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1、Reading,Lead-in,Telephones become part of our life.But do you know who invented the telephone?,A British inventor called Alexander Graham Bell.,Discuss the following questions in groups:1.What do you know about the inventor?2.How useful is his invention to human society?Why?,Pre-reading,Read the pas

2、sage quickly and find out the main idea of it.,Scanning,It mainly talks about the life of Alexander Graham Bell and how he made the great inventions.,Listen to the tape and try to answer the questions on Page 26.1.How did curiosity make Alexander Graham Bell into a great inventor?2.What did he think

3、 was the key to his success as an inventor?,Listening,3.What inventions did Bell make by chance?4.Why will he always be known as the inventor of the telephone?,1.How did curiosity make Alexander Graham Bell into a great inventor?,It made him ask questions,think of practical ways to solves problems,b

4、e prepared to try solutions(and alter them)several times and finally publish his findings for others.,2.What did he think was the key to his success as an inventor?He believed that his curiosity was the key to his success.,3.What inventions did Bell make by chance?Bell invented the telephone and the

5、 tetrahedron shape by chance.Both of these are extremely useful and still used today.,4.Why will he always be known as the inventor of the telephone?He will always be known as the inventor of the telephone because it was a very popular invention and the patent made the most money ever.,Language stud

6、y,1.He found that by pressing his lips against his mothers forehead,he could make the bones move in such a way that she could understand what he was saying.他发现当他把嘴唇放在母亲的前额上,他就会让骨头以一种能让他母亲明白的话的方式运动。,这是一个复合句。found后接了一个宾语从句;way后面接了由that引导的定语从句,在这个定语从句中又包含了一个what引导的宾语从句。注意way作先行词,后面的定语从句一般不用引导词,也可用that/

7、in which引导。,What surprised me was not what he said but _ he said it.A.the way the way that the way D.the way which,2.He believed that one should always be curious and his most famous saying was:“Leave the beaten track occasionally and dive into the woods.Every time you do you will be certa

8、in to find something that you have never seen before.Follow it up,explore all around it,and before you know it,you will have something worth thinking about to occupy your mind.,All really big discoveries are the result of thought.”他认为人应该保持一颗好奇心,他最著名的一名话是:“偶尔离开平路,去寻求困境。当你这么做的时候,你一定会发现你从未见过的东西。跟踪下去,不断

9、探索,不知不觉中,你就会发现某种值得思考的东西占据着你的头脑。所有真正伟大的发现都是思考的结果。”,dive into He dived into the history of China 他潜心研究中国历史。He dived into his pockets and fished out one dollar 他迅速把手伸进口袋掏出了一美元。,跳水(头朝下);迅速把手伸入;(对活动,问题等)全心投入,潜心研究,The boy dived into the river from the bridge 这男孩从桥上跳人河中。dive into 作“潜心于”讲时和devote oneself to

10、 sth.的意思一样,但devote oneself to sth.还有“投身于;把自己奉献给”的意思。,He _ his career and made a great contribution to our country.A.dived himself into B.devoted himself to C.dived into D.devoted to,every/each time 意为“每次;每当”,此 短语在句子中经常作连记词,引导时间状语从句做连词的名词,引导时间状语从句。能用做连词的名词短语还有:the first time 第一次 last time 上次;next tim

11、e 下次;the instant/moment/minute/second that 一 就,_ I sees him,the old man is sitting in the same chair.A.Every time B.Every time when C.At each time D.Each time that,3.Bell never set out to invent the telephone and what he was trying to design was a multiple telegraph.贝尔从未打算发明电话而是试图设计一种复式电报。,set out(t

12、o do sth.)开始(做某事),着手干;为某个目标而努力 They are setting out to do a new experiment.他们正在着手干一项新的试验。He set out to break the record for the channel swim.他决心打破游过海峡的记录。,set out to do sth.=set about doing sth.set out for=set off for=leave for意为“出发到去”Lets set out before dark.我们天黑前动身吧。Tomorrow Ill set out for Beijin

13、g.明天我将出发去北京。,1).At dawn,they set _ to get ready for the work of the B.about C.out,2).They set _ at about 8 oclock.A.about to work B.about to working C.about working D.out work,3.They _ the mountain at noon.A.set off to B.set out to C.set out for D.set off in,4.Suddenly he had a flash

14、of inspiration.突然间,他灵光闪现。,a flash of inspiration 指“灵感的闪现”inspiration n.C鼓舞或激励的人或事物 These events provided the inspiration for her first book.这些事是她第一本书的灵感来源。,U灵感,启发;,He said my sister was the inspiration for his heroine.他说我姐姐是他的女主人公的原型。draw inspiration from 从中吸取灵感 inspire v.激励;鼓励 inspired adj.借助于灵感创作的

