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1、 高二英语开放式作文期末复习导学案田艳兵 开放式作文大全1. warm-hearted people will make a difference to others and make a contribution to our society.(热心肠的人影响别人并对社会做贡献) One of the most important things I have learnt in my life is that being warm-hearted plays a significant role in our life. My aunt is a warm-hearted woman who

2、 is willing to help others in need.She struggled to make ends meet,which made her tired out every day.Even though she did not live a comfortable and rich life,she adopted four homeless orphans.In order to earn as much money as possible to raise the children,she worked hard around the clock.As a resu

3、lt,the four children grew up healthily and happily.Now the four children work as a teacher,a doctor,a driver and an engineer respectively.They are all contributing what they can afford to the society. There is no doubt that those who are warm-hearted can make a big difference to others as well as ma

4、king a great contribution to our society.2. Whether your dream can come true mainly depends on whether you take effective action or not.(你的梦想能不能实现主要取决于你有没有采取有效措施) What is of great importance to us in our life is that we are supposed to take effective action to realize our dreams. It was several year

5、s ago that my sister dreamed of being admitted to Wuhan university.But when she was in senior high school,she had difficulty in some subjects,thus making her become frustrated and passive in her study.At that time,my parents often inspired her to get over her difficulties and urged that she should t

6、ake effective action to improve her learning method.My sister found a role model in her class and learned from him,which led her to make progress little by little .Eventually,her efforts paid off.She was admitted to the university that she had been dreaming about. From my sisters experience,we can s

7、ee that in order to live up to our dreams,we should take effective action.3. When walking in the company of other men,there must be one I can learn something from. (三人行必有我师) It is obvious that everyone has strengths and weaknesses.We should learn from others in order to make up for our own weaknesse

8、s. Take my classmate Tom for example.He always failed in physics,which made him frustrated .Fortunately,through group cooperative learning he got a good chance to learn from his partners in the group.They all had their own strong points.He turned to his partners for help and learned their scientific

9、 learning methods.One of his partners gave him some useful advice on how to improve physics ,thus helping him achieve much progress.He also worked hard to catch up with his partners. We can conclude from the example that there is always someone around you to learn from.4. Failure is annoying, but wh

10、at failure can teach us may never be taught in other ways (失败是令人烦恼的,但能教我们别的地方学不到的) No one can ever achieve any success without failure as failure can usually help us learn what our strengths and weaknesses are. When I was in Junior High School, most of my teachers and students thought it better to s

11、tudy science, saying that it promised a better future. I tried to follow this trend despite the fact that I was not good at Physics. It was only two months later, when I failed an extremely important Physics exam, that I realized my talent lay in subjects like Chinese, English as well as History. I

12、switched for arts immediately. 来源:学科网ZXXK The following years witnessed my excellent school performance then. So failure is not as terrible as we have expected as long as we can learn something from it.5. If you cant do what you like ,then you should like what you do.(如果你不能做你喜欢的,那么你就喜欢你现在做的) Years o

13、f school life has taught me a lot of things ,of which what I value most is that we should develop an interest in what we are bound to do ,even if it is not where our interest lies. There was a time when I disliked English .For one thing,I was annoyed that I simply kept forgetting those English words

14、 that I tried to remember.Besides,I couldnt figure out the English grammar.As a consequence,I tried to keep myself away from it,which led to the fact that I did poorly in English.Later I got to understand that English is becoming more and more important with the development of our society.What is mo

15、re,we must have a good command of it if we are to enter our dream university.Anyway,I began to develop an interest in it and have been making steady progress. From this experience Ive learned that we shouldnt give up in the face of difficulty.Instead ,we should meet the lifes challenges and think of

16、 ways to improve ourselves.6. Making a good impression on others is incredibly important ,which will definitely bring us a lot of benefits.(给别人留下好印象对我们自己有益) There is no doubt that a good impression is of vital importance.Accordingly,we are supposed to leave a good impression on others,which will ben

