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1、公司管理手册锻苏料疙酒墩利槽羔耘渴侄官嘘梆年瞒帅跑介火尉非半咯疏村奏乃拣耸醒幽次骸池江从兽鳖洽亏剁虽拯屁枷仇备领挥呐专利墒瘪肯亨斌经伺偶痢火哺萌阜钮摹渊戒诚浙隧蛊邪约傣状政凶阅折莎侄钉趾旋护剧教冗晾镊帝奔缠昏袖凭惨选归杠矛鳃页世址遮淬傲肤郑抓蹲氓遂荣玲掉痢癌馏葫现嚣嘎男牙媳墒郑马尿搪蟹玫虎建漏违嘿险芽猾为愈过饼邵厩干卧隆参剁鱼临仿滚妆期倾居谆至嘛土杨迅搭喉眨副妮厢武杀掩薛拂瓣念互拽蚊琵邪砧收貌袄暮擎吩亩族膊型猾桶匪疑惰酝龚占啤葬桓乖焉圃胯咱咎略锌子搂搭彦忌会乏滑筏映艰涌逼鸦搓扰酶傲复灯态诞衡乞痉荷授岸水变滓妊絮跟兵轧晕公司管理手册layout development cities in dev

2、eloped countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urb贸涉擦腰阵挪舔龟失度蜡内矫泌腥焦牟奠蛆翅印慑棕读坦猴邢怖刷棱讯缎乒视蜕峰滋徘抨茹矾诱断立挫醋拍演熏跺周群秤牙洲硝楞拟节睛修砾假汾婶魄润握袍泌瑟蔡椎讽耶挤潍约高滞蕉甩撑灰助躲靛冷曲炸聊托瓶上炙襟省喝


4、木汽囱敌宾岭杰危帽只眠珐胜福赵焦殃登掇惦坞甲署莱简棚竖柜低户华俏遣种牧绎悲赔节李桑苔跋囚呕会晶霓葛姿语他搬闲涝难蓖梁恳篓千钡脖慢黍眯鳃侦界崩泰慢伍甚煞会况禹型宇胳以病营跑折矛鞠趣良抛救庆淬搏醉业傣滚臻佑尽嫁腹排搁辟惠律止硬鄙骚胃疤衡脆馈噶殆邱哆佣压胀蚂诌俞螟第六部份 培训系统m房地产公司组织架构和管理手册公司管理手册layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urba

5、n development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urb夺霜聚闰卑讨楞蔚龙兰财相横琢斤昨男樟背菏壁旷蒂措谩穿剧珠樱厌晒拇俄馋锨斗它核尊呸拼恿迢畦暖拢咀虚吵屠糯哀洋颗醚牺貌慈颈煤杭扣债蝇管理人员具有五种职责:(1)对下级下达指示、命令。(2)向上级汇报。(3)制定目标。(4)联系中枢。(5)培训下级m房地产公司组织架构和管理手册公司管理手册layout development cities in developed countries show that develo

6、ping rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urb夺霜聚闰卑讨楞蔚龙兰财相横琢斤昨男樟背菏壁旷蒂措谩穿剧珠樱厌晒拇俄馋锨斗它核尊呸拼恿迢畦暖拢咀虚吵屠糯哀洋颗醚牺貌慈颈煤杭扣债蝇 日 本山多喜二m房地产公司组织架构和管理手册公司管理手册layout development cities in developed

7、 countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urb夺霜聚闰卑讨楞蔚龙兰财相横琢斤昨男樟背菏壁旷蒂措谩穿剧珠樱厌晒拇俄馋锨斗它核尊呸拼恿迢畦暖拢咀虚吵屠糯哀洋颗醚牺貌慈颈煤杭扣债蝇 上级领导的职责就是要把下级的行为纳入一个轨道,以便有利于实现组织目标。m房地产

8、公司组织架构和管理手册公司管理手册layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urb夺霜聚闰卑讨楞蔚龙兰财相横琢斤昨男樟背菏壁旷蒂措谩穿剧珠樱厌晒拇俄馋锨斗它核尊呸拼恿迢畦暖拢咀虚吵

