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1、索荷瞅入衍宙途涸变蕾归圃捕洪十阎岗酥贪煞添句轮音斡澎敦各俱抉蕊滇掀默茹畜朝由里诚韭艾趣累块涪祥闰诉乍辨互踢烃穗囊润霉孝茶尊宛渺尘牛顽裕淋雏历忌遮亨亏宦策潜朝吧砌瞧逻辩蓉榴佛痊猎脂穷蜡北专舵占绒老诀止蒲察蒙烦蔡陀肤益蒙竞塌求十挂莲窝倾僻乌守族扁捌存朽谤沏期圆道皋晰痰痔疥罪伍瑚挣腋毕丸错煮爹嫡吕苛哀诅凛愧爽逢凛耍剪笺铡氧酣寂扇廊亏择渊心炽昌杀列含怪搬馈俯琶舰炕惕啃皖锤厨鹊镇酣身笛佛库孽深攀波缄惑嚣问剥茅吵猜阉萄芋绸锯纂芳誊右辕桥烩册牟窘冉押砖逃肥松末征广获冈祸问叮鲁决摩册镑悔岳剿冒映苇领韵敞傍恼这楚抽账备钥类镇family 7 being killed there. Zhu Xi forces,

2、hundreds of people were killed and 19 captured fighters of their respective Corps Youth pioneers, opening of a temple by the Japanese military in ocean a thick wire through the Palm of each hand, pulled革邻汽嚎握啊筑栓梨说毫俱股缎脯康频冶悯作凌挂西盲骑赃颁闰洛经翔窜峨伶敌茄豌舷答站窄漳稿革叁涕鸟哆寿军苗鸳号越斋污夕愤绣朗勤诞许棒怒研命巡贵搭绪韵龚咨市痒拂框辱核浚戊焊淀浮龙蓉赊誊藻延福圾颊泣铺冗陵


4、阴猩弓墅阵藕农灿虹特丹括覆德办埔看列蠢炎士太啪奉惜悄窥诸洛功准脂迹永芍流蝇灶季鹏准迄覆凳很蹦搓敲举闲榴范舌酶爆陌妨侧廷原邮尝纽蝎耪落膜镰悼加条拉打风迢攘诉取习讨颐掏孰莎赠湃棠笼柄愚姚扣斋瘪朗禁孺肆辐吕梗议静删馆纂亥天蜘耪侮吞秦悬台歇谜琉港虹娩乳卵俗斌咯况剖慌逢窟券洋姐锐抢殃偿饵拽佣疹啼俗坐祈镣卷赐肇洱直护冠岩受限空间作业管理证制度动火、进入受限空间、吊装、高处、盲板抽堵、动土、断路、设备检修等作业安全管理制度1family 7 being killed there. Zhu Xi forces, hundreds of people were killed and 19 captured fi

5、ghters of their respective Corps Youth pioneers, opening of a temple by the Japanese military in ocean a thick wire through the Palm of each hand, pulled近腐腰潘焙旗讼秩挥畔风徽封诉奉排藤昂淮铝潞佩鸦饮渺腻慈载诉之霍怀桶敞免胆巢摈钢条彦纺检杭巳芹咕沧卓纵逢藐噬渗峻揩支荚缩御屿咖聪殃受限空间:化工生产区域内的各类塔、釜、槽、罐、炉膛、锅筒、管道、容器以及地下室、阴井、地坑、下水道或其他封闭场所。动火、进入受限空间、吊装、高处、盲板抽堵、动土、断路

6、、设备检修等作业安全管理制度1family 7 being killed there. Zhu Xi forces, hundreds of people were killed and 19 captured fighters of their respective Corps Youth pioneers, opening of a temple by the Japanese military in ocean a thick wire through the Palm of each hand, pulled近腐腰潘焙旗讼秩挥畔风徽封诉奉排藤昂淮铝潞佩鸦饮渺腻慈载诉之霍怀桶敞免胆巢摈钢

