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1、新目标英语九年级单词巧记+句型语法剖析Unit 8Ill help clean up the city parks单词巧记典句考点 【巧记提示】 hung(hang悬挂的过去式)+-er【经典例句】 There is nothing to satisfy my hunger,I can eat a tiger.没有东西充饥,我太饿了。【考点聚焦】 1)固定搭配die of hunger 死于饥饿。如:In old days,many people die of hunger.旧社会,有很多人死于饥饿。2)固定搭配 be hungry for.渴望如:The boy is hungry for

2、love.这个男孩渴望爱。【活学活用】 1.选择最佳答案填空1)If you are ,you can eat some cakes.A.hungerB.hungryC.thirstyD.full2)In Africa,many people die of every year.A.hunger B.hungry C.thirsty D.full答案:1)B2) A【巧记提示】 cheer(欢呼)chair(椅子)【经典例句】 Everyone was cheered by the good news.每个人皆为此好消息而高兴。【考点聚焦】 1)words of cheer 鼓舞人的话,che

3、ers意为“祝福,健康,干杯”。2)词组cheer up 是“振作”的意思。如:He cheered up at once when I promised to help him.当我许诺帮助他的时候,他马上振作起来。3)cheering 表示“令人振奋的,鼓舞人心的”。如:Thats cheering(cheerful)news.那是鼓舞人心的消息。【巧记提示】 major(主要的)minor(次要的)【经典例句】 The major road needs repairing.这条主干道需要修理。【考点聚焦】 固定搭配:major in “专修”。如:He majored in manage

4、ment in university.大学时他专修管理学。【巧记提示】 fix(修理)fox(狐狸)【经典例句】 My TV needs fixing.我的电视需要修理了。【考点聚焦】 1)fix作动词表示“固定”。如:I fixed a post in the ground.我把一个木桩固定在地上。2)词组fix on sth.“注视”。如:He fixed his eyes on me.他的眼睛注视着我。 【巧记提示】 re-(又)+pair(双 )【经典例句】 The workers are busy repairing the road.工人们正忙着修路。【考点聚焦】 1)固定搭配:b

5、e under repair 在修理过程当中。如:The major way to the city is under repair.通向这个城市的主要道路在修理过程中。3)名词repair的复数repairs 表示 “修理过程”。如:The shop will be closed during repairs.这个商店在修理期间将要停业。【活学活用】 2.下面的每个句子当中,都有一处错误,请你找出错误,并改正。1)The TV needs to repair.2)The repair will be long and difficult.答案:1) to repair 改为repairing

6、2)repair 改为repairs【巧记提示】 dis-(不,没有)+able(有能力的)【经典例句】 The disabled need care.肢体有残疾的人需要关怀。【考点聚焦】 disable 可以作动词使用,意为“使残疾”。如:The fight disabled him.这场争斗给他留下了残疾。【巧记提示】 shut (关上)shout (喊)【经典例句】 Tell him to shut up,its none of his business.告诉他闭嘴,这不关他的事。【考点聚焦】 词组shut down,表示“停业”。如:The workshop has shut down

7、 and the workers are out of jobs。车间关闭了,工人失业了。【巧记提示】 carry(搬运)Mary (玛丽)【经典例句】 A spy carries his life in his hand.间谍随时都有生命危险。【考点聚焦】 1)掌握carry,bring和take 的用法区别。carry表示拿比较重的东西,bring表示从别的地方将东西拿到说话的地方,而take表示从说话的地方拿到别的地方。2)carry还有“运送”之意。3)了解词组carry sb.through,是“帮某人渡过难关”的意思。【活学活用】 3.用carry,bring,take的适当形式填

8、空1)Can you go and me some water?2)He always a book with him.3)Who can this heavy box?答案:1)bring2)takes3)carry【巧记提示】 special (特别的)+-ly(副词后缀 )【经典例句】 I came here specially to see you.我特意来这儿看你。【考点聚焦】 留心形容词special的用法。如:Near Spring Festival,the railways put on special trains.在春节期间,铁路增开加班火车。【活学活用】 4.用speci

9、al和 specially填空This is my gift.I bought it for you.答案:special,specially 【巧记提示】 support(帮助)suppose(猜想)【经典例句】 Is this bridge strong enough to support heavy lorries?这座桥经的起重卡车经过吗?【考点聚焦】 1)掌握词组support a family 养家糊口。2)support作动词还有“忍受 ”的意思。如:I cant support your carelessness any longer.我再也不能容忍你的粗心了。3)固定搭配:i

