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1、Unit 4:Astronomy:the science of the stars,system:教育系统:太阳系:铁路系统:,education system,solar system,railway system,_n天文学 _n 天文学家,_n宗教;宗教信仰 _adj 信仰宗教的_n原子 _ adj 原子的_n球体;地球仪 _adj 全球的,astronomy,astronomer,religion,religious,atom,atomic,globe,global,violent adj.猛烈的;激烈的;强暴的,_ n.猛烈,暴力(行为)_ adv.猛烈地,violence,viol

2、ently,When he got drunk,he became _.Whatever happens,we will never use_.The class were frightened by his _(激烈的语言).,violence,violent,violent language,1).The solodiers were just in time for the rescue.2).You will succeed in time as long as you dont give up.3).She will be back in time to prepare dinner

3、.,及时;正好,迟早;终于,及时,区别in time 与on timein time:_on time:_,及时;正好;迟早;终于,准时;按时,The train arrived _.,on time,in time 来得及;总有一天,迟早in no time 立即,立刻at one time 曾经,一度at times 有时,偶尔on time 按时,准时,1)_,I lost heart in English learning,but my teacher often said to me,“Keep on studying hard,and youll succeed_.”AAt a t

4、ime;in timeBAt a time;on timeCAt one time;in timeDAt one time;on time,C,_与.不同;不像 _像;如_可能的;_不太可能的,unlike,like,likely,unlikely,Its _ him to be late;he is usually on time.Mary,_(不像她的父母),want to live in the cities.Someone who lacks staying power and confidence _(不可能)make a good researcher._(.是有可能的)shell

5、 arrive before seven.,unlike,unlike her parents,is unlikely to,Its likely that,重点句型:Its likely that sb/sth.sb/sth be likely to do.,Its likely that you could suffer from bad health if you keep smoking.You are likely to suffer from bad health if you keep somking.,很有可能他们会提前完成任务。Its likely that they wil

6、l finish the task ahead of time.They are likely to finish the task ahead of time.,伤害;损害n _;伤害;损害v_;有害的 adj _,harm,harm,harmful,相关词组:be harmful to:对.有危害do harm to:对.有危害,(1)过量喝酒对你的身体有害。_your health to drink too much._your health to drink too much._your health to drink too much.(2)许多人争辩说考试弊大于利。A lot of

7、 people argue that exams_.,It is harmful to,It does harm to,It harms,do more harm than good,exist:vi 存在;生存1.We cant exist without food or water.2.Nothing exists on the moon as there is no water and no air.3.Problems also exist in agriculture.4.The old man found it difficult to exist on his pension(养

8、老金)alone.,存在于,靠.活下去;靠.生存,加:减:乘:除:,add;plus;and,subtract;minus,multiply,divide,in ones turn:I will,in my turn,clean the window next week.They,in their turn,made some advice for the plan.,轮到某人,接着,in turns 依次;轮流;相应地take turns to do sth.轮流做某事Its ones turn to do sth.轮到某人做某事,轮到你值日了。你们可以轮流使用电脑。,Its your tu

9、rn to be on duty.,You can take turns to use the computer.,阻止/制止.的发生:,prevent.(from)doing sthstop.(from)doing sthkeep.from doing sth,那场大暴雨使我们没能去那儿。,That heavy rain prevented us(from)going there.That heavy rain stopped us(from)going there.That heavy rain kept us from going there.,【链接训练】Some policeman

10、should be sent to _ them _ the trees.Aprevent;to cut down Bstop;cutting downCkeep;to cut down Dkeep;cutting downIt seems very difficult _.Ato stop the child to cryBto prevent the child cryingCto keep the child cryingDto protect the child from crying,B,B,She _ her eyes _the sun with her hands.她用手遮住太阳

11、光以保护眼睛。,protected,from,puzzle nC难题,谜vt.使迷惑 puzzlement n.困惑puzzling adj.令人困惑的;puzzled adj.感到困惑的(1)be in a puzzle 感到困惑=be in puzzlement(2)puzzle sb.使某人迷惑;puzzle about/over 仔细思考,苦思冥想,I have been _ about this question for weeks now.What _ me was why they didnt take her advice?Its a _ to us why he did th

