1、mss滑移模架施工工艺及技术控制(MSS sliding formwork construction technology and control technology)Proceedings of the fourteenth annual meeting of the society of bridge and structural engineering, Chinese society of Civil EngineeringChinese Institute of civil engineering of bridge and structural engineering insti
2、tute proceedings of the fourteenth annual conference of the Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge project.Construction technology and technical control of MSS sliding die setNanjing Yangtze River Bridge 50m bridge constructionLiu Jizheng, Qi Lujie, Wang Xiaoshan(Shandong Province Traffic Engineering Corporat
3、ion, Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge Project Department)Abstract this paper briefly introduces the structure and composition of MSS slip and its application in construction.Sliding formwork; construction technology; deflection controlI. General Situation of the projectNanjing Yangtze River Bridge North
4、 Bridge bridge upper structure for 16m*30m and 5m*50m PC with variable cross section continuous beam bridge. The whole bridge section is composed of two single box and single chamber beam sections separated from top to bottom, and a central partition cover plate is arranged in the middle. among5 * 5
5、0m approach bridge in30m approach bridge and the main bridge transition section, the bridge is located in land and water, land a hole, four holes on the water, the peak water level 7m. Therefore, it is very important to choose an optimum construction scheme.Two, scheme comparisonBased on the bridge
6、position of 50m bridge, two schemes should be adopted for the construction of superstructure: 1. Support construction, set up a full support with one hole on the river bank, insert four hole copper pipe pile in water, and build a steel pipe pile support. Adopt the construction without scaffold. That
7、 is, the introduction of foreign advanced equipment - sliding die frame for construction.The first construction plan is the traditional construction method of our company. There are abundant construction experience, the technology is easy to control, but this scheme for water construction, heavy wor
8、kload, Jixietaiban, the economy is not reasonable, the construction schedule is not ideal. Second kinds of construction schemes, advanced construction equipment, with the leading domestic level, but this kind of equipment is used for the first time our company, the technology is difficult to control
9、, for the construction of water in the middle span cast-in-place continuous beam bridge is particularly suitable for. Synthetic manifold reasonsIn consideration of Nanjing bridge project of the company ultimately decided to use no scaffolding construction that the introduction of MSS sliding formwor
