1、Unit 3 Weather,Part B Read and write&Lets check,小学英语(PEP)四年级下册,Lets sing,Free talk:T:Is it cold today?Ss:No,it isnt.Its warm.T:Is it sunny?Ss:NO,it isnt.T:Whats the weather like today?Ss:.,游泳,swim,放风筝,fly a kite,Read and circle,Hi,John!How are you?Im in Sydney now.Its great!Its hot and sunny here.Th
2、e water is warm.I can swim outside.Is it cool and windy in Beijing?Can you fly your kite?Love,Dad,postcard明信片,Read and answer,1.What is the weather like in Sydney?2.Is the water cold in Sydney?3.Can Johns dad swim outside?,Hi,John!How are you?Im in Sydney now.Its great!Its hot and sunny here.The wat
3、er is warm.I can swim outside.Is it cool and windy in Beijing?Can you fly your kite?Love,Dad,No,it isnt.,Yes,he can.,Its hot and sunny.,1.What is the weather like in Sydney?,No,it isnt.,Yes,he can.,2.Is the water cold in Sydney?,3.Can Johns dad swim outside?,Its hot and sunny.,Listen and repeat,Look
4、 carefully and find out:1.明信片包括哪几部分 2.怎样书写明信片,Good to know:(明信片的书写格式),内容格式:1.第一行开头顶格写问候语人名:Hi/Dear.2.第二行空两格写正文。3.署名:Love/Yours.(正文的右下角),贴邮票,书写收件人地址,书写收件人邮编,画一张明信片,按其格式给你的好朋友写一写,尤其要用到我们这节课所学到的重点句型。,Write and say:,Exercise 1,Pair work,Dear_ How are you?Im in_Primary School.Its great!I like it.The weat
5、her is _ and _ here.I can _.Whats the weather like there?Can you _?Tell me something about you.Yours _,Exercise 3,Exercise 2,Listen and tick,Look and match,cold cool hot warm sunny rainy windy cloudy snowy,Step 1:Just listenStep 2:Listen and answer Whats the weather like in Beijing?Step 3:Read and f
6、ind out your questions.(快速默读课文,画出不理解的句子对画出的句子,进行小组讨论分享你们小组的讨论结果)Step 4:Listen and repeat.Step 5:Act out in pairs.,Notes:have a cold 感冒Bless you!保佑你!,Story time,Lets practice,把正确译文的序号填入题前括号内()Can I go outside now?()Whats the weather like in Beijing?()Its cold.()Ill go to Dalian to see you.,A天气寒冷。B我现在能出去吗?C我将要去大连看你。D北京天气怎样?,A,B,C,D,Lets practice,排序No,it isnt.Its 26 degrees.Oh,its warm.Whats the weather like in New York?Its rainy.How about Beijing?Is it cold?,(3)(4)(1)(2),