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1、1,Chapter 16,International Logistics and Supply-Chain Management,颇舌达菩须灵壮戮荤窟期凯秤传烛枉龄枉历咙志桃赫艺蘑伍赖整淄亲趟霹国际商务ch16 International logistics and supply-chain management国际商务ch16 International logistics and supply-chain management,2,Learning Objectives,To understand the escalating importance of logistics and sup

2、ply-chain management as crucial tools for competitiveness.To learn about materials management and physical distribution.To learn why international logistics is more complex than domestic logistics.To see how the transportation infrastructure in host countries often dictates the options open to the m

3、anager.To learn why international inventory management is crucial for success.,惨交略永既坦域佑苏鳃袋枚详征攫盒侮娩棺贷辞痢泥勃趣影奄楔豹绵屈滞国际商务ch16 International logistics and supply-chain management国际商务ch16 International logistics and supply-chain management,3,International Logistics,International logistics is the design and

4、management of a system that controls the forward and reverse flow of materials,services,and information into,through,and out of the international corporation.,冻毛堪吉罗雁南太田祭诈拾制爽成井咙芽符烫挽滩潍朴颗骤受抹目叠虏埃国际商务ch16 International logistics and supply-chain management国际商务ch16 International logistics and supply-chain

5、 management,4,International Logistics(cont.),Through the implementation of international logistics,the firm can implement cost-saving programs such as just-in-time(JIT),electronic data interchange(EDI),and early supplier involvement(ESI).The two phases of the movement of materials include:materials

6、management,or the timely movement of materials,parts,and supplies.physical distribution,or the movement of the firms physical product to its customers.,漂浮亚位盂舟迅瞬剔捏舷乞括拟趣磷官愿迂新允垣犬厨粤冗塞僻橇如缨蜀国际商务ch16 International logistics and supply-chain management国际商务ch16 International logistics and supply-chain manage

7、ment,5,Three Concepts of Business Logistics,Total Cost Concept,Trade-off Concept,Systems Concept,纺糠饺辑旬致翘汗渍虾陵趾拆视爪吗违斩务峭蔽刑撞毛沉辖浩榔阔废伍蛾国际商务ch16 International logistics and supply-chain management国际商务ch16 International logistics and supply-chain management,6,Supply-Chain Management,Supply-chain management

8、is the integration of business processes from end user through original suppliers,that provide products,services,and information that add value for customers.Supply-chain management connects a companys supply side with its demand side.It opens up supplier relationships for companies outside of the b

9、uyers domestic market.,爽怯扭沫捉国中获菊淋话悄捎休施凸饯向腮钎演贱锻刘牙党佳男懦浴格脉国际商务ch16 International logistics and supply-chain management国际商务ch16 International logistics and supply-chain management,7,The International Supply Chain,PhysicalDistributionManagement,Transportation,Corporation,Suppliers,Customers,Domestic/Impo

10、rtSourcing,Domestic/ExportDistribution,Throughflow,InboundMaterials,OutboundMaterials,Forward and Reverse Flow of Information,Products,and Funds,PhysicalDistributionManagement,Transportation,Transportation,Transportation,OrderProcessing,OrderProcessing,OrderProcessing,OrderPlacement,InventoryManagem

11、ent,MaterialsManagement,CustomerService,Storage,Storage,Storage,InventoryManagement,InventoryManagement,Costumer-FirmInterface,Supplier-FirmInterface,兵中虱菏退芽占搓票际脏影簿袋垛当灾绳潭节聊争蝗丛蕉擂铸绰膘亮奔害国际商务ch16 International logistics and supply-chain management国际商务ch16 International logistics and supply-chain manageme

12、nt,8,Transportation Infrastructure,A firms logistics platform is determined by a locations ease and convenience of market reach under favorable cost circumstances.The public sectors investment priorities,safety regulations,tax incentives,and transport policies can have major effects on the logistics

13、 decisions of firms.The logistics manager must learn about existing and planned infrastructures abroad and at home and factor them into the firms strategy.,会河逝早叼犬疚筐询豌沦庙妈向秀仔镶莹尧印麓深蹦踏越毒陆漆杆初铅杖国际商务ch16 International logistics and supply-chain management国际商务ch16 International logistics and supply-chain ma

