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1、英语教师课堂用语,四川师范大学外国语学院 秦苏珏2010年5月,Part One:Before the LessonsGreetings 打招呼Formal Greetings 正式的招呼,How do you do?How are you?Nice to meet you.Glad to see you.I am pleased to see you.We are delighted to meet you all.Goodbye!See you next time.,Casual Greetings 随意的问候,How are you doing?Hello,everybody.Hi,bo

2、ys and girls.How are you guys doing?Hey guys,nice to see you again.How are you getting on?Good morning,children/kids.You two must have had a nice day,right?Whats happening?Hows it going?Hey,pal.Hey mate.Nice day today.,After a Holiday 假期归来的问候,Welcome back from the holiday.Welcome back.How was your h

3、oliday?Had a nice weekend?Did you have a nice/good weekend?Did you enjoy your vacation?How was your journey to Hong Kong?Any special stories from your summer holiday?Do you have anything interesting to share with us?,Greetings from the New Teacher新任教师的招呼,Hello,class.Im Jack Lin,your new teacher.Nice

4、 to see you all.Hello,class.Let me introduce myself first.Before the lessons,I would like to introduce myself to you.First of all,I want to say something about myself.Hi,my name is Rice Jefferson,and I will teach you English from now on.My name is David,and we will spend the next year together.We ar

5、e all new here,so why not get to know each other?How about introducing yourselves?Lets start with our monitor.Ken,can you tell us something about your new neighbor?What do you know about your new friend,Lucy?,2.Attendance Confirmation出勤考核,Let me call the roll.Whos on duty?All present?Anybody absent?

6、Is John here?Bobs not here today because he got a fever last night.Does anyone know where Xiao Ming is?Why is John absent?Who knows when Wang Bing will be back?Please hurry up and sit down,weve already started.Dont let it happen again.,3.Being Late 迟到Inquiry to Delayed Students 询问迟到的学生,Why are you l

7、ate?I think a good student should come to school on time.Remember to be on time.Go back to your seat.Weve already started.Come earlier next time.Dont be late next time.Thats all right.Sit down and we can start.Try to be early next time.Try not to be late tomorrow.Get up early and you can go to schoo

8、l on time.Why not get up earlier?Be quick,young man,youre late again.You are always late.You should have somebody wake you up in the morning.,Explanations of Delayed Teachers 教师迟到的解释,Im sorry for being late.Sorry but I am a little bit late.Im sorry,but the traffic,you know,is terrible.Im a little bi

9、t late because I was wanted by the headmaster.Well,next time when the teacher is late,you can read your books instead.Go over your lessons before the teacher comes.,4.Class Arrangement 课堂安排Class Suspension 停课,We will not have lessons on next Monday.Next Friday is National Day,so we will suspend our

10、lessons that day.Our Physical Exercise has been canceled owing to/due to the rain.The playground is under construction and thats why we will have the PE lesson indoors.Your Geography teacher,Miss Li,has gone to a conference in Beijing.So you will miss two Geography lessons this week.I am sorry to te

11、ll you that we have to put off our Dancing lessons for these two weeks.I regret to inform you that Dr.Luo cannot come and give us a lecture this Friday because he has had a car accident.,Making up Classes 补课,Everybody,we have had one suspension last week,right?So weve got to make it up this week.Tod

12、ay,well have one more period in order to make up for one lesson we missed last week.Our missed Geography lesson is going to be made up on this Wednesday.We will have seven days off during the May Day holiday.So shall we have one extra lesson today?,Early Dismissal 早退,It seems that a storm is coming.

13、We can leave 10 minutes early.Since we have the Yellow Rain Warning,weve got to leave earlier.According to the Education Bureau,we have just one period this afternoon.The 2008 Beijing Olympic starts at 6 oclock this afternoon,so you all can go home early and enjoy the Opening Ceremony.,Class Schedul

14、e Change 换课,The Math lesson this morning is changed to the English lesson.There will not be History lesson today but Chemistry lesson this afternoon.Please get ready.Theres a school meeting this afternoon and we have to change two lessons.Everyone,Mr.Brown cannot come to have the lesson this afterno

15、on.So you will have one more English lesson after the first period.Boys and girls,the changing of lesson is on the blackboard.Please write it down in your notebook.,Substitution of a Teacher 代课,Miss Zhang is unable to come today.So I will take her place for a couple of days.Mr.Li will be the substit

16、ute for Ms.Smith and he will take her place from now on.For some reasons,your head teacher cant come to the class so I will be teaching this class instead of him.,5.Class Control 课堂控制Keeping Order 保持秩序,Silence please./Be quiet.Everyone,listen to me.Stop talking now.Ssssshhhh.Whats all this noise?Don

