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1、The Violence of Nature,Module 3,1.1.1集合的概念,第二课时Grammar IEveryday English and Function,1.1.1集合的概念,Module 3,.过去完成时的被动结构根据汉语完成句子。By the time the tornado ended,more than 700 people_.到龙卷风结束时,700多人已经死亡了。Coghlan travelled back to Canadaafter he_in Texas!科格伦在埋葬在得克萨斯州之后又回到了加拿大!,had been killed,had been burie

2、d,Many tall buildings had been built in this city_last year.到去年年底这个城市建起了许多高楼大厦。Six hundred trees had been planted by them_.到上星期三之前他们已经种了600棵树了。,by the end of,before last Wednesday,.间接引语根据汉语完成句子。He said,“I am working now.”He said that he_then.他说他那时正在工作。She said,“Do you often come here to read newspap

3、ers?”She_me if/whether I often_there to read newspapers.她问我是不是经常去那里读报。,was working,asked,went,He asked,“Where do you live?”He asked me_.他问我住在哪里。“Go out!”the man said to the boy.The man_the boy_go out.那人命令男孩出去。,where I lived,ordered,to,1.ruin1)n.倒塌的建筑物;废墟常用于结构:be/lie in ruins 破烂不堪;呈一片废墟Did you see th

4、e ruins of a bombedout office block?你见到过被炸毁的办公楼的废墟吗?The castle now lies in ruins.这座城堡已成为一片废墟了。,2)vt.(完全地)毁坏;毁掉;使破产She poured water all over the painting and ruined it.她把水倒在这幅画上,把画毁了。I was ruined by that law case.我被那场官司搞得倾家荡产。,知识拓展be in ruins 呈一片废墟fall into ruin 已成废墟bring sth.to ruin 使毁灭come to ruin

5、毁灭;落空go to ruin 毁灭ruin oneself 自我毁灭,词语辨析ruin,destroy,即学即用语法填空Her injury_(ruin)her chances of winning the race this time but she will keep on doing her best to achieve her dream.答案:has ruined句意:她的伤病毁灭了她这次赢得比赛的机会,但是她会为了实现自己的梦想继续努力。ruin“毁坏;毁灭”,后可接抽象名词,符合题意。,2erupt vi.(火山的)爆发;喷发;突然发生The volcano erupted

6、and killed all the dinosaurs.火山爆发,杀死了所有的恐龙。Laughter erupted from the audience.观众爆发出笑声。Violence erupted in the city after the football match.足球赛后城市发生了暴力事件。,词语辨析erupt,explode,burst,知识拓展eruption n.U,C(火山的)爆发;喷发;突发The eruption of volcano makes many people lose their lives.火山的爆发使许多人丧失了生命。It resulted in t

7、he eruption of the crisis in Asia.那件事促成了亚洲危机的发生。,即学即用语法填空It was during the night that the volcano _(erupt)suddenly,so few people survived.答案:erupted句意:火山是在晚上突然爆发的,所以几乎没人活下来。erupt指火山的“喷发”。符合题意。,3previous adj.先的;前的;以前的Who was the previous owner of the car?这辆汽车以前的车主是谁?Have you had previous career exper

8、ience?你过去有过工作经验吗?,搭配previous to 在之前His father died two hours previous to his arrival.他父亲在他到达之前两小时去世了。Previous to leaving for France,he studied a lot about the country.他在启程去法国前,对有关法国的事情作了相当多的研究。,词语辨析previous,formerHe said he had arrived on the previous night.他说他是前一天夜里到达的。She is my former landlady.她是我

9、以前的房东。,即学即用语法填空In the opening ceremony,the_championship,wearing his gold medal,lit the flame gladly.答案:previous句意:在开幕式上,上一届冠军戴着金牌高兴地点燃了圣火。previous“先前的;早先的”,符合题意。,4possibility n.可能;可能性;可能发生的事(常用复数)Is there any possibility of your getting to London this week?本周你有可能去伦敦吗?What seemed impossible seems a d

10、istinct possibility.过去看似不可能的事现在显然有可能了。知识拓展possible adj.可能的Ill do everything possible to help you.我会尽一切可能帮助你。,词语辨析possible,probable,likely,Frost is possible,although unlikely,at this time of year.在一年中的这个时候,下霜也是可能的,虽然可能性并不大。Its highly probable that they will win the match.他们很可能会赢得这场比赛。Its very likely

