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1、7年级下Unit 5 Amazing thingsComic strip & Welcome to the unit班级: 姓名: 时间: 评价:【目标定向】1. 会读,听懂并能拼写下列词汇:same ,birth, back, earth, fat, fact;理解并识记下列短语:come on, the same size, from birth, stop doing sth, in the back of;能正确运用句型:Fish sleep with their eyes open.2. 了解世界上一些不寻常的现象和事件;3. 使用所学形容词来表达自己的感觉和见解。【个体自学】1.

2、观看关于UFO的图片或视频,讨论: Do you think there are UFOs in the world?2. Hobo和Eddie看到了一件东西,到底是什么呢?让我们看comic strip漫画并观看漫画部分的动画,回答下列问题吧: Did Eddie see a UFO? What did Hobo think it is? Did Eddie think it is a plane? Why or why not? Do you think Eddie is a clever dog?3. 观看老师呈现A部分的图片,了解一些不寻常的现象,学习一些生词和词组:amazing,

3、earth, times, back, bone, fat, same, birth, fact, the same size, from birth, with their eyes open, stop doing sth, in the back of,4. 跟着老师朗读这些生词和词组,并完成A 部分练习。5. 自由朗读并记忆A部分的句子,并用所学词汇填空: sleep with their eyes . Our nose and ears never , but our are the same size from . The Sun is about 1,300,000 larger

4、 than the . There are no in the of elephants feetonly fat. 6. 核对答案,讨论:How do you feel? Isnt that interesting/amazing/great/strange/funny/wonderful?7. Kitty和Amy在讨论这些不寻常的现象,听B部分录音,并回答下列问题: Which pictures are they talking about? What do they think of the facts?8. 两人一组,分角色朗读对话。【同伴互导】1. 对于一些不寻常的事,你和你的同学肯

5、定有话要说吧!模仿Kitty 和Amy 的对话形式,尝试着用其他的句子替换,编写一则对话内容吧!A: Do you know ?B: Yes. . A: Thats . What about ?B: .A: Oh, really?B: Yes. Isnt that ?2. 两人一组,进行对话,选择几组同学上台表演编写的对话。【教师解难】1. 讨论with their eyes open在句子中的作用,试着翻译“他喜欢开着窗睡觉。”和“老师手里拿着一本书走进教室。”2. 讨论stop doing sth 和 stop to do sth 有什么区别之处?【练习检测】一、根据中文提示写出单词。1.

6、 The (令人惊奇的) news made us all surprised.2. We all live in the (地球).3. Dogs like (骨头) very much! 4. The (事实) is that fish sleep with their eyes open.二、选择题。( ) 1. There are lots of things around us. A. amazeB. amazedC. amazingD. amazes( ) 2. -Isnt that a funny thing? - . I like it very much.A. Yes, it

7、 is.B. Yes, it isnt.C. No, it isnt.D. No, it is.三、根据汉语意思完成下列句子。1. 它们只是飞机上的灯。Theyre the the plane.2. 那些衬衫大小都一样。Those shirts are all .3. 那个人有时候睁着眼睛睡觉。The man sometimes sleeps his eyes .4. 这棵树比那棵树高三倍。This tree is that one. 【补充学习】1. 熟记所学生词,词组和相关句型。2. 完成课课练相关练习。3. 预习P58 Reading 部分内容。编写 陶洪7年级下Unit 5 Amazi

8、ng thingsReading ()班级: 姓名: 时间: 评价:【目标定向】1. 阅读Reading部分,了解一件发生在Millie和Amy身上的奇异事情。2. 会读,听懂并能拼写下列词汇:usual, suddenly, anybody, reply, strange, leave, nobody, carefully, happen, everything, search, himself, weak, later, wonder;理解并识记下列短语:as usual, sit down, turn around, on ones way, say to oneself, pick u

9、p, taketo, run away。3. 培养学生相信科学,不要迷信的信念。【个体自学】1. 看图片讨论:Which kind of story do you like best, love story, funny story or ghost story? Are you afraid of ghosts? Do you believe there is a ghost in the world?2. 听一个小故事,学习一些生词和短语:as usual, suddenly, strange, say to oneself, carefully, nobody, whisper, wea

10、k, reply, search, happen, wonder, run away.3. 跟着老师一起朗读这些生词和短语,并完成教材P59页B1部分练习,并核对答案。4. 快速浏览课文,回答问题:What was the ghost?5. 细读课文,回答下列问题: When did the story happen? Who chatted as usual in the park? What did they hear suddenly? How did they feel? Who did they ask for help? Where did they take the cat?6.