17、t make so much noise.Shut up,all of you.Not another word,boys.Please dont interrupt while Wang Bing is speaking.You should not talk until I tell you to.Stop discussing now.Lets listen to Hans opinion.Dont interrupt and listen carefully when another student is speaking.Dont fiddle with your pen on th

18、e desk.,Compliments 赞扬,Good/Right/Yes/Fine/Correct.Pretty Good!Thats it.You did a great job!You are correct/right about that.Yeah,youve got it.Right you are.Quite right.Your answer is terrific!Youve answered correctly.Your work has improved a lot,and we are all pleased with your progress.,Compliment

19、s 赞扬,Keep it up.Keep on working hard.That is wonderful/great/fantastic.You can express yourself in English quite freely now.Thats the way to do it.Theres nothing wrong with your answer.Thats exactly the point.There is not a single mistake in his answer.I couldnt have given a better answer myself.,En

20、couragements 鼓励,Take it easy.Take your time.I think you can.Youve made a lot of progress.Of course there is room for improvement.Not good enough,but better than last time.You must try harder to improve your command of English.Youll have to spend more time practicing it.You need some more practice wi

21、th these new phrases.Im afraid thats not right.Try next time.Come on,try it again.Try next time.One more time and youll have it.Youre on the right track.You are very good at that.,Encouragements 鼓励,Dont worry about your pronunciation.You have very good pronunciation.Thats coming along nicely.You rea

22、d very fluently.Maybe this will help you.Youre getting better at it all the time.Youve improved quite a lot.Dont be shy.Try to express yourself.You will never know until you give it a try.Dont be afraid/fearful of making mistakes,its a piece of cake.Believe yourself/me/in yourself,its not as difficu

23、lt as it looks.Learning any language takes a lot of effort.But dont give up.,Complaints 抱怨,Behave yourself.Thats no excuse.Thats terrible/bad/rotten/awful.Can you be serious.Come on,now.It smells terrible,who is on duty today?That wasnt very good.Im not at all satisfied.I dont mean to be rude,but ca

24、n you quiet down?Would you please not make so much noise?You cant just do whatever you like.I fell so ashamed of you.How dare you speak to me like that!That was rather disappointing.I wasnt satisfied with the way you did it.You always make the same mistake.You ought to be shamed of yourself.You just

25、 dont listen to me.I have told you several times.,Part Two:Lesson in ProgressAt the Beginning of a Class 开始上课,Lets move on to Lesson 15,Unit 4.Well continue our lesson left from yesterday in this class.Today,we are going to study a new lesson.To begin with,Ill tell you a story.Still remember what we

26、 have learned yesterday?What was the content of the last lesson?What had we talked about last Friday?Lets go over some new words/phrases.Lets continue our story.Do you remember the ending of Part One,Li Ming?Huang Yue,could you tell us the main idea of the story we learned last time?,Instruction 教学指

27、示 Common Instructions 基本提示,Close your book.Are you ready?Look at the blackboard,please.Open your book and turn to page 36.Underline the first sentence in paragraph four.Lets go to the third part of the story.Thats on page 34.You see the notes on the blackboard?They are the answers to the questions o

28、n page 16.Go to the next page/paragraph.Take down the notes on the blackboard.Write down this phrase on your textbook.This phrase is useful.Will you write it down?Now you have five minutes for preparation.Prepare a piece of white paper and a pen,please.We are about to do a dictation exercise.,Readin

29、g 阅读,Read after me.Please read louder.The whole class,“lesson 3”,one,two,begin.“Long,long ago there was a king”one,two,begin.Lets read out the dialogue.The boys will be A and the girls will be B.Everybody reads the text loudly so that you can hear yourself.Lets read the text again.Repeat,all togethe

30、r.Read this paragraph once more and try to repeat it.Read the sentence as quickly as possible.Keep your pace when you are reading.,Reading 阅读,Lets read it with emotion.Skim the whole passage to catch the general ideas.Please read this part carefully and find the topic sentence.Dont worry about new w

31、ords,just try to guess their meaning.Read the text again more slowly and try to answer the comprehension questions.You have three minutes to go over this story and then Ill ask some questions.Go through this text quickly and think about these questions:why,when,where,how did this story happen?,Prese

32、ntation 发言,Whats your idea,Tom?You have any other opinion,John?Do you want to say something,Jack?Do you want to tell us something,Jack?Do you have any better ways to share with the whole class?You can express your feeling.Just put up your hand.I see Jacks putting up his hand.Whats your opinion on th

