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1、SYLLABUS OF THE INTERNATIONAL CHEMISTRY OLYMPIADPart I Theoretical partLevel 1: These topics are included in the overwhelming majority of secondary school chemistry programs and need not be mentioned in the preparatory problems.Level 2: These topics are included in a substantial number of secondary

2、school programs and maybe used without exemplification in the preparatory problems.Level 3: These topics are not included in the majority of secondary school programs and can only be used in the competition if examples are given in the preparatory problems.1. The atom1.1.Introduction1.1.1.Counting o

3、f nucleons11.1.2.Isotopes11.2.The hydrogen atom1.2.1.Concept of energy levels11.2.2.Shape of s-orbitals11.2.3.Shape and orientation of p-orbitals11.2.4.Shape and orientation of d-orbitals31.2.5.Understanding the simplest Schrodinger equation31.2.6.Square of the wave function and probability31.2.7.Qu

4、antum numbers (n, l, ml)31.3.Radioactivity1.3.1.Types of radioactivity11.3.2.Radioactive decay11.3.3.Nuclear reactions22. Chemical bonding2.1.VSEPR Simple molecular structures with2.1.1.no more than four electron pairs about central atom12.1.2.with central atom exceeding the “octet rule”32.2.Delocal

5、ization and resonance32.3.Hybrid orbital theory32.4.Molecular orbital theory2.4.1.molecular orbital diagram (H2 molecule)32.4.2.molecular orbital diagram (N2 and O2 molecules)32.4.3.bond orders in O2, O2, O2+32.4.4.unpaired electrons and paramagnetism33. Chemical calculations3.1.1.Balancing equation

6、s13.1.2.Stoichiometric calculations13.1.3.Mass and volume relations (including density)13.1.4.Empirical formula13.1.5.Avogadros number13.1.6.Concentration calculations14. Periodic trends4.1.Electron configuration4.1.1.Pauli exclusion principle14.1.2.Hunds Rule14.1.3.Main group elements14.1.4.Transit

7、ion metal elements14.1.5.Lanthanide and actinide metals34.2.Electronegativity14.3.Electron affinity24.4.First ionization energy14.5.Atomic size14.6.Ion size14.7.Highest oxidation number15. Inorganic Chemistry5.1.Introduction5.1.1.Trends in physical properties of elements (Main groups)

8、 point15.1.1.2.boiling point15.1.1.3.metal character15.1.1.4.magnetic properties35.1.1.5.electrical conductivity25.1.2.Oxidation number15.1.3.Nomenclature5.1.3.1.main group compounds15.1.3.2.transition metal compounds15.1.3.3.simple metal complexes35.2.Groups 1 and 25.2.1.Trend in reactivity of (hea

9、vy elements more reactive)15.2.2.Products of reaction with5.2.2.1.water15.2.2.2.halogens15.2.2.3.oxygen25.2.3.Basicity of oxides15.2.4.Properties of hydrides35.2.5.Other compounds, properties and oxidation states35.3.Groups 13 18 and Hydrogen5.3.1.Binary molecular compounds of hydrogen5.3.1.1.Formul

10、ae15.3.1.2.Acid-base properties of CH4, NH3, H2O, H2S15.3.1.3.Other properties35.3.2.P block elementsGroup 13 (Boron group) oxidation state of boron and aluminium in their oxides and chlorides is +315.3.2.2.The acid-base properties of aluminium oxide/hydroxide25.3.2.3.Reaction of boron(III

11、) oxide with water35.3.2.4.Reaction of boron(III) chloride with water35.3.2.5.Other compounds, properties and oxidation states35.3.3.Group 14 (Carbon group) oxidation state of Si in its chloride and oxide is +415.3.3.2.The +2 and +4 oxidation states of carbon, tin and lead, the acid-base

12、and redox properties of the oxides and chlorides25.3.3.3.Other compounds, properties and oxidation states35.3.4.Group 15 (Nitrogen group) oxide and chloride, and their reaction with water25.3.4.2.Phosphorus(+3) oxide and chloride, and their reaction with water25.3.4.3.Oxides of

13、 nitrogena. Reaction of NO to form NO21b. Dimerization of NO21c. Reaction of NO2 with water15.3.4.4.Redox properties ofa. HNO3 and nitrates1b. HNO2 and NH2NH235.3.4.5.Bi(+5) and Bi(+3) compounds, properties and oxidation states35.3.5.Group 16 (Oxygen group) +4 and +6 oxidati

14、on states of sulfur, reaction of their oxides with water, properties of their acids15.3.5.2.Reaction of thiosulfate anion with I235.3.5.3.Other compounds, properties and oxidation states35.3.6.Group 17 (Halogens) and oxidant strength decreases from F2 to I215.3.6.2.Acid-base proper

