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1、课程新授授课题目U5精彩导学学习目标1.重点语法:复习巩固why和where引导的特n加油殊疑问句;because引导的句子表原因。2. 重点单词和短语:frien加油ndly, shy, a lot, other, n加油else教学重难点1.why 和 n加油because 引导的句子。 2. 利用所学句型和单词短语编对n加油话教学过程一、复习导入;听写单词,词组;提问重n加油点知识点二、交代学习目标 ;课程新授(1)、展示新知识:精讲知识点,辅n加油以造句、对话等多种形式充足练习,使学生掌握并灵活运用。(2n加油)采取多种形式检查学生对语法项目的掌握情况,三、目标测试:(辅以n加油专项习

2、题练习)四、总结归纳五、作业布置授课内容重点难点释义n加油1. Lets see the pandas firn加油st.让我们先看大熊猫吧。 (1) ln加油ets是let us的缩写形式,它引导的祈使句用于 “提出建议、n加油邀请”等,意为“让我们一起做某事”。Let 是使役动词,后n加油接动词原形。 “Let sb. +动词原形”。 e.g. Ln加油ets play football.我们一起踢足球吧。 n加油-OK. Lets go.好的,走吧。/-Sorry, I don加油nt like to play football. 对建议进行回答n加油时,肯定回答一般用简略回答:OK./

3、All right./Than加油t sounds good./Good idea./ That sounds n加油great.等,否定回答一般用Sorry, I等。 2. Whn加油y do you want to see the lions? 你为n加油什么想要去看狮子呢?Because they are cute.因为n加油他们很可爱。 (1) why是特殊疑问词,n加油用于对原因提问,意为“为什么?”,回答whn加油y引导的特殊疑问句时,要用because来回答。e.gn加油. Why do you like this film? n加油Because it is very en加油

4、xciting.你为什么喜欢这部电影?因为它很激动n加油人心。(3) because与so: 共同点:它们都用于表示因果n加油关系。区别:because用于表原因,意为“因为”,后接的是原因;n加油so意为“所以”,用于表结果,后接的是前面所述事情的结果。 n加油 e.g. I like koalas because they an加油re very cute.我喜欢考拉,因为它们很可爱。 n加油 = koalas are very cute, so I n加油like them. 考拉很可爱,所以我喜欢它们。 son加油和because不能同时使用(用了because就已经意味着前面就是结果

5、;n加油用了so就已经暗示前面是原因,不需要再重复使用because) n加油 e.g. I dont like man加油th because its very difficultn加油.我不喜欢数学,因为它很难。 由why引导的特殊疑问句n加油,只能用because来回答。不能用so来替换。3. kind of“有点,有n加油几分” (1) 短语kind of, 意为“有几分n加油”,是固定短语。通常作程度副词用,相当于a littln加油e或a bit,多用于修饰形容词或副词,也可以修饰动词,表示程度,程度比veryn加油要小一些。 e.g. My sister in加油s kind o

6、f lazy.我的妹妹有点懒。(lazy “懒惰的”,是形n加油容词) (2) kind可用作形容词,放在be动词后做表语,意为 “n加油友好的,善良的,和蔼的” e.g. He is very kinn加油d. 他心肠很好,心地善良。 Its vn加油ery kind of you to say thatn加油. 你能那么说,真的很善良。(3) kind可用做名词,意为“n加油种类”,常用于构成what kind of, a kind ofn加油, two kinds of, many kindsn加油 of, different kinds ofn加油等结构,其中的of均为介词,后接名词,

7、表示“几种? 哪种?”n加油等意义。 e.g. What kind of n加油car do you like?你喜欢什么样种类的汽车? n加油 This kind of question is veryn加油 difficult to answer.这种问n加油题很难回答。 There are many kn加油inds of animals in the zon加油o.动物园里有很多种类的动物。4. be n加油from -come from 来自Where an加油re lions from? They an加油re from South Africa.=where do lion加油n

8、s come from? They come from South Afrn加油ica.5. a lot of =lotsn加油 of “许多,很多” A lot在句中n加油做副词,相当于very much.Eg.n加油 But I like tigers a lot._ “an加油 lot ”是固定搭配,意为“_ _”,n加油在句中做副词,相当于very much. 短语 “likn加油e.a lot ”意为_n加油_(=like.very much.)例句:玛丽非常喜欢汉n加油堡包。Mary _ hamburgers _n加油 _/(_ _)6.friendn加油ly adj. frien

