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1、Unit 5 Feeling happy名词对付;对待;解决代词电子贺卡拒绝,不愿任何人;无论谁经历;经验懂得;明白;理解连词感觉;感情形容词虽然,可是建议;提议严格的;严密的词组玩笑害羞的对严格要求陌生人正常的习惯于忧伤;悲哀柔和的;软的像一样,如同动词紧张不安的别紧张,别着急送;打发;派遣通常的,平常的处理;对付不及格;失败;衰退年长的不再说笑话;开玩笑不公平的即使,尽管接受拍手,鼓掌Topic 2 I feel better now.Section A一. 读1a,回答1b的问题二、在文中找到,划出并背诵下面的短语和句子81.怎么了?_2.听到这些事情真让人难过 _3.到底是怎么回事?_

2、4.做-很糟糕、差劲儿_5.对要求严格_6.和她谈谈_7.担心(形容词短语)_8.文静腼腆 _9.谢谢你告诉我。_10.感到寂寞_11.变得生气_12.丢失_13.跌倒_14.似乎很担心_15.看起来很疲倦_16.使-振作起来_17.担心(动词短语)_18.别紧张;放松;松懈_19.尽量和别人说说话 _三. 在文中划出下面的句子并翻译1.You look worried. 分析:此句为主语+ _+ _结构。译:_.2.Anything wrong? 译:_. 将句子补充完整: _ _ anything wrong?点拨: 形容词wrong用在不定代词anything后面,是一种_现象。我们见过

3、的有:something delicious_ nothing else_ 一些无聊的事情_3.Its Li Hong. 译:_. 思考:it在句子中指_4.What seems to be the problem? 译:_? 回忆:seem是_ 动词。看Topic1写出seem常用的三种结构并造句:天似乎阴了。1._ - _2._ - _3._ - _5.She is crying in the bathroom because she did badly in the English exam. 译:_ A: did badly in 的反义词组:1.)_ 2.)_ B: badly 能换

4、成bad吗?Why? _ C: 试一试1.Sam _ _ _ the high jump. (Sam跳高跳得不好.) 2.Betty _ _ _ _ _. (Betty的汉语不好.)6.She is very strict with herself. 译:_. 点拨: be strict with sb. 译:_ be strict in sth. 译:_ (注意区别) 练习: 1.我的父母对我要求很严。 _ 2.他对自己要求严格,对工作也很严格。_and she is also_ 3.你们中的大多数都应该对自己要求很严格。_7.She feels very lonely because sh

5、e has no friends to talk with .译:_ A)回忆:lonely 与alone 的区别 a. I often stay at home _, but I dont feel _. b. In the _ village , there is no TV.译:_ 译:_ B) 思考:She has no friend to talk with 中的with能去掉吗?to talk with 作friend 的_ 语。 例句:I have no pen to write with译:_ 巩固: a. Miss Brown needs a piece of paper t

6、o write _.译:_ b.现在他们居住的领地越来越小。But now they have _ and _ land _ _ _8.Thank you for telling me .译:_. 思考:telling是因为_ 举一反三: Thank you for _ (ask) me. Thank you for _ (invite) me.9.Im really worried about her. 译: _. 思考:这里worried 是 _词。 点拨: worry about = be worried about 为担心 应用: Dont worry about that. = Do

7、nt _ _ _that. 试一试:a.Mrs Green 很担心她的儿子。Mrs Green _ _ _ her son. b.你担心你的妈妈吗? _ you _ _ you mother? c.你不必担心英语考试。You dont need to _ _ the English exam.10.Now listen and help Helen to complete this e-card. 译:_ . 点拨:help sb. to do sth. / help sb. do sth. / help sb. with sth. 译:_ 练习:1.Jane often _ her clas

8、smates _ English. 2._ you help _ _the desk just now? (你刚才帮忙移课桌了吗?) 3.Peter _ me _ the window yesterday. (昨天Peter帮我擦了窗户)。11. Take it easy, dont be too strict with yourself. 译:_. 点拨:take it easy - 别紧张;放松;松懈 练习:Take it easy. Well take care of everything. 译:_ 四语法重点 原因状语从句 观察:1.She is crying in the bathr

