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1、Members of a Sentence(句子成分),主讲人:冯善柱,Welcome to my class,Four parts of the speech(说课四部分),Part one:Analysis of the students(说学生)Part two:Analysis of the Teaching Material(说教材)Part three:Analysis the teaching aims,focus and difficulties,teaching aids and methods(说教学目标、重难点、教具和教法)Part four:The Teaching P

2、rocedure(教学步骤)Part five:The design of the blackboard(板书设计),Part one:Analysis of the students,The students are in Grade One.Although they are active in thinking and participation,their English level are low and different.Most of them are poor in English grammar.They even cant make a sentence correctl

3、y.(该班学生是11秋新生,尽管思维活跃善于思考,但英语底子薄,基础太差,语法知识甚是欠缺,只有少数人能正确地组织句子),Part two Analysis of the Teaching Material(说教材),我们都知道英语语法在教学中一直是一个重难点,及使老师们把语法点讲得再简单化,细致化,学生们也不可能很快掌握,并且熟练应用。况且还是这样一群英语基础差的学生,从语法基层学起是很有必要的。英语句子与汉语句子一样,都是由单词按照一定的规则所组成的。不同的词类在句中所起的作用是不同的。因此,只有搞清不同词类在句中可充当哪些成分,才能正确分析、理解句子的含义,并能准确地遣词造句,逐渐达到流

4、利地说出地道的英语。这节课就是在学生们学习和了解了不同词类的基础上进行教学的,了解和掌握好句子成分是学习其他语法点的关键所在,它能让学生们准确地认清句子结构,能够正确的组句。,Status and function(本课在教材中的地位和作用).,Part three:Teaching aims and demands(教学目标),Knowledge objectives:master the six members of a sentence(掌握六大句子成分)Ability able to find each member of a sentences.(能指

5、出句子中各个成分) able to do the exercise about this grammar.(能够做一些关于该语法点的练习) able to make correct sentences which consist of the six members.(能够应用这六大成分正确组句),II.Teaching focus and difficulties(教学重难点),1.Teaching focus1 The students can grasp the definition of each member of a sentence.(掌握各成分定义)2 The

6、students can point out every element in a sentence(能正确指出每一个句子成分)2.Teaching difficulties1 The students can get this grammar well and do the exercise correctly.(能很好掌握该语法点)2 The students can make a complete sentence correctly.(能正确组句),III.Teaching Aids(教具),Multi-media computer and PowerPoint.They will b

7、e needed in this lesson.,IV.Teaching Methods(教法),1.Deductive approach(演绎法):The teacher shows the rule,and the students do the exercise according to the rule.2.Inductive approach(归纳法):The teacher shows the example,and the students find the rules according their understanding.3.Audio-visual teaching m

8、ethod(直观教学法):The teacher shows the grammar points by using help students understand them better.4.Task-based”teaching method(任务型教学法):Let the students do some exercises in class after learning the grammar points.,Part four:The Teaching Procedure,Step1 Warm-up Step2 Lead-in Step3 Presentation S

9、tep4 Presentation Step5 PracticeStep6 Presentation Step7 Practice Step8 Homework,Part five:The design of the blackboard,the subject(主语)the predicate(谓语)the direct object 直宾 the object(宾语)the indirect object 间宾 the object complement(宾补)the predicative(表语)the attribute(定语)the adverbial(状语),句子成分,【问】什么是

10、句子成分?英语句子包含哪些成分?,【答】组成句子的各个部分叫做句子成分。它包括:主语、谓语、宾语、定语、状语、表语和宾语补足语等。,【问】各成分在句中的作用如何?分别由哪些词及短语充当?,1.主语:是句子要说明的人或事物,是句子的主体,一般由名词、代词、数词、不定式或动名词等充当。如:The car is running fast.(名词)We are students.(代词)One of my classmates is from Shanghai.(数词)Its bad manners to spit in public.(不定式)Eating too much is bad for y

11、our health.(动名词)【注意】若不定式短语作主语常用it作形式主语,而把真正的主语(不定式短语)放在句后。,Exercise1 find the subject,Walls have ears.()He will take you to the hospital.()Three plus four equals seven.()To see is to believe.()Smoking is not allowed in public places.()Whether or not they will come depends on the weather.(),2.谓语:说明主语

12、的动作或状态,也是句子的主体部分,一般由动词充当。动词分为实义动词、连系动词、情态动词和助动词。实义动词单独作谓语,连系动词与表语一起构成谓语,情态动词与省略to的不定式构成合成谓语,助动词与动词原形共同构成谓语部分。,如:He works in a factory.(实义动词)I felt cold.(系动词表语)How can I get to the station?(情态动词实义动词)Do you speak English?(助动词实义动词)They are working in a field.(助动词实义动词)【注意】谓语与主语在人称与数方面要相互照应。,Exercise2 fi

13、nd the predicate,Action speaks louder than words.()The chance may never come again.()Mary has been working at the dress shop since 1994.()Whether or not they will come depends on the weather.()My brother takes care of the vegetable garden.(),3.宾语:是及物动词所涉及的对象,一般由名词、代词、不定式及动名词等充当。如:He is doing his hom