11、 默读课文,完成教材P60页 B3部分练习,并核对答案。7. 跟着录音阅读课文,完成教材P60 页B4部分练习,分角色朗读对话,并核对答案。8. 两人一组,完成P59页B2部分的排序练习,核对答案并讨论此类文章的写作风格。9. 四人一组,根据课文内容填空。One S morning, Millie and Amy s under a big tree in Sunshine Park as u . S , they heard a w . They turned around but found n . They asked but nobody r . They left q . On th

12、eir way home, they met Andy. He came to the park and s the bushes carefully. He found the ghost was a w cat. L that day, they took the little cat to the animal c .10. 核对答案,大声朗读短文。【同伴互导】1. 假如你是校报小记者,请你就此事对Andy进行一次采访,编写一段对话:(A: reporter B: Andy)A: When did Millie and Amy go to Sunshine Park?B:A: What

13、did they hear?B:A: Were they afraid?B:A:B:A:B:A:B:A:B:2. 四人一组,根据事件发生的顺序复述课文大意,小组推选代表上讲台展示。【教师解难】1. 尝试在课文中找出下列动词的过去式,比一比谁记得最快。go-sit-hear-reply-are-is-meet-leave-see-say-tell-take-2. It sounded like a whisper.是什么意思?like怎么理解?类似用法还有哪些?【练习检测】一、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示填空。1. (突然), he stops his car. There is a little

14、 dog in front of it.2. You should listen (仔细地). Its very important.3. Our teacher (想知道) when we are going to have a meeting.4. The policemen s the room but didnt find the thief(小偷).5. Millie was afraid because she saw a (奇怪的)man. 6. “What shall I do?” He said to (he)7. The cat was very (虚弱的). It mad

15、e a sound like a (低语).8. She was (惊讶的) when I told her about the thing.9. He never (回复) to any of my letters. So I stopped writing to him.10. A: Who is in the dining room? B: . (没人)【补充学习】1. 熟读课文,记忆所学单词和词组。2. 完成课课练相关练习。3. 同桌之间练习复述课文内容。编写 陶洪7年级下Unit 5 Amazing thingsReading ()班级: 姓名: 时间: 评价:【目标定向】1. 阅读

16、课文,进一步了解文章内容。2. 学习文章中一些重要的短语及句型。3. 通过学习,培养学生热爱自然,热爱科学的情感。【个体自学】1. 阅读课文,并根据课文内容完成一篇短文填空。Last Sunday morning, Millie went to Sunshine Park with Amy. They sat under the big tree as . Suddenly, they a whisper from the bushes. They turned around but saw . Millie asked but nobody . They were and left quic

17、kly. They met Andy and told him . He wanted to help them find out where the whisper came from. So he went to the park. At last, he found a little cat in the bushes. It was very . Andy picked up the little cat and brought it to Millie and Amy. They were . that day, they took the little cat to animal

18、centre.2. 结合课文内容,学习以下短语和句型,并完成相应练习。 as usual一个平常的人 一个不平常的人 They turned around but saw nothing.课文中出现了everything, anybody, nobody这些不定代词,-thing构成的指“物”,-body构成的指“人” 我不认识什么人。 I dont know .冰箱里什么也不剩。There is left in the fridge. on their way home在去学校的路上 在他回家的路上 What happened? 昨天你怎么啦? you yesterday? He searc

19、hed the bushes. 她翻遍所有的所找身份证。 She all the bags her ID card. say to oneself暗自寻思 Millie and Amy were very surprised. 我吃惊于这个令人惊讶的故事。 I am at the story.【同伴互导】1. 两人一组,翻译下列短语。转身 什么都没看见 听起来象低语 捡起,拾起 带去 跑开 仔细地听 动物中心 2. 四人一组,以课文为蓝本进行角色扮演,分别扮演Millie, Amy, Andy和旁白,挑选几组学生进行展示。【教师解难】1. listen, sound和hear有什么区别之处?