15、 inspiring adj.鼓励人心的;激励的,5.If sound wave could be reproduced in a moving electrical current,they could be sent along a wire.如果声波能够在移动的电流中复制,它们就能够被沿电线传送。,reproduce vt.复制;再现的形象或声音 The tape recorder reproduced the symphony.录音机可使这交响曲重现。,current(1)n.气流;水流,洋流;电流 The current is strongest in the middle of t

16、he river 河中央的水流最急。This button switches the current on 这个电钮接通电流。,(2)adj.时下的,当今的,流行的,通用的 Most of the old are interested in current events 大部分老年人都对时事感兴趣。They are expecting profits of over$2 million in the current year 他们期望今年的利润超过二百万美元。The word is no longer in current use.这个词已不再使用。,6.The patent was give

17、n in 1876,but it was not until five days later that Bell sent the first telephone message to his assistant,Watson.这项专利是1876年发布的,但是贝尔是在5 天之后才跟他的助手华生通了第一次电话。,It is/was not until that.这是强调not until 引导的时间状语从句句型。It was not until he finished his homework that he went to bed.,1)It wasnt until nearly a mont

18、h later _ I received the managers reply.(05全国I)since B.unless D.that 2)Did Jack come back early last night?-Yes,it was not yet eight oclock _he arrived home.(05 福建)A.before B.when C.that D.that,高考链接:,7.Being very stable,it has proved invaluable in the design of bridges.(四面体)十分稳定牢固,在桥梁设计领域的价值难以估

19、量。,Being very stable,是Because it is very stable的省略句,它在句中作原因状语。,stable:1.The patients condition is stable.患者病情稳定。2.The ladder doesnt seem very stable.这架梯子好像不太稳。a stable relationship 稳定的关系,adj.firmly fixed;not likely to move,change or fail;steady稳固的;稳定的;牢固的,8.Although he will always be known for his i

20、nvention of the telephone,he was in truth a continuing searcher after practical solutions to improve the quality of everybodys life.虽然他一直以发明电话闻名于世,但是他的确是一个永不停息的探索者,不断寻求着改善人们生活质量的可行方法。,in truth 说实话;说真的;老实说 She laughed and chatted but was,in truth,not having much fun.她虽然又是笑又是侃,但实际上玩得并不开心。I was in trut

21、h a miracle.这确实是个奇迹。,practical 实际的;实践的;实用的 I want some practical advice.我想要些实际性的建议。It wouldnt be practical for us to go all that way just for the weekend.我们跑那么远只为了去度个周末实在很不切实际。The dictionary is very practical.这本词典非常实用。,Using LanguageListening and speaking,Zhou Rui has decided to do a project on a li

22、ving British inventor called James Dyson.So he telephoned Dysons company in England to interview one of its engineers about the great mans ideas.,Situation,1.Listen to the tape and tick the words you hear.,washing machine drum refrigerator court carpet cleaner bicycle,Washing machines at that time d

23、o not clean the clothes as well as by hand.,He invented a machine using two half drums which move in opposite directions.,2.Listen again and make notes on James Dysons invention.,Do you know about the world famous painting“Mona Lisa?Do you know who painted the great picture?,Leading in,Do you think

24、Leonardo da Vinci is really a good painter?What else do you know he is famous for?,Was Leonardo da Vinci just a painter?,Reading,Read the passage and answer these questions:1.Why did Leonardo need to design things for his employer when he was such a great painter?,2.Why were Leonardos designs differ

25、ent?3.How did painting help him invent things?4.Which skill do you think was more important:his drawing for the inventions or his understanding of machines for his painting?Give a reason.,1.The rulers of the small Italian states needed military inventions to help in their wars with each other.They o

26、nly needed paintings in times of peace.Leonardo lived at a time of great instability,so military inventions were his best way of earning money.,2.His designs were different because he took things apart and then improved them.So his designs were accurate and could be built and used.,3.While he was st

27、udying under Verrochio,Leonardo observed and used a variety of machines,by studying and drawing the machines,Leonardo gained knowledge about their design and structure.His drawing skill enable him to produce clear drawings of his mechanical,ideas easily,many of which can still be used to create perf

28、ect working machines.the use of mechanical gears was his most interesting part and he came up with numerous inventions based on the gear.,4.His understanding of machines for his painting was more important because by understanding how each separate machine part worked,he could improve them and combine them in different ways to improve existing machines,which lead to a lot of inventions.,


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