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1、Module 8 Time off【教材分析】Module 8的主要内容为运用that引导的宾语从句来描述自己和他人的旅行,包括去北海公园的旅行和去九寨沟风景名胜区。从全书来看,本模块承接下一模块对宾语从句的学习和运用,着重that引导的宾语从句的使用,让同学们通过课堂活动来掌握其用法。Unit 1 I can hardly believe were in the city centre.【教学目标】l Knowledge objective1. Words: hardly, sights, thirsty, waste2. Expressions: take up, point out, a

2、t the top of3. Grammar: the object clausel Ability objective能听懂和阅读关于介绍去北海公园旅行的语言材料,能通过相关词汇和图片描述自己和他人的对北海公园的观点;能编写关于旅行的对话。l Moral objective学会倾听他人的旅行经历和观点;激发学生对大自然的热爱,陶冶情操,激发建设祖国的热情;培养学生的环境保护意识。【教学重点】The object clauses【教学难点】1. The object clauses2. hard和hardly的区别【教学方法】PWP method, task-based method and

3、interactive approach 【教学手段】A tape recorder, multimedia and some pictures【教学过程】Teaching Procedures:Step 1 Warming up 1. Ask Ss to tell something about Beihai Park.2. Ss look and describe the pictures of Beihai Park.Step 2 Listening 1. Look at the photo and listen to Part 1. What is the conversation a

4、bout? 2. Listen again and choose the correct answer.Step 3 Reading1. Learn some new words and phrase.Show the pictures of new words and let the students to say as quickly as possible.2. Listen to Part 3 and answer the following questions.1) Who is introducing Beihai Park?2) Why are they there?3. Rea

5、d the dialogue and mark T or F.4. Complete the sentences about Beihai Park.Step 4 Language points Ss should master the main points from the passage in Part 3. 1. Its so quiet here that I can even hear the birds singing! 这里安静得我甚至能听见鸟叫的声音。 sothat 引导结果状语从句, 意为“如此, 以至于”。 e.g. I was so tired that I slept

6、 in this chair. 我太累了, 在椅子上睡着了。 2. I can hardly believe were in the city centre. 我几乎不敢相信我们是在市中心。 hardly adv. 几乎不, 几乎没 e.g. I can hardly finish the work in a day. 我不可能一天内完成这项工作。 hard adv. 努力 e.g. You must work hard. 你必须努力工作。 3. The lake takes up over half of the park area. 湖占据了这个公园一半多的面积。 take up 表示“占

7、去(时间或空间)”。 e.g. This desk takes up too much room. 这张桌子太占地方。 4. Then I can point out the sights of Beijing for you. 然后我可以为你们指中北京的景点。 point out 表示“指出,指明”。 e.g. If you see that boy, please point him out for me. 如果你看到那个男孩, 请把他指给我看。 5. I dont think they allow people to swim in the lake. 我想这里禁止游泳。 allow s

8、b. to do sth.表示“允许某人去做某事”。 e.g. My parents wont allow me to come back late. 我父母不允许我晚回来。Step 5 Read the sentences and answer the questions1. Read the sentences including the words in the box. Pay attention to the use of the words.2. Answer the questions one by one.Step 6 Pronunciation and speaking 1.

9、 Listen and notice how the speaker pronounces the words.2. 归纳连读的基本规则。 句中两词相邻时, 如果前一个词的词尾是辅音音素, 而后一个词的词首是元音音素, 则往往需要连读。如: Will it take a lot of time to go to town on foot? 以字母r或re结尾的词,在与元音音素开头的词相邻时,/r/要读出来。 如: There is a pair of shoes. 英语语音中/j/和/w/是半元音, 如果前一个词以辅音音素结尾, 后一个词以半元音, 特别是/j/开头, 也要连读。如: Did

10、you go to Shanghai last year? 如果短语之间或分句之间有停顿,其相邻的音不连读。如: Can you speak Chinese or English?3. Now listen again and repeat.Step 7 Grammar 介绍宾语从句的定义和分类。 一、定义 我们在第六模块复习了简单句的几种基本句型, 其中有一种是“主语+谓语+宾语”的结构。其中, 名词、代词、动词的-ing形式或to do形式都可以作宾语,例如buy a book, beat him, stop doing sth., want to do sth.等。这些例子中的宾语是用一

11、个单词或短语来表达的。 但是, 当要用英语表达“我知道你昨天去看电影了”时,我们就无法在know后用一个单词表达出“你昨天去看电影了”这个意思。“你昨天去看电影了”这个结构中包含行为本身,行为的发出者和行为的承受者,是一个完整的句子,因此只能用句子表达。这种放在动词后面作宾语的句子, 我们称为“宾语从句”。 二、类型宾语从句分为三类:1. that 引导的宾语从句 I hope (that) it will snow this winter.2. whether/if 引导的宾语从句 Im not sure if he will come.3. 疑问词引导的宾语从句 I want to kno

12、w what he will do next.Step 8 Exercises 1. The box _ too much room, please take it out of the room. A. takes up B. take up C. takes off D. take off2. If there are mistakes, please _ for me. A. point it out B. point them out C. point out it D. point out them 3. I can _ believe the wind is so strong.