20、2. whisper, sound, noise, 和voice是什么意思?【练习检测】一、选择填空( ) 1. The little cat a sound a whisper.A. made; likeB. make; likeC. makes; asD. make; in( ) 2. She is blind (瞎的). She can see .A. anythingB. somethingC. nothingD. everything( ) 3. They that man everywhere yesterday.A. searchedB. lookedC. searched fo

21、rD. look for( ) 4. -What the day before yesterday?-Nothing.A. happens to himB. did he happenC. happened to himD. did happen to him二、读下列句子,按事件的发展进行排序。( ) I found my first job in a factory.( ) I can start to design clothes when I come back to Beijing.( ) I plan to go to the USA to study more about fas

22、hion.( ) I hope I can have a fashion show.( ) I studied fashion designing at a university in Beijing.【补充学习】1. 背诵短文填空,记忆今天所学词汇,词组和句型。2. 完成课课练相关练习。3. 预习P61Grammar一般过去时内容。 编写 陶洪7年级下Unit 5 Amazing thingsGrammar班级: 姓名: 时间: 评价:【目标定向】1. 了解动词过去式的变化规则并掌握一般过去时的构成及用法;2. 会读并能记忆下列词汇:a month ago, the day before y

23、esterday, take photos, have a great time;掌握句型结构:There were a lot of people there. We spent three hours in the museum.3. 能根据情境正确使用一般过去时谈论过去的事情。【个体自学】1. 听一首英文歌曲Yesterday once more,选词填空来完成歌词。wondered, played, made, was, were, lovedWhen I young, Id listen to the radio, waiting for my favourite songs.Whe

24、n they Id sing along, it me smile.Those such happy times and not so long ago.How I where theyd gone. But theyre back again just like a long lost friend.All the songs I so well2. 结合P61例句,以及所给出时间状语,体会一般过去时的用法。3. 两人一组,谈论我们的日常活动,并谈一谈昨天所做的事。4. 讨论因时间的改变而出现的变化,并总结一般过去时的概念:5. 学习规则动词过去式的变化形式并完成下列练习。 talk lov

25、e cry plan 6. 自主学习不规则动词过去式,互相探讨,寻找自己的记忆诀窍,并完成下列练习。 cut hold lend sell is let all make stand do 7. 完成 P62 A部分练习, 核对答案,跟着老师朗读这些单词。8. 完成 P62 B部分练习, 集体朗读并核对答案。9. 完成 P62 C部分练习, 集体朗读并核对答案。【同伴互导】1. 小组PK,说出老师所给动词的过去式,最先说出的小组获胜。2. 四人一组,依次向其他组员介绍自己的经历,把它们写出来,挑选几位同学向全班展示。 【教师解难】1. 组内讨论一般过去时的构成及用法,归纳常见的时间状语。2.

26、ago与before之间的区别吗?【练习检测】一、用所给动词的适当形式填空。1. I (be) born in 2000.2. We (take) a lot of photos last month. 3. Tom (put) the books in the bag and left the classroom.4. I (see) a UFO in the sky last night. 5. We (be) at home yesterday.6. The students (have) a Chinese lesson just now.7. We (eat) some bread

27、for breakfast this morning.8. She (buy) a book the day before yesterday.9. Our classmates (visit) the park last weekend.10. He in Shanghai three years ago, but now he (live) in Shanghai.二、根据中文意思完成句子。1. 简妮喜欢看书。昨晚她看了一本英语书。Jenny likes . She an English book last night.2. 艾玛每天都看电视。可是昨天她没看。Emma TV every d

28、ay. But she yesterday.3. 上周六他们做什么了?他们做作业和购物了。What they Saturday? They homework and .【补充学习】1. 熟记今天所学规则动词和不规则动词过去式的几种变化形式。2. 完成课课练相关练习。编写 陶洪7年级下Unit 5 Amazing thingsIntegrated skills班级: 姓名: 时间: 评价:【目标定向】1. 会读,听懂并能拼写下列生词:ant, camel, snake, little, dry, without, chalk;理解并识记下列短语:live without water, know

29、more about, be afraid of, not any more, hear of, the other day, at the same time;能正确运用句型:Now I am not afraid of animals any more.2. 能从听力材料中获取有关动物知识的相关信息;3. 学会对奇异的事物作出恰当反应,并培养热爱动物,热爱生命的情感。【个体自学】1. 看一些动物的图片,讨论:How much do you know about the animals?2. 结合图片,学习生词: giraffe, snake, camel, ant, heard of, b

