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1、八年级下册英语学案Unit 1 Section A一、 教师寄语:Confidence in yourself is the first step on the road to success.自信是走向成功的第一步。 二、 学习目标:Knowledge goals(知识目标).Words : robot, paper, less, fewer, will, pollution, astronaut ,space, fly, aloneSentences:- Will there be less pollution? -No, there wont. There will be more po

2、llution.-Will there be fewer trees? -Yes, there will. Kids wont go to school.三、教学重难点重点由will构成的一般将来时态的句式。难点 1.more,less,fewer的用法2.there be 句式的一般将来时态there will be四、学习过程1、预习导学及自测A.英汉互译1.污染_ 2.空闲时间_ 3.on computers_ 4.study at home_ 5.in 100 years_6. be free_B.用more,less,fewer填空:1.There will be _(更多的建筑)i

3、n 50 years.2.The students will have _(更少的家庭作业)to do.3.There will be _(更少的污染)here.4. Kids will have _(更少的计算机)in their classroom.5.There will be _(更多的图书馆)in this city. 6.There will be _(更少的树)in the park.2、语法小结:there be 结构 构成:肯定句:There be+某人/某物+地点/否定句:There be +not, some改any,(not any可以换成no)/ 一般疑问句;be提前

4、,some改any there be 接词要运用就近原则.a. There_ a book and two rulers on the desk.b. There _ two rulers and a book on the desk. There be 句型有时态的变化a. 一般现在时:There is/are b. 一般过去时:There was/werec. 一般将来时:There will be /There is/are going to be there be句型的一般将来时结构为:There will be + 主语+其他。其否定形式是在will 后加not;疑问句形式是把wil

5、l 提到there前。简略肯定回答:Yes, there will. 简略否定回答:No, there wont.a.将没有足够的给人住的空间。_ .b.世界上将有更少的动吗? ? 3、自主探究 (1) Do you think there will be robots in peoples homes?此句是一含宾语从句的主从复合句,Do you think是主句,there will be是宾语从句。Do you think?答语一般为:Yes, I think so.或No, I dont think so.有时do you think作为插入语,放在特殊疑问词后,该疑问句的其他部分应为

6、陈述语气。a.你认为十年后你会干什么?_? b.I think:我认为每家都会有个机器人。_ c.I dont think:我认为将来孩子们不会去上学。_ (2)fewer, less和morefewer较少的;更少的,few的比较级,修饰可数名词复数我朋友比我的苹果少。_ .less较少的;更少的,little的比较级,修饰不可数名词我钱包里的钱更少了。_ .more更多的,many和much的比较级,可修饰可数名词,也可修饰不可数名词。瓶子里的水更多了。_ .我们有更多的挑战。_ .注意: few 和little 表示否定,意为“几乎没有”; a few, a little表示肯定,意为“

7、有一点儿”。(3)There will be more pollution. in five years. in five years 五年后,提问“in + 时间段”时用特殊疑问词how soon in 是指以现在时间为起点的“在一段时间以后”,也可以表示“在将来多少时间之内”,主句的谓语动词要用一般将来时态。after常常指以过去时间为起点的“在一段时间之后”,所以它与过去时态连用。当after指某个特定的未来时刻或日期之后,或指以将来某一时间为起点的若干时间之后时,它可以与将来时态连用。如:He started on Sunday and arrived in Beijing after

8、 three days.他星期天动身,3天之后到达北京。Ill be free after Friday. 我星期五之后有空。a. 他两天以后回来。_.b. 我能一小时以内完成作业。_.4、合作交流:畅想未来 What do you think our city will be like? Discuss in groups and write about it. 至少六条,you can use there will .there wont be . 五、【当堂达标】 (一) 单项选择( )1.The city will have _ trees and _ pollution.A. mor