13、A. hard B. hardly C. sometimes D. often4. They hope to stand _ the top of the mountains one day. A. at B. on C. to D. in Keys: ABBAStep 9 中考链接 1. David was so excited at the good news that he could _ say a word. 【2013山东临沂】 A. nearly B. hard C. ever D. hardly 2. Excuse me, sir, smoking _ in the gas s

14、tation. Oh, Im really sorry. 【2013福建福州】 A. doesnt allow B. isnt allowed C. arent allowed 3. He felt _ curious that he asked _ many questions about it. 【2013 山东盐城】 A. such, such B. so, so C. such, so D. so, such Keys: DBBStep 10 Written task Work in pairs. Talk about a place of interest in your home

15、town.Use these expressions:I guess (that) Im sure (that)I know (that) I cant believe (that)I think (that)Finish the dialogue after class.Unit 2 We thought somebody was moving about.【教学目标】l Knowledge objectiveKey vocabulary: square, kilometers, shape, human, wake, somebody, path, pullKey structures:

16、wake up, pull offl Ability objectiveTo get information about Zhangjiajie.To master the object clauses.l Moral objectiveTo know more about other persons opinion; To love our natural beauties in our country; To protect the environment and make our world more beautiful.【教学重点】1. To learn some expression

17、s in the passage.2. To learn the object clauses.【教学难点】To get information from the article.【教学方法】PWP method, task-based method 【教学手段】A tape recorder, multimedia and some pictures【教学过程】Teaching Procedures:Step 1 Warming up Look at the pictures and answer the questions.Step 2 Consolidate new wordsLook

18、and say. The teachers shows the pictures of new words and let the students to say as quickly as possible.Step 3 Pre-reading1. Look at the photo and write down words that can best describe it.2. Work in pairs and say what do you know about Zhangjiajie?Then answer the following questions.Where is it?H

19、ow large is it?Where can you stay?What animals can you see?What is the most famous thing to see?Step 4 Reading1. Read the email and check your answers to Activity 2. Where is it? Its in Hunan Province. How large is it?Its about 480 square kilometres. Where can you stay?You can stay in camps or hotel

20、s. What animals can you see?You can see monkeys. What is the most famous thing to see?The tall, strangely shaped rocks are the most famous thing to see.2. Number the sentences in the correct order.a) Betty pulled a leaf off a plant.b) The noise woke everybody up.c) They climbed Mount Tianzi.d) A mon

21、key made some noise.e) They camped by a small lake.f) Lingings uncle said that people should protect everything in Zhangjiajie.Answers: 5,3,4,2,1,6Step 5 Learning to learnTo learn about the ways to read and write.Read and find out how Betty starts and finishes her email to her mum and dad. Next time

22、 when you write your email, you can start and finish the email in the same way.Step 6 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box.1. Read the sentences carefully.2. Choose the right words to fill in the blanks. human kilometre path shape wish 1) Are there rocks in _ or anima

23、l _ in your home town?2) How many _ is Zhangjiajie from your home town?3) Is it safer to walk along a _ or climb over rocks?4) Where do you _ you were right now?3. Ask and answer the questions in Activity 5 in pairs.Step 7 Language points1. Its very large, about 480 square kilometres. square kilomet

24、re, 表示“平方公里”。例如: Our school is about one square kilometre, its very large.2. Its famous for the strange shape of its tall rocks. be famous for 是一个固定短语,意为“因而闻名;以著名”。主语既可以是表示人的词语也可以是表示地点的词语。主语是表示人的词语时,表示以某种技能或特征而闻名;主语是表示地点的词语时,表示以某种特产或某处名胜古迹而著名。如:The town is famous for its hot springs. He is famous fo

25、r his sweet voice.shape 表示“形状”。例如:Whats the shape of the building?That cloud has a strange shape. 3. It woke everybody up. wake的过去式为woke,过去分词为 woken。wake up是固定短语,意为“叫醒”。当wake up的宾语是名词时,宾语可放在wake和up的中间或up的后面;当wake up的宾语是代词时,宾语只能放在wake和up的中间。例如: Dont wake up the baby. = Dont wake the baby up. Lets wak

26、e him up now.4. We came out without making any noise,. without doing sth. 表示“没有做某事”。 make noise 表示“产生噪音,发出声响。例如: He walked past me without making any noise.5. We thought somebody was moving about. somebody 表示“某人”,用在肯定句中。 在否定句和疑问句中要用anybody。例如: Is there anybody playing football on the playground?6. B

27、ut it was a pity that it was cloudy. “Its a pity that + 从句”,表示“很遗憾 .”。例如:Its a pity that he failed the exam.7. I pulled a leaf off a plant,. pull 作动词时,可意为“拉,拖,拔”,表示把物体用力向自己的方向拉并使其移动。和pull相对应的词是push,意为“推”。如:Dont push the door. Pull it, please.pull sth. off 表示“从.拉下.”。例如:The child pulled a flower off t