10、k system.Three, sliding mode profilesThe MSS slide beam introduced by our company is mainly composed of six parts, the bracket (Niu Tui), the main beam (Gang Xiangliang), the crossbeam, the back beam, the external die and the internal die. Each part is equipped with an internal hydraulic or mechanic
11、al system. The structure and function of each component are as follows:1. bracketBrackets are commonly called brackets and triangular structures. Through the reserved hole (diameter: 80cm*100cm) insert attached to the pier on the pier. Its role is to support the main girder, the main girder load tra
12、nsfer to the pier on the bracket. A sliding block is arranged on the top face of each bracket. It is equipped with two pairs of 20t horizontal automatic moving hydraulic jacks.According to the design drawings along the die, in strict accordance with the steel construction technical specifications fo
13、r operation, for high-strength bolt joint surface, careful inspection, one by one surface treatment, so as to achieve the proper coefficient of friction. High strength bolt connection, take the initial and final material express, repeated operation, make every bolt meet the design of torque wrench t
14、orque value, and periodic calibration, ensure the connecting force strength, preventing engineering accidents, affecting the quality of construction safety and construction (with) parts must be removed or treated qualified rear can use.Bracket assembly on site: because the bracket is triangular and
15、has a certain height, the site assembly is unstable and should be supported by a triangular support. The lifting bracket placement, pier reserved hole, with the top bracket by leveling leveling, so that the crane on the surface smooth slip. In order to prevent the carriage capsized in the force, eac
16、h of the bracket is composed of thread to pull, embedded pier, so the installation bracket should be on the other side of unilateral temporary placement of a carrying pole, wear thread tension, to prevent instability.The main beam is installed; because the main girder is self important, the whole ho
17、isting is difficult. During construction, the crane is hoisted at two times, and temporary support is arranged in the span to carry out the closure assembly. This requires the temporary support of the elevation of accurate measurement and slope, so that the steel beam in the middle of the smooth doc
18、king, assembly.After the main girder is assembled, the crossbeam is placed at the main beam window, and the main beam is placed under the influence of the hydraulic system, and the bridge is positioned accurately in the direction of the hydraulic system when all the beams are installed. A total stat
19、ion or theodolite is installed at the center of the pier, the bridge axis is released, the crossbeam is adjusted according to the axis of the bridge, and the bottom plate is laid with a pin, and the axis deviation is controlled within 5mm. Then, the installation of the web and flange plates.When ass
