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1、第36讲Unit 1A land of diversity,佳作晨读,基础梳理,考点探析,跟踪训练,返回目录,第36讲Unit 1A land of diversity,2012上海卷 Directions:Write an English composition in 120150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.上周一,你在一所小学观摩了小女孩Amy所在班级的两堂绘画课(如图所示),回家后你用英语写了一篇日记,内容包括:对两堂绘画课的具体描述;你从中获得的启发。,返回目录,佳作晨读,精 彩 美 文 Jun

2、e 8,2012 Fine At a primary school,I saw in one class a student dipped her feet in ink and made a painting out of footprints.By contrast,the same student used a brush to make a breathtaking landscape paintingso vivid that one could almost smell the refreshing rivers and hear the singing birds.“Keep y

3、our eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground.”Its this famous saying on success that lends insight into the two paintings.The first painting represents that we should remain grounded and be cautious of being carried away with temporary success.,返回目录,第36讲Unit 1A land of diversity,佳作晨读,So grand w

4、as the scenery portrayed in the second painting that it embodied the reach of our dreams.Wed be better off trusting that the gleam and the spark will one day shine as brightly as a searchlight if we have faith in ourselves.The paintings taught me a lot.,返回目录,第36讲Unit 1A land of diversity,佳作晨读,名 师 点

5、睛 1行文逻辑:说明原因晚会时间、地点和内容表达愿望。较好地使用了连接词,如:so,And,Then等。2词汇短语:运用了较高级的词汇和短语。如:throw a surprise party,keep quiet about,gather,last,prepare,have a good time等。3句式句法:运用了多样化的句式和句法结构。如:When he comes(时间状语从句);Itll be nice to see how excited he will be(it形式主语、动词不定式、感叹句作宾语从句)等。,返回目录,第36讲Unit 1A land of diversity,佳

6、作晨读,.单词荟萃1_ adj.清晰的;明显的;明确的_n.差别;区分;卓著2_ n手段;方法_v意思是;打算;意味着_n意思,意义_ adj.有意义的_adj.无意义的3_n大多数;大半_ adj.主要的,最重要的_n少数;少数民族4_ n百分比;百分率_n百分之几5_vt.指出;标示;表明;暗示_ n.象征;标示;表明;暗示,返回目录,第36讲Unit 1A land of diversity,基础梳理,distinct,means,meaning,majority,major,percentage,distinction,mean,meaningful,meaningless,indic

7、ate,indication,percent,minority,6_ adj.人种的;种族的_ n种族;比赛7_ n.申请人_v.申请;应用_n申请;应用8_ n.社会主义者;社会党人adj.社会主义者的_ n社会主义_ n.社会9_ vi.发生;出现_ n发生;出现10_ adj.显而易见的;显然的;表面上的_adv.显然地;显而易见地,返回目录,第36讲Unit 1A land of diversity,基础梳理,racial,apply,applicant,occurrence,socialist,society,occur,occurrence,application,apparent

8、,race,socialism,.短语检测1用方法;借助_2坚持;维持;沿袭(风俗、传统等)_3与某人合作或一起工作 _4包括;吸收 _5继续存在 _6习惯于新的生活方式、工作等 _7申请;请示得到 _8背靠背 _9画线;标出界线 _10许多 _,返回目录,第36讲Unit 1A land of diversity,基础梳理,keep up,team up with sb,apply for,take in,live on,make a life,by means of,a great many,back to back,mark out,.佳句再现1_,the cable car syste

9、m was invented by Andrew Hallidie,who wanted to find a better form of transport than horsedrawn trams.缆车系统建立于1873年,是由安德鲁哈利迪发明的,他试图找到一种比马拉轨道车更好的交通方式。2However,_ Native Americans were living in California at least fifteen thousand years ago.然而,美洲土著人很可能在至少一万五千年前就在加州生活着。,返回目录,第36讲Unit 1A land of diversit

10、y,基础梳理,Built in 1873,it is likely that,3_ today over 40%of Californians speak Spanish as a first or second language.这就是今天有超过40%的加利福尼亚人把西班牙语作为第一或第二语言的原因。4_before long the mix of nationalities will be so great that there will be no distinct major racial or cultural groups,but simply a mixture of many