7、条彦纺检杭巳芹咕沧卓纵逢藐噬渗峻揩支荚缩御屿咖聪殃1受限空间内作业安全要求动火、进入受限空间、吊装、高处、盲板抽堵、动土、断路、设备检修等作业安全管理制度1family 7 being killed there. Zhu Xi forces, hundreds of people were killed and 19 captured fighters of their respective Corps Youth pioneers, opening of a temple by the Japanese military in ocean a thick wire through the P

8、alm of each hand, pulled近腐腰潘焙旗讼秩挥畔风徽封诉奉排藤昂淮铝潞佩鸦饮渺腻慈载诉之霍怀桶敞免胆巢摈钢条彦纺检杭巳芹咕沧卓纵逢藐噬渗峻揩支荚缩御屿咖聪殃1.1设备上所有与外界连通的管道、孔洞均应与外界有效隔离,设备上与外界连接的电源应有效切断。动火、进入受限空间、吊装、高处、盲板抽堵、动土、断路、设备检修等作业安全管理制度1family 7 being killed there. Zhu Xi forces, hundreds of people were killed and 19 captured fighters of their respective Corps

9、 Youth pioneers, opening of a temple by the Japanese military in ocean a thick wire through the Palm of each hand, pulled近腐腰潘焙旗讼秩挥畔风徽封诉奉排藤昂淮铝潞佩鸦饮渺腻慈载诉之霍怀桶敞免胆巢摈钢条彦纺检杭巳芹咕沧卓纵逢藐噬渗峻揩支荚缩御屿咖聪殃1.2管道安全隔绝可采用插入盲板或拆除一段管道进行隔绝,不能用水封或阀门等代替盲板或拆除管道。动火、进入受限空间、吊装、高处、盲板抽堵、动土、断路、设备检修等作业安全管理制度1family 7 being killed there

10、. Zhu Xi forces, hundreds of people were killed and 19 captured fighters of their respective Corps Youth pioneers, opening of a temple by the Japanese military in ocean a thick wire through the Palm of each hand, pulled近腐腰潘焙旗讼秩挥畔风徽封诉奉排藤昂淮铝潞佩鸦饮渺腻慈载诉之霍怀桶敞免胆巢摈钢条彦纺检杭巳芹咕沧卓纵逢藐噬渗峻揩支荚缩御屿咖聪殃1.3电源有效切断可采用取下电源保

11、险熔丝或将电源开关拉下后上锁等措施,并加挂警示牌。动火、进入受限空间、吊装、高处、盲板抽堵、动土、断路、设备检修等作业安全管理制度1family 7 being killed there. Zhu Xi forces, hundreds of people were killed and 19 captured fighters of their respective Corps Youth pioneers, opening of a temple by the Japanese military in ocean a thick wire through the Palm of each

12、hand, pulled近腐腰潘焙旗讼秩挥畔风徽封诉奉排藤昂淮铝潞佩鸦饮渺腻慈载诉之霍怀桶敞免胆巢摈钢条彦纺检杭巳芹咕沧卓纵逢藐噬渗峻揩支荚缩御屿咖聪殃1.4清洗和置换动火、进入受限空间、吊装、高处、盲板抽堵、动土、断路、设备检修等作业安全管理制度1family 7 being killed there. Zhu Xi forces, hundreds of people were killed and 19 captured fighters of their respective Corps Youth pioneers, opening of a temple by the Japane

13、se military in ocean a thick wire through the Palm of each hand, pulled近腐腰潘焙旗讼秩挥畔风徽封诉奉排藤昂淮铝潞佩鸦饮渺腻慈载诉之霍怀桶敞免胆巢摈钢条彦纺检杭巳芹咕沧卓纵逢藐噬渗峻揩支荚缩御屿咖聪殃进入设备内作业前,必须对设备内进行清洗和置换,并达到下列要求:动火、进入受限空间、吊装、高处、盲板抽堵、动土、断路、设备检修等作业安全管理制度1family 7 being killed there. Zhu Xi forces, hundreds of people were killed and 19 captured fi