9、e; lot B. less; fewer C. more; less D. less; less( )2.Lanas father will go to Paris _ seven oclock.A. on B. after C. in D. at( )3.There is only time leftWe must hurryA. little B. a little C. few D. a few( )4.Howlongwillcatslive_? A. to B. tobe C. for D. on( )5.Industrial_haskilledmuchoftheriverswild

10、life. A. pollution B. prediction C. subway D. paper (二) 用括号中所给动词的正确形式填空1.I wont _(be) free tomorrow.2.The students _(have) a meeting this weekend.3.Its _(rain) this evening.4._you _ (be) free tomorrow?5.My sister _( not move )to France this year.六、课后反思:我的收获:_ 我的不足:_ 我努力的方向是_ Section B一、教师寄语:Where th

11、ere is a will, there is a way. 有志者事竟成。 二、学习目标: Knowledge goals(知识目标):New words: fly ,took, fall, fell, alone, probably, able, dress, come true , thought, already, made, human, possible , seem, impossibleTarget language: What do you think Sally will be in five years ?三、教学重难点 (重点:学会使用will来作预测; 难点:培养学生

12、阅读习惯)四、学习过程1、预习导学及自测根据文章将下列短语补充完整。1.爱上(某人或某物) _ 2.be able to _ 3. space station _ 4.twenty years from now _ 5. help sb. with sth. _ 6. make sb. do sth. _ 7.get bored _ 8. _ like humans正好象人类 9._ _ the housework 帮助干 10. _ up 醒来11.do the _ things _ us做和我们一样的事情 12.have less work _ _有更少的事情要做 13.have many

13、 different _ 有很多不同种形状 14.help _ _people _ _ 帮助寻找建筑物下的人们 15. _ _电动牙 16.seem_ 似乎不可能 17._ and_ again 一次又一次2、自主探究, (1)I think Ill live in an apartment with my best friends, because I dont like living alone. 我想我将和我最好的朋友住在一个公寓里,因为我不喜欢单独居住。alone和lonelyalone可作副词,也可作形容词,不带感情色彩,表示客观情况。When the baby woke up,he

14、 found himself alone.这个婴儿醒来时,他发现只有他一个人。lonely意为“孤独的;寂寞的”,表示主观上感到孤独、寂寞,有较浓厚的感情色彩,指因缺少朋友、同学、友谊等而产生的一种悲伤和忧郁的情感。它作表语或定语。也可修饰地点,意为“人迹稀少的;荒凉的”。Do you feel lonely as an only child? 身为独生子女你觉得孤独吗?I was , but I didnt feel . 我虽独自一人,但我不感到寂寞。(2)On the weekend, Ill be able to dress more casually.译为:在周末,我将会穿得更休闲 区

15、分:be able to 和can二者都可以表示“能;会”。在表示现在和过去“力所能及”时,二者可以互换,但它们也有一些区别:be able to可用于各种时态; 可用于不定式的后面;不能用于表示猜测的句中。can只用于一般现在时和一般过去时。不能用于不定式的后面。表示猜测时,只能用can。Eg: You will learn another foreign language in two years.两年后你将能够学另一门外语。Eg: Mr King be at home now. 现在金先生不可能在家。 比较一下dress, wear和put on吧三者都有“穿衣”的意思,但“穿”法不同。

16、dress可表动作,人作宾语,构成dress sb. 或dress oneself/ get dressed。The old woman cant get dressed./ dress herself.这老妇人不能自己穿衣服。也可表状态,常构成 be dressed in +衣服The girl is dressed in a white skirt. 这女孩穿着一件白色的裙子。wear指“穿着”的状态,也可表示“戴着”,后接衣服等的名词。She wore her red coat and glasses. 她穿上了她的红外套,戴上了眼镜。put on指“穿”的动作,即“穿上”, 后接衣服的

17、名词。Its cold. Please put on your sweater. 天冷,请穿上你的毛衣。(3)For example, there are already robots working in factories. 例如,已有一部分机器人在工厂里工作了。There is/ are +sb./ sth. +doing sth. 表示“有某人/某物在做某事”。Eg: There some boys in the swimming pool. 有一些男孩在游泳池里游泳。(4)That may not seem possible now, but computers, space roc