14、nagement,9,Vessels Used in Ocean Shipping,Liner Service,Bulk Service,Tramp Service,咬距蔷组哄构洲烯辩招胚诚荡仪拯狼旱贮挨纶剂辨不陶漱茵瓷也嘴拍磷蛹国际商务ch16 International logistics and supply-chain management国际商务ch16 International logistics and supply-chain management,10,Airfreight,Airfreight is available to and from most countries

15、,including the developing world.International airfreight is expected to grow to 190 billion tons in 2005,compared to only 70 billion tons in 1995.Forty percent of the worlds manufactured travel by air.Items that are high-value or high in density tend to travel by air.,硷拌隧病焕烦攘榴镁往抵活介装抹跺络蓝畸荫震抨灌戚肋迎样剁疟厉氧

16、玫国际商务ch16 International logistics and supply-chain management国际商务ch16 International logistics and supply-chain management,11,Considerations for Selecting a Mode of Transport,Predictability,Transit Time,Cost,Non-economic Factors,短腕盏怯馏盎把青咐勿袱右沁霜批堡究乳这坛沉它蒸廷擎滔递碍浅还耐淄国际商务ch16 International logistics and sup

17、ply-chain management国际商务ch16 International logistics and supply-chain management,12,Export Documentation,A bill of lading is a contract between the exporter and the carrier indicating that the carrier has accepted responsibility for the goods and will provide transportation in return for payment.A c

18、ommercial invoice is a bill for the goods stating basic information about the transaction,including a description of the merchandise,total cost of the goods sold,addresses of the shipper and seller,and delivery and payment terms.A freight forwarder specializes in handling export documentation.,邀这皂脱日

19、务仅轻蔗捻褂糟纪风克粟静迭证搓俺幼影相融斤直航驳可牲疮国际商务ch16 International logistics and supply-chain management国际商务ch16 International logistics and supply-chain management,13,International Inventory Issues,Inventories tie up a major portion of corporate funds,therefore proper inventory policies should be a major concern to

20、 the international logistician.Just-in-time inventory policies minimize the volume of inventory by making it available only when needed.The purpose of establishing inventory systems are:to maintain product movement in the delivery pipelineto have a cushion to absorb demand fluctuations,赢茂羡汪清肖士携搜惦答刹疹

21、枣蔬担充随受育邮悍镜涉蓝瞳芽堡慕耕听棍国际商务ch16 International logistics and supply-chain management国际商务ch16 International logistics and supply-chain management,14,Three Factors that Decide the Level of Inventory,Order Cycle Time,Desired CustomerService Levels,Use of Inventories asa Strategic Tool,情争骚氓砂脏瞧秀钒绞预疯宿孤厉乎咐守衡纯外绵

22、烂莲眯显呻籽遣狐熏摄国际商务ch16 International logistics and supply-chain management国际商务ch16 International logistics and supply-chain management,15,International Packaging Issues,Packaging is instrumental in getting the merchandise to the destination in a safe,presentable condition.Because of the added stress of

23、international shipping,packaging that is adequate for domestic shipping may be inadequate for international shipping.Packaging considerations that should be taken into account are environmental conditions and weight.One solution to the packaging problem has been the development of inter-modal contai

24、ners.Cost attention must be paid to international packaging.,英鹿投廖病痰乓骄脯阴典荷将癌连泌碴掀圆抗步密酬唉漾武烘票危咱嘎冰国际商务ch16 International logistics and supply-chain management国际商务ch16 International logistics and supply-chain management,16,Storage Facilities,A stationary period is involved when merchandise becomes invento

25、ry stored in warehouses.The location decision addresses how many distribution centers to have and where to locate them.Storage facilities abroad can differ in availability and quality.The logistician should analyze international product sales and then rank order products according to warehousing nee

26、ds.,躯洒糖股啄宪役腐出锌钟枕藕饺弊瑶菲境乙飞粹各万慎卒跃碑咋绊克稠狼国际商务ch16 International logistics and supply-chain management国际商务ch16 International logistics and supply-chain management,17,Special Trade Zones,Foreign trade zones are areas where foreign goods may be held or processed and then re-exported without incurring duties

27、.Trade zones can be useful as transshipment points to reduce logistics cost and redesign marketing approaches.Governments and firms benefit from foreign trade zones.,末堕往浚挖佯冠秸代瓜鹃究纲婶鸿蹭涸础啥减佩州凿债嗣墓丛歧皖女谎锡国际商务ch16 International logistics and supply-chain management国际商务ch16 International logistics and suppl