15、ties of the hydrogen halides15.3.6.3.The oxidation state of fluorine in its compounds is 1, +1, +3, +5, +7 oxidation states of chlorine15.3.6.5.Mononuclear oxoanions of chlorine25.3.6.6.Reactions of halogens with water35.3.6.7.Reaction of Cl2O and Cl2O7 with water35.3.6.8.Other compoun

16、ds, properties and oxidation states35.3.7.Group 18 (Rare gases)35.4. Transition elements5.4.1.Common oxidation states of common transition metals:Cr(+2), Cr(+3) Mn(+2), Mn(+4), Mn(+7) Ag(+1)Fe(+2), Fe(+3) Co(+2) Zn(+2)Hg(+1), Hg(+2) Cu(+1), Cu(+2) Ni(+2)15.4.2.Colours of ions listed above in aqueous

17、 solution25.4.3.Insolubility of Ag, Hg and Cu in HCl25.4.4.M2+ arising by dissolution of the other metals in HCl25.4.5.Cr(OH)3 and Zn(OH)2 are amphoteric and the other +2oxides/hydroxides of the metals listed above are basic25.4.6.MnO4 and Cr2O72 are strong oxidants in acid solution15.4.7.pH depende

18、nce of products of MnO4 acting as oxidant25.4.8.Interconversion between CrO42 and Cr2O7235.4.9.Other compounds, properties and oxidation states35.5.Lanthanides and actinides35.6.Coordination chemistry including stereochemistry5.6.1.Definition of coordination number15.6.2.Writing equations for comple

19、xation reactions given all formulae15.6.3.Formulae of common complex ions5.6.3.1.Ag(NH3)2+ complex ions35.6.4.(6.5) Ligand field theory (eg and t2g terms, high and low spin)35.6.5.Stereochemistry5.6.5.1.(6.7) cis and trans35.6.5.2.e

20、nantiomers35.7.Selected industrial processes5.7.1.Preparation of H2SO415.7.2.Preparation of NH315.7.3.Preparation of Na2CO325.7.4.Preparation of Cl2 and NaOH25.7.5.Preparation of HNO326. Physical chemistry6.1.Gases6.1.1.Ideal gas law16.1.2.van der Waals gas law36.1.3.definition of partial pressure26

21、.1.4.Daltons Law36.2. Thermodynamics6.2.1.First Law6.2.1.1.Concept of system and surroundings26.2.1.2.Energy, heat and work26.2.2.Enthalpy6.2.2.1.Relationship between internal energy and enthalpy36.2.2.2.Definition of heat capacity26.2.2.3.Difference between Cp and Cv (ideal gas only)

22、py is a state property (Hesss Law) cycle for ionic compounds36.2.2.6.Use of standard formation enthalpies26.2.2.7.Enthalpies of solution and solvation36.2.2.8.Bond enthalpies (definition and use)26.2.3.Second Law (Entropy and Free Energy) definition (dq / T)

23、.Entropy and disorder36.2.3.3.Entropy definition (S = k ln W) energy definition (DG = DH TDS) DG to predict direction of natural change36.2.3.6.Relationship between DG and equilibrium constant K36.3.Equilibrium6.3.1.Acid-base6.3.1.1.Arrhenius definitions of acids and base

24、s16.3.1.2.Bronsted-Lowry definitions16.3.1.3.Conjugate acids and bases16.3.1.4.pH definition16.3.1.5.Kw definition16.3.1.6.Ka and Kb as a measure of acid and base strength16.3.1.7.Acidity or basicity of ions16.3.1.8.Calculation of pH from pKa(weak acid) of pH of a simple buffer s

25、olution26.3.2.Gas phase6.3.2.1.Equilibrium constant in partial pressures36.3.2.2.Relating Kp and Kc36.3.3.Solubility6.3.3.1.Solubility constant (product) definition (Ksp) of solubility in water from Ksp26.3.4.Compleximetric6.3.4.1.Complex formation constant (definition)

26、roblems involving compleximetric equilibria36.3.4.3.Lewis acids and bases36.3.4.4.Hard and soft Lewis acids and bases36.3.5.Phase6.3.5.1.Temperature dependence of vapour pressure36.3.5.2.Clausius-Clapeyron equation36.3.5.3.Single component phase diagramsa. triple point3b. critical point36.3.5.4.liqu

27、id-vapour systema. ideal and nonideal systems3b. diagram3c. use in fractional distillation36.3.5.5.Henrys Law36.3.5.6.Raoults Law36.3.5.7.Deviation from Raoults Law36.3.5.8.Boiling point elevation36.3.5.9.Freezing point depression36.3.5.10.Osmotic pressure36.3.5.11.Partition coefficient36.3.5.12.Sol