11、races and cultures.人们认为,要不了多久,多种国籍的混合将会非常之大,以至于不可能存在一种主要的种族或文化群体,而只是多种族,多文化的混合体。,返回目录,第36讲Unit 1A land of diversity,基础梳理,That is why,It is believed that,5it was the building of the rail network from the west to the east coast _even larger numbers to California in 1860s.更大批量的中国移民却是在19世纪60年代为了修建贯穿美国东西

12、海岸的铁路而来到加州的。6Exactly when the first people arrived in _California,no one really knows.没有人真正知道,第一批开拓者到达我们现在称之为加利福尼亚的确切时间。,返回目录,第36讲Unit 1A land of diversity,基础梳理,that brought,what we now know as,单词点睛 1meansn.(a method or way of doing sth)手段;方法(单数和复数形式相同)by means of用办法;借助by all means 一定,务必;好的,当然可以by n

13、o means 决不,一点也不(位于句首时,句子用部分倒装)by every means 用尽一切可能的办法,返回目录,第36讲Unit 1A land of diversity,考点探析,温馨提示(1)means 表示“方式,方法”时,单复数同形,当means 作主语且有every,each等修饰时,谓语动词用单数;由some,several,few,many等修饰时,谓语动词用复数。(2)当短语by no means置于句首时,句子要用部分倒装结构。,返回目录,第36讲Unit 1A land of diversity,考点探析,【易混辨析】method,way,means,approac

14、h与manner(1)method指有系统、有条理地办事或解决问题的方法。尤指有次序的、有计划的方法,较正式,常和介词of搭配。(2)way是常用词,可指一般的方法,有时也指个人的方法或方式,也可指特殊的方式或方法,常和介词in搭配。(3)means指为达到某种目的或目标而采用的方法、手段或途径,常和介词by搭配。(4)approach指从事某事的特别方法、途径,常与介词to搭配使用。(5)manner指为人处世的方式,待人接物的方式。,返回目录,第36讲Unit 1A land of diversity,考点探析,【活学活用】(1)2012江西卷完形 The bicycle he rode

15、was not by any means the kind modern cyclists would want to be seen riding on.他骑的车是现在骑自行车的人绝不愿意被人看到的那种车。(2)The water can be carried _a pipe.水可以用管子输送。(3)This is _ the first time you have been late.这绝不是你第一次迟到了。,返回目录,第36讲Unit 1A land of diversity,考点探析,by means of,by no means,(4)Every possible means has

16、 been tried,and we find only by this means _ to persuade him.一切可行的方式都试过了,我们发现只有用这种方法才可能劝得动他。,返回目录,第36讲Unit 1A land of diversity,考点探析,is it possible,2majorityn.(the larger number or amount,especially of people)大多数;大半(1)be in the/a majority构成大部分/大多数 a majority over sb 超过对方的票数(2)major adj.较大的;主要的 n.主修,

17、专攻 major in 主修,专攻(3)minority n.少数;少数民族;未成年,返回目录,第36讲Unit 1A land of diversity,考点探析,温馨提示(1)the majority of sb/sth,其后的谓语动词取决于of之后的名词;the majority 作主语时,谓语动词用单数或复数皆可。(2)majority的反义词是minority,意为“少数;少数派;少数人;少数民族”,复数形式是minorities。,返回目录,第36讲Unit 1A land of diversity,考点探析,【活学活用】(1)2012四川卷阅读E Predicting speci

18、es reaction to climate change is a major challenge in ecology.预测物种对环境变化的反应在生态学领域是一项主要的挑战。(2)What are we to do next under the assumption _ the plan?假设大多数人反对这个计划,我们下一步该怎么办?,返回目录,第36讲Unit 1A land of diversity,考点探析,that the majority is/are against,(3)What subject did you_ when you were in university?你在大

19、学主修的科目是什么?(4)Part-time workers,_ are women,are at a double disadvantage.兼职工作者多数为女性,处于双重的不利条件下。,返回目录,第36讲Unit 1A land of diversity,考点探析,major in,the majority of whom,3electv.(choose by voting)选择;决定;选举elect sb(as/to be)选举某人(为)elect sb to 选举某人进入elect to do sth 选择或决定做某事,返回目录,第36讲Unit 1A land of diversit

