思再进】,I have known Dr Yuans achievement.I have known Dr Yuans life experiences.I have known Dr Yuans two dreams lead him to success.I have learnt a lot from Dr Yuans scientific spirits.I have learnt

20、to read fast to find out the topic of a paragraph.I have learnt to read carefully to find out details.I will work hard to go for my dreams.I feel happy to work with others.I will do what I can to help people and change the world I still have a question,请根据下列信息写一篇短文,字数100左右。,袁隆平生于1930年,是中国最著名的科学家之一。1

21、953年,袁隆平毕业于西南农学院。当时,在许多农村地区,饥饿是令人烦恼的问题。从那时起,找到水稻高产的方法一直是他终生的目标。1974年,他发明了超级杂交水稻,成为世界上第一位农业先锋。由于他的研究,联合国在消除世界饥饿的战斗中有了更多的方法。袁隆平现在在很多欠发达国家传播他的水稻知识。,Reference Words(参考词汇):,disturbing,invent,agricultural pioneer,thanks to,ridof,circulate,sunburnt,hunger,ridof,expand,circulate,lead a life,would rather do,

22、thanks to,struggle,export,1.darkened skin from spending too much time in the sun2.need for food3.make something or somebody free of4.become larger in size,number or amount5.make information and ideas known to many people6.live a(particular kind of)life7.prefer to do8.because of9.try extremely hard t

23、o achieve something10.send things to foreign countries for sale,sunburnt,hunger,ridof,expand,circulate,lead a life,would rather do,thanks to,struggle,export,Lets learn the language points in Unit 2 together.Are you ready?Go!,Language points for Reading I,1.Have you ever grown any plants?If so,what d

24、id you do to grow them?If so=If you have ever grown some plants.so 表示“象那样的,如前所说的”,用于代替已陈述的事。如:-can you pass the exam?-I hope so.,1)辨析because,for because表示理由充分,有必然因果关系,能回答以why引起的问句。,2.,Yuan Longping considers himself a farmer,for he works the land to do his research.,Why arent you coming with us to t

25、he concert?Because I have got a bad headache.你为何不与我们一起去看音乐会?因为我头痛。,for(因为,由于),补充说明理由,不用于句首;不能回答以why引起的问句。如:The shop was quite new,for it had opened only the week before.,_ he says so,it must be true._ it was late,I made haste to go.The day breaks _ the sun rises.The day breaks,_ the birds are singin

26、g.,Since,As,because,for,consider.(as).(regard.as.;treat.as.)都含”认为.是.”意思。consider“经过考虑而认为”,表示“一种比较客观的看法”I consider what he said(as)reasonable.我认为他说的有道理。regard“把.认为”、“把.看作”,表示“以外部形象得出认识或个人的主观认识”He was regarded as the foremost authority on chemistry.他被认为是化学最高权威。treat 表示“在某种认识的基础上看待或对待”,重在行动,而不在认识They w

27、ill not be treated as enemies.他们不会被当做敌人对待。,3.works the land work vi./vt.经营,管理 work the land=grow crops on it 耕耘土地 He works a big farm.他经营着一个大的农场。,4.In many ways,he is one of them,and he has struggled for the past five decades to help them.常与现在完成时连用的时间状语(1)already,yet,ever,just,recently,lately,never,

28、before(adv.)The boy has already/just got home.,I havent heard from him yet/recently/lately.I have seen the old man somewhere before.,(2)since/for I have lived in Beijing since 2000.I have lived in Beijing since I arrived here.I have lived in Beijing for 5 years.,struggle vi.搏斗,挣扎,努力,拼搏They were stru

29、ggling to get out the burning car.他们挣扎着从烧着的车里往外爬。She struggled up the stairs with her heavy bags.她提着沉重的行李艰难地走上楼梯。搭配 struggle against 与斗争,为反对而斗争,struggle for 为争取而斗争,4.Dr Yuan grows what is called super hybrid rice.,袁博士种植了被人称作超级杂交水稻的稻谷。,e.g.I dont quite understand what you are explaining.Please watch