20、embling the slip form, the parts are required to be connected reliably. After assembly, the utility model can be safely and reliably checked, and can be used for the construction of the upper structure.Six 、 adjustment of template and elevation controlIn order to better set camber, this set of slidi
21、ng formwork is designed with LCM formwork, and the design is supported by sheet iron. According to the actual construction practice, taking into account the quality of the cast beam body, we adopted the putty to add the curing agent to adjust the caulking and smoothing. As a kind of better mending j
22、oint material, it has good curing speed and high strength. It meets the requirement of construction specification. The quality of the cast beam is better.Elevation control: it is difficult for the construction of the sliding mode to reserve a certain degree of arch so that the beam can reach its des
23、ign elevation as much as possible. Therefore, the source of the deflection value of the construction frame should be considered comprehensively; the theoretical calculation of deflection value should be accurate. The source of this set of sliding mode deflections has the following four aspects:(L) d
24、eflection value of concrete self weight (value supplied by manufacturer VCE company);(2) the deflection caused by the cantilever boom (without considering the weight of the sliding form) is calculated according to the 13mm (according to the triangle distribution) and adjusted accordingly when measur
25、ed;(3) prestressed tensioning the camber, between the front and rear pivot part according to parabola distribution, parabolic center maximum deflection according to 20mm, the maximum cantilever deflection according to 13mm (according to triangle);(4) the deflection caused by the settlement of the br
26、acket is calculated according to 10mm.Through observation, deflection deflection calculation and the actual construction process of the accord, but slightly different, so in the construction of a hole, careful observation of each construction stage, measuring the deflection value changes, but compar
27、ed with the theoretical calculation, so as to guide the construction of the next hole; reduces the construction error, guarantee the construction of the girder elevation and the design elevation deviation is reduced to less than 1cm.Seven, the construction process of box girderThe 50m approach box g
28、irder adopts equal section beam, the beam height is 2.6m, the box girder roof thickness is constant, the web and floor thickness change, the bridge width is 32m, and the upper and lower separate single box single chamber section, the straight bridge. Box girder construction from the beginning of the
29、 shore, each construction at the next gap in the gap 8m (L / 6 near) continuous construction, construction process flow chart shown in figure 1.Because the construction operation is cyclical, in order to improve work efficiency and speed up the construction process, each process should be compact an