11、to clear up by and by.很可能不久要放晴了。,即学即用语法填空(1)Is there any possibility_you could pike me up at the airport?No problem.答案:that题意:“你有可能去机场接我吗?”“没问题。”possibility后是说明其内容的同位语从句,从句不缺少成分,故用that引导。,根据汉语提示完成句子(2)人们在进行滑板运动时,会意识到可能受伤吗?Is everyone aware of_injury when skateboarding?答案:the possibility of,5terrifyi

12、ng adj.吓人的;可怕的Last night I heard a terrifying sound.昨晚我听到了可怕的声音。知识拓展1)terrified adj.恐惧的;受惊吓的He was terrified at the sight.看到这景象他吓了一跳。2)terrify vt.使恐怖;恐吓The noise which he had made terrified me.他弄的这些声音吓了我一跳。,3)英语中一些表心理变化的动词,其ing和ed形式通常起形容词作用,在句中作定语或表语。ing形式表示“令人的”;ed形式表示“某人感到的”。常见的成对的形容词有:interesting

13、 有趣的;引起兴趣的/interested 对感兴趣的surprising 令人惊奇的/surprised 对感到惊奇的exciting 令人兴奋的/excited 对感到兴奋的moving 感动人的/moved 受感动的inspiring 鼓舞人心的/inspired 受到鼓舞的puzzling 令人迷惑的/puzzled 感到迷惑的,即学即用语法填空The little girl stood there,not knowing what to do,_(terrify)by what she had seen.答案:terrified根据句子结构可知,该句不是并列句。terrify意为“使

14、害怕”,与句子主语之间是逻辑上的被动关系,故应用动词ed形式。,6luckily/fortunately 幸运地是(常用作插入语,放在句首,用逗号隔开)Luckily/Fortunately,I passed the exam.幸运的是,我考试及格了。知识拓展1)反义词:unluckily/unfortunatelyUnluckily/Unfortunately,he didnt get the job.不幸的是,他没有得到这份工作。,2)lucky/fortunate adj.好运的,幸运的It was lucky/fortunate that I met you here.我在这儿见到你真

15、走运。I was very lucky(fortunate)to get a copy so cheap.我这么便宜地买到一本,真是幸运极了。3)luck n.运气fortune n.运气;财富4)常用来修饰全句的副词有:fortunately/luckily(幸运地);unfortunately/unluckily(不幸的是);thankfully(感谢地);hopefully(满怀希望地);sadly(悲伤地);happily(高兴地)。,即学即用语法填空_(fortunate),the fire was discovered soon after it had started.答案:Fo

16、rtunately题意:幸运的是,大火刚着不久就被发现了。fortunately“幸运地”,符合题意。,7warning n.警告;告诫Thanks to my mothers warning,I didnt get caught in the rain.多亏了妈妈的警告,我没有挨雨淋。There is a warning on the bottle of the medicine.那药瓶上标有注意事项。,知识拓展warn vt.1)(常与of,against/about连用)警告;提醒;告诫I was warned of the man.有人警告我要提防那个男人。Our teacher wa

17、rned him against smoking.我们老师警告他不要吸烟。上句也可说成:Our teacher warned him not to smoke.,I warned him of the danger.我提醒他有危险。He had been warned not to talk to anyone.已警告过他不要与任何人交谈。He warned me against crossing the street at that place.他警告我不要在那个地方过马路。,即学即用语法填空My father warned me_going to the West Coast becaus

18、e it was crowded with tourists.答案:against考查介词用法。句意:我父亲警告我不要去西海岸,因为那里挤满了游客。句中谓语动词warned和介词against搭配,构成warn sb.against doing sth.相当于warn sb.not to do sth,意思是“警告某人不要干某事”。,8thankfully1)adv.幸亏There was a fire in the building,but thankfully no one was hurt.大楼失火了,但幸好没有伤着人。Thankfully,the house was empty whe

19、n I got home.谢天谢地,我到家的时候房子还空着。2)adv.高兴地;感激地I accepted the invitation thankfully.我愉快地接受了邀请。,知识拓展thank v.谢谢;感谢thankless adj.不感激的;不领情的thanks n.感谢;感激Thanksgiving n.感恩节,即学即用语法填空_(thankful),I managed to get through the game and the pain was worth it in the end.答案:Thankfullythankfully用于表示高兴或宽慰,意为“感激地,满怀感谢地