30、what I am doing carefully.,What=the thing(s)that,_the emperor saw was quite different from_ the old minister told him.A.What,that B.That,whatC.Which,that D.All,all,2.It is pretty well understood _controls the flow of carbon dioxide in and out the atmosphere today.A.that B.when C.what D.how,In 1974,h

31、e became the first agricultural pioneer in the world to grow rice that has a high output.,如果名词前面有序数词/形容词最高级修饰,而其后又要用非谓语动词修饰时,该非谓语动词一般使用不定式结构。He was the first runner to pass the finishing line.他是第一个冲过终点线的赛跑者。She is the youngest swimmer to swim across the channel.她是游过那个海峡的最年轻的游泳者。,5.This special strai

32、n of rice makes it possible to produce one-third more of the crop in the same fields.,这种特殊的稻种使得同样的田地多收获三分之一的产量。,it 在句中作形式宾语,真正的宾语为to produce,结构为:动词(make,feel,think,regard)+it+adj+to do.,e.g.We think it important to learn English well.,We consider it our duty to support good leaders.,consider,think,m

33、ake,find,believe,count,declare,deem,fancy,feel,guess,imagine,judge,prove,see,show,suppose,understand,take等.,The new method makes it possible to complete the task faster.,Tom found it very embarrassing to be reminded of the long-standing debt.Susan deemed it advisable to keep the matter secret.We all

34、 feel it nice to be able to visit that distinguished university.,Who can prove it wrong to have a“make-money-quick”mentality?The guide thought _ wrong to eat monkeys.A.this B.it is C.it D.that was,6.Born in a poor farmers family in 1931,Dr.Yuan graduate from Southwest Agriculture College in 1953.袁博士

35、1931年出身于一个贫苦农民的家庭,1953年毕业于西南农学院。,graduate n.a person who has completed a university degree course.毕业生undergraduate 本科毕业生post-graduate 硕士毕业生,研究生,graduate plete an educational course.常跟介词from,表示“毕业于”,graduation n.毕业,e.g.After his graduation from college,he went to work as an engineer in a company.,=Af

36、ter he graduated from college,he went to work as an engineer in a company.,Supplement:bachelors degree 学士学位masters degree 硕士学位doctors degree 博士学位,7.Since then,he has devoted his life to finding ways to grow more and more rice.从那以后,他就把毕生精力投入到水稻高产的研究中。,devote oneself to+n/doing 献身于,致力于注意:to 为介词,后面接v-i

37、ng.类似的短语还有look forward to,listen to,get to,reply to,apologize to,belong to,agree to等等.,8.Dr Yuan searched for a way to increase rice harvest without expanding the area of fields.,袁博士寻求一种在不扩大种植面积的情况下提高水稻产量的方法。,注意:search强调搜查,一般表示目标明确范围较小。search sb 搜身;search spl 搜查某地search for 强调寻找,一般表示范围较大。search for

38、sb 寻找某人,e.g.The police searched the woods for the lost child.,警察在树林里寻找失踪的小孩。,Scientists are still searching for a cure to the common cold.,科学家们仍然在寻找普通感冒的治疗方法。,search/search for/in search of,1.The officer went up _the murder.2.The thieves are _the hidden treasure in the museum.3.Birds fly to the sout

39、h _the winter sunshine.,to search,searching for,in search of,注意:search sb.指“搜查某人”,指对某人进行搜身。search for sb.指“搜寻某人”,指为了要找到某人进行搜寻,相当于look for。例如:,9.Thanks to his research,the UN is trying to rid the world of hunger.,由于他的研究,联合国正在努力清除世界饥饿。,1)thanks to=because of;owing to,e.g._,we won the game.由于你的支持,我们赢得了

40、比赛。,Thanks to your support,2)ridof 使摆脱/清除rid a house of mice 清除室内老鼠rid oneself of debt 还清债务类似用法动词:inform/warn/cureof,The sales manager asked his men to inform him of everything concerning the sales in time.销售部经理让他手下的人把关于销售量的情况及时报告他。,10.Using his hybrid rice farmers are producing harvests twice as la