18、kets and even electric tooth brushes seemed impossible a hundred years ago. 现在看起来似乎是不可能的,但在100年之前,电脑、宇宙火箭甚至电动牙刷似乎也是不可能的。Seem的用法:seem + adj./ n. /seem + to do sth./It seems that 好像eg: His book seems to be here. = It seems that his book is here.3、拓展创新写一写对自己十年后的生活的设想,然后读给全班同学听。五、【当堂达标】 (一) 根据所提供的首字母和汉语

19、提示完成单词。1.Where did you l_ before. I lived in Beijing.2.Jim will be a to meet his old friend next month.3.I will have a job (面试)tomorrow. I need to look smart.4.On the weekend, Ill be able to dress more _(随便).5.Who _(写) this letter? Tom did.(二) 任务型阅读 In ten years, I think will be a doctor for people.

20、 I will live in Beijing ,because Beijing is the 1. of China. I think Beijing is a really beautiful city. I will work at a big hospital.As a doctor, I think its an interesting and difficult job, and I must study biology hard now. And I want to have a pet dog, 2.I cant have any pets now because my mot

21、her hates them. I might even keep a pet pig! So in ten years, I will have an apartment and keep many animals. And I will probably go camping and go shopping in Beijing. On weekdays, I will be able to wear a suit. 3.但是在周末,我将穿得更随便些。I am sure I will have a happy life in 10 years. I cant wait! 1.填入所缺单词:

22、 2. 同义句转换I cant have any pets now= I pets now.3.将此句翻译成英语。 4 What will the writer be in ten years? 5.给这篇短文拟一个标题: 六、课后反思:我的收获:_ 我的不足:_ 我努力的方向是_ Unit 2 Section A一、Teacthers words:A thousand-li journey is started by taking the first step.千里之行,始于足下.二、learning aims 1.key words : play loud argue wrong styl

23、e could should ticket surprise either2. key phrases : keep out ,argue with ,out of style, call sb. up, a ticket to ,on the phone, pay for, part-time job 3.Key sentences:1)Whats wrong? What should I do ?2)He doesnt have any money, either.3)What should they do? They should talk about their problems.4.

24、 Moral aims: 增进同学之间的友谊,互敬互爱,懂得关心他人是一种美德三.学习过程Step1. 基础回顾单词大比拼,看谁能用最快的速度记住下列单词。不让-进入 keep out 使惊奇;使意外 surprise 票;入场券 ticket 争论, 争吵 argue不时髦的;过时的 out of style 用电话交谈;在通话 on the phone错误的;有毛病的 wrong 付-帐 付买-的钱 pay for兼职工作 part-time job 青少年论坛 Teen Talk Step2. 自主学习 合作探究learning course about words 1. keep ou

25、t = 不让 进入eg.别让那只狗进入我的房间 2 . play v. 播放,玩-n. 播放器/运动员eg,播放CD播放器 3. loud adj./adv 吵得,声音大的.播放 CD声音大 4. argue:与某人辩论某事 与某人谈论某事 eg.I dont want 我不想再那件事上与你争吵5.wrong adj.错误的,有毛病的,eg.你怎么了?Whats / / / with you?6.style n.风格 eg. 流行: = 过时: = 7.打电话的8种表达方法:call sb. up.=call sb.= =make sb. a call= =give sb. a ring =t

26、elephone sb.=phone sb.请给我回电话 .8.ticket 复数tickets 常与介词 连用 eg.给我一张球赛票Please give me 9.surprise v. 惊讶 给某人惊讶,surprise sb.= v-adj. 通常修饰人,或是人做主语, 通常修饰物,或是物作主语.v-n. surprise. 令某人惊讶的是, eg. I this news.我对这个消息感到惊讶。 This is a result.这是一个令人惊讶的结果。10.talk on the phone 用电话交谈, on 是介词,有 的意思eg.通过无线电, 通过网络 通过电视 此外on 作

