英文版教学 module 2.ppt

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1、Module 2,Training Program on Prevention and Control of Ebola Virus Disease,Strategy on prevention and control of Ebola,Learning Objectives,Training Program on Prevention and Control ofEbola Virus Disease,At the end of this course,you will know:Why concern individuals attitude and behaviorHow to redu

2、ce the risk of human-to-human transmission in the communityHow to respond to patients with Ebola in communityHow to reduce the risk of wildlife-to-human transmissionHow to do when have patients with symptoms and signs of EVDSuccessful experience of Nigeria and Senegal in controlling EbolaExperience

3、on Infectious diseases control in China,General strategy to control Ebola virus disease outbreak,Behavior and social interventions,Behavior and social interventions,Medias,Women,associationsTraditional healersOpinion leaders,Formal and informal modes of communication,Social and Cultural practices,Co

4、mmunicationPress Journalist,Anthropologicalevaluation,Reduce human infection and death through raising awareness Risk factors for Ebola infection Protective measures individuals can takeFor individualListen to and follow directives on Ebola control and preventionunderstand the nature of the disease

5、how it is transmitted how to prevent it from spreading further Not too panic/overreact,nor neglect,Why concern individuals attitude and behavior,Close physical contact with Ebola patients should be avoidedGloves and appropriate personal protective equipment should be worn when taking care of ill pat

6、ients at homeRegular hand washing is required after visiting patients in hospital,as well as after taking care of patients at home Do not touch the body of someone who has died of Ebola People who have died from Ebola should only be handled using appropriate protective equipment and should be buried

7、 immediately by public health professionals who are trained in safe burial proceduresDo not have sexual intercourse within three months after recovery.,How to reduce the risk of human-to-human transmission in the community,If you suspect someone close to you or in your community of having Ebola viru

8、s diseaseencourage and support them in seeking appropriate medical treatment in a health-care facility,Patients with Ebola in community,Notify public health officialsGet trainedt the end of this course,you will know:Get appropriate gloves and personal protective equipment(PPE)gloves,impermeable gown

9、,boots/closed shoes with overshoes,mask and eye protection for splashesInstructionsreminder on how to properly care for the patient,protect yourself and your family,and properly dispose of the PPE after use,Caring for patient at home-NOT recommended,Avoid contact with fruit bats or monkeys/apes cons

10、umption of their raw meatAnimals should be handled with gloves and other appropriate protective clothingAnimal products(blood and meat)should be thoroughly cooked before consumption,Reducing the risk of wildlife-to-human transmission,what to do when you have contacted with patient,According to the r

11、ules and regulationsIndividuals check for signs and symptoms of Ebola for 21 daysMeasure temperature every morning and eveningWatch for other Ebola symptoms,like severe headache,muscle pain,vomiting,diarrhea,stomach pain,or unexplained bleeding or bruisingGo to the nearest health facility with any o

12、f the above symptoms Doctor can evaluate the exposure level and any symptoms consult with public health authorities to determine if actions are neededContacts can continue their normal activities,including going to work,Prompt medical care is essential to improving the rate of survival from the dise

13、asePeople seek credible health advice about Ebola from their public health authorityBefore patients go to the doctors office or emergency roomTell doctor about recent contact with a person who was sick with Ebola and your symptomsIt will help the staff care for you and protect other people,What to d

14、o when a person has signs and symptoms,Ebola virus has been detected up to 15 days after symptom onset in breast milkWith safe alternatives to breastfeeding and infant careMothers with probable or confirmed Ebola virus disease should not have close contact with their infantsWeighing between starvati

15、on and EVD in resource-limited settings,Reducing the risk of mother to child transmission of Ebola virus,Focus on reducing the risk of animal-to-human transmissionCommunities affected by Ebola could Inform the population about the nature of the disease Outbreak containment measures,including burial

16、of the dead,Communities could provide educational public health messages to the population,The first-ever UN emergency public health missionStrategic prioritiesStop the spread of the diseaseTreat infected patientsEnsure essential servicesPreserve stabilityPrevent the spread of EVD to countries curre

17、ntly unaffected by EVD,UN Mission for Ebola Emergency Response(UNMEER),Case managementSafe and dignified burialsCase confirmationContact tracing,community engagement,Work area of the UNMEER,ExperienceStrong political leadershipEarly detection and responsePublic awareness campaignsStrong support from

18、 partner organizations,Successful experience of Nigeria and Senegal in controlling Ebola,Increase the density and network of safe beds and effective care in Ebola treatment and care centers to cover all administrative regions,District and chiefdoms.Increase the number of clinical and non-clinical na

19、tional and international personnel to meet the needs of the new centers and beds being established.,Strategies of Sierra Leone,Increase the proportion of safe burials.Strengthen the operational and logistical capacity of the national and district operational co-ordination structures.Enhance other op

20、erational pillars of the Emergency Response to meet the increase challenges posed by the current scale of the epidemic.,Strategies of Sierra Leone,Training Program on Prevention and Control ofEbola Virus Disease,Chinas experience on infection disease control,Severe acute respiratory syndrome(SARS)is

21、 a disease caused by SARS coronavirus(SARS-CoV).Presenting symptoms include fever,malaise,myalgia,headache,and rigors.No individual symptom or cluster of symptoms has proven specific.Cough(initially dry),dyspnoea and diarrhoea may be present in the early stage.Severe cases develop rapidly progressin

22、g respiratory distress and oxygen desaturation with about 20%requiring intensive care.,Outbreak of Severe acute respiratory syndrome in China,2003,25 Provinces have reportedSARS Probable Cases as of June 16,2003,Development of the SARS epidemic in China,WHO Officials Declare End to SARS Outbreak in