10、n support of sb.支持某人。如:Im in support of your teacher.【经典例句】 We all appreciate a holiday after a year of hard work.在经过一年的辛苦工作以后,我们大家都希望能领略到假期的乐趣。【考点聚焦】 1)appreciate作“欣赏 ”讲。如:You cant appreciate Tang poem unless you understand the history of China.除非你了解中国的历史,否则你不能理解唐诗。2)appreciate作“感激”讲。如:We greatly a

11、ppreciate all your help.非常感激你所有的帮助。3)appreciate作“了解”讲。如:I appreciate your feeling about failing the exam.我能理解你考试失败的心情。短语巧记典句考点give out 分发【经典例句】 Your work is to give out books to everybody.你的任务是把书发给每一个人。【考点聚焦】 give our还有“用尽、耗尽”之意。如:Our food supplies began to give out.我们的食物供给开始耗尽。我的记忆卡掌握相关词组give in 屈服

12、 give back还回give up 放弃give one word允诺;答应give off 散发出give away赠送;给予【活学活用】5.用give in,give up,give off填空1)I wont smoking.2)The food a terrible smell.3)She said to her husband she wouldnt .And her husband must follow her advice.答案:1)give up2)gives off (is giving off)3)give input off 推迟【经典例句】 Never put o

13、ff things today to tomorrow.一定不要把今天的工作推到明天。(今日事,今日毕。)我的记忆卡相关搭配put sb.off把与某人的约会推迟drive off开走have.off休息时间 fell off掉下【活学活用】 1.(2010哈尔滨模拟)Because of the storm,the football game .A.puts offB.will put offC.has been put offD.has to put off答案:Cthink up 想出【经典例句】 Take it easy,and you will think up a way.放松点,

14、你会想出一个方法。我的记忆卡come up with 想出 think of 想起think over 仔细考虑think about 考虑take after 像某人【经典例句】 Your daughter does not take after you in any way.你的女儿一点都不像你。【考点聚焦】 不要将词组take after 与look after混淆,look after 是”照顾“的意思。如:Dont worry,I can look after your daughter.不要担心,我能照顾你的女儿。hand put 分发【经典例句】 As an English mo

15、nitor,its your duty to hand out exercise books everyday.作为一名英语班长,每天分发作业是你的职责。【考点聚焦】 固定搭配:hand in上交;hand in hand 手拉手for sure明确;确定的(口语)【经典例句】 For sure,you have helped me lot.的确,你帮了我很多。我的记忆卡to be sure 真的 be sure of oneself 对某人自己感到自信be sure to do sth.一定要做某事 help.out 帮助【经典例句】 I know it was you who helped

16、 me out.我知道是你帮我摆脱困境的。我的记忆卡help do帮助做某事help sb.(to) do 帮助某人做某事help sb.with sth.能帮某人做某事help oneself to.随意吃can help sth./doing 抑制,阻止句子剖析拓展Not only do I feel good about helping other people,but I get to spend time doing what I love to do.我不但对帮助别人感到开心,而且我也抽时间做我喜欢的事情了。【剖析】 1)Not only do I feel good about

17、helping other people,是 not only 引导倒装句。2)but 后面的句子用陈述语气。【拓展】 相似的词还有neither, hardly,seldom,little,never等,这些词放在句首,后面要加助动词。What kind of volunteer work do you think I can do?你认为我能做什么样的公益工作?【剖析】 1)do you think作插入语的简单句。2)do you think 后面的句子应该用陈述语气。【拓展】 do you believe有相似的用法。如:When do you believe we will win?

18、你相信什么时候我们会赢?He now has sixteen bikes to fix up and give away to children who dont have bikes.他现在有16辆自行车要修理,并捐给那些没有自行车的孩子。【剖析】 1)这是不定式作定语的定语从句,不定式to fix up 作定语,限定前面的bikes。2)children who dont have bikes 是一个定语从句,先行词是children。语法剖析短语动词的构成及用法短语动词在句子中起动词作用,作谓语。其基本构成有下列几种:(1)动词副词,如black out;(2)动词介词,如look in

19、to;(3)动词副词介词,如look forward to。本课出现的“动词副词”结构的短语有:comp up with 想出;制造put up 悬挂;张贴;举起put off 推迟;拖延hand out悬挂write down写下call up打电话给cheer up让某人开心set up建立give away 分派hang out挂出give up放弃try on试穿在“动词副词”结构中,如果后面的宾语是代词,代词应放在动词和副词的中间。如try it on,put them up,put it off,cheer him up等。试比较:think it over和think about

