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1、Unit 12Life is full of the unexpected.,Section A 1a-3c,Do you ever be late for school?,What happened?,I overslept.v.睡过头,睡过。,Unexpected:adj.出乎意料的,意外的,The bus was too crowded to get on.,Unexpected:adj.出乎意料的,始料不及的,There was an accident when I was on my way to school.,Unexpected:adj.出乎意料的,意外的,I forgot t

2、o take my backpack!n.背包,Unexpected:adj.出乎意料的,意外的,充满,Life is full of the unexpected.,1a Look at the pictures.What happened to the girl?,She woke up late.醒来,苏醒,She wanted to use the bathroom but someone was in the bathroom.,She ran to catch the bus.赶公交车,The bus had just left.,She got to school and rea

3、lized she had left her bag at home.,1b Listen to Mary talking about her morning.Complete the sentences.,1.By the time I got up,my brother _ already _ in the shower.2.By the time I got outside,the bus _ already _.3.When I got to school,I realized I _ _ my backpack at home.,had,gotten,had,left,had,lef

4、t,role-play,Boy:Hi,Mary.You look so tired.Mary:Im.I had a bad morning Boy:Really?What happened?,I overslept.,By the time I got up,my brother had already gotten in the shower.,By the time I got outside,the bus had already left.,When I got to school,I realized I had left my backpack at home.,(1)过去完成时态

5、的用法过去完成时表示在过去某一时间或动作之前已经发生或完成了的动作或状态,它描述的动作发生在“过去的过去”。基本结构为“主语+助动词had+过去分词”。否定式为“had not(hadnt)+过去分词”;疑问句中把 had放到主语前面。例如:I overslept.By the time I got up,my brother had already gotten in the shower.,Language points,过去完成时的基本用法:表示在过去某一时刻或动作以前完成了的动作。可以用by,before等介词短语或时间状语从句来表示,也可通过上下文来暗示。如:Had you reac

6、hed the station before ten oclock?你们十点以前已经到达火车站了吗?I had finished writing my composition by 10:00 this morning.今天上午十点以前,我已经写完了我的作文。,Language points,表示由过去的某一时刻开始,一直延续到过去另一时间的动作或状态,常和for,since构成的时间状语连用。如:I had studied English for three years before coming to this school.在我来这个学校之前,已经学习了三年英语。,Language po

7、ints,(2)by the time意为“到时为止,在以前”,引导时间状语从句,主句常用过去完成时。如:By the time I came in,Tom had written his name on the blackboard.当我进来时,汤姆已经把他的名字写在黑板上了。By the time he had lost contact with the Party.这时他已和党失去联系。,Language points,用所给动词的适当形式填空。1.By the time I got up,my mother _ already _(cook)breakfast yesterday mo

8、rning.2.When Jack got home,his sister _(wash)the clothes.3.-What _(happen)to you last week?-I had my bike stolen.,cooked,had washed,happened,had,2a Listen to Mary continue her story.Number the pictures 14 in the correct order.,1,2,3,4,2b Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in brac

9、kets.Then listen again and check your answers.,When I _(get)home,I realized I _(leave)my keys in the backpack.2.By the time I _(get)back to school,the bell _(ring).3.By the time I _(walk)into class,the teacher _(start)teaching already.,got,had left,got,had rung,walked,had started,Unit 12Life is full

10、 of the unexpected.,Section A 2d-3b,When I _(get)home,I realized I _(leave)my keys in the backpack.2.By the time I _(get)back to school,the bell _(ring).3.By the time I _(walk)into class,the teacher _(start)teaching already.,got,had left,got,had rung,walked,had started,Revision,2d Role-play the conv

11、ersation.,Matt:Why were you late for class today,Kevin?Kevin:My alarm clock didnt go o!I kept sleeping,and when I woke up it was already 8:00 a.m.!Matt:Oh,no!Kevin:So I just quickly put on some clothes and rushed out the door.Matt:You didnt eat breakfast?,Kevin:No,I didnt even brush my teeth or wash

12、 my face!But before I got to the bus stop,the bus had already left.Matt:Then how did you get here?Kevin:Luckily,Carls dad saw me on the street and gave me a lift in his car.Matt:Well,at least by the time you got to school,you were only five minutes late for class.,My,alarm,clock,didn,t,go,off!,我的闹钟没

13、,响。,gooff,意为“发出响声”,。,Somethingwaswrongwithmyalarmclockandit,didn,tgooff.,我的闹钟出毛病了,它没有响。,1.Myalarmclockdidntgooff!我的闹钟没响。gooff意为“发出响声”。例:Somethingwaswrongwithmyalarm clockanditdidntgooff.我的闹钟出毛病了,它没有响。,goby,意为“,(,时间,),过去;消逝”,。,Timegoesbysecondbysecond.,时间一秒秒地消,逝。,goon,继续,Pleasegoonworking.,请继续工作。,gob