23、China in July 5,2003,Control measures:Enhance Government Leadership and Legislation,President&Premier visited SARS affected areas and encouraged health care workers,and instructed that SARS must be the highest priority of government work.,Surveillance over SARS started on Feb.11,2003,“National SARS

24、case definition and technical protocols”issued SARS information network established since April 20,2003 through“National disease reporting and management information system”Rural surveillance system set up down to village,connecting village,township and county levelsEpidemiologists organized to trac

25、e close contacts Daily and zero reporting system establishedInformation shared with WHO&publicized on a daily basis,Control measures:Improve Surveillance System,People in rural areas were well mobilized,242 SARS cases reported,4.5%of all cases Comprehensive measures to reduce hospital infection Nati

26、onal guidelines developed Feces,secretions&bodies of SARS patients and other medical waste properly treated,Control measures:Strictly Control Infection in Hospitals and Communities,Temperature monitoring station,Measures to control community outbreak Sites of SARS clusters sealed offSurveillance ove

27、r migrant population enhancedMorning temperature check for studentsSchools in some areas temporarily closedContaminated places disinfected,Temperature monitoring,SARS health education carried out,Patriotic Health Campaign strengthened Quarantine measures in major transport control points,Health educ

28、ation,Fever clinics&SARS hospitals designated in all areasMedical infrastructure and technical expertise upgraded:ICU facilities improved in SARS hospitalsTreatment regimens combining both western medicine&TCM disseminated Attention given to severe cases to reduce case fatalityProbable and suspected

29、 cases isolated and treated separately,Control measures:Case Management,Close contacts quarantined either at home or in designated places Expert consultation organized to reduce misdiagnosis and under diagnosisCentral government special fund for free treatment to rural and urban residents in financi

30、al difficulties,Quarantine,Designated hospitals,Scientific research coordinated by MOST in collaboration with international community Research topics:Etiology Routes of transmission Prevention measures Rapid diagnosis Clinical treatment Rehabilitation Sources of the virus Technical protocols revised

31、 based on scientific findings,Control measures:Research,Schistosomiasis in China,2000 years old egg,People suffered terribly,Contamination,Life cycle of Schistosoma japonicum,Fishing,Washing,Swimming,Distribution and transmission of schistosomiasis,Snail control(core element)Mass mobilizatonIntegrat

32、ed with agriculture practiceTreatment for all patients,Control Strategies and Programs(1956-1970s),Spray pesticide,Mass mobilization,Improve irrigation,Morbidity control(core element)Praziquantel,introduced and widely usedHealth education,raise awareness,Control Strategies and Programs(1980s-2000),0

33、,200,000,400,000,600,000,800,000,1,000,000,1996,1998,2000,2002,2004,People infected with S.japonicum,Lessons of schistosomiasis control in China,No.of cases rebounded,Integrated strategy(core element)Key measuressafe treatment of feces,safe water supply(egg control)no herd in snail habitat,replaceme

34、nt of buffalo with machinePraziquantel treatment to both people and buffalo Complementary measuresSnail control;Health education,not contact infested water,Control Strategies and Programs(2003-present),Enviornment modification,Snail control using pesticide,Social mobilization,Health education,Premie

35、r,Program management and Leadership,National conference,Training of Regulation on the Prevention and Control of Schistosomiasis,Legislation,Regulation on the Prevention and Control of Schistosomiasis,Progress of national program,290 000 estimated cases in 2011,61%reduction compared with 2003;3 acute

36、 cases were reported in 2011,99%reduction compared with 2003.,Figure2 The numbers of estimated cases and acute cases from 2002-2011,The main strategies of control:Strong government leadership Improving legislations Relying on science&technology Mobilizing whole society Extensive cooperation,Summary

37、from the control of SARS and schistosomiasis,Control infection source is key,remember 5 earliersEarlier detection,earlier report,earlier diagnosis,earlier isolationearlier treatment,Experience on Infectious diseases control in ChinaKey message for community health workers,Infection diseases control

38、depend on law Government-leadingIntegrated system for case reportingSurveillance and emergency responseMechanism for joint prevention and control of infectious disease,standardizing measures Social mobilization and community engagement,Chinas experience of infectious diseases control,Infectious Dise

39、ases Prevention and Treatment Act Enacted by National Peoples CongressIssued in 1989,revised in 2004Three-category list of notifiable diseasesCategory A,B,and CMandatory report and managementDisease-specific diagnostic criteria or guideline issued by MOH,Infection diseases control according to law,G

40、overnment-leading,Integrated system for case reporting,China Information System fro Diseases Control and Prevention was improved of Nov.2003 and implemented of Jan.2004.,The system run by levels from township,county,province and nation.This website show the report content of infectious disease.,The

41、Web-based infectious-disease reporting system has been playing a vital role in the response to H1N1,H7N9 and other emerging diseases in the recent years in China.Another benefit of the system is that in the build-up to the system being introduced,many ordinary public-health workers received improved

42、 comprehensive training in disease surveillance.,Surveillance and emergency responseNational(SARS)case definition and technical protocolsNational disease reporting and management information systemRural surveillance system set upEpidemiologists organized to trace close contacts Daily and zero report

43、ing system establishedHuman body temperature monitoringMigrant surveillanceContact tracing and Quarantine measures,Mechanism for joint prevention and control of infectious disease,standardizing measures,Multi-government department collaboration,Multi-section collaboration,Joint meeting of control,Pa

44、triotic public health campaigns Latrine improvement in rural countryside,supply public toilet and house toilet,which support by government and resident.National environment clean action in urban and rural areas Four-pests elimination action,fly,mosquito,bug and cockroch transmit infectious diseases,the action call resident clean environment of house and nearby out of house,and eliminating 4-pets.,Social mobilization and community engagement,


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