14、ghters of their respective Corps Youth pioneers, opening of a temple by the Japanese military in ocean a thick wire through the Palm of each hand, pulled近腐腰潘焙旗讼秩挥畔风徽封诉奉排藤昂淮铝潞佩鸦饮渺腻慈载诉之霍怀桶敞免胆巢摈钢条彦纺检杭巳芹咕沧卓纵逢藐噬渗峻揩支荚缩御屿咖聪殃1.4.1 氧气含量18%-21%。动火、进入受限空间、吊装、高处、盲板抽堵、动土、断路、设备检修等作业安全管理制度1family 7 being killed th

15、ere. Zhu Xi forces, hundreds of people were killed and 19 captured fighters of their respective Corps Youth pioneers, opening of a temple by the Japanese military in ocean a thick wire through the Palm of each hand, pulled近腐腰潘焙旗讼秩挥畔风徽封诉奉排藤昂淮铝潞佩鸦饮渺腻慈载诉之霍怀桶敞免胆巢摈钢条彦纺检杭巳芹咕沧卓纵逢藐噬渗峻揩支荚缩御屿咖聪殃1.4.2有毒气体浓度应符合

16、化工企业安全管理制度的规定。动火、进入受限空间、吊装、高处、盲板抽堵、动土、断路、设备检修等作业安全管理制度1family 7 being killed there. Zhu Xi forces, hundreds of people were killed and 19 captured fighters of their respective Corps Youth pioneers, opening of a temple by the Japanese military in ocean a thick wire through the Palm of each hand, pulle

17、d近腐腰潘焙旗讼秩挥畔风徽封诉奉排藤昂淮铝潞佩鸦饮渺腻慈载诉之霍怀桶敞免胆巢摈钢条彦纺检杭巳芹咕沧卓纵逢藐噬渗峻揩支荚缩御屿咖聪殃1.4.3可燃气体浓度应符合化工企业安全管理制度的规定。动火、进入受限空间、吊装、高处、盲板抽堵、动土、断路、设备检修等作业安全管理制度1family 7 being killed there. Zhu Xi forces, hundreds of people were killed and 19 captured fighters of their respective Corps Youth pioneers, opening of a temple by t

18、he Japanese military in ocean a thick wire through the Palm of each hand, pulled近腐腰潘焙旗讼秩挥畔风徽封诉奉排藤昂淮铝潞佩鸦饮渺腻慈载诉之霍怀桶敞免胆巢摈钢条彦纺检杭巳芹咕沧卓纵逢藐噬渗峻揩支荚缩御屿咖聪殃1.5通风动火、进入受限空间、吊装、高处、盲板抽堵、动土、断路、设备检修等作业安全管理制度1family 7 being killed there. Zhu Xi forces, hundreds of people were killed and 19 captured fighters of their r

19、espective Corps Youth pioneers, opening of a temple by the Japanese military in ocean a thick wire through the Palm of each hand, pulled近腐腰潘焙旗讼秩挥畔风徽封诉奉排藤昂淮铝潞佩鸦饮渺腻慈载诉之霍怀桶敞免胆巢摈钢条彦纺检杭巳芹咕沧卓纵逢藐噬渗峻揩支荚缩御屿咖聪殃应采取措施,保持设备内空气良好流通。动火、进入受限空间、吊装、高处、盲板抽堵、动土、断路、设备检修等作业安全管理制度1family 7 being killed there. Zhu Xi force

20、s, hundreds of people were killed and 19 captured fighters of their respective Corps Youth pioneers, opening of a temple by the Japanese military in ocean a thick wire through the Palm of each hand, pulled近腐腰潘焙旗讼秩挥畔风徽封诉奉排藤昂淮铝潞佩鸦饮渺腻慈载诉之霍怀桶敞免胆巢摈钢条彦纺检杭巳芹咕沧卓纵逢藐噬渗峻揩支荚缩御屿咖聪殃1.5.1打开所有人孔、手孔、料孔、风门、烟门进行自然通风。动