30、d connected. At the same time, the preparation of the next process is effectively shortened, and the construction period is shortened.During the construction, the first pouring hole, the template before and after the pivot in before and after the piers, and other casting hole. In order to ensure the
31、 smooth construction joint, located in front of the pier top pivot, after the pivot on the cantilever end has been pouring completed, the rear suspension rod lifting beam main beam, as a support.屋子是人类最古老的记忆。 屋子的出现,是跟人类对家的认识联系在一起的。家就是庇护,就是温暖,就是灵魂的安置之地,就是生命延续的根本理由。其实,世界上发生的许 许多多事情,都和家有关。幸福、苦难、拒绝、祈求、拼搏
32、、隐退、牺牲、逃逸、战争与和平,所有这一切,都与家有关。成千上万的人呼啸而过,杀声震天,血沃沙场,只是为了保卫家园,家是神圣不可侵犯的。这就像高高的槐树顶上一个鸟窝不可侵犯一样。我至今还记得小时候看到的一个情景:一只喜鹊窝被人捅掉在了地上,无数喜鹊飞来,不住地俯冲,不住地叫唤,一只只都显出不顾一切的样子,对靠近鸟窝的人居然敢突然劈杀下来,让在场的人不能不 感到震惊。 家的意义是不可穷尽的。 不仅没有消退,随着年龄的增长,对人生感悟的不断加深,反而变本加厉。只不过材料变了,不再当我长大之后,儿时的建屋欲望却并没有消退 是泥巴、树枝和野草,也不再是积木,而是文字。 精神上的庇护所。文字构建的屋子,
33、是我的庇护所 我就需要它特别是当我在这个世界里碰得头破血流时,文字永远是我无法离开的。还是安抚,无论是抒发,我都需要文字。无论是幸福还是痛苦, 文字屋。而此时,我会发现,那个由钢筋水泥筑成的家,其实只能解决我的由它建成的屋,我的家,虽有时简直就是铩羽而归,但毕竟我有可归的地方 一部分问题而不能解决我全部的问题。 如果别人不介意、不嫌弃的话,也尽可以当成自己多少年过去了,写了不少文字,出了不少书,其实都是在建屋,这屋既是给我自己建的,也是 的屋子。 我想,其他作家之所以亲近文字,和我对文字的理解大概是一样的。不一样的是,我是一个在水边长大的人,我的屋子是建在水边上的。 分)4(?分别表达了作者怎
34、样的感情?选文共写了哪几种屋子203(?段中,作者说“这屋既是给我自己建的”,又说“也是如果别人不介意、不嫌弃的话,也尽可以当成自己的屋子”,如何理解作者的这种说法第21 分)分)4请结合上下文理解文中画横线句子的含义。(22 精神上的庇护所。)文字构建的屋子,是我的庇护所1( )那个由钢筋水泥筑成的家,其实只能解决我的一部分问题而不能解决我全部的问题。2( 分)3本文在语言和结构上都具有显著特色,请就其中一个地方举例分析。(23写了三种屋子,依次是:儿时用泥巴、树枝和野草做的屋子;后来用积木搭建的屋子;成人后用文字构建的屋子,即作品。借泥草屋来抒发了对充20答案“我”精心创作的. 21分)4
35、满童真童趣的童年生活的怀念;借积木屋表达了内心的惊奇及创造的快乐;借文字屋(即作品)表达了对写作的钟情与厚爱。()1(22分)3作品是“我”精神庇护所,“我”用它承载喜怒哀乐,抚慰心灵创伤,喜欢“我”作品的读者也可以从中获得情感的共鸣和精神上的寄托。()现实的“家”可以让“我”2(“我”可以尽情抒发“我”的幸福与痛苦,让受伤的心灵得到安慰。“我”精心创作的作品,是“我”的精神家园,在这里,安身,解决温饱,使“我”疲惫的身体得到休息,但它不能安抚“我”心灵遭受的创伤,而作为精神家园的文字屋却可以让“我”的精神得到寄托,心灵得 要点23 分)4分,计2)各2)(1到慰藉。(将三种屋子按时间先后依次
36、来写,从 语言上:本文语言朴实亲切,细腻生动(举例略)结构上:作者 分)3有形的屋子写到无形的屋子,条理清晰,构思巧妙。( 湖北孝感 (二)梦是夜的花朵 朱成玉 )最近孩子睡觉特别早,而且总是说梦话,像是在和一个人聊天的样子。1( )自从孩子的妈妈去世后,我明显的感觉到她变得不愿说话了,从前那个好动的女孩子一下子变得文文静静。我多么希望她还像以前那么淘气啊,到2( ,把自己的屋子弄得像个猪窝。现在,她的屋子干干净净的,却少了一份孩子该有的活泼。,自己玩“过家家”处翻弄她收藏的“破烂” )在妻子离去的日子里,我的心常常被思念撕咬着。但我尽力不让女儿看到我的悲伤,总是趁洗脸的时候,把泪水偷偷地运送
37、出去。但孩子似乎一下3( 子懂事了,她怕我伤感,很少和我提起她的妈妈,甚至,连书桌上那张她妈妈的照片也被她放到了相框背面,正面依然是阳光灿烂的她自己,在花丛中翩然 如一只欲飞的蝴蝶。 然后就嚷嚷着要睡觉。每天回来就埋头写作业,可她好像突然对这些都没了兴趣,想尽办法让她玩。在电脑上下载游戏,我给她租各种动画片光碟,)4( )对于女儿的这些变化,我有些不安,担心长此以往孩子会生病。周末,我领她去吃肯德基,她一个劲的问我几点了。我对她说,今天是周末,作业5( 可以明天写,今天多玩一会儿。她却用不容商量的口气对我说,八点半必须到家。到家后,她看了看表,连澡部没洗就迫不及待地钻进了被窝。我有些疑惑, 女
38、儿小小的心里似乎藏着什么秘密。)我想孩子的心理一定出了问题。我带她去看了心理医生。医生说这是典型的忧郁症,是失去了最亲近的人导致的。医生建议我多陪陪孩子。那样有6( 利于她早日从伤心的泥沼中爬上岸来。)她生日那天,我领她去滑旱冰,难得看到她那样高兴。看着女儿像一只羽翼渐丰的雏燕,学着飞翔,我的眼里蓄满了泪。孩子,这才是你应该过的7( 生活。那些生活的苦难,不应是你这样一颗幼小的心灵该承受的啊! )可是她并没有忘记她的睡觉时间,滑了一会儿,她就问我几点了。我故意骗她说刚刚七点。她玩得很开心,笑容灿烂,如圣诞的烟花。8( “小傻瓜,爸爸骗你的。今天是)回到家的时候,她看到闹钟显示已经十点多了,马上