28、y-chain management,18,Export Processing Zones and Economic Zones,In export processing zones,special rules apply that are different in other regions of the country.These zones usually provide tax-free and duty-free treatment for production facilities whose output is destined abroad.The maquiladoras o

29、f Mexico are one example of a program that permits firms to take advantage of sharp differentials in labor costs.Through the creation of special economic zones,the Chinese government has attracted many foreign investors bringing in millions of dollars.,偏轻睦阵闪哲箱佬氏孵弘蠕琢红吮趣筑畴倒陕鳞辱腮铡昆渺俭涕抿汰箔诽国际商务ch16 Intern

30、ational logistics and supply-chain management国际商务ch16 International logistics and supply-chain management,19,Centralized Logistics Management,In international logistics,the existence of a headquarters staff that retains decision-making power over logistics is important.To avoid internal problems,bot

31、h headquarters staff and local management should report to one person.This individual can contribute an objective view when inevitable conflicts arise in international logistics coordination.,亡熟邵酒茵萝娥搐拦寇遂泰壕脊菩唤涟扳寒鹃栓胀扩禽梧天驼矽纷趴姜蚜国际商务ch16 International logistics and supply-chain management国际商务ch16 Interna

32、tional logistics and supply-chain management,20,Decentralized Logistics Management,When a firm serves many diverse international markets,total centralization might leave the firm unresponsive to local adaptation needs.If each subsidiary is made a profit center in itself,each one carries the full res

33、ponsibility for its performance.Once products are within a specific market,increased input from local logistics operations should be expected and encouraged.,齐绿骸贾湍负饥侧善梁恃郑陆筏靛净豁均啦数亮七锗汀豌朽楷庭焉胞押馈国际商务ch16 International logistics and supply-chain management国际商务ch16 International logistics and supply-chain

34、management,21,Outsourcing Logistics Services,The systematic outsourcing of logistics capabilities is a third option.By collaborating with transportation firms,private warehouses,or other specialists,corporate resources can be concentrated on the firms core product.One-stop logistics allows shippers

35、to buy all the transportation modes and functional services from a single carrier.,晦磕诗晨砚紫旺肄冈声幌根潞瞩晓钳大奢颁拥定泻自醛贞低煽戊了耘恫硼国际商务ch16 International logistics and supply-chain management国际商务ch16 International logistics and supply-chain management,22,The Supply Chain and the Internet,Because of the internet,fir

36、ms are able to conduct many more global comparisons among suppliers and select from a wider variety of choices.When customers have the ability to access a company through the internet,the company must be prepared for 24-hour order-taking and customer service.For all countries,but particularly in dev

37、eloping nations,the issue of universal access to the internet is crucial.,答莉嫉上嗜洗戍拄蜀帧要年答钢行阐劈董舵箱遁械耪迪盲探挂注杰翁哀睡国际商务ch16 International logistics and supply-chain management国际商务ch16 International logistics and supply-chain management,23,Logistics and Security,After the terrorist attacks of 2001,companies h

38、ave to deal with the fact that the pace of international transactions has slowed down and that formerly routine steps will now take longer.Logistics systems and modern transportation systems are often the targets of attacks.The need to institute new safeguards for international shipments will affect

39、 the ability of firms to efficiently plan their international shipments.,绢殊项眺卜掖唤涸啼查祥廷篆幸拙台洲毅由踢检过岁停康渭昨控侈梯安斟国际商务ch16 International logistics and supply-chain management国际商务ch16 International logistics and supply-chain management,24,Logistics and the Environment,Since environmental laws and regulations

40、differ across the globe,the firms efforts need to be responsive to a wide variety of requirements.Reverse distribution systems are instrumental in ensuring that the firm not only delivers the product to the market,but also can retrieve it from the market for subsequent use,recycling,or disposal.Companies need to learn how to simultaneously achieve environmental and economic goals.,砰观猎珊扒慢喷酱篱佃乔长缓雀艇涩倚脉奴秋仆蛔屡怖枷垢辈冬舜桨云霹国际商务ch16 International logistics and supply-chain management国际商务ch16 International logistics and supply-chain management,


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