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1、Unit 8 How was your school trip?(The first period),我渴望听到每一个同学的回答!,Ask and answer in pairs.-How was your weekend?-It was fantastic/great/OK/boring.-What did you do over the weekend?-I went to the park.,cleaned the room,went shopping,read a book,cooked dinner,went to the library,My National Day vacati

2、on activities,Oct 1st,2010,Oct 2nd,2010,Oct 4th,2010,Oct 6th,2010,Oct 5th,2010,did some cleaning,babysat my nephew,What did they do on vacation?,watched TV,listened to music,danced,exercised,surfed the Internet,played soccer,cleaned the room,went swimming,took photos,bought a souvenir,had/ate ice cr

3、eam,swam in the sea,saw some sharks,saw some seals,went to the zoo,had pizza,bought souvenir,Amy,Hung out with her fiends,What did he do on his school trip?,hang out with his friends?,go fishing?,have/eat ice cream?,Did he,No,he didnt.He went to zoo and saw the seals.,buy a souvenir?,Grammar,一般过去时,1

4、、定义:一般过去时指在过去的某一时刻发生的事情或存在的状态,2、主要时间状语:判断句子是否应使用一般过去时主要看句中所包含的时间状语。典型的标示过去的时间状语有:yesterday,yesterday morning,last night,in 1995,three days ago,1.陈述句:sb.did sth.(主语+动词过去式)Tina went to the aquarium.2.一般疑问句:(助v.)Did+sb.(主语)+do(原形)?Did Tina go to the aquarium?Yes,she did./No,she didnt.,一般过去时的句子结构,3.特殊疑问

5、句:What+(助v.)did+sb.(主语)+do(原形)?What did Tina do on her school trip?,规则动词过去式的构成,构成规则,例 词,1、一般在动词原形末尾加 ed look looked play played start started2、结尾是 e 的动词加-d live lived hope hoped use used,3、末尾只有一个辅音字母的 重读闭音节词,先双写这 个辅音字母,再加ed,stop stoppedplan plannedtrip tripped,4、结尾是“辅音字母+y”的动词,先变“y”为“i”再加ed,study st

6、udiedcarry carried,清念/t/,元浊/d/;/t/d/之后念/id/,规则动词词-ed的读音,说明:1、清念/t/,即 ed 在清辅音后面念/t/,例:finished helped passed cooked2、元浊/d/,即 ed 在元音,浊辅音后面念/d/,例:borrowed called moved enjoyed 3、/t/d/之后念/id/,即 ed 在/t/d/音后面念/id/例:wanted shouted needed counted,1b,动词过去式 动词原形 went took had ate hung saw,go,take,have,eat,han

7、g,See,buy,bought,动词过去式知多少,The rules of the past form,1,played worked wanted needed,2,decided lived improved,3,carry-carried study-studied worryworried,5,gowent have-had see-saweatate buybought taketook winwon hang-hung,4,stop-stopped shop-shopped plan-planned,Talk about your activities.,Did you?Yes,

8、I did./No,I didnt.I,Pairwork,went/go to the beach,had/have some ice cream,went/go fishing,went/go to the aquarium,went/go skateboarding,took/take photos,hung/hang out with friends,saw/see the seals,Guessing,What did I do last weekend?,aquarium,go to the,went,(n.水族馆),What did I see in the aquarium?,s

9、eal,saw some seals,see,shark,saw some sharks,took photos,take,ate ice-cream,eat,had a hamburger,bought a souvenir,buy,won a prize,win,Gift shop,hung out with my friends,hang,autograph,Read and repeat,giftsharkaquariumseal,hang out souvenirwinautographprize,what animals are there in the aquarium?,Wer

10、e there any sharks in the aquarium?,Yes,there were/No,there werent,shark,seal,sea horse,starfish,octopus,dolphin,1,4,2,6,3,5,penguins,seals,dolphins,octopus,sharks,starfishes,elephants,Were there any in the aquarium?Yes,there were/No,there werent,A:Did you go to the zoo?B:Yes,I did./No,I didnt.I wen

11、t toA:Were there any tigers?B:Yes,there were.A:Were there any sharks?B:No,there werent.There were,Pairwork,What did Tina do on her school trip?Listen and circle the expressions in the box.,went to the aquariumtook photoswent to the zoohad pizzaate some ice creamhung out with her friendssaw some seal

12、sbought some souvenirsaw some sharks,1a,Lets listen!,1b,Read together,Kevin:Hi,Tina.How was your school trip?Tina:It was fantastic,really fantastic.Kevin:Did you go to the zoo?Tina:No,I didnt.I went to the aquarium.Look,here are my photos.Kevin:Were there any sharks?Tina:No,there werent any sharks,b

13、ut there were some really clever seals.Kevin:Wow,that sounds wonderful.What else did you do?Tina:Well,I hung out with my friends and I took lots of photos.,Lets listen!,Lets talk!,Talk about Tinas school trip.Were there any?Did Tina see/meet/buy/?,1、四人一组,分别介绍自己的上周末活动。2、比一比谁的周末活动最精彩。,Whose weekend is

14、 the most colorful?,Group work:Make a survey!What did you do on your last school trip?Did you?,Report:In my group,Zheng Hao went to Guangzhou.He went shopping.Zhang Tuo Liu Ying And I We,Zheng Hao went to Guangzhou,went shoppingZhang Tuo went to West Lake,went boatingLiu Ying went to her aunts house,had pizzaI went to the beach,went swimming,What did you learn in this class?,The rules of the past form:,Did you do?Were/Was there?,What did you?Where did he?Who did she?,Homework,make a survey about what their friends or their parents did in their school trip,Goodbye!,


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