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1、九年级复习单选60 题1. Is he as active as you? No, hes a quiet boy. He is-A. as outgoing as I B.not so calm as I C.less outgoing than me2.- is it? twenty minutes walk. A.how long B.how far C.how soon D.how much3.Excuse me, where is the museum? Is it - the library? Yes, they are opposite to each other.A. next

2、 toB.across fromC.in front ofD.in the front of4.He doesnt like smoking. Me,-.A. either B.nether C.too D.also5. I cant afford the TV set. The price is-。 A.expensiveB.low C.cheap D.high6.Have you had a drink? Yes, but Id like to have - after work. A.it B. one C.other D.another7.I knocked into a tree w

3、hen I went to the railway station. I suppose you - too fast.A.drive B.drove C.were driving D.are driving8.-the socks Jim, you shouldnt throw them everywhere. A.try on B.put away C.take out9.- healthy. You should take more exercise . A.to keep B.keeping C.keep10.Nancy. how long does it take to fly to

4、 Canada? Sorry, I dont know. But I can telephone my father to - it foy you.A. do B.catch C.check D.find11.Whom would you like to be your assistant.Jack or David? If I had to choose, David would be - choice.A. good B.better C.the better D.the best12. I feel happy that I - to be the host. congratulati

5、ons. A.choose B.am chosen C.was chosen D.have chosen13.- spending our vacation in a hotel. Why not try hiking in the country? A.instead of B.because of C.thanks to D.as for14. Id like three bowls of noodles. One is for myself and - two are for my parents.A.other B.the other C.another D.others15.my f

6、amily - going to take a one-week trip to Qingdao. A.is B.are C.was D.were16.in recent years. More and more Americans like traveling during holidays. -. A.so do we Chinese .B.so will we Chinese .C.so we Chinese do.D.so we Chinese will.17.how long have you - it ? A.had B.bought C.buy D.borrowed18.the

7、movie - for an hour. A.started B.has been on C. has started 19. he - there for three days. A.went B. has been C.has been in D has gone 20. he is a fan of AC Milan and never misses any of its games - other teams. A.with B.against C.for21. a meal including meat and vegetables - good to our health.A.do

8、 B.does C.doing22.When you make a mistake, dont always make - excuse for yourself. A.an B.the C./23.before you buy it, please think - it s necessary. A. how B.whether C.when24.- fun it is to be with girls of my age. A.what B. how C.what a 25.- useful book. A.what a B.what an C. how 26.he will have -

9、holiday. A. two months B. two months C a two month D. a two-months 27.the book - me two dollars. A.spent B. cost C. paid28.he - by a car.A. was hitted B.was hit C.is hit D.hit29.the number of pandas - smaller and smaller. A.becomes B.are becoming C.is becoming D.become30.- fine the weather is. A.how

10、 B.what C.how a Dwhat a31.Dont forget it. OK. I -. A.wont B.dont C.will D.do32.It was a great day but we didnt enjoy it - the beginning. A.on B. for C. with D.at33.Did you enjoy yourself at the party? Yes, Ive never been to -one before.A.a more exciting B.the most exciting C.the most excited D.a mor

11、e excited34.mind your steps. Dont you see the words - the grass. A.keep off B.keep out C.take off D.take out35.the girl is often heard - happily in her room. A.sing B.to sing C.singing D.sung36.Tom stays alone in the classroom and looks sad. -to him? A.what happens B.what has happened C.what is happ

12、ened D.what is happening.37.give a report/freely/guest / trousers/effect38. I have a meeting - .Aattend B.to attend C.attending39. our government - action to prevent it already. A.has taken B.took C.will take D.was taking40.there are many works of art in the museum - we will visit tomorrow. A.where

13、B.who C.which D.what41.John, clean your room,-? A.will you B.shall we C.dont we D.doesnt he42.we have been doing much better in English - our teachers help.43.Mother give us life and raise us. So millions of people celebrate Mothers Day.44.is your cold getting -? No, the medicine I took seems to hav

14、e no effect. A.bad B.less .C.well D.better45.it was just a waste of time.46.Need I have the information - ? Yes, Im afraid you -. So that you can use it later.A. store ,can B.store , must C.stored .must D. store ,need 47.he - a meeting at the moment. A.is have B.will have C.is having D. has had48.sh