33、is subject,Jack?I think Stevens right here.What do you say,Bob?Will you make self-introductions of yourselves?Can you describe your trip to Beijing?Please retell the story in your own words.You will have a few minutes to prepare your speech,so you may make a draft first.,Raising Hands 举手,If anyone k

34、nows the answer,please raise your hand.Put up your hand.Show your hands,please.Whod like to have a try?Hands up,please.I see youve put up your hand,Tony.Do you have any questions?You want to say something,John,since your hands up?Have you brought your exam paper with you?If you have,put up your hand

35、.Those who want to take part in the dancing competition,please raise their hands.,Underlining 画线,Please underline the first sentence in the last paragraph.This is the key sentence in this passage.Underline those words to make them obvious to you.Read the underlined phrases next time when you review

36、the text.We can use different lines to classify different part of speech.For example,we use straight lines for subjects and curved lines for predicates.,Take Notes 记笔记,Write down the examples in your notebook.Take it down so that you can recite it.Make the important points on your book.Whenever you

37、come across some new words,you can write them down on a small book.Its better for you to write down your thoughts and impressions after reading an article.Taking down some beautiful sentences from the newspaper is a good way to study.Please review your notes from time to time.,Point out Emphasis 指明重

38、点,Give this paragraph a star mark.This is a very important point because it tells you about why the writer wrote this passage.This is what we are going to learn in this period.Its very important,so please be ready to take notes.Usually the main point of a passage will be found either at the very beg

39、inning or at the end of the text.So does this one.When you are writing,you should let the reader know your attitude towards the topic.The American movie we have just watched carried its western points of value,which differ greatly from our eastern ones.This grammar point may be a little bit difficul

40、t for you to understand,but its very useful.You will come across it later in your textbook.I know these sentence structures are by every means different from our Chinese speaking habit so you should be careful next time when you see them.,Turn to a Page 翻页,Turn back to the previous pageLets go back

41、to the front page.Turn to page 32.We should go over the first part before we go to the second one.We can find out the answer in the page weve just covered.At the end of this page well have several questions.The answers lie in the body of the advertisement weve just read.You can go back to it and fin

42、d out the keys.Now,turn over.Turn to the next page.Lets move on to the next page.Shall we turn over this page and go to page 12?Go to the next part.Read the next page and you may know the reason why we should portect the environment of our planet.Weve finished page 10,so here we go to page 11.,Move

43、on to a New Lesson 上新课,Lets go to the next lesson:Lesson Three.Shall we start a new lesson?How about agoing to todays main story:Lesson Five?As we have reviewed the old text,we are going to begin the new one.The whole class,its time we went to the next lesson.Its high time we continued our story.,Pr

44、eview and Review 预习与复习,Remember to preview the next part.When you go home,you should read the next lesson first and we will discuss it tomorrow.Read the next unit ahead of time so as to get a general idea of it.We will learn Lesson Ten next time.So,go to the new words before the next period.Lets go

45、over what we learned last lesson.Now look atWe are going into a reviewing stage for the upcoming test.Now this is about what we learned last lesson.Are you all clear?To make sure you all understand.I will ask some questions on this passage.Everyone should get into the good habit of previewing the te

46、xt before the class and reviewing the text after the class.,Individual Study 自习,This is the individual study class.You may do your homework in this period.We will have two independent lessons this afternoon.So just go over your homework by yourselves.And the teacher will be sitting in the front to a

47、nswer your questions.Please be quiet and dont bother the others.Keep quiet during the time for individual study and go over the materials taught by the teachers.Tina,you shouldnt read here inside the classroom.Others are working quietly.In the independent lesson,no one has the right to interrupt the

48、 others.If you do have some trouble,please go to the teachers.I am sitting right here.,3.Getting Students Responses to the Class了解学生对讲课的反应Do You Understand?理解了吗?,Does this make sense to everyone?Is this clear to everybody?Is this clear to you?Have you got it?Any problem?Are you all still puzzled?Any

49、 question?Is that OK?Is it clear?Hows point 3 here?Any question?Youve got what I mean?Can you see the point?Have you caught my idea?Anything not clear?,Can You See Clearly the Words on the Blackboard?能看见黑板上的字吗?,Can students sitting at both sides see the words on the blackboard?Is it clear to the stu

50、dents sitting right at the corner?Please close the windows for the light reflection.,Have You Got It?确认是否掌握,Are you sure you are OK with this point?Youve got my idea?You look puzzled,Amy,any questions?To see if you have understood,I will ask you some questions on this passage.I hope its clear.But if


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