20、y,考点探析,【活学活用】(1)2012浙江卷自选模块 The goose would need some salt,so I was elected to go into Dads barn(谷仓)for it.煮鹅需要一些盐,所以我决定去爸爸的谷仓拿。(2)He was the first black_ Mayor.他是第一位被选为市长的黑人。(3)Is there any possibility _ the next South Koreas President?她有可能会当选为下一届的韩国总统吗?,返回目录,第36讲Unit 1A land of diversity,考点探析,to b

21、e elected as,that she will be elected,(4)_made us think of a lot.他当选为我们的主席让我们想起了许多。,返回目录,第36讲Unit 1A land of diversity,考点探析,His being elected our chairman/That he was elected,our chairman,4occurvi.(occurred,occurred;occurring)(happen)发生;存在;出现(1)occur/come to sb 某人突然想起(2)strike/hit sb 某人突然想起(3)It occ

22、urs to sb that 某人突然想起 It strikes/hits sb that 某人突然想起温馨提示 occur是英语中很重要的动词,它用法灵活,常作为命题点来考查。经常考查的角度是sth occurs to sb或It occurs to sb that从句以及occur,happen,take place等动词或动词短语的意义和用法辨析。,返回目录,第36讲Unit 1A land of diversity,考点探析,【活学活用】(1)2012辽宁卷阅读A A thought suddenly occurred to Annika.“Did youYou recognized

23、the man in the car,didnt you?”艾妮卡突然有了个想法。“难道你你认出了车里的那个人,是吧?”(2)His name just did not _ my memory.我就是想不起他的名字来。(3)_ he might be falling in love with her.他从未想过自己会爱上她。,返回目录,第36讲Unit 1A land of diversity,考点探析,It had never occurred to him that,occur to,(4)I was going along the street looking for a place t

24、o park _.我正在街道上找地方停车的时候,事故发生了。,返回目录,第36讲Unit 1A land of diversity,考点探析,when the accident occurred,5indicatevt.(show sth,especially by pointing or suggesting the possibility)指出;标示;表明;暗示indicate sth(to sb)向(某人)表示某事;把指给(某人)看indicate that 表示;示意,返回目录,第36讲Unit 1A land of diversity,考点探析,【活学活用】(1)2012浙江卷阅读C

25、 A report on violence among middle school and high school students indicates that most violent incidents between students begin with a relatively minor insult(侮辱)一篇关于中学生暴力行为的报告指出,大多数学生之间的暴力事件都是以一个相对细微的侮辱开始的。(2)With a nod of his head he _ me where I should sit.他点头示意我应坐的地方。,返回目录,第36讲Unit 1A land of di

26、versity,考点探析,indicated to,(3)He shook his head _ he did not know it.他摇摇头表示自己不知道这件事。(4)Kingstone-upon-Thames,_,is situated on the bank of the Thames.泰晤士河畔金斯顿,正如其名称所示,坐落在泰晤士河畔。,返回目录,第36讲Unit 1A land of diversity,考点探析,as the name indicates,to indicate(that),6slipvi.(slipping,slipped,slipped)(lose ones

27、balance;fall or almost fall)滑动;滑行;滑跤 n.滑倒;小过失;滑动slip into悄悄进入,溜进去;悄悄塞进slip away 悄悄溜走slip out of 意外地从滑出,掉出;溜出去slip down 滑倒letslip 错过;失去温馨提示 slide和slip都有“滑”之意,但是slide是有意地“滑,平稳而顺畅地滑行”,slip则指的是不由自主地“滑,滑倒”。,返回目录,第36讲Unit 1A land of diversity,考点探析,【活学活用】(1)She looked round before pulling out a package and

28、 slipping it to the man.她四下里看了看,然后拿出一个包裹,偷偷地塞给了这个男人。(2)He_ the house without being seen.他趁人不注意就溜入了那间屋子。,返回目录,第36讲Unit 1A land of diversity,考点探析,slipped into,(3)用out of,down,away 和into填空。My aunt has slipped _in the High Street and hurt her ankle,so I have to take her to the doctor.I have to come late

29、,so Ill slip_ the room at the back,if youll save me a place.Ill slip_ the meeting as quietly as I can.I have a train to catch so I cant stay to the end.I hope we can slip _before she notices.,返回目录,第36讲Unit 1A land of diversity,考点探析,down,into,out of,away,短语储存 1keep up(使)不倒下(不下沉);保持,不减弱;跟上,赶上;保养,维修;使熬