20、;感到欣慰地,感到高兴地”。符合题意。,9hopefully adv.满怀希望地;有希望地The fans waited hopefully in the hall to see their favourite singer.歌迷们满怀希望地在大厅里等待,以期见到他们最喜欢的歌手。Hopefully well have finished the project by the end of this month.我们有希望于本月底结束这项工程。,知识拓展hopeful adj.满怀希望的;有希望的He was the most hopeful candidate for the presiden

21、cy.他是最有希望当选总统的候选人。Im hopeful that hell arrive early.他会早到的,我对此抱有希望。,即学即用语法填空The committee is discussing the problem right now.It will_(hopeful)have been solved by the end of next week.答案:hopefully考查副词辨义。hopefully“有希望地”,符合题意。句意:委员会正在讨论这个问题,有希望在下个周末得到解决。,10sadly adv.伤心地;不幸地He stared sadly at the ruins

22、of his house.他悲伤地凝视着他那坍塌的房屋。Sadly,he died before he could see his grandchild.不幸的是,在看到孙子之前他就去世了。知识拓展sad adj.悲伤的;难过的sadness n(sad 悲哀ness名词后缀)悲哀,悲伤,即学即用语法填空They looked_(sad)at the burnt clothes and didnt know_to do.答案:sadly;what第一个空格为副词sadly修饰短语动词look at;第二个空格为“what不定式”结构。句意:他们伤心地看着被烧坏的衣服,不知所措。,11manag

23、e vi.设法,努力,争取;管理We managed to get what we wanted.我们设法得到了我们想要的东西。We finally managed to get there in time.最后我们及时赶到了那里。The old man is managing the store all by himself.这个老人独自经营这家商店。,搭配manage to do设法做成注意:manage后只能接动词不定式作宾语,不可接动名词。英语中很多词都是强调结果的,如果做不到或不成功就不能使用,manage就是其中一个。此外还有:escape(逃脱)与flee(逃跑);persuad

24、e(说服)与advise(劝说);save(救出)与rescue(营救);see(看到)与look(看);be able to(强调做到)与can(只强调可能性);shoot at(向射击)与shoot(射中);listen(听)与hear(听见)等。,辨析manage,tryThey tried time and time again and at last they managed to escape to South America.他们试了一次又一次,最后设法逃到了南美。,拓展manager nC经理management nU管理即学即用语法填空The readings in the

25、paper is rather difficult,but the girl managed_read it over and got the general idea.答案:to句意:报上的内容很难,但这个姑娘却读通了它,还了解了其大意。manage to do sth.“设法做成了某事”,强调结果,符合题意。,1.according to.根据;按照;据所说;按所记载According to todays newspaper,the chairman has gone abroad.据今天的报纸报道,主席已经出国了。According to the radio,it will be sno

26、wy today.据广播报道,今天将会下雪。,知识拓展accord n.一致;符合;vi.&vt.相符合;一致;授予;赠予accordance n.一致;和谐in accord with 与一致;与相符with one accord 一致地;一致同意地of ones own accord 出于自愿;主动地in accordance with 与一致;按照We acted in accordance with your wish.我们是按你们的意愿办事的。,即学即用翻译句子据米克说,这是一部了不起的电影。_答案:According to Mick,its a great movie.,2catc

27、h fire 着火This material is not easy to catch fire.这种材料不易着火。Take that carpet awayit might catch fire.把那块地毯拿开,它可能会着火。,联想,即学即用语法填空The pile of paper cant_fire;someone must have_fire to it.答案:catch;set题意:这堆纸不会自己着火,肯定是有人点着的。catch fire“着火”,侧重动作,均为固定搭配。,3put out 扑灭(火);关(灯);伸出;生产;出版The firemen soon put the fi

28、re out.消防队员不久就扑灭了那场火。The doctor told the boy to put out his tongue.医生让男孩把舌头伸出来。The plant puts out 50 cars a week.这个工厂每周生产50辆汽车。,They have put out a weekly newspaper.他们已经出版了一份周报。,词语辨析put out,go outThe fire spread so quickly that they couldnt put it out.火势蔓延太快,他们无法将其扑灭。There was a power cut and all th

