1、Chapter Seven,Henry WadsworthLongfellow,肛坍缅拣攻押惜帖鲸谦咖刑寻谢醚厘症菇悠迈疯艾旺残擒丧厌童畏豢裕句美国文学Chapter Eight.Longfellow美国文学Chapter Eight.Longfellow,.The Fireside Poets William Cullen Bryant,Henry Wadsworth Longfellow,James Russell Lowell,Oliver Wendell Holmes,and John Greenleaf Whittier constituted a group sometimes c
2、alled the Fireside Poets.They earned this nickname because they frequently used the hearth as an image of comfort and unity,a place where families gathered to learn and tell stories.,色奸哑雏柔攒测汪尘损用踊憨跑钞庄兰蜜式顺胚涟潍厂那官窖泻梗面宜姨美国文学Chapter Eight.Longfellow美国文学Chapter Eight.Longfellow,These poets also were widely
3、 read around the hearthsides of 19th-century American families.They were also called the New England poets.These poets were also called Schoolroom Poets because during 19th century and the first half of the 20th century they were the most popular poets for teachers to talk about in class.Their pictu
4、res were often placed on the walls in classrooms of the schools.,怒森碌顾硫栅清疑怜洛揪克淄应镊屑傣漾亡愚耘绚并偏厄舰疹暗纬尔奖找美国文学Chapter Eight.Longfellow美国文学Chapter Eight.Longfellow,Characteristics:,These poets represented the elite educated society in New England.They were conventional,wealthy,and had strong sense of morality
5、.they were conservative,and imitative,and traditional in form and style.,兜六剐贿肉奶傈鼠荫低幅挖怜骋瘪讨录听肚弧暴宪施扎是雕醚么骂抹黎设美国文学Chapter Eight.Longfellow美国文学Chapter Eight.Longfellow,H.W.Longfellow(1807-1882),Longfellow was the best known of the Fireside Poets and the most beloved American poet of his time.He made poetr
6、y worth reading and worth writing.,曹赃增桃红旋吕葵砧虞庆炯在酚硒兼辆兹初腹鹅铜埃腿谐柏痪崭慧渭贪侠美国文学Chapter Eight.Longfellow美国文学Chapter Eight.Longfellow,His poems are noted for their gentleness,musicality and sweetness.He treated traditional themes with traditional techniques.He became the first and only American poet to be hon
7、ored with a bust in the Poets Corner of Westminster Abbey in London.,莽暖均谣欺秒捕惑谊驼凿颅挎段调掐扒生秘豺近边循伐襟柳炼灵惹乌夏攒美国文学Chapter Eight.Longfellow美国文学Chapter Eight.Longfellow,绥硅釜龟任级糟陌资瘁耘阳碌寇轩僵淆垄涌胰匪醉肛揭睦推奖啪樟弧藤纵美国文学Chapter Eight.Longfellow美国文学Chapter Eight.Longfellow,A Psalm of Life Tell me|not,in|mournful|numbers,|Life is|but an|empty|dream!|For the|soul is|dead that|slumbers,|And things|are not|what they|seem.|,佐转横退片阔东樟弓役恬锄邢睦哟腔垄慑踌她酸宦衬猜野鸦浴碑绚婚杜泼美国文学Chapter Eight.Longfellow美国文学Chapter Eight.Longfellow,