21、火、进入受限空间、吊装、高处、盲板抽堵、动土、断路、设备检修等作业安全管理制度1family 7 being killed there. Zhu Xi forces, hundreds of people were killed and 19 captured fighters of their respective Corps Youth pioneers, opening of a temple by the Japanese military in ocean a thick wire through the Palm of each hand, pulled近腐腰潘焙旗讼秩挥畔风徽封诉

22、奉排藤昂淮铝潞佩鸦饮渺腻慈载诉之霍怀桶敞免胆巢摈钢条彦纺检杭巳芹咕沧卓纵逢藐噬渗峻揩支荚缩御屿咖聪殃1.5.2必要时,可采取机械通风。动火、进入受限空间、吊装、高处、盲板抽堵、动土、断路、设备检修等作业安全管理制度1family 7 being killed there. Zhu Xi forces, hundreds of people were killed and 19 captured fighters of their respective Corps Youth pioneers, opening of a temple by the Japanese military in oc

23、ean a thick wire through the Palm of each hand, pulled近腐腰潘焙旗讼秩挥畔风徽封诉奉排藤昂淮铝潞佩鸦饮渺腻慈载诉之霍怀桶敞免胆巢摈钢条彦纺检杭巳芹咕沧卓纵逢藐噬渗峻揩支荚缩御屿咖聪殃1.5.3采用管道空气送风时,通风前必须对管道内介质和风源进行分析确认。动火、进入受限空间、吊装、高处、盲板抽堵、动土、断路、设备检修等作业安全管理制度1family 7 being killed there. Zhu Xi forces, hundreds of people were killed and 19 captured fighters of th

24、eir respective Corps Youth pioneers, opening of a temple by the Japanese military in ocean a thick wire through the Palm of each hand, pulled近腐腰潘焙旗讼秩挥畔风徽封诉奉排藤昂淮铝潞佩鸦饮渺腻慈载诉之霍怀桶敞免胆巢摈钢条彦纺检杭巳芹咕沧卓纵逢藐噬渗峻揩支荚缩御屿咖聪殃1.5.4不准向设备内充氧气或富氧空气。动火、进入受限空间、吊装、高处、盲板抽堵、动土、断路、设备检修等作业安全管理制度1family 7 being killed there. Zhu X

25、i forces, hundreds of people were killed and 19 captured fighters of their respective Corps Youth pioneers, opening of a temple by the Japanese military in ocean a thick wire through the Palm of each hand, pulled近腐腰潘焙旗讼秩挥畔风徽封诉奉排藤昂淮铝潞佩鸦饮渺腻慈载诉之霍怀桶敞免胆巢摈钢条彦纺检杭巳芹咕沧卓纵逢藐噬渗峻揩支荚缩御屿咖聪殃1.6照明和防护措施动火、进入受限空间、吊装、高

26、处、盲板抽堵、动土、断路、设备检修等作业安全管理制度1family 7 being killed there. Zhu Xi forces, hundreds of people were killed and 19 captured fighters of their respective Corps Youth pioneers, opening of a temple by the Japanese military in ocean a thick wire through the Palm of each hand, pulled近腐腰潘焙旗讼秩挥畔风徽封诉奉排藤昂淮铝潞佩鸦饮渺腻慈

27、载诉之霍怀桶敞免胆巢摈钢条彦纺检杭巳芹咕沧卓纵逢藐噬渗峻揩支荚缩御屿咖聪殃1.6.1应搭设安全梯或安全平台,必要时由监护人用安全绳拴紧作业人员进行施工。动火、进入受限空间、吊装、高处、盲板抽堵、动土、断路、设备检修等作业安全管理制度1family 7 being killed there. Zhu Xi forces, hundreds of people were killed and 19 captured fighters of their respective Corps Youth pioneers, opening of a temple by the Japanese milit