15、e is a good friend of - (I)49.she says little but does much.50.would you please show me - it? A.what to do B.how to do C.doing D. do51.we want to know- he will come back this week. A.if B.that C.because D.since52.although we both failed to pass the driving test,- we learned much about driving.53.Can

16、 speak to Mr Black? Please -, I ll go and find him54.do you mind if I sit here? Better not. Its for my father55.have something to do with -56. how do you do? / certainly not. /long distance calling.57.will you be back -five in the afternoon?Im not sure, maybe later than that. A.in B.before C.for D.u

17、ntil58. how much does the watch -? A.cost B.spend C take59. drop at / off / by / on60.give in / out / off / away / up 61.there are shops on - side of the street . - of them dont close until 12:00 at night. A.either ,some B.both all C.every none D.other many62.thats to say I dont need lots of money t

18、o have a good time.63. heavy trucks.64.they have gone to the farm - we worked last year. A.what B.that C.which D. on which 65.would you like some more soup?-, it s delicious. But I have had enough.A. yes, please.B.no, thank you.C.nothing more.D. Id like some.66.Are you still busy? Yes, I - my work.

19、And it wont take long. A.am justfinishing B.just have C.have15Unit 1. 1. by - sth .2. ask - for 3. study for4. practice -sth.5. have a partner to practice English with.6. read aloud to do sth7. my speaking skills8. too hard to understand the voices.9. learn / help a lot / a little.10. the best way t

20、o do sth11. more specific suggestions.12. ask about watch / see /look at /listen to /hear/notice/ do sth / doing sth13. however / but . so / therefore14. how fun it is to do sth15. she added that -16. get excited about -17. end up speaking inn Chinese.18. have conversations with -19. do a survey abo

21、ut learning English 20. spoken English / speaking English 21. make mistakes in grammar22. get - right23. get much writing practice24. listening can help.25. join the club/ party/ league26. take part in - = join in27. learn to learn English 28. first of all29. in every class30. be afraid to do / of d

22、oing31. make complete sentences32. either, too , also . as well.33. me, neither.34. another thing35. take lots of grammar notes.36. its amazing how much this helped.37. be impressed.38. poor39. have trouble / difficulty in doing 40. go out with 41. try to listen for the most important words.42. writ

23、e down43. look them / it up 44. take notes45. make up46. be used to do 47. in science48. as a second language49. rich or poor50. how -deal with51. what -do with52. solve the problems53. unless= if -not54. be mad at sb55. stay angry for years about56. may be lost57. decide not to do58. last for long5

24、9. regard -as60. complain about61. the rules are too strict.62. be strict with / in63. change -into 64. change65. turn -into66. its our duty to do67. do /try ones best to do 68. with the help of69. =with ones help70. think of/about/over71. compare -to / with72. physical problems73. not -or74. not -b

25、ut75. quite healthy and smart76. lets not worry about77. instead / instead of78. do his duty79. in a positive way80. break off81. affect 82. effect83. unit 284. used to do85. used to be86. be serious about87. wait a minute/moment88. be more interested in89. be on the swim team90. people sure change.

26、91. high places .92. be terrified of.93. go to sleep with my bedroom light.on94. in the last few years 95. has / have changed a lot96. go right home97. chat chatted chatting98. take me to concerts99. hardly ever100. miss the old days1. mind doing2. mind3. make us stressed out4. join you5. move to an

27、other town6. have short hair7. grow it long8. work hard at9. .get bad grades10. do well at school11. cause a lot of trouble12. couldnt /cant afford to do sth13. to do this, she has to work14. get into trouble with the police15. luckily, luck / lucky16. be patient with17. patient18. send him to a boy

28、s boarding school19. to his surprise20. in surprise21. it was exactly what I needed.22. be no longer with me23. watch me24. take pride in everything good I do .25. be afraid of being alone26. pay more attention to me/ doing sth27. feel good about himself28. as Martin himself says.29. its important f

29、or parents to be there for their children.30. be able to do 31. give up doing 32. thats when I decided to change.33. after his fathers death.34. he has been dead for 4 years/ since she was eleven.35. a waste of time / waste his time36. change my mind37. historical places38. make learning history a r