39、问我是不是她的闹钟出了毛病。我点着她的小脑袋笑着说:9( 你的生日,又是周末,就是想让你多玩一会儿?”没想到还没等我说完,她就“哇”的一声大哭起来,令我手足无措。( “在医院最后一次看妈妈的时候,妈妈对我说,每天晚上九点都会到我梦)“今天是我的生日,妈妈看不到我。会很伤心的?”她伤心的哭着说,10 ”里来看我,我们还拉了钩呢。 )原来,这就是孩子的秘密!11( )我眼前浮现出妻子临终前那张苍白虚弱的脸上尽力露出的微笑,看到她艰难的伸出她的小指,和女儿拉钩,许下她们相约的诺言:每天晚上九点,12( 在梦中,不见不散。 )为了这个约定,女儿始终坚持晚上九点之前睡觉。13( )我为女儿铺床的时候,一
40、眼便看到了她的妈妈。原来,女儿把妈妈的照片放到了相框的背面,是为了能在睡觉的时候更近地看到她啊!梦真是一14( 件神奇的宝贝!白天丢掉的,可以在梦里捡回来;现实中没有的,可以用梦补上。)夜里,我蹑手蹑脚地去女儿的小屋,小心翼翼的给她盖被子。我怕惊动她,她现在一定在和她妈妈玩耍,或者赖在妈妈的怀里缠着妈妈给她讲故15( 事。我看着她甜甜的微笑着的脸,在那个梦里,慢慢绽放成花朵。 有改动) (选自快乐心灵第一辑 分)2读完全文,你是怎样理解文题含义的?(11。 、 睡得早、改变了自己:女儿为了信守约定,; 、领她吃肯德基、想尽办法让她玩,倾尽了心力,父亲为了解开女儿的心结,12 分)4( 分)2(
41、。)段中加点词语(或短语)3联系上下文,品味第(13 撕咬: 偷偷地运送: 分)3(。 ,还有 ,又有 )段中划线句“我的眼里蓄满了泪”蕴含了丰富的情感,既有7第(14 (这箱文章在写作上较明显的特点是多处使用伏笔和照应,请找出两处不同方面的伏笔,并说说使用伏笔的作用。15 分)3 分)3,如果你是她的朋友,你该怎样劝说她?(文中的孩子患有优郁症,为了“使他早日从伤心的泥沼中爬上岸来”16 分)2(意近即可, 女儿用梦寄托对母亲的思念,靠梦境享受母爱的美好。11答案对玩不感兴趣 不愿说话、变得文静 领她滑旱冰 带她看医生12 每天回家就埋头写作业 很少提她妈妈 把屋子收拾得干干净净 分,每空一
42、分;后两空任答两点均可)4( 分)1分,每空2(意近即可, 写出了“我”对妻子思念的痛苦之情表现了“我”掩饰悲伤的心理13分,每空3(难过(不安、担心)高兴(开心)期待(希望、期许)14 分)1 )第一处:最近孩子睡觉特别早(总是说梦话,像是在和一个人聊天的样子。15 )(到家后,她看了看表,连澡都没洗就迫不及待地钻进了被窝。或者:八点半必须到家。 第二处:相框(连书桌上那张她妈妈的照片也被她放到了相框背面) )第三处:秘密(女儿小小的心里似乎藏着什么秘密。 分)1(三处任选两处即可,答对一处得 作用:为下文情节发展设下了悬念,吸引读者的阅读兴趣为下文作了必要的铺垫,使行文不突兀等 分)1(两
43、点中只要谈到一点就可得 示例:,你失去了妈妈,我作为你的朋友跟你一样难过。但是,你还有疼爱你的爸爸和关心你的朋友,我希望你能尽早从痛苦伤心中走出来,像 16 从前一样开心快乐的过好每一天,好吗? 页43第The pouring of concrete adopts one casting construction method, and the two step is carried out. Pour the bottom and the web first and then pour the roof. And start from the end of the cantilever to
44、 prevent excessive deflection deformation of the main beam span.二、给孩子刚刚洗完澡,怀抱婴儿面带微笑的母亲: 三、在海滩上筑起了一座沙堡的顽童,望着自己的劳动成果。 备选的答案是:写完了小说最后一个字的作家。 不是什么人闲来无事,编造出来博人一笑的恶作?消息入眼,我的第一个反应仿佛被人在眼皮上涂了辣椒油,然而十分怀疑它的真实性。这可能吗 还有几分惶惑和恼怒,在心扉最深处,是震惊和不知所措。?剧吧是的是的,我都明白,可心!再说,这正是大多数人对幸福的理解,不是别有用心或是哗众取宠啊?也许有人说,我没看出这消息有什么不对头的啊 中还
45、是惶惶不安。当我静下心来,细细梳理思绪,才明白自己当时的反应,是一种深入骨髓的悲哀。原来我是一个幸福盲。说来惭愧,答案中的四种情况,在某种程度上,我都一定程度地拥有了。我是一个母亲,给婴儿洗澡的事几乎是早年间每日的必修。我曾?为什么呢 是一名医生,手起刀落,给很多病人做过手术,目送着治愈了的病人走出医院的大门的情形,也经历过无数次了。儿时调皮,虽然没在海滩上筑过繁复的沙贝?之类的工程,肯定是经手过了。另外,在看到上述消息的时候,我,但在附近建筑工地的沙堆上挖个洞穴藏个?宝)这大概和那个国家四面环水有关(堡 已发表过几篇作品,因此那个在备选答案中占据一席之地的?作家完成最后一字?之感,也有幸体验
46、过了。我集这几种公众认为幸福的状态于一身,可我不曾感到幸福,这真是莫名其妙而又痛彻的事情。我发觉自己出了问题,不是小问题,是大问题。这个 问题如果不解决,我所有的努力和奋斗,犹如沙上建塔。从最乐观的角度来说,即使是对别人有所帮助,但我本人依然是不开心的。我哀伤地承认,我是一 个幸福盲。感和享受,我像一个自我要改变这种情况。我要对自己的幸福负责。从那时起,我开始审视自己对于幸福的把握和感知,我训练自己对于幸福的敏 幼被封闭在洞穴中的人,在七彩光线下学着辨析青草和艳花,朗月和白云。体会到了那些被黑暗囚禁的盲人,手术后一旦打开了遮眼的纱布,那份诧异和惊 喜,那份东张西望的雀跃和喜极而泣的泪水,是多么
47、自然而然。幸福盲如同色盲,只是缺少发现幸福的眼光。生活中也不缺少幸福,让我们模仿一下他的话:而是发现美的目光。生活中缺少的不是美,哲人说过, 把绚烂的世界还原成了模糊的黑白照片。拭亮你幸福的瞳孔吧,就会看到被潜藏被遮掩被蒙昧被混淆的幸福,就如美人鱼一般从深海中升起,哺育着我们。 ) 分?(2。请问这个“问题”是指什么文中第段说“我发觉自己出了问题,不是小问题,是大问题”21 ) 分?(3文中的“我”是怎样改变“幸福盲”这一状况的22 ) 分(3文章就“谁是世界上最幸福的人”这个题目给出了三个答案和一个备选答案,请你根据自己的认识再另给三个答案。23 ) 分(4请用简洁的文字谈谈你对“幸福”的理解。24)四() 分(12散文阅读 ) 分(2。)我不懂得什么是幸福(我是一个幸福盲21)(3意思相近即可(要对自己的幸福负责,开始审视自己对于幸福的把握和感知,训练自己对于幸福的敏感和享受。22) 分 ) 分)(3句意合理即可(如:收完最后一堆垃圾的清洁工;放学时送走最后一个孩子的门卫;在公共汽车上给老人让座的乘客。23 ) 分)(4言之成理,有正确的价值观即可(略24 (贵阳) 分)43三、阅读能力考查(共 文段(一) 夜色清凉 尹卫巍 )夜悄悄地临了。白昼的喧嚣知趣地退让到