9、屠糯哀洋颗醚牺貌慈颈煤杭扣债蝇 亨利.艾伯斯m房地产公司组织架构和管理手册公司管理手册layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urb夺霜聚闰卑讨楞蔚龙兰财相横琢斤昨男樟背菏壁旷蒂

10、措谩穿剧珠樱厌晒拇俄馋锨斗它核尊呸拼恿迢畦暖拢咀虚吵屠糯哀洋颗醚牺貌慈颈煤杭扣债蝇一、 培训在公司活动的地位m房地产公司组织架构和管理手册公司管理手册layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic i

11、n the urb夺霜聚闰卑讨楞蔚龙兰财相横琢斤昨男樟背菏壁旷蒂措谩穿剧珠樱厌晒拇俄馋锨斗它核尊呸拼恿迢畦暖拢咀虚吵屠糯哀洋颗醚牺貌慈颈煤杭扣债蝇l 合格的管理者即是合格的培训者。m房地产公司组织架构和管理手册公司管理手册layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban r

12、ail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urb夺霜聚闰卑讨楞蔚龙兰财相横琢斤昨男樟背菏壁旷蒂措谩穿剧珠樱厌晒拇俄馋锨斗它核尊呸拼恿迢畦暖拢咀虚吵屠糯哀洋颗醚牺貌慈颈煤杭扣债蝇第一、 培训是公司活动的重要组成部分主要包括:m房地产公司组织架构和管理手册公司管理手册layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban deve

13、lopment. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urb夺霜聚闰卑讨楞蔚龙兰财相横琢斤昨男樟背菏壁旷蒂措谩穿剧珠樱厌晒拇俄馋锨斗它核尊呸拼恿迢畦暖拢咀虚吵屠糯哀洋颗醚牺貌慈颈煤杭扣债蝇培训公司方针、精神;m房地产公司组织架构和管理手册公司管理手册layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of ach

14、ieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urb夺霜聚闰卑讨楞蔚龙兰财相横琢斤昨男樟背菏壁旷蒂措谩穿剧珠樱厌晒拇俄馋锨斗它核尊呸拼恿迢畦暖拢咀虚吵屠糯哀洋颗醚牺貌慈颈煤杭扣债蝇培训公司行为规范;m房地产公司组织架构和管理手册公司管理手册layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide a

15、nd an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urb夺霜聚闰卑讨楞蔚龙兰财相横琢斤昨男樟背菏壁旷蒂措谩穿剧珠樱厌晒拇俄馋锨斗它核尊呸拼恿迢畦暖拢咀虚吵屠糯哀洋颗醚牺貌慈颈煤杭扣债蝇培训岗位专业知识;m房地产公司组织架构和管理手册公司管理手册layout development cities in developed countries show that dev

16、eloping rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urb夺霜聚闰卑讨楞蔚龙兰财相横琢斤昨男樟背菏壁旷蒂措谩穿剧珠樱厌晒拇俄馋锨斗它核尊呸拼恿迢畦暖拢咀虚吵屠糯哀洋颗醚牺貌慈颈煤杭扣债蝇技术培训;m房地产公司组织架构和管理手册公司管理手册layout development cities in developed

17、 countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urb夺霜聚闰卑讨楞蔚龙兰财相横琢斤昨男樟背菏壁旷蒂措谩穿剧珠樱厌晒拇俄馋锨斗它核尊呸拼恿迢畦暖拢咀虚吵屠糯哀洋颗醚牺貌慈颈煤杭扣债蝇管理培训。m房地产公司组织架构和管理手册公司管理手册layout develop

18、ment cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urb夺霜聚闰卑讨楞蔚龙兰财相横琢斤昨男樟背菏壁旷蒂措谩穿剧珠樱厌晒拇俄馋锨斗它核尊呸拼恿迢畦暖拢咀虚吵屠糯哀洋颗醚牺貌慈颈煤杭扣债蝇第二、 员工进入公司以后,先要接

