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1、Book 6 Unit 2 Poems,复习旧知:大量 _ 信任 _3.另一方面 _ 4.特有的;具有 特征_5.试图做某事 _ 6.目的是;针对 _7.巧合地 _ 8.(对某人)有吸引力;(使某人)感兴趣 _9.说服某人做某事_ 10.占有_,a great deal of,have faith in,on the other hand,its typical of sb.to do sth.,attempt to do sth.,be aimed at,by coincidence,sth.appeal to sb.,convince sb.to do sth.,take possessi

2、on of,预习新知:轻松;不紧张;从容_用完 _3.由构成 _4.尤其;特别 _5.测试;试验 _6.发出;放走 _7.对-挑剔/讲究 _8.take sth.seriously _9.tease sb.about _ 10.in exchange(for)_,take it things easy,run out of sth.,be made up of,in particular,test out,let out,be particular about,认真对待,取笑某人,作为交换,1.concrete adj.反义词:_ 抽象的Eg:(1).他给了我一个具体说明._.(2)_.请提出

3、更具体的建议。2.flexible adj.反义词:_ 1)灵活的;可变通的*a flexible design/approach _ Eg:Our plan needs to_enough to meet the needs of everyone.我们的计划必须能够变通,以满足每个人的需要。,abstract,He gave me a concrete explanation.,Please put forward more concrete advice,更灵活的设计/方法,be flexible,inflexible,2)可弯曲的;有弹性的;柔韧的 Eg:_.橡皮是一种柔韧的材料。fl

4、exibly adv.灵活地flexibility n.灵活性,柔韧性Eg.As to where to work and what kind of job to take,you need to be_ since there are not many chances at present for job-seekers.particular B.generous C.responsible D.flexible,Rubber is a flexible material,3.take it/things easy(情绪上)轻松,不紧张,从容Eg:(1)Take it easy and yo

5、u will get well soon._.(2)Take it easy!Dont panic.(惊慌)拓展:take ones time(时间上)不匆忙,不急,慢慢来take sth.seriously 认真对待某事eg:(1)There is no hurry,_.不用急,慢慢来吧。(2)_.我们应该认真对待每次测验。,别紧张,你很快就会好起来的,take your time,We should take every test seriously,4.(Sb.)run out of sth.用完;耗尽(某物)vt.(人作主语)*(Sth.)run out(某物)用完:耗尽 vi.(物作

6、主语)Eg:(1)_.我们马上要用光水了。(2)I_ the petrol.I must find a gas station before it_.我的汽油快用完了。我得趁它还没用完,赶快找到加油站。(3)All our supply of food has run out.所有供应的食物都用光了。=we _,We are running out of water,am running out of,runs out,have run out of all our supply of food,5.be made up of=_ 由组成;由 构成Eg:(1)Society_.社会是由各种各样

7、的人组成的。(2)A football team _.一支足球队是由11名队员组成的。*make up 组成、构成(表主动);化妆;编造;占比例;补偿Eg:(1)_.11名队员组成了一支足球队。(2)_.男生占学生的60%.,consist of,is made up of various people,is made up of eleven players,Eleven players made up a football team,Boys make up 60%of the students,*make up for 弥补 Eg:Were working hard to_.我们在努力工

8、作,试图弥补失去的时间。6.tease vi&vt.取笑,招惹,戏弄Eg:_.取笑残疾人是不礼貌的。*tease sb.about 取笑某人-Nobody likes_ about any shortcoming.没有人会喜欢被别人嘲笑自己的缺点。Eg:I_ as a child.我小的时候别人老取笑我长得胖。,make up for the lost time,It is impolite to tease the disabled,to be teased,was teased about my weight,7.in particular=particularly=especially尤

9、其Eg:(1)Our teacher stressed that point _.我们的老师特别强调了那一点。(2)_.他特别喜爱古典音乐。*be particular about 对-挑剔/讲究Eg:_.她对衣着很讲究。8.eventually adv.最后,终于 Eg:He worked so hard that _.他工作太卖力了,最后病倒了。,in particular,He loves classical music in particular,She is particular about her clothes,eventually he fell ill,9.transform

10、 vi.&vt.转化,改造,变换*transforminto把变成Eg:That country is transforming from a backward agricultural country into an advanced industrial country.译:_。10.appropriate adj.适当的;合适的;正当的*be appropriate for/to适合 Eg:(1)Sports clothes are not appropriate for a formal wedding._。(2)It is not appropriate to ask such pe

11、rsonal questions in an interview.译:_。,该国正从落后的农业国转变为先进的工业国,运动服不适合正式婚礼上穿,采访中问这样的私人问题是不合适的,11exchange n.交换,交流,互换*in exchange(for)作为交换()Eg:(2)The beggar _.这个乞丐主动为我开门来换取一些零钱。vi.&vt.交流;交换;兑换 eg:(1)_.我们经常交流思想。(2)_.他们交换了电话号码.,offered to open the door for me in exchange for some money,We often exchange our i

12、deas,They exchanged telephone numbers,*exchange sth.for sth.以交换;*exchange sth.with sb.与某人交换某物Eg:(1)I need to go to the bank _.我得去银行把人民币兑换成美金。(2)_?我和你换一下座位好吗?(3)It is illegal for a public official to ask people for gifts or money_ favors to them.in preference to B.in place of C.in agreement with D.in

13、 exchange for,to exchange some RMB for dollars,May I exchange seats with you,12.sponsor 1)n.赞助人,主办者,倡议人Eg:If we want to organize the activity,_.我们最好找个赞助人。2)vt.发起,举办,倡议Eg:(1)_by the Society of Culture.这个展览会是由文化学会主办的。(2)The headmaster sponsored collecting money for the victims in the earthquake._.,wed

14、 better find a sponsor,The exhibition was sponsored,校长倡议为地震受害者募捐,13.try out测试,试验Eg:The idea seems fine but we need _for practice.这个想法很好,不过我们需要在实践中试验一下。*try out for参加的选拔Eg:_ the national basketball team?你会参加国家篮球队的选拔吗?14.let out发出(声音);放走;泄露(秘密)Eg:(1)He_ at the sight of the blood.看到血,他发出了尖叫声。(2)_?谁泄露了这

15、个秘密?,to try it out,Will you try out for,let out a scream,Who let out the secret,*let sb.down 使某人失望*let alone 更不用说 let sb.alone 不要管;不打扰Eg:(1)He cant(even)ride a bicycle,let alone a motorbike._。(2)The baby cant even crawl yet,let alone walk!_。(3)_!你妈妈累了别打扰她15.load n.负担,负荷物(尤指沉重的)Eg:His family_ on his

16、shoulder.Eg:_.她恢复健康,使我卸下心中重担。,他连自行车都不会骑,更不必说摩托车了,这个婴儿连爬都不会,更不用说走了,Your mother is tired-let her alone,is really a heavy load,Her recovery took a load off my mind,We would have won if Jack had scored that goal.如果杰克踢进了那个球,我们就会夺冠了。本句用的是虚拟语气,表示与过去事实相反的情况。在条件句里用had done,在主句里用would/should/could/might have done。如:If the weather had been nice yesterday,we would have gone for a picnic.如果昨天天气好的话,我们就去野餐了。(事实是昨天天气很坏。)_.我要是知道他的地址,就给他写信了。(事实是我不知道他的地址。),If I had known his address,I would have written to him,


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