9、oom because she did badly in the English exam.2.She feels very lonely because she has no friends to talk with.总结:because 是_词,引导 _从句。(1) We feel excited because its interesting. 译:_(2) The boy becomes very angry because his pen is lost again. 译:_(3) The mother seems worried because her son is ill. 译:

10、_(4) The children _ _ _ the program is wonderful.(孩子们很兴奋,因为节目太精彩了.)(5) The boy _ very _ _ he has _ _homework to do.(这个男孩感到非常累,因为他有太多的作业要做.)(6) The girl _ very _ _ all the buildings in her school _ down.(那个女孩感到很悲伤,因为她的学校的建筑物全倒了.)Section B一. 读1a,判断1b句子正误二. 读2a,回答问题1.) Do we have the unhappy feelings o

11、ften? _2.) What should we do to feel better?_ _三、在文中找到,划出并背诵下面的短语和句子1.英语考试不及格_2.和谁谈论有关什么的事情_3.有这些感受_4.在你这年龄_5.与-交朋友_6.讲笑话_7.使我高兴_8.她似乎很喜欢我。_9.好了,好了!_10.我现在感觉好多了。_11.考试及格_12.帮助李红学习_13.一些糟糕的经历_14.怎样终止这些不愉快的心情 _15.提出您的建议_16.(事情)发生在-的身上_17.听轻音乐 _18.参加活动_19.感觉好得多_20.请给我打电话,号码2676790._21.处理;解决,对付_22.害怕当众说

12、英语_23.做某事有困难_三. 在文中划出下面的句子并翻译1.How are you feeing today? 译:_ ? - 我很好。 _. 挑战:把此句改为一般现在时- _? - _2.Im feeling really sad because I failed the English exam. 译:_. 点拨:fail the exam - 考试不及格 挑战:pass the exam译:_ 练习:我昨天的物理不及格。I _ the _ exam yesterday. 他通过驾驶考试了吗?_ he _ his _ test ?3.Why dont you talk to someon

13、e when you feel sad? 译:_? 同义句: a.Why_? b.Youd better_ c.How/What about_?4.Everyone gets these feelings at your age. 译:_ 点拨:at ones age - 在某人岁时 链接:at the age of- 在岁时 练习:a.Your father _ _ work _ _ _.(在你这个年龄爸爸就开始工作了.) b._ _ _ _ , she _ draw. (她在五岁时就会画画.) 同义句:When she _ _ _ _, she _ _ _ draw.5.She alway

14、s tells me jokes and makes me laugh. 译:_ 点拨:tell me jokes - 给我讲笑话 链接:play jokes on sb. 译:_ 盘点:讲个故事_ 撒个谎_ 告诉某人做某事_6.There , there ! Itll be OK. 译:_点拨:There, there! 好啦!好啦! there在这里是语气词,表示安慰别人。Itll be OK也表示安慰。巩固: Dont worry; Dont be afraid; Its OK now. 译:_7.Its normal to feel sad when something bad hap

15、pens to us. 译:_ 点拨:1)something bad 中的bad属于_现象。 2) happen to sb./sth. (事情)发生在-身上练习: a. 有趣的东西_ 危险的事情 _ b.刚才Tom发生了什么事? What _ _ Tom _ _? c.Sue发生了一起严重的交通事故。 A _ _ _ _ _Sue.8.Its all right to show were sad. Its all right to cry. 译:_点拨:这里it是_主语,真正的主语是后面的_ /_.练习:a. 吃早餐很有必要的。_ _ _ _breakfast. b.上课认真听讲很重要。_.

