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1、Unit 12 Whats the best radio station?课标词汇radio无线电广播comfortable舒适的seat座位screen屏幕close近的;接近的service服务theater剧院;戏院cinema电影院jeans牛仔裤easy安逸的;自在的meal餐;饭loud响亮的;喧闹的,success成功leader领导者;指挥者without无;没有together一起near近的;靠近的farthest最远的southern南方的still还;仍然lovely可爱的camel骆驼enough足够的sea海cow奶牛 hen母鸡piece片;块;段bread面包,

2、重点短语close to/near home离家近 2.far from 远离 fortable seats舒适的座位 4.big screens 大屏幕 5.friendly service 友好的服务 6.a piece of music一首曲子7.cut the price 降价 8.be a great success 很成功9.the price of的价格 10.do a survey of做一个调查,11.a speech contest一次演讲比赛 12.play a piano piece弹支钢琴曲13.in a fun part of town 位于城里的好玩地区 14.a

3、 talent show 才能展示15.good quality clothes 好质量服装16.think about 考虑17.in town 在城镇 in the city 在城市里 in the country 在农村,()1.Its in summer in Guangzhou than in Harbin.A.hotB.hotterC.hottestD.hoter()2.Today is warmer than yesterday.A.very B.quite C.a little D.so()3.She often goes to school having breakfast.

4、Its bad for health.A.with B.without C.hasnt D.no()4.Mary is person I meet.A.the funniest B.a funny C.a funnier D.the funny()5.He feels lonely in the school because he has friends.A.a fewB.fewC.a littleD.some,()6.I like buying food in the supermarket because it offers the at the price.A.most,most B.m

5、ost,best C.best,most D.less,least()7.of the twins is Lucy.A.The tallerB.TallerC.The tallestD.A taller()8.This computer is really cheap.,the better.I need money,you know.A.Cheapest B.Cheap C.Cheaper D.The cheaper()9.Music is than art.A.very more relaxing B.much relaxing C.much more relaxing D.relaxin

6、g()10.Japan is the east of Asia and the north of Australia.A.in,to B.to,to C.in,on D.on,to,()11.I won the game last week.A.Nothing important B.Thats all C.Congratulations to youD.Im sorry to hear that()12.Air is water.A.as important as B.as more important as C.so important as D.as most important as(

7、)13.Which do you prefer,orange juice or coke?,thanks.Id like just a cup of tea.A.Both B.Neither C.None D.either()14.Tom runs faster than in his class.A.any student B.any other student C.any students D.any other students()15.Tom runs faster than in my class.A.other student B.the other student C.other

8、s students D.the other students,完成句子1.I spent three days(照顾)the old man.2.Shiyan is(最美的城市之一)in Hubei province.3.It was interesting to hear what the class(考虑,认为)action movies.4.Shiyan Foreign Language School is(在城里的繁华地带).5.The radio says the weather(将会更差)tomorrow.,1.这些书多少钱?2.这些书很贵/便宜。3.他认为十堰的交通怎么样?4.他一句话也没有说就走出了房间。5.我们成功到达了山顶。6.她弹奏了一曲优美的钢琴曲。7.明天天气怎么样?8.詹尼,穿上你的外套,否则你会感冒。9.紫荆花宾馆在十堰最贵因为它最优质的服务。10.我们在读者中做了个调查,下面就是我们调查到的一些情况,


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