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1、第七单元语法知识及练习题,现在完成时的被动语态,1.掌握现在完成时被动语态的构成现在完成时被动语态的结构为hashave been done,使用has been done时主语为单数,使用have been done时主语为复数。This book has been translated into many llanguages.这本书已被译成多国语言。His bikes have been sold out.他的自行车已都卖完了。,2.理解现在完成时被动语态的概念现在完成时被动语态强调一个发生在过去的被动性动作,它有两层意思:动作已经完成,强调对现在造成的影响或结果。主语与谓语动词之间为被

2、动关系。Our classroom has been cleaned,you neednt clean it now.我们的教室已被打扫过,你现在没必要再打扫了。These flowers have been watered,you can go home.这些花已被浇水了,你可以回家了。,特点:1.主语是行为动作的承受者。如:The Great Wall has been rebuilt.长城已经过重建。2.说话时已经完成的动作或出现的结果。如:The door has been locked.门已经被锁上了。(我或别人现在进不去),3.动作或状态始于过去,持续到现在,并可能持续下去。如:H

3、e has been told about it for many times.有人告诉他这事很多次了。(可能还会有人告诉他)4.用在时间和条件状语从句中,表示将来某时已完成的动作。如:Well start as soon as the work has been finished.工作一完成我们就立即动身。,3.现在完成时被动语态的用法(1)用于不知道动作执行者是谁时。His bikes have been stolen.他的自行车被人偷了。(不清楚是谁偷的)(2)用于动作执行者是泛指或不言自明时.Not a book in the library has been taken away.图

4、书馆里的书没有一本被人拿走。(没人拿书,泛指),(3)用于可以说出动作执行者,但动作承受者是谈话中心或特别需要强调时。My watch has been repaired.我的表修好了。(表修好了是谈话的主旨,是谁修好无关紧要,不必提及)(4)用于出于委婉礼貌而避免提及自己或对方时。Enough has been said here on this question.关于这个问题,这里已经谈得不少了。(意思是:大家不要再说了),(5)用于文章标题、广告、新闻等,常用省略助动 词be的被动语态。Road Blocked.道路已被堵塞。(新闻报道,省略了助动词has been。)(6)用于动作的执

5、行者不是人时。The house has been washed away by the storm.那幢房子已被暴风雨冲走了。(7)用于商务书信中起草人是以公司名义时。Your letter has been received.来信已收到。,4.现在完成时被动语态的各种句型变换从现在完成时被动语态结构hashave been done可以看出hashave为助动词,因此现在完成时被动语态的各种句型变换均应借助hashave来完成。构成否定句时直接在hashave后面加not,构成一般疑问句时将hashave提前。Has this bridge been finished?这座桥竣工了吗?Hi

6、s homework hasnt been finished他的家庭作业还没有写完。The black board has been cleaned,hasnt it?黑板已擦过了,是吗?,注意点1.副词的位置often,usually,always,never,hardly,seldom等频度副词置于have/has和been中间。如:误 Such a man has been hardly believed.正 Such a man has hardly been believed.,2.并不是所有动词都有被动语态1)happen,take place,break out,belong t

7、o,cost,last等不及物动词或词组无被动语态。如:误 Great changes have been taken place in China since 1978.正 Great changes have taken place in China since 1978.2)open,break,drop等不强调动作发出者时常用主动语态。如:误 The door has been opened of itself.正The door has opened of itself.,3.短语动词不可分割或省略其中的介词或副词。如:The SARS patients have been take

8、n good care of.,He has to look after the little baby.,主,谓,宾(受动者),The little baby,has to be looked after,by,him.,改为被动语态,Tom will clean the room tomorrow.,主,谓,宾(受动者),The room,will be cleaned,by,Tom,tomorrow.,His brother washes bowls every day.,主,谓,宾(受动者),Bowls,are washed,by,his brother,every day.,1.th

9、e city officials,make,a plan,to turn Beijing into a green city A plan has been made to turn Beijing into a green city by the city officials.,Rewrite the following sentences using the Present Perfect Passive Voice.,2.millions of people from all over the world,visit,the Great Wall The Great Wall has b

