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1、Section B(3a-4),Chang Yan No.78 Middle School,Unit 2 Is this your pencil?,Sing a song,Is this your bag?No,it isnt.Is this your bag?No,it isnt.Is that your book?Yes,it is.Is that your book?Yes,it is.,Memory Challenge,记忆挑战,看谁记住最多!,Game,Spell the wordsGet the things,A:Excuse me.Is this your book?B:No,i

2、t isnt.Its not my book.A:Excuse me.Is this your book?C:No,it isnt.I think its her/his book.A:Is this your book?D:Yes,it is.Its my book.A:Here you are.(给你)D:Thank you.,Find the owner,Lost,and,Found,3a.Listen to the bulletin board notices and fill in the blanks.,1.Alan found a watch.2.lost his school

3、ID card.3.Mike lost a notebook.He may call.4.Tonys telephone number is.,Tony,Mary,685-6034,found,watch,Alan,495-3539,School ID card,Tony,685-6034,Is this your watch?Call Alan at 495-3539.,Lost:My school ID card.My name is Tony.Please call 685-6034.,Reading,1.call+某人+at+电话号码(打这个号码给某人),2.in the lost a

4、nd found case(在失物招领处),Lets learn together,学一学,2,3,4,Found:A set of keys Please call David at 529-6403.,3b.Put these pieces in order to make a message.Write numbers in the boxes.,想一想,一串钥匙,根据所给提示,完成下面的招领启示和寻物启示。,捡到一个笔记本,失者可打电话425-6801找Bob.Found:Is this?Please Bob 425-6810.,试一试,今丢失双肩背包一个,有拾到者可打电话695-30

5、59与David联系。Lost:My is lost.My is David.Please 695-3059.,A notebook,your notebook,call,A backpack,backpack,name,call,at,温馨提示,文章主题 通过写寻物启事和招领启事,达到物归 原主的目的。谋篇布局 写寻物启事和招领启事时,要写清楚物品 是什么、丢失者或捡到者的姓名和联系方式,语言一定要简洁,不得详细描述物体特征,以防冒领。遣词造句,1.习作中会用到哪些词语呢?e.g,watch,a set of keys,2.你知道写启事时会用到哪些基本的句型吗?e.g,1)Is this?2

6、)Please call.,写一写,writing,Try to write lostfound notices to get your things back.,Im looking for myI found/lost a 3.Who lost/found it?.4.Is this your?5.What color is it?6.Whats in it?7.Excuse me,Mr Liu,that is 8.My name is9.Here you are.,helpful,acting,Culture notes,lostfound 在美国的许多公共场所,如公园,都设有失物招领处

7、(lostfound office),失主可直接与之联系。,失物招领标志,return money found(拾金不昧),快乐阅读,1.读对话,做选择。,homework,1.我捡到一部照相机,想还给失主,请帮我写一份失物招领启示。2.一位外国朋友再逛世园会时,丢失了自己的身份证,请帮他写一则寻物启示。,3.完成短文填空。,homework,1.This conversation(对话)is.A.in a car B.in Tims home C.at school D.at Janes home2.That backpack is.A.That boys B.Tims C.Janes D.

8、Sonias3.Jane is a _.A.teacher B.boy C.Tims friend D.student4.Jane in Class Two.A.and Tim are B.and Sonia are C.is D.is not5.Jane.A.doesnt know Tims name B.is Sonias friend c.knows Tim D.isnt in Class Eight,1.阅读对话,选择最佳答案.,C,C,D,D,A,()1.A you B that C his D it()2.A name B computer C phone D ID card()3

9、.A no B not C is D it()4.A father B friend C boy D class()5.A lost B found C go D losts()6.A him B it C this D his()7.A Whats B Thiss C Thats D the names()8.A black B a black C in black D for black()9.A dont B isnt C his D it()10.A ask B look C write D call,完形填空.,C,C,C,B,B,A,B,C,A,D,Found:Is this yo

10、ur key?Please call Jenny.Tel:610-3729.,Lost:My cell phone(手机).My name is Peter.Please call 522-8260.,快乐阅读,根据启事判断下列句子的正(A)误(B)。()1.This is Jennys key.()2.Jennys phone number is 610-3729.()3.Peter lost his cell phone.()4.Peter found Jennys key.()5.522-8260 is Peters telephone number.,A,B,A,B,A,Is this your pencil?,Unit 2,Chang Yan No.78 Middle School,Section B(3a-4),


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