14、y意为“(时间)过去;消逝”。例:Timegoesbysecondbysecond.时间一秒秒地消逝。goon意为“继续”。例:Pleasegoonworking.请继续工作。,拓展,Language points,2.Carlsdadsawmeonthestreetandgaveme aliftinhiscar.Carl的爸爸在街上看到我,捎了我一程。givesb.alift是动词短语,意为“捎某人一程”,相当于givesb.aride/givearidetosb.例:Imalittlelate,canyougivemealift,dad?我要迟到了,你能捎我一程吗,爸爸?3.at leas

15、t:至少,无论如何,4.rush out:冲出。,What do you know about these pictures?Terrorist attack,Leading in,How about these pictures?Earthquake,3a Read the passage and answer the questions.,Which two events does the writer mention?2.How did the writer end up missing both events?,Life Is Full of the Unexpected,In May

16、 2001,I found a job in New York at the World Trade Center.On September 11,2001,I arrived at my building at around 8:30 a.m.I was about to go up when I decided to get a coee first.I went to my favorite coee place even though(尽管)it was two blocks(街区)east from my oce.As I was waiting in line(成一排)with o

17、ther oce workers,I heard a loud sound.Before I could join the others outside to see what was going on,the first plane had,already hit my oce building.We stared in disbelief(怀疑)at the black smoke rising above(在上面)the burning(燃烧)building.I felt lucky to be alive(活着).Almost 10 years later,I woke up at

18、10:00 a.m.on February 21,2011 and realized that my alarm never went o.I jumped out of bed and went straight to the airport.(机场)But by the time I got to the airport,my plane to New Zealand had already taken o.(起飞)“This,is the first holiday Ive taken in a year,and now I ve missed my plane.What bad luc

19、k!”I thought to myself.The other planes were full so I had to wait till the next day.The next morning,I heard about the earthquake in New Zealand the day before.My bad luckhad unexpectedly turned into a good thing.,Answer the questions,Which two events does the writer mention?The writer mentions the

20、 September 11 attack in New York and the earthquake in New Zealand.,2.How did the writer end up missing both events?The writer went to get a coffee first and was not in the office when the plane hit the World Trade Center.He/she had over slept and missed his/her flight,so he/she is able to avoid the

21、 earthquake.,Summary,The World Trade Center was hit bya plane,September 11,2001,In New York,He decided to get a coffee first from a coffee place two blocks away.,Earthquake,February 22,2011,In New Zealand,He missed his planeto New Zealand.,above 意为“在之上”作介词,意为“在上面;超过;优于”。例:Themoonisnowabovethetrees.月

22、亮正位于树梢上。Theyarechildrenabovesixyearsold.他们是六岁以上的孩子。Inthecompany,DickranksaboveTom.在公司里,迪克的地位比汤姆高。,above,on,over的用法,辨析,above,over,on,a.above的意思是“在之上;高于”,表示相对高度,不一定是在正上方,它的反 义词是below.例:Theplaneflewabovetheclouds.飞机在云层上面飞行。b.over的意思是“在之上”,表示在垂直之 上,其反义词是under.例:Thereisabridgeovertheriver.河上有座桥。c.on的意思是“

23、在上面”,表示与表面接触。例:Heputthebookonthedesk.他把书放在课桌上。,3b Find words from the passage with opposite meanings to the words below.Then write a sentence with each word.,lost:_ _ 2.west:_ _,found,east,I found the money on the floor.,The sun rises in the east.,3.below:_ _4.dead:_ _5.empty:_ _,There was a large b

24、ird flying above us.,above,His family was so happy to hear that he was still alive.,alive,full,The train was so full that I couldnt get on at all.,练习题,一、单项选择,1.-Whywereyoulatethismorning?-Myalarmclockdidnt_,soIoverslept.A.goby B.goon C.gooff D.godown2.WhenIgottothecinema,themovie_for fiveminutes.A.b

25、egan B.hadbegun C.hadbeenon D.hasbeenon,C,C,3.Shewillbeanurse_shegraduatesfromtheschool.A.bythetime B.atthistime C.atthattime D.atatime4.I_thismorningandmissedtheearly bus.A.overslept B.slept C.held D.caught,A,A,5.-Mark,youlooksotired.-Oh,Iworked_itwas12oclocklast night.A.unless B.after C.till D.as6

26、.Teachersareoftencomparedto_ candles.A.burnt B.isburning C.burns D.burning,C,D,二、根据汉语意思完成句子。,1.当我到车站时,火车已经开走了。_Igottothestation,the train_ left2.长大后,他会离开这儿。He_herebythetimehe_up.3.他捎我去车站。He_tothestation.,By the time,had already,will leave,grows,gave me a lift,4.有时,坏事可以变成好事。Abadthingcanbe_agood onesometimes.5.你知道飞机什么时间起飞吗?Doyouknowwhentheplanewill_ _?6.房间里全是学生。Theroom_students.,turned into,take,off,is full of,HomeworkMake conversations with your partners to narrate past things using“by the time”.Master the words in this unit and pre-view next part.,Thank You!,


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