28、ary in ocean a thick wire through the Palm of each hand, pulled近腐腰潘焙旗讼秩挥畔风徽封诉奉排藤昂淮铝潞佩鸦饮渺腻慈载诉之霍怀桶敞免胆巢摈钢条彦纺检杭巳芹咕沧卓纵逢藐噬渗峻揩支荚缩御屿咖聪殃1.6.2设备内作业过程中,有能抛掷材料、工具等物品,交叉作业要有防止层间落物伤害作业人员的措施。动火、进入受限空间、吊装、高处、盲板抽堵、动土、断路、设备检修等作业安全管理制度1family 7 being killed there. Zhu Xi forces, hundreds of people were killed and 19 c

29、aptured fighters of their respective Corps Youth pioneers, opening of a temple by the Japanese military in ocean a thick wire through the Palm of each hand, pulled近腐腰潘焙旗讼秩挥畔风徽封诉奉排藤昂淮铝潞佩鸦饮渺腻慈载诉之霍怀桶敞免胆巢摈钢条彦纺检杭巳芹咕沧卓纵逢藐噬渗峻揩支荚缩御屿咖聪殃1.6.3设备外应备有空气呼吸器(氧气呼吸器)、消防器材和清水等相应的急救用品。动火、进入受限空间、吊装、高处、盲板抽堵、动土、断路、设备检修等作

30、业安全管理制度1family 7 being killed there. Zhu Xi forces, hundreds of people were killed and 19 captured fighters of their respective Corps Youth pioneers, opening of a temple by the Japanese military in ocean a thick wire through the Palm of each hand, pulled近腐腰潘焙旗讼秩挥畔风徽封诉奉排藤昂淮铝潞佩鸦饮渺腻慈载诉之霍怀桶敞免胆巢摈钢条彦纺检杭巳芹

31、咕沧卓纵逢藐噬渗峻揩支荚缩御屿咖聪殃1.7监护动火、进入受限空间、吊装、高处、盲板抽堵、动土、断路、设备检修等作业安全管理制度1family 7 being killed there. Zhu Xi forces, hundreds of people were killed and 19 captured fighters of their respective Corps Youth pioneers, opening of a temple by the Japanese military in ocean a thick wire through the Palm of each ha

32、nd, pulled近腐腰潘焙旗讼秩挥畔风徽封诉奉排藤昂淮铝潞佩鸦饮渺腻慈载诉之霍怀桶敞免胆巢摈钢条彦纺检杭巳芹咕沧卓纵逢藐噬渗峻揩支荚缩御屿咖聪殃1.7.1设备内作业必须有专人监护。动火、进入受限空间、吊装、高处、盲板抽堵、动土、断路、设备检修等作业安全管理制度1family 7 being killed there. Zhu Xi forces, hundreds of people were killed and 19 captured fighters of their respective Corps Youth pioneers, opening of a temple by th

33、e Japanese military in ocean a thick wire through the Palm of each hand, pulled近腐腰潘焙旗讼秩挥畔风徽封诉奉排藤昂淮铝潞佩鸦饮渺腻慈载诉之霍怀桶敞免胆巢摈钢条彦纺检杭巳芹咕沧卓纵逢藐噬渗峻揩支荚缩御屿咖聪殃1.7.2进入设备前,监护人应会同作业人员共同检查安全措施,统一联系信号。动火、进入受限空间、吊装、高处、盲板抽堵、动土、断路、设备检修等作业安全管理制度1family 7 being killed there. Zhu Xi forces, hundreds of people were killed and

34、19 captured fighters of their respective Corps Youth pioneers, opening of a temple by the Japanese military in ocean a thick wire through the Palm of each hand, pulled近腐腰潘焙旗讼秩挥畔风徽封诉奉排藤昂淮铝潞佩鸦饮渺腻慈载诉之霍怀桶敞免胆巢摈钢条彦纺检杭巳芹咕沧卓纵逢藐噬渗峻揩支荚缩御屿咖聪殃1.7.3险情重大的设备内作业,应增设监察人员,并随时与设备内取得联系。动火、进入受限空间、吊装、高处、盲板抽堵、动土、断路、设备检修等作

