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1、Customs,一、National costumes1、From the natural g climate characteristicsHot:thin short tight cold:a wide thick,2、From the Angle of culture,(1)The tiger worship and yi costumes,(1)The tiger worship and yi costumes,Yi for tiger totem,they will be the image of the tiger on the clothes.Such as Wu Ding,mo

2、nding,HuTouXie,hats,chinese-style chest covering south China and other counties.Yi people are not all the tiger as a totem,but with black tiger totem,so the color of the dress in black for your also.The tiger worship and yi costumes彝族以虎为图腾,他们将虎的形象放到了服饰上.如武定、牟定、南华等县的虎头鞋、帽、肚兜。彝族并非凡是虎都视为图腾,而是以黑虎为图腾,于是服

3、饰的颜色也以黑为贵。,(2)Chicken worship and yi costumes,Hong He,Wu Ding,Lu Quan and Kunming suburb of sa mei comb cap红河、武定、禄劝以及昆明近郊的撒梅人戴鸡冠帽,(3)The dog worship and national costume,Miao and yao nationality costumes,Miao,Yao about the legend of the dog the most,Clothing for both men and women are at the edge of

4、 the collar,sleeves,trousers embroidered along the sides of their mind and on the bright colours of decorative pattern design,top which specially cooked after short before long;Women will form an Angle,and to spend palmer,deliberately in the hip belt falls off a piece in dog tail.服饰无论男女均在领边、袖口、裤沿上和胸

5、襟两侧绣上色彩鲜明的花纹图样,上衣则特意煎成前短后长;妇女将发结成角状,再覆以花帕,腰带故意在臀部掉下一截以似狗尾。,(4)Cattle worship and DeAng tight skirt,德昂筒裙DeAng tight skirt,Legend,long long ago,DeAngZu three sisters together to kill cattle,cattle were killing ground roll struggle,oxtail blood disorderly jilt,three sisters rather have splashed out on

6、different levels of bovine blood.So they according to the tight skirt on the position of cattle blood and color weave new skirt,it formed three different design and color of the tube skirt,respectively,passed on to offspring.Individual regions of DeAng women also to made of cane field waist band aro

7、und the waist to act the role ofing,bulls bound to 20 or 30 laps,very chic.DeAngZu both men and women love headscarf and pompoms as decoration.传说,很早很早以前,德昂族三姐妹一起杀牛,牛被杀伤倒地翻滚挣扎,牛尾染血乱甩,三姐妹的筒裙都溅上了不同程度的牛血。于是她们按照筒裙上牛血的位置和颜色织出新裙,就形成三种不同花色的筒裙,分别传给后代。个别地区的德昂妇女还以藤篾制的“腰箍”缠腰为饰,多者缠到二三十圈,颇为别致。德昂族男女都爱戴头帕,并以绒球为饰。,(5)The naxi women cape implies diligence,(6)Dali bai girl in baotou and four scenes,


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