10、een visited by millions of people from all over the world.,3.China,send up,another space capsule Another space capsule has been sent up by China.,4.tourists,damage,some cultural sites Some cultural sites have been damaged by tourists.,5.the villagers,set up,a website,to help people learn more about

11、the cultural relics A website has been set up by the villagers to help people learn more about the cultural relics.,6.the Russian government,turned into museums,these palaces These palaces have been turned into museums by the Russian government.,1.People use knives for cutting things.Knives _ _ for

12、cutting things.2.The students clean the windows of their classroom twice a month.The windows of their classroom_ _ twice a month.,are used,are,cleaned,EXERCISES,3.I found the ticket on the floor._ _ _ _ on the floor.4.I told her to return the book in time.She _ _ to return the book in time.5.His doc

13、tor made him have only two meals a day.He _ _ _ _ only two meals a day.,The ticket was found,was told,was made to have,6.Now people can use computers to help them.Now computers _ _ _ to help them.7.Did you plant many trees at this time last year?_ _ _ _ at this time last time?8.Must we finish our wo

14、rk today?_ our work _ _ today?,can be,used,Were many trees planted,Must,be finished,9.The foreign friends gave us some wonderful stamps.1)_ _ _ some wonderful stamps.2)Some wonderful stamps _ _ _ _.10.The teacher asked Tom to turn on the computer.Tom _ _ to turn on the computer.,We were given,were g

15、iven,to us,was asked,11.In this factory women do most of the work.Most of the work _ _ by women in this factory.12.He can mend the bike in two days.The bike _ _ _ in two days.,is done,can be mended,13.You must take this medicine three times a day.This medicine _ _ _ three times a day.14.The students

16、 in this school study German.German _ _ by the students in this school.,must be,taken,is studied,15.Do they often talk about this question?_ this question often _ about _ _?,Is,talked,by them,单项选择:,1.My pencil _ the day before yesterday.A.found B.was found C.were found 2.His letter _ soon.A.will fin

17、ish B.was finished C.will be finished,3.The work _ well _ and my mother smiled.A.is,done B.was done C.will be,done4.A new lab building _ in their school in a year.A.puts up B.was put up C.will be put up,5._ Chinese _ by the largest number of people in the world.A.Is,spoken B.Was,spoken C.Were,spoken

18、6.The bottle _ with medicine by the nurse.A.was filled B.was filling C.was full,7.Today many trees are being cut in our country.So more trees _.A.must plant B.must be plant C.must be planted8.Man-made satellites _ into space by many countries since 1960.A.have sent up B.have been sent up C.has been

19、send up,9._ the homework _ the day after tomorrow?A.May,be handed inB.Maybe,handed inC.May,hand in10.My father _ not to smoke any more.A.told B.is told C.are told,1.When and where to go for the on-salary holiday _ yet.A.are not decided B.have not been decided C.is not being decided D.has not been de

20、cided,D,2.Every possible means _ to prevent the air pollution,but the sky is still not clear.A.is used B.are used C.has been used D.have been used,C,3.All the preparations for the task _ and were ready to start.A.completed B.complete C.had been completed D.have been completed,D,4.Some new oilfields

21、_ since 1976.A.were opened up B.has opened up C.have been opened up D.had been opened up,C,5.The silence of the library _ only by the sound of pages being turned over.A.has been broken B.breaks C.broke D.was broken,A,补充:1.含有复合宾语的主动句,若宾补不是带to的不定式,变为被动句后必须带to,1.We often hear him sing in the next room.