30、eal experience39. I know how much she has given me.Unit 3.1. sb be allowed to do sth2. allow sb to do sth3. allow doing4. have a part-time job5. sixteen- year- olds6. choosechose-chosen7. choose to do 8. their own clothes9. get his drivers license10. go to the mall with sb11. get / have - done12. ge

31、t / have his ears pierced13. too wild / serious / calm 14. adj + enough15. cut her hair16. cut cut cut17. wear that silly earring18. seem to have many friends19. on weekends20. need(s)do 21. dont / doesnt / didnt need to do22. need doing = need to be done23. need do 24. neednt do 25. spend time with

32、 friends26. so do / does/did/ will/ be / can / should/ has/have-+27. neither/ nor +-28. on school/ Friday nights29. stay up30. fail to do 31. take the test (later)32. pass past33. the other day34. keep -happy 35. keep36. study in groups37. get noisy38. learn a lot from each other39. at present40. li

33、ke 41. have an opportunity to do42. at the same time43. at times44. go / come back to 45. =return to46. whats the reason?47. use English English dictionaries48. its a real mess49. look good on me50. at least 8 hours sleep51. which pair of jeans to buy52. an old peoples home53. sing sang -sung54. per

34、form a play for them55. we should take time to do things like that more often56. help teach / help to teach57. a great experience58. other students / the other students59. another two students60. some some - others61. be sleepy62. fall asleep / be asleep63. have Friday afternoons off to do 64. would

35、 like to do 65. reply to 66. make my own decisions67. have hobbies68. get / be in the way of69. their childrens success.70. succeed in doing71. be successful72. running star / team73. achieve / realize my dream74. have nothing against running75. we do think76. need to be realistic 77. now that78. in

36、 the end79. the importance of working hard80. what I enjoy81. I m serious about running82. the only thing I have ever wanted to do83. do the right thing84. its a very difficult dream to achieve85. spend time on his homework86. care about / for87. I will succeed88. only then will I have a chance of a

37、chieving my dream89. let / make / have - do sth90. be made to do sth91. worry his success92. do a project on a famous person93. on the wallunit 4.1. give it to charity / medical research.2. buy snacks 3. wear a shirt and tie.4. a little bit late.5. take a small present/ gift6. if you dont know anyon

38、e.7. Larrys worries8. what if everyone else brings a present?9. what to wear10. enjoy parties11. I dont know what to say or do12. get/feel nervous about13. make sb nervous14. be nervous of 因为15. take a long walk 16. before/after/while doing17. help you relax18. confident of / in /about / with19. in

39、public20. What are you like?21. what do you look like?22. give a speech23. ask my permission24. without permission25. ask sb to be in the movie26. introduce -to27. want to be friend with sb28. social situations29. not -in the slightest30. bother you31. annoy people32. plenty of33. enjoy the company

40、of other people.34. come to you35. want advice36. sb be easy to get along with37. talk to one or two people rather than to a group38. would rather do than do39. have a small / large circle of good friends40. say sth bad about you41. right away=at once42. what he says / said43. speech contest44. repr

41、esent the class45. come top46. let -down47. come up with =think up48. think of49. solution to 50. the rest of the students51. know of52. know about53. a first aid book54. on nearby shelves55. have lots of experience doing 56. come out57. it gives advice on what to do58. here are two pages from the b

42、ook59. cut / burn yourself by accident60. cover the cut with a clean cloth61. press it hard62. a deep cut63. fall /fell/ fallen downstairs64. hurry to do65. speed66. get the medical help first67. the burned area 68. cold running water69. injure your knee while running70. feel some pain71. hurt for m

43、ore than a few days72. refuse to do73. the dangers of smoking74. hide hid hidden75. hide -from 76. agree to do77. in a public place78. go alone79. ask -for advice80. be helpful to treat a small burn81. be dangerous to do 82. do a class survey on accidents and problems83. have an accidentunit 51. bel

44、ong to them/ my father2. = be theirs / my fathers3. plate / bowl / knife /fork /chopsticks/pot4. cooker / spoon 5. the only little kid6. listen to classical music7. auther / writer8. band 9. they both / all 10. much too small11. have some / any / no idea12. where it might be13. dropped it14. you were at your optometrist appointment15. its crucial that 16. make up 30% of the final exa


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