14、ework.(名词)They did nothing this morning.(代词)She wants to go home.(不定式)We enjoy playing football.(动名词)【注意】有的动词可接双宾语,间接宾语指人,直接宾语指物。这类动词常见的有:give,buy,lend,pass,tell,leave等。如:He bought me a book.Pass me the ball,will you?(间宾直宾)直接宾语一般放在间接宾语之后,但若把直接宾语放在前面,则要在间接宾语前加适当的介词如to或 for等。如:Han Chen lent some money

15、 to Li Hai.(直宾间宾)Xiao Liu bought a dictionary for Tom.(直宾间宾),有的动词常用不定式作宾语,而不能用动名词。这类动词有:want,wish,hope,promise,decide,agree,choose,care等。如:I hope to see you again.有的动词一般只用动名词作宾语,而不用不定式。这类动词有:enjoy,finish,mind,practice,miss,suggest,keep(on)等。如:Do you mind my opening the window?,有的动词后接不定式与动名词含义不同。a)fo

16、rget to do表示“未发生的动作”,forget doing表示“已完成的动作”。如:Dont forget to come here earlier tomorrow.(还没来)I forgot returning the book to him.(书已还给他了)b)stop to do(不定式为状语)表示“停下原来的事,去做另一件事”,stop doing表示“停止做某事”。如:I stopped to talk with him.(我停下来与他谈话。)The students stopped talking when the teacher came in.(老师进来时学生们停止谈

17、话。),She covered her face with her hands.()We havent seen her for a long time.()Do you mind opening the window?()Give me four please.()He wants to dream a nice dream.()We need to know what others are doing.()We should care more about our friends.(),Exercise3 find the object,4.宾语补足语:用于补充说明宾语的动作,一般位于宾语

18、之后,宾语与宾语补足语一起构成复合宾语。需接复合宾语的动词有:tell,let,help,teach,ask,see,have,order,make等。“宾补”一般由不定式短语、分词、名词、形容词等充当。如:We elected him monitor.(名词)I found it difficult to learn English well.(形容词)The doctor told me to do more exercise.(不定式短语)He is going to have his hair cut.(过去分词)They saw a bird flying in the sky.(现

19、在分词),Exercise4 find the object complement,They elected me captain of the team.()We try to make our country strong.()We found everything in good order there.()I should advise you to get the chance.()I saw him going upstairs.(),5.表语:用于说明主语的身份、特征或感受,一般由名词、数词、形容词、分词等充当。常用的连系动词有:be,look,get,sound(听起来),fe

20、el,become,smell,turn,taste(尝起来)等。如:They are workers.(名词)Two and three is five.(数词)The story is very interesting.(形容词)M y job(工作)is teaching English.(动名词)She is at home.(介词短语)I feel terrible.(形容词)The dish tastes delicious.(形容词),Exercise5 find the predicative,My father is a professor.()Whos that?Its m

21、e.()Everything here is expensive.()The match became very exciting.()The story of my life may be of help to others.()Three times five is fifteen.()His plan is to seek work in the city.()My first idea was that you should hide your feelings.(),6.定语:用于修饰名词或代词,一般由形容词、名词、数词、不定式等充当。如:What a beautiful kite

22、it is!(形容词)She is a chemistry teacher.(名词)There are two students in the classroom.(数词)We have something to do tomorrow.(不定式)The man in blue is my brother.(介词短语)【注意】定语一般位于被修饰词之前,但若修饰不定代词或不定式等短语作定语,则放在后面。,Exercise 6 find the attribute,They are woman workers.()Toms father didnt write home until yesterd

23、ay.()Mary is a beautiful girl.()The play has three acts.()This is her first trip to Europe.()China is a developing country.()I have nothing to eat.()Those who want to go to Tibet are to sign their names here.(,7.状语:用于修饰动词、形容词、副词或全句,一般由副词、介词短语、不定式短语或从句充当。单个副词作状语一般放在被修饰词之前,短语或从句放在句首或句末。如:Thank you ver

24、y much.(副词)I get up at five in the morning.(介词短语)He is studying hard so as to catch up with others.(不定式短语)We were having breakfast when the telephone rang.(从句)【注意】enough作状语只能放在被修饰词之后。如:He is old enough to go to school.,Exercise7 find the adverbial,The best fish swim near the bottom.()I left the vill

25、age five years ago.()I arrived late because of the traffic jam.()Well send a car to fetch you.()The fish can eat a person in two minutes,leaving only bones.()The students came into the classroom,singing and dancing.()If he goes,so will I.()Though he is a child,he knows a lot.(),Exercise8 analyze the

26、 following sentences,Our city is at the crossing of some important railway The city will become rich.Building has started.The boss employed five more workers He has fetched us some new textbooks The villagers didnt allow them to do this.,Exercise9 make a complete sentence,found,we,very good,him,a pupil.the girl,we,singing the song,heard.If,the boy,I,could,speak Chinese,asked,me Forgot,he,the door,to close.slowly,the child,walks,very.the students,the classroom,came into,singing and dancing.,The end,Thank you,


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