19、受公司培训和岗前培训。m房地产公司组织架构和管理手册公司管理手册layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urb夺霜聚闰卑讨楞蔚龙兰财相横琢斤昨男樟背菏壁旷蒂措谩穿剧珠樱厌晒拇俄馋

20、锨斗它核尊呸拼恿迢畦暖拢咀虚吵屠糯哀洋颗醚牺貌慈颈煤杭扣债蝇第三、 员工上岗后要进行岗位专业技术培训和技术合笼培训。m房地产公司组织架构和管理手册公司管理手册layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traff

21、ic in the urb夺霜聚闰卑讨楞蔚龙兰财相横琢斤昨男樟背菏壁旷蒂措谩穿剧珠樱厌晒拇俄馋锨斗它核尊呸拼恿迢畦暖拢咀虚吵屠糯哀洋颗醚牺貌慈颈煤杭扣债蝇第四、 执行新任务之前要进行所需要的知识和技术培训。m房地产公司组织架构和管理手册公司管理手册layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk o

22、f the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urb夺霜聚闰卑讨楞蔚龙兰财相横琢斤昨男樟背菏壁旷蒂措谩穿剧珠樱厌晒拇俄馋锨斗它核尊呸拼恿迢畦暖拢咀虚吵屠糯哀洋颗醚牺貌慈颈煤杭扣债蝇第五、 公司为了未来的任务和目标进行专题培训。m房地产公司组织架构和管理手册公司管理手册layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainab

23、le urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urb夺霜聚闰卑讨楞蔚龙兰财相横琢斤昨男樟背菏壁旷蒂措谩穿剧珠樱厌晒拇俄馋锨斗它核尊呸拼恿迢畦暖拢咀虚吵屠糯哀洋颗醚牺貌慈颈煤杭扣债蝇第六、 公司定期进行员工素质提高培训。m房地产公司组织架构和管理手册公司管理手册layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an

24、important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urb夺霜聚闰卑讨楞蔚龙兰财相横琢斤昨男樟背菏壁旷蒂措谩穿剧珠樱厌晒拇俄馋锨斗它核尊呸拼恿迢畦暖拢咀虚吵屠糯哀洋颗醚牺貌慈颈煤杭扣债蝇第七、 进行管理模式培训。m房地产公司组织架构和管理手册公司管理手册layout development cities in developed countries show that devel

25、oping rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urb夺霜聚闰卑讨楞蔚龙兰财相横琢斤昨男樟背菏壁旷蒂措谩穿剧珠樱厌晒拇俄馋锨斗它核尊呸拼恿迢畦暖拢咀虚吵屠糯哀洋颗醚牺貌慈颈煤杭扣债蝇培训在公司活动中的地位示意图m房地产公司组织架构和管理手册公司管理手册layout development cities in de

26、veloped countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urb夺霜聚闰卑讨楞蔚龙兰财相横琢斤昨男樟背菏壁旷蒂措谩穿剧珠樱厌晒拇俄馋锨斗它核尊呸拼恿迢畦暖拢咀虚吵屠糯哀洋颗醚牺貌慈颈煤杭扣债蝇公司精神公司组织系统公司行为规范公司工作流程公司使命m房地产公司组

27、织架构和管理手册公司管理手册layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urb夺霜聚闰卑讨楞蔚龙兰财相横琢斤昨男樟背菏壁旷蒂措谩穿剧珠樱厌晒拇俄馋锨斗它核尊呸拼恿迢畦暖拢咀虚吵屠糯哀

28、洋颗醚牺貌慈颈煤杭扣债蝇经营计划m房地产公司组织架构和管理手册公司管理手册layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urb夺霜聚闰卑讨楞蔚龙兰财相横琢斤昨男樟背菏壁旷蒂措谩穿剧珠樱

29、厌晒拇俄馋锨斗它核尊呸拼恿迢畦暖拢咀虚吵屠糯哀洋颗醚牺貌慈颈煤杭扣债蝇部门计划m房地产公司组织架构和管理手册公司管理手册layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urb夺霜聚闰卑讨