30、夜keep up to保持与一样高keep up with 跟上,不落后;与并肩前进keep up ones spirits 振作精神keep up to date 使跟上时代,返回目录,第36讲Unit 1A land of diversity,考点探析,【活学活用】(1)We have to work hard to keep up with these excellent students.为了跟上这些优秀学生,我们得努力学习了。(2)指出keep up在句中的不同含义。We are very anxious to keep up the reputation of the firm._

31、In spite of the unfavorable weather,the grain output of the farm kept up and even increased a little._The work is too difficult for me and I am not able to keep up._,返回目录,第36讲Unit 1A land of diversity,考点探析,(产量、位置等)不下降,保持(名誉、友谊、勇气、热情等),赶上,跟上,I dont want to keep you up;you look very sleepy._The surviv

32、ing sailors managed to keep up for several hours and were eventually picked up by a lifeboat._The historic mansion was presented by the owner to the city,and is now kept up by the local authorities._,返回目录,第36讲Unit 1A land of diversity,考点探析,不倒下,熬夜,保养,维修,(3)Failure is the mother of success._ your cour

33、age and youll succeed.AKeep off BKeep out CKeep up DKeep on解析 C考查动词短语辨析。keep up“保持”。句意:失败是成功之母,保持你的勇气,你一定会成功的。keep off“不提(某话题),避免”;keep out“遮掩,避开”;keep on“继续”。,返回目录,第36讲Unit 1A land of diversity,考点探析,2team up with(cooperate with)相称,合伙;合作,协作keep up with跟上catch up with 赶上put up with 忍受;容忍end up with 以

34、结束,返回目录,第36讲Unit 1A land of diversity,考点探析,【活学活用】(1)Its a pleasure to team up with such excellent workers.和这样出色的工人一起干活真愉快。(2)用team up with,keep up with,put up with和end up with的适当形式填空。She always stays up late to study in order to _ the others.Its too delightful of you to be so nice to him,and _ all h

35、is tiresome stories.The party _a song that everyone is familiar with.,返回目录,第36讲Unit 1A land of diversity,考点探析,put up with,keep up with,ended up with,I need to_ your firm in a business project.Could you put me through to your boss?,返回目录,第36讲Unit 1A land of diversity,考点探析,team up with,(3)The agreement

36、 indicates that the two companies will _ with each other again.Ateam upBturn upClook up Dpick up 解析 A考查动词短语辨析。A项表示“与合作”,符合句意。B项表示“出现;到达”;C项表示“向上看;查寻”;D项表示“捡起,接收”,均不合题意。,返回目录,第36讲Unit 1A land of diversity,考点探析,3mark out 画线;标出的界线;制定出,规划出mark out for看中;选定mark down 写下,记下;降低的价格;打低分be marked with 标记着;被标上记

37、号,返回目录,第36讲Unit 1A land of diversity,考点探析,【活学活用】(1)When planting seedlings I prefer to mark out the rows in advance.种树苗的时候,我更喜欢事先划出行来。(2)指出mark out在句中的不同含义。The site of the new chemical fertilizer plant has been marked out._The directions of urban development have been marked out._He was marked out a

38、s the most promising young soldier in the whole army._,返回目录,第36讲Unit 1A land of diversity,考点探析,画出边界,规划,拟定,选出,选定,(3)It does not appear to possess any of the obvious signs that would mark it_as a restaurant.Adown Bup Cout Dwith 解析 C句意:它似乎没有一处明显的标志让它看上去像一家饭店。mark out“画线;标出的界线”。,返回目录,第36讲Unit 1A land of

39、 diversity,考点探析,4take in包括;吸收;接纳;欺骗;缩小(尺寸)take apart拆开;剖析,抨击(论点等);轻易打败take down 拿下,取下;拆卸;记下take back 取回,带回;收回说过的话;使回忆take up 开始从事;占用(时间或空间);着手处理take over 继承;接收,接管take off 脱下(衣服等);起飞take on 承担,从事;呈现,返回目录,第36讲Unit 1A land of diversity,考点探析,【活学活用】(1)Gazing up into his eyes,she seemed to take in all he

40、said.她抬起头注视着他的眼睛,好像听懂了他说的一切。(2)指出take in在句中的不同含义。I couldnt take in the professors lecture at all.It was too difficult for me._Dont be taken in by his charming appearance;hes completely cold._The club took in a new member last week._The dress needs to be taken in a bit._,返回目录,第36讲Unit 1A land of dive