41、rge as before.用他的杂交水稻种子,农民们种出比以前多一倍的粮食。,倍数词(twice/half/three times/a quarter etc.)+as+形容词原级+as 表示“是的多少倍,e.g.The number of the students in our school is _ in their school.我们学校学生的数量是他们学校的两倍。,twice as large as that,英语中的倍数表达法共有三种形式:(1)倍数+形容词/副词的比较级+than.(2)倍数+as+形容词/副词的原级+as.,(3)倍数+the+名词+of.This buildi

42、ng is five times higher than that one.这座楼比那座楼高出五倍。This building is five times as high as that one.这座楼是那座楼的五倍高。,This building is five times the height of that one.这座楼是那座楼的五倍高。The new building is four times the size of the old one.It is reported that the United States uses _ energy as the whole of Eur

43、ope.A.as twice B.twice much C.twice much as D.twice as much,11.And he would rather keep time for his hobbies.would rather 宁愿,宁可(prefer to)Hed rather work in the countryside.用法1:would ratherthan 宁愿而不,与其不如I would rather watch TV at home than go to the cinema.,用法2:would rather than=would ratherthanFaci

44、ng the enemies,our soldiers would die rather than surrender.面对敌人,我们的战士宁死不屈。Rather than refuse to help you,I would borrow money from my friends.我宁可向朋友借钱,也不愿拒绝帮助你。,用法3:would rather后面也可跟从句表示主语宁愿某人做某事。这时,从句谓语应用虚拟语气,即用一般过去时表示现在或将来要做的事;用过去完成时表示已经做过的事或过去要做的事。Id rather you hadnt told him the news that day.,

45、用法4:would rather have done sth.表示主语要做某事,而结果却事与愿违。Id rather have left a note on her desk.我本想留张字条在她的书桌上。(事实上没有),高考链接-Shall we go skating or stay at home?-Which _ do yourself?(05 全国)do you rather B.would you ratherC.will you rather D.should you rather,答案B would rather do sth.更喜欢做,1)too much 与much too的区

46、别 too much通常位于动词之后,修饰动词,too做much的状语,后面也可接名词。,12.Indeed,he believes that a person with too much money has more rather than fewer troubles.,She does talk too much,doesnt she?He has too much work to do.而much too则常用在形容词或副词之前修饰形容词或副词。The dress is much too long for me.这衣服我穿太长了。I got into the taxi and drov

47、e much too fast.我上了出租车,并开得飞快。,2)rather than 而不是 Mary,rather than her roommates,is going to Beijing.要去北京的是玛丽,而不是她的室友们。,注意:rather than 连接两个名词或代词作主语时,谓语动词应与rather than 前面的名词或代词在人称和数上保持一致。She ran rather than walked.她跑着而不是走着。,He is a student rather than a worker.他是学生,不是工人。They lost some books rather than

48、 money.他们丢了一些书,而不是钱。I decided to write rather than(to)telephone.我决定写信而不打电话。,13.However,he cares little about spending the money on himself or leading a comfortable life.但是他很少想到要把钱花在自己的身上,或享受舒适的生活。lead a life 过生活。英语中少数动词,包括一些不及物动词的宾语可能是与它同源的名词类似的短语动词有:die a death,smile a smile,dream a dream,live a li

49、fe,sigh a sigh etc.,care(little/much)about-be concerned about 关心,介意,后面跟从句时候,about常省略。,care for-look after 照料;like or want 想要,喜欢,e.g.Albert Einstein didnt care much about what to wear.Would you help to care for my pet while I am away?,14.Dr Yuan is more a farmer than a scientist.与其说袁博士是一个科学家不如说他是一个农民。,be more than=not only 不仅仅,超过e.g.Learning is more than reading.,be more+A+than+B 与其说是B还倒不如说是Ae.g.He is more an ordinary person than a leader.,


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