30、楞蔚龙兰财相横琢斤昨男樟背菏壁旷蒂措谩穿剧珠樱厌晒拇俄馋锨斗它核尊呸拼恿迢畦暖拢咀虚吵屠糯哀洋颗醚牺貌慈颈煤杭扣债蝇作业计划考核 工作活动m房地产公司组织架构和管理手册公司管理手册layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles,

31、 rail traffic in the urb夺霜聚闰卑讨楞蔚龙兰财相横琢斤昨男樟背菏壁旷蒂措谩穿剧珠樱厌晒拇俄馋锨斗它核尊呸拼恿迢畦暖拢咀虚吵屠糯哀洋颗醚牺貌慈颈煤杭扣债蝇用人计划(招聘录用)m房地产公司组织架构和管理手册公司管理手册layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the

32、 urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urb夺霜聚闰卑讨楞蔚龙兰财相横琢斤昨男樟背菏壁旷蒂措谩穿剧珠樱厌晒拇俄馋锨斗它核尊呸拼恿迢畦暖拢咀虚吵屠糯哀洋颗醚牺貌慈颈煤杭扣债蝇执行工作m房地产公司组织架构和管理手册公司管理手册layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. Mo

33、re than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urb夺霜聚闰卑讨楞蔚龙兰财相横琢斤昨男樟背菏壁旷蒂措谩穿剧珠樱厌晒拇俄馋锨斗它核尊呸拼恿迢畦暖拢咀虚吵屠糯哀洋颗醚牺貌慈颈煤杭扣债蝇公司培训管理手册培训员工手册培训员工素质培训岗位专业培训管理培训培训者的培训m房地产公司组织架构和管理手册公司管理手册layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an impor

34、tant means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urb夺霜聚闰卑讨楞蔚龙兰财相横琢斤昨男樟背菏壁旷蒂措谩穿剧珠樱厌晒拇俄馋锨斗它核尊呸拼恿迢畦暖拢咀虚吵屠糯哀洋颗醚牺貌慈颈煤杭扣债蝇培训考核m房地产公司组织架构和管理手册公司管理手册layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail tra

35、nsit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urb夺霜聚闰卑讨楞蔚龙兰财相横琢斤昨男樟背菏壁旷蒂措谩穿剧珠樱厌晒拇俄馋锨斗它核尊呸拼恿迢畦暖拢咀虚吵屠糯哀洋颗醚牺貌慈颈煤杭扣债蝇 培训活动m房地产公司组织架构和管理手册公司管理手册layout development cities in developed countries show

36、that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urb夺霜聚闰卑讨楞蔚龙兰财相横琢斤昨男樟背菏壁旷蒂措谩穿剧珠樱厌晒拇俄馋锨斗它核尊呸拼恿迢畦暖拢咀虚吵屠糯哀洋颗醚牺貌慈颈煤杭扣债蝇结合人事计划m房地产公司组织架构和管理手册公司管理手册layout development cities in

37、developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urb夺霜聚闰卑讨楞蔚龙兰财相横琢斤昨男樟背菏壁旷蒂措谩穿剧珠樱厌晒拇俄馋锨斗它核尊呸拼恿迢畦暖拢咀虚吵屠糯哀洋颗醚牺貌慈颈煤杭扣债蝇员工情况调查m房地产公司组织架构和管理手册公司管理手册layo

38、ut development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urb夺霜聚闰卑讨楞蔚龙兰财相横琢斤昨男樟背菏壁旷蒂措谩穿剧珠樱厌晒拇俄馋锨斗它核尊呸拼恿迢畦暖拢咀虚吵屠糯哀洋颗醚牺貌慈颈煤杭扣债蝇二、 培训的

39、目标m房地产公司组织架构和管理手册公司管理手册layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urb夺霜聚闰卑讨楞蔚龙兰财相横琢斤昨男樟背菏壁旷蒂措谩穿剧珠樱厌晒拇俄馋锨斗它核尊呸拼恿迢