16、9.Have difficulty talking with your parents. 译:_点拨:have difficulty doing sth.- 做某事有困难 链接:做某事很开心_思考:difficulty的同根名词是_ 链接:安全(名)_-安全的(形)_10.Be nervous when answering question in class. 译:_思考:你能把句子补充完整吗?_ _ be nervous when _ _ answering question in class.巩固: 下次过马路时小心点。_ _ _ _ the road _ _.对比:in class_ i

17、n the classroom_ after class_Section C一.读1,回答问题(1) How did she feel several months ago? _(2) Did Li Hong think the roads here were as clean as those in her hometown? _(3) What about the food and the people here? _(4) Do the classmates accept her? _二、在文中找到,划出并背诵下面的短语和句子1.光阴似箭!_2.我多么想见见你!_3.几个月前_4.在那时

18、_5.更有甚者;更为重要的是_6.在老师和同学的帮助下 _7.害怕做什么事_8.我和从前生活得一样快乐。 _9.习惯于做某事_10.把我的最美好的祝愿带给你的父母 _11.拍手_12.做鬼脸_三. 在文中划出下面的句子并翻译1.How time flies ! 译:_ ! - 此句经常用于信的开头2.Whats more, I couldnt sleep as well as usual. 译:_ 点拨: 表示A与B在某种程度上一样 -. as +形容词/副词的原级+as . 1)This man is as sad as that one. 译:_2)This boy is as happy

19、 as that one. 译:_3)Kangkang speaks English as well as Maria. 译:_ 表示A在某种程度上不如B 用 not as/so+形容词/副词的原级+as 1)This man is not as tall as that one. 译:_2)This boy can not jump so high as that one. 译:_3)Kangkang doesnt run as fast as Jim. 译:_ 练习:1.)Lily与Lucy一样高。Lily is _ _ _ Lucy. Lily没有Lucy高。 Lily is _ _ _

20、 _ Lucy. 2.) 这个公园与那个公园一样美丽。This park is _ _ _that one. 这个公园没有那个公园美丽。This park is _ _ _ _that one. 3.) 我们过得和从前一样幸福。We live _ _ _ before. 我们过得没有从前一样幸福。We _ _ _ _ _ before.3.I was not used to everything here. 译:_. Im getting used to the life here. 译:_ 点拨:be used to +名词,动名词或代词-习惯于某事 get used to +名词,动名词或

21、代词-(逐渐)习惯于某事 这里的to是介词,所以如果这个结构后面跟动词,一定要用动词的_形式。 即:be used to doing sth. 习惯于做某事 get used to doing sth (逐渐)习惯于做某事 练习:1.)我们习惯了跑步。_. 2.)那个老人逐渐习惯了城市生活。_ 3.)我妈妈习惯晚上看电视。_ 链接: 过去常常做某事 _ 注意:这里的to为_,后跟动词原形。 1.)我过去常收集硬币。I _ _ _ _. 2.) 你过去常常做什么?What _you_ _ _? 3.) 李红过去个子很低。Li Hong _ _ _ _.4.I thought the roads

22、here were not so clean as those in our town. 译:_ 点拨:为了避免重复,在从句中常用the one ,the ones ,that, those 等词来代替前面出现过的名词。其中the one代替可数名词单数形式;the ones 或those 代替可数名词复数形式;that代替不可数名词。 练习:a.冬天北京的天气比广州的冷。The _ in Beijing is _ _ _in Guangzhou in winter. b.乡村的空气比城市的新鲜。The air in the countryside is _ _ _ in cities. c.

23、桌上的苹果比篮子里的大得多。The apples on the table _ _ _ _ _ in the basket.5.Im not afraid to talk with others now. 译:_ 点拨:be afraid to do sth.- 由于害怕而不敢去做某事 be afraid of doing sth.- 担心、害怕会发生某事 练习:1. She is afraid of losing her job. 译:_2.Hes not afraid of dying. 译:_3.Im afraid of diving(跳水) in the swimming pool.

24、译:_ 4.Dont be afraid to ask questions in class. 译:_5.She is afraid to see you again. 译:_ 注意:be afraid of doing sth. 除了常作“担心某件不称心的事情会发生”之外,有时也可作“害怕做某事”或“不敢做某事”,这时它跟be afraid to do sth 的意思相近。这要看具体的语境。1.)Im afraid of telling her. /Im afraid to tell her. 译:_2.) She is afraid of waking him up./ She is afraid to wake him up. 译:_ 实战练习:I dont like to speak English because Im afraid _mistakes. A. making B. to make C. of making D. to makingSection D一.读1a,回答1b的问题二、在文中找到,划出并背诵下面的短语和句子1.解决问题_2.一直_3.例如_4.考试不及格_5.处理;解决_6.有这些心情很正常。 _


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