28、he plant.Step 8 Grammarthat引导的宾语从句 当谓语动词表示肯定的概念,如“希望、相信、知道、说”时,其后面的句子一般用that引导。that 没有任何词汇含义,只有语法功能,目的是使读者清楚后面的句子是宾语从句。多数情况下 that 可以省略。例如: I hope (that) it will snow this winter. Betty thinks (that) trees can improve the air. 常接 that 宾语从句的谓语动词有:believe, expect, explain, feel, hear, hope, imagine, pr

29、efer, promise, report, say, see, tell, think, under, stand, warn, wish等。 Find out the object clauses in the passage.1. We thought somebody was moving about.2. Linglings uncle said it was an animal.3. We came out without making any noise, and found it was just a hungry monkey looking for food.4. ., b

30、ut linglings uncle said that it was wrong to pull leaves off plants and that we should protect everything here.Step 9 Writing1. Read the information about Zhangjiajie.How large is it?about 480 square kilometresWhere is it?about 400 kilometres from ChangshaWhat can you see?mountains, rivers, forests,

31、 many kinds of plants and animalsWhat is special?strange shape of tall rocks, beautiful sightsWhere can you sleep?hotels or camps2. Now decide which is more personal, Bettys email or the information in this table.3. Choose the most important or interesting facts about Zhangjiajie and write a passage

32、 about it.Sample writing:Zhangjiajie is about 480 square kilometres. It is about 400 kilometres from Changsha. Everyone loves its many unusual mountains, rivers and forests. There are a lot of different plants and animals there too. Zhangjiajie is popular with people because of the shape of its tall

33、 rocks, and its beautiful sights. Visitors can stay in hotels or tents in the park.Step 11 SummaryLet Ss talk about what they have learnt in class.Step 12 ExercisesLet the students practice the main points in Unit 2.1. Its ten _ from my home. The children must take bus to school.A. metre B. metres C

34、. kilometre D. kilometres2. - Whats the _ of the rock? - Its a square.A. path B. leaf C. top D. shape3. The child is sleeping, dont wake him _.A. up B. down C. off D. in4. _ called you just now. I heard the ring.A. Somebody B. anybody C. Nobody D. some bodyAnswers: DDAAStep 13 中考链接Do some exercises

35、from the entrance exam to senior high schools.1. She always does very well in the English exams. But she can _ understand English radio programs. 【2013江西】A. always B. hardly C. already D. easily2. Jason likes the _ of the cake. It is a heart. 【2013河北】A. color B. size C. smell D. shape3. As volunteer

36、s, they should do _ to help the children in trouble. 【2012山东济南】A. nothing B. anybodyC. something D. somebody4. Sanya is famous _ its beautiful beaches. 【2013黑龙江绥化】A. of B. for C. asAnswers: BDCBStep 14 Homework根据下面的问题简要介绍一下洞庭湖的情况。1. Where is it?2. How large is it?3. What is the most famous thing to

37、see?Unit 3 Language in use【教学目标】l Knowledge objectiveGet the students to be able to use the new words and expressions they learnt in this module.l Ability objectiveTo summarize and consolidate the object clauses.l Moral objectiveTo be glad to listen to others opinions and enjoy the beauty of the nat

38、ure of our homeland.【教学重点】To be able to use the object clauses correctly.【教学难点】Through listening, speaking and writing, let students practise the object clauses.【教学方法】PWP method, task-based method 【教学手段】A tape recorder, multimedia and some pictures【教学过程】Teaching Procedures:Step 1 Warming up Let Ss l

39、ook at the pictures and answer the questions to review what they have learnt.Step 2 Language practiceFill in the blanks.1. I can _ believe were in the city centre.2. I dont think they _ people to swim in the lake.3. We thought _ was moving about.4. Linglings uncle said that it was wrong to _ leaves

40、_ plants and that we should protect everything here.Keys: hardly, allow, somebody, pull offStep 3 Practice1. Read the two parts of the sentences carefully. Then match the two parts. There may be more than one possibility.1. I think (that) 2. He says (that)3. She is sure (that) 4. They do not believe

41、 (that) 5. We know (that)a)we can go out alone at night. b)he almost got lost in the forest. c)we should stay together. d)the park is over 500 years old.e)we will see better from up there.2. Complete the passage with the correct form of the words and expressions in brackets I want to go on a trip wi

42、th my family in the summer holiday, but I do not think we (1) _ (agree) on where to go. I think that we should (2) _ (go) to the beach but Mum and Dad say they (3) _ (want) to go to the countryside. Danny is sure that the beach and the countryside (4) _ (be) boring. He wants to go to a big city and

43、do sightseeing. Milly doesnt think that sightseeing (5) _ (be) interesting. She wants to stay at home and watch TV or go swimming. I tell my family that we (6) _ (have to) decide soon because the holiday starts next week! Keys: will agree, go, want, are, is, have to3. Complete the passage with the correct form of the expressions in the box famous for, not any more, point out, wake up1 My uncle _ the monkey in the tree next to us.2 We ate some cakes and I was _ hungry _.3 I _ in the middle of the night and could not fall asleep again.4 The town is _ its cheese. Ke


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