17、efits us a lot. Three years ago I was transferred to another school for some reasons.To make a good impression on my new classmates ,I took part in a variety of activities with great enthusiasm.I also volunteered to clean the classroom as well as turning off all the lights after school.Whats more ,w

18、hen my classmates turned to me for help,I always spared no efforts to help them.To my great delight,it was not long before I made friends with some of my classmates .After school they were willing to help me with my studies.From my experience, we can see that a good impression really matters in our

19、lives.7. It is known to all that volunteering benefits others, but we should also be aware that it can benefit volunteers themselves, too.(志愿者不仅对别人有益,对志愿者本人也有好处) Nowadays,more and more people,especially young people,enjoy doing volunteering work,which of course benefits others and makes our society

20、harmonious.However volunteering can also benefit volunteers themselves. When I studied in junior school,I volunteered to accompany an old man in the homes for the elderly at weekend.The old mans only interest was to tell or listen to history stories .Unfortunately I happened to be the lest intereste

21、d in history and history was my poorest subject.In order to satisfy the old man,I began to study history hard.Not only did I listen to my teacher attentively in class,but also I borrowed history books from the library and even studied history in the Internet.Gradually I got to be fond of history and

22、 made great progress.Later,I even took the first place in a history knowledge competition.Ever since,history has been my best subject. My experience has convinced me that while helping others ,we ourselves may also get developed.So,lets do more volunteering work and that will benefit others,society

23、and us ourselves as well.8. Humankind and the environment are closely linked .So everyone should make a positive contribution to the environment.(人类和环境紧密相关。所以我们应该为环境做贡献) With the environment becoming worse and worse ,it is time for us to do something to protect it . Last week,our school organized an

24、 activity which was aimed at protecting the environment .We carried some young trees to the hill near our school.The moment we reached there,we found rubbish here and there ,which made us feel very upset.After we picked up the rubbish,we planted the young trees .when we returned to school,we thought

25、 it very necessary to make more people realize the importance of protecting the environment .So we gave some speeches on the environment in our school to appeal to more people to join us. At present ,more and more people have realized the importance of protecting the environment and are contributing

26、 what they can afford.We hope we can live in a pleasant environment.9. We have unselfish mothers who have brought us up,unselfish teachers teaching us,and unselfish friends who are always ready to help us.We should also learn to be unselfish.(我们有无私的母亲抚养我们长大,无私的老师教育我们,无私的朋友帮助我们,我们应该学会无私。) This world

27、is filled with unselfish people,because of whom our world has become a lovely and beautiful place to stay.When I grew up,I have met countless people who are always unselfish to me .In the middle of last term,just as I was busy with my lessons,I suddenly fell ill and had to stay away from school for

28、a couple of weeks.Seeing this,our monitor Li Hua,together with some other classmates ,offered to help me with my studies.It was with their unselfish help that I managed to catch up with others.Looking back on those days,I am impressed by their help and feel gratitude.They have taught me the importan

29、ce of being unselfish and offering help to those in need.As the saying goes,no one is an island.Only when we show concern to others and accommodate help to people can we unite together and make a difference.10.A white lie sometimes is excusable ,because it can help others live a better life.(善意的谎言是可

30、以原谅的,因为它能帮助别人过得更好) I hold the view that a while lie sometimes is helpful.Accordingly,it is also excusable.Take my cousin for example.He used to be a naughty and careless boy,who made my aunt very upset.One day,she thought up an idea.She pretended to be his teacher and wrote a note to encourage him,w

31、hich said ,”Li Ming,you are a good student .I know you can make great progress if you study hard.Sometimes you are kind of naughty ,but you are very clever in my mind.I hope you will have a bright future.Come on!”Reading these words,my cousin felt very surprised and delighted.He thought his teacher

32、didnt give up on him.He was determined to get rid of his bad habits and tried to be an excellent student.And now he is no longer what he used to be .I am convinced that a white lie sometimes will make a big difference to others.11. keep good men company and you shall be of the number.(有好人相伴,你也会成为其中的

33、一员/近朱者赤) Keeping good company will have a good and positive influence on us. My mother used to be particular about everything ,which made her family and colleagues not fit in with her.Compared with my mother ,Aunt Liu,one of my mothers good friends ,was considerate and modest.They often went shoppin

