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1、名词性从句,概念:名词性从句是指在整个复合句中作用相当于一各名词或名词词组的从句。名词性从句可以作主语、宾语、表语、同位语。关联词有连接词that,whether,if,连接代词who,whom,whose,which,what,wh-ever 连接副词when,where,why,how,wh-ever,一.主语从句:主语从句在句中作主语,它可以放在主句谓语动词之前,但多数情况由 it 作形式主语。除if 外,主语从句的引导词可以是所有关联词。,That he will come is certain.(that引导主语从句不可省)It is right that they ask for

2、better housing and jobs.Whether she likes it or not doesnt matter too much.What we need is more help.(what 是关系代词 在主语从句中作宾语)Why he did it wasnt quite clear.(why 是关系副词在主语从句中作原因状语)Whoever did this job must be rewarded.,wh-ever 与no matter wh-的区别wh-ever 可以引导名词性从句 也可以引导让步状语从句。而no matter wh-只能引导让步状语从句。引导让步

3、状语从句时,经常用逗号和主句隔开。Whatever I said,he didnt agree with me.No matter what I said,he didnt agree with me.Whoever did this job must be rewarded.,注意:在句式 It is important/necessary/essential/natural/strangethat中that 从句要使用虚拟语气。Sb.(should)doIt is necessary that he come back on time.It is essential that all th

4、e facts be examined.It is important that she should be placed in an suitable job.,二.表语从句。关联词有 除了if 以外的其他关联词 还有as,as if,because,lest等。She looks as if she is ill.The truth is that we failed to give him a quick response.My question is whether we should leave or not.That is because we never thought of i

5、t.Thats why I now look so old.,三.宾语从句 所有关联词I have never thought that he could have escape from prison.Please tell me what the problem is.(由wh-引导的名词性从句表示特殊疑问意义,但用陈述语气)I want to have a look at whats on this weekend.She asked me whether/if I was going to attend the meeting.,that 一般不引导介词宾语,但以下四个词例外besid

6、es,except,but,in,Whether 和if 的区别在于:1.whether可以和 or not 连用,而if不可以;2.介词宾语用whether 引导,而不用if;3.引导表语从句和同位语从句只能用whether,引导主语从句放在句首时也只能用whether;4.后跟不定式时,只能用whether;5.跟在discuss后只能用whether.1.I was uncertain whether he could come or not.2.I didnt think of whether he would go abroad with me.,3.The question,whe

7、ther we need it,has not been considered.4.Whether it is true remains a question.5.My question is whether the meeting will be held.6.We cant decide whether to go out or stay at home.7.Lets discuss whether he is right.,四.同位语从句 一个名词或代词的后面有时跟一个名词,对前者作具体化的解释,说明它指的是谁或是什么,这就是同位语。如果这个同位语是一个从句,那么这个从句就是同位语从句。

8、,We,students,should study hard.,同位语一般由that 引导,补充说明fact,news,problem,idea,suggestion,doubt等词;在have no idea 后接 when,why,where,how,what,who,whether引导的同位语从句。,1.She got the message that her husband would not come back for supper.2.The news that she passed the college entrance examination was a great surp

9、rise.3.I have no idea where you will go next week.4.Next comes the question what you want it for.,同位语从句和定语从句的区别:同位语从句往往用来说明所修饰名词更加具体的内容,可以说与修饰名词有对等的关系;而定语从句则用来说明被修饰名词的性质、特点、来源和方位,起限定的作用。,We all heard the news that he was killed in a car accident.(消息的内容是他死于车祸)We all heard the news that comes from the radio(没有消息的内容,而是说消息的来源)The story that he was arrested yesterday was not true.The story that he told us yesterday was not true.,注意:1.由wh-引导的名词性从句表示特殊疑问意义,但用陈述语气2.有关于一坚持,二命令,三建议,四要求的宾语从句、表语从句、同位语从句要用虚拟语气。sb.(should)do,


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