41、rsity,考点探析,理解,迷惑,欺骗,缩小(尺寸),接纳,(3)选择take词组并用其正确形式填空。Im sorry I was rude;I _ everything I said.We find it difficult to _what he teaches.The company decided to_ a new secretary.When the picture was_,the wall looked very bare.Would you like me to _the driving for a while?Bill Gates is really a great man

42、,whose career_ in his early thirties.England was really_ by Italy in last nights match.Ill _ the story where I finished yesterday.,返回目录,第36讲Unit 1A land of diversity,考点探析,take over,taken apart,take up,took back,take in,taken down,took off,take in,5a great/good many许多;大量的,返回目录,第36讲Unit 1A land of div

43、ersity,考点探析,【易错警示】a good/great many后接复数名词,但a good/great many后接of时,of后的名词前必须加限定词these/those/the/ones等,然后再加复数名词。,返回目录,第36讲Unit 1A land of diversity,考点探析,温馨提示(1)a large amount of修饰不可数名词时,谓语动词用单数形式,而large amounts of修饰不可数名词时,谓语动词用复数形式。如:A large amount of money was spent on the bridge.Large amounts of mon

44、ey were spent on the bridge.修建这座桥花费了大量的金钱。(2)quantities of无论修饰可数名词复数还是修饰不可数名词,谓语动词都用复数形式。如:Quantities of paper are wasted because of the use of copy machines.由于复印机的使用,大量的纸张被浪费了。Quantities of nuts were on the table.桌子上有大量的坚果。,返回目录,第36讲Unit 1A land of diversity,考点探析,【活学活用】(1)The lake smells terrible b

45、ecause large quantities of water _.(pollute)湖水发出臭味因为水已被污染了。(2)It was reported that a great many houses _ by the earthquake.(knock)据报道,许多房子在地震中塌了。(3)Many a famous pop star _by drugs in recent years.(ruin)近年来很多著名的流行音乐歌星都因使用毒品而毁了自己。,返回目录,第36讲Unit 1A land of diversity,考点探析,have been polluted,were knocke

46、d down,has been ruined,句型透视 1Exactly when the first people arrived in what we now know as California,no one really knows.没有人真正知道,第一批开拓者到达我们现在称之为加利福尼亚的确切时间。,返回目录,第36讲Unit 1A land of diversity,考点探析,【句式点拨】这是一个多重复合句,what在本句中引导宾语从句,作介词in的宾语,意为“所之事”。what用作代词,在意义上译法非常灵活,它可以指“的东西;的人;的时间;的地点”等;在句法中可以作主语、宾语、表

47、语,相当于定语从句中的“先行词关系代词”。具体用法如下:(1)指代“的东西”,意为“什么;多少;怎么;的;所的”,相当于something that。It matters not only what you think,but also what others think you think and what you think they think you think.,返回目录,第36讲Unit 1A land of diversity,考点探析,重要的不仅仅是你怎么想,而且是别人认为你怎么想及你认为他们认为你怎么想。(2)指代“的人”,意为“的样子;面貌;状况”,相当于the perso

48、n that/who。In my opinion,you should owe your success mostly to your parents.You are right.They have brought me up and made me what I am.“我认为你的成功主要归功于你的父母。”“对,是他们把我培养成我现在的样子。”,返回目录,第36讲Unit 1A land of diversity,考点探析,(3)指代“的地方”,相当于the place that。A modern city has been set up in what was a wasteland te

49、n years ago.一座现代化城市已在十年前还是一片荒地的地方建起来了。(4)指代“的时间”,相当于the time that。After what seemed to be a long time,the soldier came back to life.似乎过了很长时间之后,这名士兵苏醒了过来。,返回目录,第36讲Unit 1A land of diversity,考点探析,【活学活用】(1)We are proud of _in the past ten years.(achieve)我们为十年来所取得的成就感到骄傲。(2)As 2012 gives way to 2013,we

50、have some idea of _ in our teaching.(overlook)随着2012年让位于2013年,我们也大致了解了教学中有哪些东西是被忽略了。,返回目录,第36讲Unit 1A land of diversity,考点探析,what we have achieved,what was overlooked,2That is why today over 40%of Californians speak Spanish as a first or second language.这就是今天有超过40%的加利福尼亚人把西班牙语作为第一或第二语言的原因。【句式分析】句中的w


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