34、g together and chatted with each other .So Aunt Liu tried to influence my mother to make some changes.She shared her thoughts with my mother and recommended that she should think twice before she wanted to do and say something.She also taught her to take account of others feelings.Gradually,my mothe

35、r was touched by what Aunt Liu had said and done.Now she is no longer what she used to be and she is very friendly to others. As is said above,we can see what a great effect good company will have on us.12. Sometimes,we should properly evaluate others and encourage them,which will make a big differe

36、nce to them.(有时候,我们应该正确的评价别人并鼓励他们,这对他们有很多的影响) I am convinced that properly evaluating others as well as giving the positive encouragement is of great significance. One day,my sister got the school report of the final exam.She didnt do well in the exam,thus making her afraid to let my mother know it.

37、She predicted that by no means would my mother be satisfied with her scores.However,she had to present her school report to my mother.To her surprise,my mother helped her carefully analyze the mistakes.My mother also properly evaluated my sisters performance at school and encouraged her to keep work

38、ing hard to catch up with others in her class.With my mothers encouragement,my sister bravely faced her failure.Besides,she built up her confidence and studied harder than ever before.Finally,she achieved much progress. I think we should properly evaluate people around us and encourage them sometime

39、s,which can have a good influence on them.13. Parents instruction(教导) plays an important role in the process of childrens growth and development.(父母的教导在孩子的成长的过程中起着重要的作用) It is widely accepted that parents instruction plays a vital part in childrens growth and development. One of my classmates gets o

40、n well with everyone in my class.He is polite and friendly to people around him,which makes him very popular among all of us.He is also willing to help others in need.In addition,being ambitious and aggressive in his study is one of his important strengths,which makes him one of the top students in

41、my class.When he is asked about what makes him a popular and excellent student,he owes it to his parents instruction.He says that his parents are strict with him and taught him how to be a polite and warm-hearted person when he was very young.His parents are also role models for him. It has been con

42、firmed from the example above that parents instruction has a significant influence on children and their future. 14. Life is like sailing.Sometimes,we cant change the direction of the wind,but we can adjust our sails in order to reach our destination.(生活就像航海,我们不能改变风的方向,但是为了到达目的地,我们可能调整我们的帆) We all k

43、now that if we still cant change the difficult situation after studying hard,we should set a reasonable goal,adjust our learning methods and do our best to achieve it. In junior middle school,I was one of the top students in my school,which made me confident.However,the situation has changed since I

44、 started my senior school.However hard I worked,I was unable to do well in my studies,thus making me very depressed.After thinking carefully,I came to realize that I should make some changes in order to splendidly finish school.I turned to my teachers and classmates for help,and I found that I neede

45、d to reset my goal and adjust my learning methods to adapt myself to the new environment .Eventually,my efforts paid off and I made great progress in my studies. When we are trapped in a tough situation and cant step forward towards our destination,we are supposed to change the course of or life and

46、 set sail 。15.Forgiveness is considered to be a virtue,which benefits both others and ourselves.(饶恕被认为是一种对别人和自己都好的美德) We all know that if we forgive others ,we can give them a chance to correct their mistakes.In the meantime ,we will let go of the past. I still remember that when I was in junior mid

47、dle school,I had a close friend.We shared everything with each other .One day I had a violent quarrel with her,for she heard some rumors and misunderstood me,which also made me very disappointed .After that,we didnt speak to each other .Several weeks later,she knew the truth and apologized to me.I f

48、orgave her and invited her to my house after school.At that moment,I suddenly realized that when I forgave the person who had hurt me,I also felt relieved .Shortly afterwards,we were reconciledrek()nsal (使和解,调和,使和好)and had a good time at school. All the people are likely to mke mistakes .Giving others a chance to make up for their mistakes is essential in our life.Learn to be forgiving and let go of the past(让过去变成云烟,放下过去,放下去) ,which will make our life better.16. Itdoesntreallymatterwhetheryourglassishalfempty


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