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1、Unit 10 Can you play the guitar? Section A学前活动学习内容: 激活已学过的表示能力的有关的词汇,如write, dance, sing, read, run等,再学习新词汇swim, speak, draw (paint), play chess和扩展词汇clean the floor, wash clothes, cook, skate等。教学活动设计意图: 热身,通过识图复习或学习新单词,引出本单元话题,为学习目标语做好准备。 教学步骤教师行为学生行为Step 1 出示图片,先出示学过的动词进行复习,如write, dance, sing, rea

2、d, run 等。 启发学生说出表示能力的单词,并鼓励学生积极举手抢答。Ask students to look at the pictures and say the words they know. Look and say.根据老师出示的图片快速说出单词。 Step 2 利用图片出示本单元的单词和扩展单词。 Show more pictures of the new words.通过图片较直观地展示更多的词汇,让学生对与本单元话题相关的新词汇有更多的了解,从而激发他们的学习欲望和兴趣。 See more pictures of the new words.观看,学习新单词。Step 3

3、播放视频,以视频和PPT的形式扩展更多的单词:clean the floor, wash clothes, cook, state等。然后让学生尽可能地说出他们所知道的表示能力的词。 Play the video. Ask students to learn some other words from the video or PPT materials. Ask students to say as many words as they can. Learn some other words from the video. Say as many words as they can. 看视频

4、,学单词,然后说出更多的表示能力的单词。 学中活动一巩固词汇,学习目标语: Can you dance? Yes, I can. I can dance. /No, I cant. I cant dance. 教学活动设计意图: 根据PPT出现的单词,引出本单元话题,通过对话交流巩固已学的单词。教学步骤教师行为学生行为Step 4 先让学生观看动画,然后师生演示对话。 Play the flash.Have a conversation with one of the students. T: Can you dance?S: Yes, I can. T: Can you cook?S: No

5、, I cant. Watch the flash. Listen to the conversation between the teacher and one of the students. 观看动画,听师生演示对话。 Step 5让学生进行对话练习。Ask students to make conversations. Make conversations. 进行对话练习。 学中活动二重点词汇学习:在对话中学习和巩固词汇。 学习内容:教材Section A 的1a 活动设计意图: 帮助学生学习本单元表示能力的重点词汇,为对话交流做好准备。教学步骤教师行为学生行为Step 6按课本要求布

6、置学习任务。让学生打开书,翻到P59,看1a。先带读1a中的单词和词组。然后让学生将词语和图片中的人相匹配。 Ask students to turn to page 59, and look at 1a. Read the words and then ask students to repeat. After that, ask students to match the words with the people in the picture. First, read the new words after the teacher. Then match the words with t

7、he people in the picture. 先跟读词语,然后将词语与人物匹配。 Step 7组织学生两人一组核对答案。 Ask students to check the answers in pairs. 然后提出问题让学生回答,一起进行答案核对。Then check in class by asking students thequestion:“What can these people do?” Check the answers with their partners. Try to correct the mistakes if there are any. Then an

8、swer the questions. 同伴间讨论核对答案,发现问题,进行纠正。然后回答老师提出的问题。 Step 提示学生注意:情态动词没有人称和单复数的变化。例如: Can you swim? Yes, I can. Can your mother swim? No, she cant. Let students know how to use the modal verb “can”. Listen to the teacher.听老师讲解。学中活动三巩固词汇;目标语学习学习内容:教材Section A 的1b、1c 活动设计意图:在听对话的过程中巩固目标语。教学步骤教师行为学生行为St

9、ep 9播放1b录音,让学生给对话编号。 Play the tape and ask students tonumber the conversations (13). Listen to 1b and number the conversations (13). 听录音,在书上写出所听对话的顺序。Step 10演示PPT核对答案,要求学生互查。Ask students to check the answers in pairs. Check the answers in pairs. 两人一组核对答案。 Step 11 播放动画,让学生仿照动画自己编对话练习。利用PPT出示功能句,布置对话操

10、练任务。Play the flash. Ask students to look at the sampleconversations,andthenmakeconversations in pairs. Watch the flash and look at the sample conversations. Make conversations in pairs.观看动画,结对操练对话。 Step 12选择几组学生表演对话。Ask several pairs to present their conversations in front of the class. Several pair

11、s present the conversations in front of the class. 几组学生表演对话。 Others listen carefully.其他同学认真听。学中活动四目标语学习:What club do you want to join? I want to join the basketball club.Can you play basketball?Yes, I can. / No, I cant.学习内容:教材Section A 的2a、2b、2c 活动设计意图:通过听和写,学习并操练目标语。教学步骤教师行为学生行为Step 13 出示ae5种俱乐部的名称

12、,领读,然后播放2a录音布置2a听力任务。 Show the club names,and ask students to read them after the teacher. Then play the tape and ask students to circle the clubs they hear. Read, listen and circle.读,听,并圈出所听到的俱乐部名称。 Step 14再次播放2a听力材料,让学生跟读。Ask students to listen to 2a again and repeat after the tape.Listen and repe

13、at. 听,并跟读。Step 15 展示图片,让学生把表示不同俱乐部的图与单词匹配。 Show pictures, and ask students to match the pictures with the words. Match the pictures with the words. 将图片与单词匹配。 Step 16布置2b任务。Ask students to complete the conversation in 2b.Complete the conversation in 2b.完成2b任务。to, club, want, do, play, cant David:What