27、为介词 有进行的意思:eg.在执勤,干值日 在度假 从事 11.pay过去式 可以与spend /cost 替换eg. I paid some money these books.我花钱买了一些书= I some money these books. = These books me some money.12.find a part-time job找一份兼职工作,反 全职的.okey = ,区分:Thats right: Thats all: Its right: Thats all right: = It doesnt matter。13.either:adj:任一的 I like En

28、glish,too(变否定句): of them is ok:他们中任意一个都很好。 of them is ok:他们两个都不好。 of them are ok。两个都很好。 of them like English。他们所有都喜欢英语。Step3.Grammer: 情态动词could和should的用法 1.Should表示劝告、建议、命令,译为应该2.could 是can 的过去式,用在委婉语气中,译为,可以,可能eg:You go to class right away. 你该马上去上课。 You call him up.你可以给他打电话。Step4. Free talk Look at

29、 these problems. Are they serious or not? Write them in the appropriate box. SeriousNot serious五、【当堂达标】 (一) 单项选择( )1. - -I argued with my best friend.A. How are you ? B. Whats wrong? C. Can I help you ? D. Good morning!( ) 2. you could get a part-time job.A. though B. May be C. Maybe D. But ( ) 3. -

30、 I think you should go to bed early every day. - A. T hank you for helping me. B. Of course.C. It doesnt matter. D. Thats a good idea.( ) 4. -Lets talk the weather. - OK.A. to B. with C. about D. on ( ) 5. I think you shouldnt argue her, maybe you should buy some flowers her.A.with, for B .to, with

31、C. for, with D. with, from1. get a tutor 2. 3. 4. 5. (二)自我检测根据上句完成下句,且使上下两句意思相符,每空一词。1.Whats wrong with Jim? Whats _ _ with Jim? 2.He had a good rest after he had lunch. He _ _ a good rest _ he had lunch. 3.Please tell us what we should do next time. Please tell us _ _ _ next time. 4.You must speak

32、English as much as you can. You must speak English _ _ _ _.六、课后反思:我的收获:_我的不足:_我努力的方向是_ Section B一、Teacthers words:Knowledge is power. (知识就是力量)二、learning aims 1.key words : bake tuter original haircut except upset fail until fit pressure complain include pushy send compare crazy adult organized freed

33、om 2.key phrases :have a bake sale,the same as,in style,get on,asas possible,all kinds of ,compare to/with ,on the other hand,orginazed activities3.Key sentences:1)Everyone else in my class was invited except me.2)You left your homework at home.3) My cousin is the same age as me.4)They might find it

34、 difficult to plan things for themselves.5)They try to fit as much as possible into their kids lives.6)Pushy parents are nothing new,but now parents seem to push their children a lot more.三、学习过程Step1. 预习及检测英汉互译 尽可能_ Fit into_ Get on_ 在一方面,在另一方面_ Be angry with_ 从借来 _ Have a fight with_ Step2.合作交流 lea

35、rning course about words 1.卖烧烤 请家教: 一个新颖的课题: 2.haircut v.理发:have a haircut = 3.except 除了, 介词 eg. Everybody goes to the playground Mary(除了,不包括在内,“减去”) Everybody goes to the library me.(除了包括在内,“加上”)4.fail v.失败n. 失败 。反义词v.n. 成功:Eg.她考试失败了 5. 与某人相处的好eg.我们应该与同学和睦相处We should 6.fit v. 适合,适应I cant find the clothes 我找不到适合我的衣服.fit sb/sth into sth: Eg:Ill try and fit you in after lunch. Parents always try to as much as possible kids lives。父母总是尽量在孩子生活里安排尽可能多的内容。fit 比较级 -最高级 作adj.:健康的,保持健康:keep fit= / be fit for sb: eg. This place 。这个地方不适合你住。


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