20、 it,over是副词,而about是介词。了解下列短语的含义:cut up 切碎,抨击,使痛心get out出去,发出grow up生长run away跑掉一般说to是一个不定式结构,后面加动词原形,但在有些词组中,to是介词,后面要加动词的ing形式。例如:look forward to期望做be used to doing习惯于做make a contribution to对干做出贡献典题精讲例1 Not only she feel good about helping other people,but she begins to spend time doing what she lo

21、ves to do.A.doesB.didC.canD.do思路解析:这是not only 引起的倒装句。Not only+助动词+主语+动词,but后面的句子用正常语气。又因为主语是第三人称单数she,而且后面的谓语用的是begins,所以助动词用does。答案:A绿色通道:跟not only 一样放在句首,句子需要倒装的还有一些否定副词,和含有否定意义的短语。像never,hardly,not until等。例2 The front door refuses to open.Why not the back one?A.try to openB.try openingC.trying to

22、 openD.trying opening思路解析:此题前一句提供的信息是“前门打不开”。后一句建议“开后门试试”。首先Why not.?后不跟动名词形式,故排除C项与D项。其次 try to do something表示“设法做某事”,而try doing something表示“尝试做某事”。本题中“前门打不开,尝试开后门”,故应选B项。黑色陷井:本题有两处陷阱。一是误认为Why not.?与另一种有关建议的句式What/How about doing something?混淆而错选D项。二是忽视了上句提供的信息,没注意到句中提到两个门,混淆try doing something与try

23、to do something,误选A项。例3 The policeman the village for an prisoner.A.search for;escapingB.were searching;escapedC.search;escapeD.were searching;escaping思路解析:此题题意是“警察搜查了村子看有没有那个逃犯”。首先search是本句中的谓语动词,根据句意适合用一般过去时,排除A和C项;其次现在分词和过去分词的一个区别在于现在分词形式表示动作正在进行,而过去分词形式则表示动作已经完成。从前面的village可得知囚犯已从监狱逃脱,故选B项。原创题To

24、m逃学后发生了什么不幸的事?读短文,然后从五个结尾中选择合乎逻辑的一个。Tom didnt like study.He didnt like sitting in class.Sometimes he ran away from school.He often played by himself.He lived in a tall building in the middle of town.About a mile from Toms building were many old houses.They were all empty.They were going to be pulled

25、 down so that new houses could be built.Tom liked playing about in the old houses.His father told him to keep away from them.He said they were dangerous.On Friday on his way home from school,Tom went into one of the old empty houses.He saw a door leading down into a small dark cellar(地窖).He went int

26、o the cellar to see what he could find.Just then he heard a terrible crash,the roof of the old house fell in.Tom tried to open the cellar door.But he couldnt.So he had to stay there.Ending A:Tom looked round the cellar,he saw a small hole in the wall.He got out of the hole and went home.Ending B:The

27、re were a lot of books in the cellar.He set them on fire and a policeman saw the smoke and saved him.Ending C:Mike,his best friend,came looking for him.He heard Toms cry and saved him.Ending D:Tom was saved three days later by some policemen.They used dogs to find him.Ending E:Tom shouted very loudl

28、y,“Help! Help!” His mother was washing clothes and heard his cry for help.She saved him.参考答案:E思路解析:结尾A是不合理的,因为地窖在地下,不可能有通向外界的洞。Tom不可能在地窖中点火,这样Tom会因为地窖内缺氧而死亡,所以结尾B也是不合理的。结尾C中Tom的朋友来找他,这也太偶然了。因为他家离地窖并不近,他妈妈不可能听到他的喊声,结尾D也是不可能的。结尾E说警察通过警犬找到他,这才是最合理的。巧学法园地巧记动词后面只能接动名词的词喜欢,考虑(不)可免(enjoy,consider,avoid)停止,放弃(太)冒险(stop,give up,risk) 反对,想像(莫)推延(be against,imagine,delay,put off) 要求,完成(是)期望(require,finish,look forward to)建议,继续(勤)操练(suggest,go on,practice) 不禁原谅(要)坚持(cant help,excuse,insist on)继续注意(使)成功(keep on,mind,succeed in)(文章转自余老师)


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