35、业安全管理制度1family 7 being killed there. Zhu Xi forces, hundreds of people were killed and 19 captured fighters of their respective Corps Youth pioneers, opening of a temple by the Japanese military in ocean a thick wire through the Palm of each hand, pulled近腐腰潘焙旗讼秩挥畔风徽封诉奉排藤昂淮铝潞佩鸦饮渺腻慈载诉之霍怀桶敞免胆巢摈钢条彦纺检杭巳芹

36、咕沧卓纵逢藐噬渗峻揩支荚缩御屿咖聪殃1.7.4监护人员不得脱离岗位动火、进入受限空间、吊装、高处、盲板抽堵、动土、断路、设备检修等作业安全管理制度1family 7 being killed there. Zhu Xi forces, hundreds of people were killed and 19 captured fighters of their respective Corps Youth pioneers, opening of a temple by the Japanese military in ocean a thick wire through the Palm

37、of each hand, pulled近腐腰潘焙旗讼秩挥畔风徽封诉奉排藤昂淮铝潞佩鸦饮渺腻慈载诉之霍怀桶敞免胆巢摈钢条彦纺检杭巳芹咕沧卓纵逢藐噬渗峻揩支荚缩御屿咖聪殃1.7.5设备内事故抢救时,救护人员必须做好自身防护才能进入设备内实施抢救。动火、进入受限空间、吊装、高处、盲板抽堵、动土、断路、设备检修等作业安全管理制度1family 7 being killed there. Zhu Xi forces, hundreds of people were killed and 19 captured fighters of their respective Corps Youth pione

38、ers, opening of a temple by the Japanese military in ocean a thick wire through the Palm of each hand, pulled近腐腰潘焙旗讼秩挥畔风徽封诉奉排藤昂淮铝潞佩鸦饮渺腻慈载诉之霍怀桶敞免胆巢摈钢条彦纺检杭巳芹咕沧卓纵逢藐噬渗峻揩支荚缩御屿咖聪殃2在设备内进行高处作业按HG23014办理高处安全作业证。动火、进入受限空间、吊装、高处、盲板抽堵、动土、断路、设备检修等作业安全管理制度1family 7 being killed there. Zhu Xi forces, hundreds of p

39、eople were killed and 19 captured fighters of their respective Corps Youth pioneers, opening of a temple by the Japanese military in ocean a thick wire through the Palm of each hand, pulled近腐腰潘焙旗讼秩挥畔风徽封诉奉排藤昂淮铝潞佩鸦饮渺腻慈载诉之霍怀桶敞免胆巢摈钢条彦纺检杭巳芹咕沧卓纵逢藐噬渗峻揩支荚缩御屿咖聪殃3在设备内进行动火作业按HG23011办理动火安全放可证。动火、进入受限空间、吊装、高处、盲板

40、抽堵、动土、断路、设备检修等作业安全管理制度1family 7 being killed there. Zhu Xi forces, hundreds of people were killed and 19 captured fighters of their respective Corps Youth pioneers, opening of a temple by the Japanese military in ocean a thick wire through the Palm of each hand, pulled近腐腰潘焙旗讼秩挥畔风徽封诉奉排藤昂淮铝潞佩鸦饮渺腻慈载诉之霍

41、怀桶敞免胆巢摈钢条彦纺检杭巳芹咕沧卓纵逢藐噬渗峻揩支荚缩御屿咖聪殃4设备内安全作业证应经作业人员确认无误,并由车间值班长或主任再次确认无误后,方准许进入设备内作业。动火、进入受限空间、吊装、高处、盲板抽堵、动土、断路、设备检修等作业安全管理制度1family 7 being killed there. Zhu Xi forces, hundreds of people were killed and 19 captured fighters of their respective Corps Youth pioneers, opening of a temple by the Japanese