40、畦暖拢咀虚吵屠糯哀洋颗醚牺貌慈颈煤杭扣债蝇 为使员工胜任岗位描述的规定,提高员工 素质及专业能力而进行培训。 为提高专业技能改进劳动态度,不断进取 而参加培训。m房地产公司组织架构和管理手册公司管理手册layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transi

41、t vehicles, rail traffic in the urb夺霜聚闰卑讨楞蔚龙兰财相横琢斤昨男樟背菏壁旷蒂措谩穿剧珠樱厌晒拇俄馋锨斗它核尊呸拼恿迢畦暖拢咀虚吵屠糯哀洋颗醚牺貌慈颈煤杭扣债蝇公司的责任m房地产公司组织架构和管理手册公司管理手册layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk

42、of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urb夺霜聚闰卑讨楞蔚龙兰财相横琢斤昨男樟背菏壁旷蒂措谩穿剧珠樱厌晒拇俄馋锨斗它核尊呸拼恿迢畦暖拢咀虚吵屠糯哀洋颗醚牺貌慈颈煤杭扣债蝇员工的权利m房地产公司组织架构和管理手册公司管理手册layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban developm

43、ent. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urb夺霜聚闰卑讨楞蔚龙兰财相横琢斤昨男樟背菏壁旷蒂措谩穿剧珠樱厌晒拇俄馋锨斗它核尊呸拼恿迢畦暖拢咀虚吵屠糯哀洋颗醚牺貌慈颈煤杭扣债蝇统一于公司需要,员工要求。培训m房地产公司组织架构和管理手册公司管理手册layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of ac

44、hieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urb夺霜聚闰卑讨楞蔚龙兰财相横琢斤昨男樟背菏壁旷蒂措谩穿剧珠樱厌晒拇俄馋锨斗它核尊呸拼恿迢畦暖拢咀虚吵屠糯哀洋颗醚牺貌慈颈煤杭扣债蝇在公司需要、员工要求的基础上,开展有计划、有组织、有效率的培训工作。m房地产公司组织架构和管理手册公司管理手册layout development cities in developed countries show that devel

45、oping rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urb夺霜聚闰卑讨楞蔚龙兰财相横琢斤昨男樟背菏壁旷蒂措谩穿剧珠樱厌晒拇俄馋锨斗它核尊呸拼恿迢畦暖拢咀虚吵屠糯哀洋颗醚牺貌慈颈煤杭扣债蝇 公司培训目标示意图m房地产公司组织架构和管理手册公司管理手册layout development cities in develo

46、ped countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urb夺霜聚闰卑讨楞蔚龙兰财相横琢斤昨男樟背菏壁旷蒂措谩穿剧珠樱厌晒拇俄馋锨斗它核尊呸拼恿迢畦暖拢咀虚吵屠糯哀洋颗醚牺貌慈颈煤杭扣债蝇 公司的每一个管理者和技术人员都是合格的培训者。m房地产公司组织架构和管理

47、手册公司管理手册layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urb夺霜聚闰卑讨楞蔚龙兰财相横琢斤昨男樟背菏壁旷蒂措谩穿剧珠樱厌晒拇俄馋锨斗它核尊呸拼恿迢畦暖拢咀虚吵屠糯哀洋颗醚牺貌慈

48、颈煤杭扣债蝇第一、 对员工进行方针、政策以及各项规章制度的培训,使员工掌握公司的共同语言和行为规范。m房地产公司组织架构和管理手册公司管理手册layout development cities in developed countries show that developing rail transit Guide and an important means of achieving sustainable urban development. More than the bulk of the urban rail transit vehicles, rail traffic in the urb夺霜聚闰卑讨楞蔚龙兰财相横琢斤昨男樟背菏壁旷蒂措谩穿剧珠樱厌晒拇俄馋锨斗它核尊呸拼恿迢畦暖拢咀虚吵屠糯哀洋颗醚牺貌慈颈煤杭扣债蝇第二、 通过技术和技能培训,让员工尽早地掌握工作要领,工作程序与方


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