14、 club _ you want_ join? Lisa: We _ to join the chess_. David: Can you _ chess?Lisa: No, I _.Joe: I can.Step 17利用PPT演示核对答案。然后让学生分角色朗读对话。Check the answers in class, and then ask students to read the conversation. Check the answers and read the conversation. 核对答案,然后分角色朗读对话。 Step 18先让学生观看动画。教师问:“How man

15、y kinds of clubs do you know?” 让学生讨论,说出更多的俱乐部名称。Play the flash. Ask students to say more clubs names they know. Watch the flash and say more clubs names they know. 观看动画,说出更多的俱乐部名称。 Step 19布置2c任务。 Ask students to make their own conversations with the pictures in 2c.Make the conversations with the pic

16、tures in 2c. 仿照2b句型,自编对话。Step 20 播放动画。Play the flash. 教师问:“What can you do in the club?”让学生完成句子。1. I want to join the English club. I can _.2. I want to join the music club. I can _.3. I want to join the soccer club._4. I would like to join the art club._ 5. I would like to join the chess club._ Wat

17、ch the flash and complete the sentences. 观看动画,根据自己的情况完成句子。 学中活动五目标语运用学习内容:教材Section A 的3a、3b、Activity 4 活动设计意图:通过阅读和口语表达,运用巩固目标语。Step 21让学生先读3a中的四个句子。然后将句子排序连成对话。 Ask students to read the four sentences in 3a and put them in the right order to make a conversation. Read the four sentences in 3a. Then

18、 put them in the right order to make a conversation.学生先读3a中的四个句子。然后将句子排序连成对话。 Step 22 播放动画,布置3b任务:完成一个调查。 先让学生填自己的信息,然后再询问其他同学的情况并填入表中。 Play the flash. Ask students to fill in the chartwiththeir own information first, and then ask three students what they can do and write the result in the chart.Sam

19、ple questions: Can you play the guitar?Can you play it well? What can you do? Can doCantdo (well) IWatch the flash. Make a survey and write the result in the chart. 看动画,完成一个调查,然后将所得到的信息填入表中。 Step 23让学生将调查的结果写成一篇小短文向全班汇报。 Ask students to write a short passage and tell the class the result. Write a sh

20、ort passage and tell the class the result. 将调查的结果写成一篇小短文进行汇报。 Step 24先让学生在表格中填写自己的特长、喜好或意愿(也可以是自己希望学习或参加的活动)。 Name: _Age: _E-mail address: _ What can you do? _What club do you want to join?_Ask students to fill in the form. Fill in the form. 学生在表格中填写自己的特长、喜好或意愿。 Step 25让学生模仿范例进行问答。 Ask students to d

21、o the pairwork: ask and answer questions about what they can do and what club they want to join. Sample:A: What club do you want to join?B: I want to join the basketball club. A: Can you play basketball?B: Yes, I can.Ask and answer questions about what they can do and what club they want to join.根据要

22、求进行问答练习。 Step 26让学生写自我介绍。Ask students to make a self-introduction.Sample:Self-introductionMy name is Judy. I am 12 years old. I can play basketball and I want to join the basketball club. My telephone number is 876-4364. If you want me to join, please call me. Make a self-introduction. 学生写自我介绍。Step

23、27播放动画。然后把学生分成几个组,轮流进行面试,询问能否胜任这项工作。 Play the flash. Divide students into small groups and then have them take turns interviewing each other for the job. Watch the flash carefully. Then take turns interviewing each other for the job.仔细观看动画,然后轮流进行面试,询问能否胜任这项工作。 Sample questions:Can you teach children

24、?Can you help kids with swimming? 学后活动学习效果评价学习内容:完成写作任务活动设计意图:在写作训练中,巩固Section A重点词汇和目标语。教学步骤教师行为学生行为Step 28 组织学生进行接龙游戏。 提醒学生用关于运动的名词续读句子。 Ask students to play the chain game, using the vocabulary of sports to continue the sentence: I can play Do the game.按要求进行游戏。Sample:S1: I can play basketball. S2

25、: I can play volleyball and basketball. S3: I can play volleyball, basketball and tennis. Step 29让学生朗读一首歌谣,以巩固目标语。注意朗读时要有韵律。 Ask students to read aloud a chant.Sample:I can paint. I want to join the art club. I can speak English. I want to join the English club.Read aloud a chant.: 朗读歌谣。 Step 30 让学生

26、看动画并完成下面的句子。 Play the flash. Ask students to complete the following sentences. What club can she/he join?1.Tom can swim. But he cant play the piano. He can join _.2. Jerry cant play chess but he can sing and he sings very well. He can join _.3. Sandy can speak English, she can join _.4. Jimmy is goo

27、d at playing chess. He can join _.Watch the flash and complete the sentences.观看动画,完成句子。 Step 31布置写作任务,题目为“I am proud of myself.”Ask students to write a composition with the title of “I am proud of myself.” to introduce themselves. Write a composition with the title of “I am proud of myself”. 完成写作任务,

28、题目为“I am proud of myself.”Step 32让学生同伴间讨论答案,纠正语言错误。Ask students to discuss the answers with their partners and help them correct their mistakes. Discuss the answers with their partners, correct the mistakes and make sure they have learned what is taught in Section A well. 讨论答案,纠正错误,掌握Section A的学习内容。


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