29、e lights went out.停电了,所有的灯都熄灭了。,即学即用语法填空The fire was_at the cost of a firemans life.答案:put out句意:这场火灾的扑灭是以一位消防队员的生命为代价的。put out“扑灭;熄灭”,为及物动词短语,符合题意。,4take place 发生;举行The story took place in a seaside village.这个故事发生在海边的一个村子里。When will the football match take place?足球比赛什么时候举行?,词语辨析take place,occur,hap

30、pen,When will the wedding take place?婚礼何时举行?Thunderstorms often occur in summer.雷雨常发生于夏天。How did the accident happen?事故是如何发生的?,即学即用Have you heard of the story The Merchant of Venice?No.When and where did the story the_?答案:place题意:“你听说过威尼斯商人这个故事吗?”“没有。这个故事是在什么时间什么地方发生的?”take place“发生”,符合题意。,图解语法助记(),

31、表解语法助记()过去完成时的被语态由“助动词hadbeen过去分词”构成。,图解语法助记(),表解语法助记()(1)时态变化,(2)指示代词、时间状语、地点状语、方向性动词的变化,Jack said,“I have been working here for a dozen years.”Jack said that he had been working there for a dozen years.杰克说他在那儿工作12年了。He said to me,“I read it yesterday.”He told me that he had read it the day before.

32、他告诉我他昨天已经读过了。The teacher said,“Please bring all the books downstairs up here.”The teacher asked the students to take all the books downstairs up there.老师让学生把楼下所有的书拿到楼上来。,(3)人称的变化,即学即用语法填空(1)George and Lucy got married last month.Did you go to their wedding?No,I_(invite)答案:hadnt been invited句意:“乔治和露西

33、上月结婚了。你去参加他们的婚礼了吗?”“没有。我没被邀请”。婚礼是在上个月举行,被邀请应是在婚礼举行之前,所以是过去的过去,应用过去完成时的被动语态。,(2)Although the city_(strike)by storms several times,little damage was done.答案:had been struck句意:虽然这个城市几次遭到暴风雨的袭击,但几乎没有受到损坏。动词strike与主语the city之间是动宾关系,因此用被动语态。strike这一动作发生在was done之前,即“过去的过去”,因此用过去完成时。,(3)What made the schoo

34、l famous was that more than 90%of the students_(admit)to key universities.答案:had been admitted句意:使这所学校出名的是90%的学生被重点大学录取。more than 90%of the students与admit之间是被动关系,且admit这一动作发生在谓语动词之前,故用过去完成时的被动结构。,(4)I beg your pardon?I want to buy toothpaste.Oh.You said_wanted to buy toothpaste.答案:you句意:“请再说一遍好吗?”“我

35、想买牙膏。”“哦。你说你想买牙膏。”直接引语变为间接引语时,第一人称要改为与引述部分主语一致的人称。,(5)Ann,what did the teacher say?She said_film was moving.答案:that句意:“安,老师说什么了?”“她说那部电影很感人。”在直接引语中指示代词用this,在间接引语中用that。(6)He told me that he would go to the zoo _(tomorrow)答案:the next day句意:他告诉我说他第二天要去动物园。在间接引语中表示将来的时间状语tomorrow要变为the next day或the fo

36、llowing day。,(7)Tim_(ask)me to repeat my address.答案:asked句意:蒂姆要我重复一下自己的地址。若直接引语是表示请求或命令的祈使句,变为间接引语时,应使用ask sb.(not)to do sth.结构。(8)He said that he_(visit)most places of interest in Europe by then and that he_(leave for)China the next day.答案:had visited;would leave for句意:他说到那时他已经参观了欧洲的大部分名胜,他将于第二天前往中

37、国。直接引语中的现在完成时转换为间接引语时应改为过去完成时;直接引语中的一般将来时转换为间接引语时应改为过去将来时。,(9)Miss Wu asked Tom why he_(not turn off)the light when he left.答案:hadnt turned off句意:吴老师问汤姆为什么走的时候不关灯。由主句和when引导的时间状语从句可判断用过去完成时;asked后为间接引语,应用陈述语序。(10)Yesterday our teacher told us that light_(travel)much faster than sounds.答案:travels句意:昨

38、天老师告诉我们光比声音传播得快得多。直接引语是客观真理和永恒不变的事实时,变为间接引语时,时态不变。,(11)Our headmaster_(tell)us to keep off the grass.答案:told句意:校长要求我们不要践踏草坪。若直接引语是表示命令或请求的祈使句,变为间接引语时,应使用tell/order/ask sb.(not)to do sth.结构。(12)One of my friends asked me _ I was interested in music.答案:whether句意:我的一个朋友问我是否对音乐感兴趣。直接引语是一般疑问句,变为间接引语时,用wh