12、at.Her _look on her face suggested she didnt understand what I said.Tina was _ about the _ problem.,puzzling,puzzled,puzzle,puzzled,puzzled,puzzling,block out:The wall blocks out all the light.Over the years she had tried to block out that part of her life.,遮住;挡住,忘掉;抹去(不愉快的事情),crash:1).He crashed hi

13、s car into a wall.2).He crashed into the other man and both of them landed on the ground.3).The company crashed with much debts.4).The computer that we use now are old and slow,and they often crash.5).plane crash:,碰撞,撞到,公司倒闭,(计算机)死机,飞机坠落,pull:n 拉力;牵引力;扯;引力,I gave the door a sharp pull and it opened.

14、He felt a slight pull at his coat.,我猛地拉开了门。,他感觉上衣被轻轻拉了一下。,pull:v 拉;牵;扯(反义词push),pull in:(进站)停靠;驶向路边(停靠)pull out:离站 pull up:停车;停住 pull through:恢复健康 pull on:匆忙穿上(衣服),Alice _ her sweater and then went out.Ann is very ill,but with careful nursing she _.A car_ beside me,and I got in.,pulled on,pulled thr

15、ough,pulled up,-en:“使.;”形容词后加上en变为动词:,lessen:strengthen:lighten:widen:broaden:sharpen:weaken:,减少;减轻,加强;增强;巩固,减轻;减少;使变亮;变成浅色,变宽;加宽;拓宽,变阔;增长;扩大影响,使变得锋利;使尖锐;,使虚弱;衰弱;减弱,cheer up:Cheer up!The people all over the country will help you rebuild your homes.When I am feeling sad,my mother tells me funny stori

16、es to cheer me up.They gathered around the swimming pool and cheered her on.,振作起来,感到高兴,为.加油;,now that:既然1).既然你不喜欢跳舞,那么就别参加这次聚会了2).既然大家都到齐了,我们就开会吧。3).既然你已经长大了,你不能总是依靠父母。4).既然天气这么好,我们开车去兜风吧。,Now that you dont like dancing,then you will not attend the party.,Now that everyone is here,lets begin our mee

17、ting.,Now that you are grown up,you cant always depend on your parents.,Now that the weather is fine,lets go for a ride.,break out:(战争,疾病或自然灾害)的发生happen:日常用语,偶然发生的事件occur to:常用于句型:An idea occurred to me.It occurred to sb that.take place:正式用语 指已计划、安排或人们积极参与的事情。,You look terrible.What has _?When I am

18、puzzled about the problem,a fantastic idea_ me.The festival _ in July every year.Fire _ during the night,which killed many people.,happened,occurred to,takes place,broke out,watch out:密切注视;当心;提防(单独使用)watch out for.:留意.;当心.watch over:照顾;监督;保护,_!There is a car coming!The passengers were warned to _ th

19、ieves.Would you please _ my daughter while I am out?,Watch out,watch out for,watch over,MKII,a planet billions of kilometers away,is the origin of life in many religions.Physicists have proved the theory that its gentle climate and the pull of its gravity are similar to the earths.And astronomers ha

20、ve found that oxygen atoms and carbon dioxide,which are fundamental to life,exist in its atmosphere through satellites.Cheered up by this news,biologists,in their turn,began to do some research to remove peoples puzzlesNow that there are some suitable conditions,does life really exist on this globe?

21、Do they multiply by laying eggs or giving birth to babies?,Last month,a spaceship was sent there.Its a pity that this mission failed.Unlike the earth,MKII is a much younger planet.Thus,masses of harmful acid clouds float everywhere causing violent chain reactions to break out.These clouds not only blocked out the pilots sight but also damaged the engine system.Luckily,the pilots watched out carefully and prevented the spaceship from crashing in time.,


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