28、vent extraction36.3.6.Multiple6.3.6.1.Calculation of pH for multiprotic acids36.3.6.2.Calculation of pH for weak acid mixtures36.4.Electrochemistry6.4.1.Electromotive force (definition)16.4.2.First kind electrodes16.4.3.Standard electrode potential16.4.4.Nernst equation36.4.5.Second kind electrodes3

29、6.4.6.Relationship between DG and electromotive force37. Chemical kinetics (Homogeneous reactions)7.1.Introduction7.1.1.Factors affecting reaction rate17.1.2.Reaction coordinates and the basic idea of a transition state17.2.Rate law7.2.1.Differential rate law27.2.2.Concept of reaction order27.2.3.Ra

30、te constant definition27.2.4.First order reactions7.2.4.1.Dependence of concentration on time37.2.4.2.Concept of half life37.2.4.3.Relationship between half life and rate constant37.2.4.4.Calculation of first order rate constant froma. differential rate law3b. integrated rate law37.2.4.5.Rate consta

31、nt for second and third order reactions37.3.Reaction mechanisms7.3.1.Concept of molecularity37.3.2.Rate-determining step37.3.3.Basic concepts of collision theory37.3.4.Opposing parallel and consecutive reactions37.3.5.Arrheniuss law37.3.5.1.Definition of activation energy37.3.5.2.Calculation of acti

32、vation energy38. Spectroscopy8.1.UV/visible8.1.1.Identification of aromatic compound38.1.2.Identification of chromophore38.1.3.Dyes: colour vs structure38.1.4.Beers Law38.2.Infrared8.2.1.Interpretation using a table of frequencies38.2.2.Recognition of hydrogen bonds38.3.x-Ray8.3.1.Braggs Law38.3.2.C

33、oncept of8.3.2.1.coordination number38.3.2.2.unit cell38.3.3.Solid structures8.3.3.1.NaCl38.3.3.2.CsCl38.3.3.3.metals38.4.NMR8.4.1.General Concepts8.4.1.1.chemical shift38.4.1.2.spin-spin coupling and coupling constants38.4.1.3.integration38.4.2.Interpretation of a simple 1H spectrum (like ethanol)3

34、8.4.3.Identification of o- and p-disubstituted benzene38.4.4.Interpretation of simple spectra of 13C (proton decoupled) and other 1/2 spin nuclei38.5.Mass spectrometry8.5.1.1.Recognition of molecular ion38.5.1.2.Recognition of fragments with the help of a table38.5.1.3.Recognition of typical isotope

35、 distribution39. Organic Chemistry9.1.Introduction9.1.1.(3.1.1) Alkane naming (IUPAC)19.1.2.Trends in boiling points of9.1.2.1.(3.1.3) alkanes with structure19.1.2.2.(3.7.1) alcohols vs ethers due to hydrogen-bonding19.1.3.(3.3.1, 3.4.1) Geometry at singly, doubly, and triply bonded carbon19.1.4.Ide

36、ntification of common functional groups19.1.5.Isomerism of alkenes9.1.5.1.cis-trans19.1.5.2.E/Z39.1.6.Enantiomers9.1.6.1.Optical activity29.1.6.2.R/S nomenclature39.2.Reactivity9.2.1.Alkanes9.2.1.1.reaction with halogensa. products1b. free radical mechanism (initiation, termination)

37、anesa. names2b. Strain in small rings3c. chair/boat conformations of cyclohexane39.2.2.Alkenes9.2.2.1.Products from Br2, HBr and H2O/H+ rule29.2.2.3.Mechanism involving carbocation intermediates39.2.2.4.Relative stability of carbocations39.,4 addition to dienes39.2.3.Alk

38、ynes9.2.3.1.Acidity relative to alkenes39.2.3.2.Differences in chemical properties from alkenes29.2.4.Benzene9.2.4.1.formula19.2.4.2.stabilization by resonance19.2.4.3.electrophilic substitution (nitration, halogenation)a. directing effect of first substituent3b. effect of first substituent on react

39、ivity3c. explanation of substituent effects39.2.5.Halogen compounds9.2.5.1.Nomenclature of monofunctional19.2.5.2.Substitution reactionsa. giving alcohols3b. in which halogen is exchanged3c. reactivityi. primary vs secondary vs tertiary3ii. aliphatic vs aromatic3d. SN1 and SN2 mechanisms39.2.5.3.Eli

40、mination reactions29.2.5.4.Competition of elimination and substitution29.2.6.Alcohols9.2.6.1.Nomenclature of monofunctional19.2.6.2.Comparison of acidity of alcohols and phenols29.2.6.3.Dehydration to alkenes19.2.6.4.Esters with inorganic acid29.2.6.5.Oxidation reactions19.2.7.Aldehydes and ketones9.2.7.1.Nomenclature of monofunctional19.2.7.2.


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