22、He _ often _ in the next room.,heard to sing,is,2.The boss made the workers work 14 hours a day.The workers _ 14 hours a day.3.They made little Tom walk up and down.Little Tom _ by them up and down.,were made to work,was made to walk,2)含有短语动词的主动句变为被动句时,不要遗漏与动词连用的介词或副词。,1.We should take good care of

23、the sick child.The sick child_.,should be taken good,care of,2.People listened to the speaker carefully.The speaker _carefully by people.3.His friends often laugh at him.He _ often _ by his friends.,is,laughed at,was listened to,3)含有双宾语的主动句变为被动句时,直接宾语和间接宾语都可作主语。,1.My friends sent me some beautiful s

24、tamps.I _ some beautiful stamps by my friends.Some beautiful stamps _me by my friends.,was sent,were sent to,2.We gave Mike nice gifts on his birthday.Mike _ nice gifts by us on his birthday.Nice gifts _ Mike by us on his birthday.,was given,were given to,完成句子:,1.离开前必须把房间的灯关掉吗?_the lights in the roo

25、m _ before you leave.2.老板要他干些累活。He _ hard work by his boss.,Must,be turned off,is made to do,3.这些报纸不可以拿走。These newspapers _.4.这幅油画被卖到了巴黎的一间博物馆。The painting _ a museum in Paris.,cant be taken away,was sold to,5.用主动形式表示被动意义的常见情况:,(1)一些由及物动词转化而来的不及物动词加well,easily等副词。如:clean,read,sell,wash,write,cook,cu

26、t等。,1.This shirt _(clean)easily.2.Her novels _(sell)well.3.The new pen _(write)well.,cleans,sell,writes,(2)某些感观动词和系动词加形容词作表语,如:feel,look,smell,sound,taste等。1.The water _(feel)very cold.2.The food _(taste)very delicious.,feels,tastes,(3)表示开始、结束、持续发生等的动词,如:begin,close,end,open,last,happen,take place。1

27、.The meeting _(last)two hours yesterday.2.Great changes _(take place)in the past 10 years.,lasted,have taken place,用所给动词的正确时态和语态填空:1.The shop _(open)at half past eight in the morning.2.Sandy _(think)to be the best student in his class.3.The man _(see)to go into the house in his class.,opens,is thoug

28、ht,was seen,4.The children _(take)good care of in the kindergarten.5.This book _(cost)you ten yuan.6.This book _(must return)to the library on time.7.The Chinese Communist Party _(found)in July,1921.,are taken,cost,must be returned,was founded,8._ this song often _(sing)by the students?9._ the compo

29、sition _(hand)in tomorrow morning?10.-_Joan _(give)you an English-Chinese Dictionary yesterday?-No.I _(give)an English-English dictionary.,Will,be handed,Is,sung,Did,give,was given,1.All the chairs in the room are made _wood.2.The wine is made _ grapes.3.The machine was made _ Uncle Wang.4.This kind

30、 of bike is made _ China.5.The radio is used _ Mike _ learning English.,注意被动语态中介词的搭配:,of,from,by,in,by,for,6.English is used _ the second language in some countries.7.Some of the letters are written _ French.8.The song was written _ a teacher.9.The article was written _ a pen.,as,in,by,with,Complete

31、 the sentences.1.You can see the house _ _(未油漆)for years.2.How many workers _(已派遣)to build the railway?,has not been,painted,have been sent,3.-Why does Mary look so unhappy?-She _(被嘲 笑)by her classmates.4.It is said that the house _ _(闯进了)by two thieves.,has been laughed at,broken into,has been,6._

32、his views _(受 到批判)by them?7.The two pens _ _(未被拿走)by him.8.Where _ the television _ _(已经修理了)?,Have,been criticized,have not been,taken away,has,been,repaired,9.The price of a color TV set _ _(降价了)again.10.What _(已被 译成)into many foreign languages?,been brought down,has,has been translated,The student

33、s have collected two thousand used batteries in the past three months.,First translate,then change into passive voice.,在过去的三个月里学生们已经收集了二千节旧电池(n.battery)。,The garden workers have already finished 80%of the rebuilding of the temple.,He has given the old TV set to his neighbour.,他已将那台旧电视机送给邻居了。,园林工人已完成寺庙百分之八十的重建任务。,China has sent up scores of man-made satellites into space.,Mr.Smith has returned the dictionary and magazines to the library.,中国已向太空发射了几十颗人造卫星。,史密斯先生已把词典和杂志归还给了 图书馆。,


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