39、ether或if来引导。,(13)“How much did you pay for the computer?”he asked.He asked _ for the computer.答案:how much I paid句意:他问我这台电脑花了多少钱。直接引语为特殊疑问句,变为间接引语时,应变成由疑问词引导的宾语从句,且从句用陈述语序。(14)“Have you ever been to America?”he asked me.He asked me_.答案:whether I had ever been to America句意:他问我是否去过美国。直接引语为一般疑问句,间接引语要变为

40、由whether或if引导的宾语从句。主句谓语为一般过去时,直接引语为现在完成时,变为间接引语时要用过去完成时。,(15)When I phoned him that day,he told me that he_(do)some research and_(have)no time for a picnic out.答案:was doing;had句意:那天我给他打电话的时候,他告诉我他正在作研究,没有时间出去野餐。直接引语中的现在进行时在间接引语中应改为过去进行时;直接引语中的一般现在时在间接引语中应改为一般过去时。,.单词拼写1.There is no_(可能)of his arrivi

41、ng on time.2The passenger was _(幸运的)enough to escape being injured in the accident.3Smoke and flames came out of the _(火山)as it erupted.4My new school is much bigger than my_(以前的)one.5That must have been a _(可怕的)experience for you.,6Only a few of the more strongly built houses remained standing afte

42、r the_(地震)7Someone must have been here recently;these_(灰)are still warm.8The question was whether to punish him or to let him off with a_(警告)答案:1.possibility2.fortunate/lucky3.volcano4.previous/former5.terrifying6.earthquake7.ashes8warning,.用括号内所给词的适当形式填空1.The place was visited recently as a result

43、of a serious volcanic_(erupt)2My repeated_(warn)to her went in at one ear and out at the other.3When they heard the bad news,they all looked at the master _(sad)4She fell off her bicycle last night,but_(thank)she wasnt hurt.,5There is_(possible)that human beings will ever be controlled by robots.6Th

44、e flight across the ocean in a small plane is a_(terrify)experience.答案:1.eruption2.warnings3.sadly4.thankfully5possibility6.terrifying,.语法填空1It is said that the old coins_(bury)under the earth for about 100 years by the time they were discovered.答案:had been buried“by the time表示过去的时间状语从句”与过去完成时连用,且bu

45、ry和the old coins是动宾关系。,2Were you late for the film?Very late.Half of it_(show)by the time we_(reach)the cinema.答案:had been shown;reachedby the time时间状语从句,当从句中的谓语动词用一般过去时,主句的谓语动词则用过去完成时。,3By the time I got to the school,the first class_finished.答案:had been当got to the school这一动作发生时,finish这一动作已经完成,且fin

46、ish和the first class为动宾关系,用过去完成时。4All the preparation for the task_(complete),and we went home happily.答案:had been completedall the preparation for the task与complete之间为动宾关系,且在went home这一动作发生时,complete这一动作已经完成,故用过去完成时。,5Mrs.Johnson said,“I drew the picture last week.”Mrs.Johnson said that_the picture_

47、.答案:she had drawn;the week before直接引语变为间接引语时,原来的第一人称变为第三人称,原来的一般过去时变为过去完成时,原来的时间状语last week变为the week before。6I told you_(not buy)that car,and now look what has happened.答案:not to buytell sb.not to do sth.意为“告诉某人不要做某事”。,7Mr.Green asked Lily_she had written to her father_(yesterday)答案:whether;the day

48、 before间接引语中主句的谓语动词是asked时,宾语从句用if或whether引导,且在间接引语中,应将yesterday改为the day before。8She asked me_I_(see)a film like that before.答案:whether;had seen宾语从句应用陈述语序,且时态要与主句的谓语动词保持一致。,9I remember you mentioned the thing on a_occasion.答案:previous句意:我记得你在以前的一个场合曾提到过这件事。previous“以前的”,符合题意。10Dont throw the cigarette ends into the paper basket,otherwise youll_fire to the house.答案:set句意:不要把烟头扔在废纸篓里,否则你会把房子点着的。固定短语set fire to.意为“放火;使燃烧”。,


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