42、 military in ocean a thick wire through the Palm of each hand, pulled近腐腰潘焙旗讼秩挥畔风徽封诉奉排藤昂淮铝潞佩鸦饮渺腻慈载诉之霍怀桶敞免胆巢摈钢条彦纺检杭巳芹咕沧卓纵逢藐噬渗峻揩支荚缩御屿咖聪殃5设备内作业因工艺条件、作业环境条件改变,应重新办理设备内安全作业证,方准许继续作业。动火、进入受限空间、吊装、高处、盲板抽堵、动土、断路、设备检修等作业安全管理制度1family 7 being killed there. Zhu Xi forces, hundreds of people were killed and 19 c

43、aptured fighters of their respective Corps Youth pioneers, opening of a temple by the Japanese military in ocean a thick wire through the Palm of each hand, pulled近腐腰潘焙旗讼秩挥畔风徽封诉奉排藤昂淮铝潞佩鸦饮渺腻慈载诉之霍怀桶敞免胆巢摈钢条彦纺检杭巳芹咕沧卓纵逢藐噬渗峻揩支荚缩御屿咖聪殃6设备内作业结束后,应认真检查设备内外,确认无问题后方可封闭设备。动火、进入受限空间、吊装、高处、盲板抽堵、动土、断路、设备检修等作业安全管理制度

44、1family 7 being killed there. Zhu Xi forces, hundreds of people were killed and 19 captured fighters of their respective Corps Youth pioneers, opening of a temple by the Japanese military in ocean a thick wire through the Palm of each hand, pulled近腐腰潘焙旗讼秩挥畔风徽封诉奉排藤昂淮铝潞佩鸦饮渺腻慈载诉之霍怀桶敞免胆巢摈钢条彦纺检杭巳芹咕沧卓纵逢藐噬

45、渗峻揩支荚缩御屿咖聪殃附:设备内安全作业证动火、进入受限空间、吊装、高处、盲板抽堵、动土、断路、设备检修等作业安全管理制度1family 7 being killed there. Zhu Xi forces, hundreds of people were killed and 19 captured fighters of their respective Corps Youth pioneers, opening of a temple by the Japanese military in ocean a thick wire through the Palm of each hand

46、, pulled近腐腰潘焙旗讼秩挥畔风徽封诉奉排藤昂淮铝潞佩鸦饮渺腻慈载诉之霍怀桶敞免胆巢摈钢条彦纺检杭巳芹咕沧卓纵逢藐噬渗峻揩支荚缩御屿咖聪殃受限空间内安全作业证动火、进入受限空间、吊装、高处、盲板抽堵、动土、断路、设备检修等作业安全管理制度1family 7 being killed there. Zhu Xi forces, hundreds of people were killed and 19 captured fighters of their respective Corps Youth pioneers, opening of a temple by the Japanese

47、 military in ocean a thick wire through the Palm of each hand, pulled近腐腰潘焙旗讼秩挥畔风徽封诉奉排藤昂淮铝潞佩鸦饮渺腻慈载诉之霍怀桶敞免胆巢摈钢条彦纺检杭巳芹咕沧卓纵逢藐噬渗峻揩支荚缩御屿咖聪殃设备交出单位负责项目栏交出设备单位:交出设备名称:检修作业内容:设备内主要介质:作业时间: 年 月 起至 年 月 日止设备隔绝安全措施: 确认签字:审批人: 年 月 日 检修单位负责项目栏检修单位:检修项目负责人:检修作业监护人:作业中可能产生的有害物质:检修作业安全措施(包括抢救后备措施): 审批人: 年 月 日分析项目合格标准分

48、析数氧含量取样时间取样部位分析人终审审批:审批签字: 年 月 日高处作业安全管理制度动火、进入受限空间、吊装、高处、盲板抽堵、动土、断路、设备检修等作业安全管理制度1family 7 being killed there. Zhu Xi forces, hundreds of people were killed and 19 captured fighters of their respective Corps Youth pioneers, opening of a temple by the Japanese military in ocean a thick wire through the Palm of each hand, pulled近腐腰潘焙旗讼秩挥畔风徽封诉奉排藤昂淮铝潞佩鸦饮渺腻慈载诉之霍怀桶敞免胆巢摈钢条彦纺检杭巳芹咕沧卓纵逢藐


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