30、e afraid of, dry, without, little, not any more, at the same time,跟着老师朗读这些词汇。3. 听A1部分录音,按所听顺序给四种动物排序,并核对答案。4. 浏览下列问题,带着以上问题听A2部分录音,并逐一回答。(如有疑问,可再放一遍录音) How many bones does a giraffe have in its ling neck? What do snakes do in winter? Can camels live without water for a long time? What are ants good

31、at?5. 打开书,再听录音,完成P63A2部分练习,朗读这些句子,并核对答案。6. 根据获取的信息,完成P64 A3部分练习,核对答案,集体朗读感谢信。7. 听Speak up部分录音,回答下列问题: How did the young man travel around over 80 countries? What can the man do with two hands at the same time?8. 两人一组,分角色朗读对话。【同伴互导】1. 四人一组,讨论一些奇异事件,比一比谁知道的最多,并把它们写下来: Wolves are amazing animals. They

32、live in a family and they are friendly to each other. Dogs are mans true friends. A dog in England helped a child out of danger.2. 既然认识了如此多让人惊讶的事,那么和你的小组成员一起说说吧!可以模仿Amy和Simon的对话内容!下面的话题和句型可以帮到你哦!Useful expressions: 1. I hear of 2. Thats cool! 3. Thats really amazing! 4. Do you know anything about ?3

33、. 请将你们的对话写下来,并和你的小组成员表演一下吧!A: B: A: B: A: B: 【教师解难】1. Thanks for helping me. 还可以说成:Thank you for .2. not any more是什么意思?还可以怎么表达? 【练习检测】一、根据句意及汉语提示填空。1. I am afraid of (蛇) very much.2. We cant go to the zoo (没有) tickets.3. I want to sit on the back of that (骆驼).4. Teachers write on the blackboard with

34、 (粉笔).5. I dont want to see any (蚂蚁) in my bedroom.二、选词填空。 not any more live without be afraid of know more about 1. People cannot air. 2. Most children snakes. 3. Children want to animals in Science class.4. I will be late for class .三、根据汉语意思完成句子。1. 我不能再吃了,我已经过饱了。 I cant eat . Im full up.2. 不要怕提问题。

35、 Dont questions.3. 我前几天在镇上看见你的朋友了。I saw your friend in town .4. 她不向我们打声招呼就走了,这是非常不礼貌的。 Its very rude of her to leave us.【补充学习】1. 背诵今天所学词汇,词组和句型.2. 完成课课练上相关练习。编写 陶洪7年级下Unit 5 Amazing thingsStudy skills班级: 姓名: 时间: 评价:【目标定向】1. 能准确朗读动词过去式的-ed结尾的三种发音。2. 学会区分三种情况下-ed结尾的不同发音。3. 口语交际时能正确读出-ed结尾。【个体自学】1. 复习R

36、eading部分的句子,回忆一些动词过去式的构成。如: They turned around. “What happened?” Andy asked. Andy picked up the little cat.2. 跟着老师朗读这些句子,注意-ed结尾的发音。3. 听P65 A部分录音,跟着录音模仿朗读这些单词,归纳总结-ed结尾的三种不同发音规则 后读/t/,如danced 后读/d/, 如 played 后读/id/, 如 needed4. 再次朗读三组动词,并感受它们的发音规则。5. 自由朗读B部分单词的原形与过去式,尝试写出-ed结尾的发音。6. 听B部分录音,核对答案,并集体朗读

37、这些单词。7. 跟着录音朗读P65 C部分对话,三人一组分角色朗读,挑选几组展示。【同伴互导】1. 写出P65 C部分中以-ed结尾单词的正确发音,看谁写的又快又准。closed visited stayed talked enjoyed watched showed played 2. 六人一组进行小组PK,首先准备若干动词过去式,写在一张卡片上,交给老师,然后随机抽取单词卡,仔细辨认单词中-ed结尾的发音,并根据发音归类,正确率高又迅速的小组获取。【教师解难】 分组讨论,解析难点【练习检测】 一、找出下列每组单词中结尾-ed的发音与其余三项不同的单词( ) 1. A. changedB. smelledC. carriedD. visited( ) 2. A. lookedB. finishedC. shoutedD. walked( ) 3. A. dressedB. closedC. stayedD. lived( ) 4. A. wantedB.


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