9、d n.Eg.I ln加油ike dogs because then加油yre friendly and smart._“frn加油iendly” 是一个形容词,它是由名词“_n加油_”加上“ly”构成的,意为_. n加油常用短语be friendly to sb ,意为 _n加油_; be friendln加油y with sb意为_.7. savn加油e 是一个动词,意为_、_, 例句n加油:我们必须救它们。We must _n加油 _.另外,做动词时还有“贮存,储蓄、节省、保存等意思。n加油节约水_ n加油 贮存食物_8. “on加油ne of.”意为.之一n加油.,后接可数名词复数名词

10、形式。one of.结构做主语时,n加油谓语动词用单数形式。例句:我的一个同学来自云南。_n加油 _my classmates _n加油_ from Yunnan.9. symn加油bol是一个名词,意为_.常用短语a/the symbn加油ol of.表示_. 例n加油句:白鸽是和平的象征。The dove is _ _ _n加油 the peace(和平)。1o. danger 是一n加油个名词,意为“_-”,常用短语 be in danger意为_n加油_. dangern加油前可用great修饰,表示“巨大的”.be in grean加油t danger 意为_例n加油句:那个男孩会面

11、临巨大的危险。The boy can _ _ _n加油_ _.11. with. 是一个介词 n加油prep.意为“.与.一起,偕同,和.”例句:她和n加油她姐妹一起看电视。She _ _ withn加油 her sister. With做介词还有“带有.n加油.;有.的”之意,其后面接一个名词构成介词n加油短语修饰前面的名词。例句:那个长头发的女孩是我n加油同学。The girl _ _ n加油_ is my classmate翻译:有水和食物的地方 _n加油_ _ _ _12. forgetn加油 (v.)意为_/_常用短语:fn加油orget to do sth _ (n加油言下之意,事

12、情还没做);forget doing sth _n加油_(事情已做,但是忘了n加油。)附unit5词组1. favorite animaln加油s 最喜欢的动物n加油2. kind of interesting 有点有趣n加油3. be from -n加油-come from 来自n加油 4. why not +v 原形 5.n加油 walk on two legs 用两条腿走n加油 6. all day /n加油 all night 整天 7. like n加油sth a lot 非常喜欢n加油 8. black and white 黑白相间 9n加油. youre rightn加油 10.

13、n加油 more than =over 超过/多于 1n加油1. the other two animals 另外两个动物n加油 12. one of +名词复数+名词复数 13. a n加油kind of books 一种书n加油 14. our first flag 我们的第n加油一面旗 15. a symbol of good luck 好运n加油的象征 16. play soccer or n加油music 踢足球/播放音乐 17. draw well 画得好n加油 18. forget to don加油/doing 忘记做某事 /忘记做过某事19. get/be n加油lost 迷路

14、 20. a good n加油place to do sth 做某事的好地方 n加油21. a good place with food ann加油d water带着食物和水的地方 22. in greatn加油 danger 处于危险 23. cut down 砍n加油倒 24. be made of 什么制成 n加油25.Thai Elephant Day 大象节 26. imn加油portance in Thailand 泰国的重要性 目n加油标测试:单项选择(20分)( )1. Look, tn加油hat is _ elephant from Afn加油rica. A. aB. anC

15、. theD. /n加油( )2. That little anin加油mal is very _. Plean加油se dont talk here. A. shyB. frienn加油dlyC. cuteD. ugly( )3. Somn加油e monkeys are not friendly _ us.n加油 They take away our fruits. A. toBn加油. withC. forD. of( n加油 )4. Pandas like eating _n加油_ and elephants like eating n加油_. A. leafs; grassB. len

16、加油aves; grass C. leaf; grassD.n加油 leaf; grasses( )5. My motn加油her often tells me not to plan加油y _ bad boys. A. onB.n加油 inC. withD. at( n加油 )6.中考Why do you like this TVn加油 program? _ its veryn加油 interesting and exciting.n加油 A. ThoughB. BecauseC. So( )7.n加油 What _ sports do you like?n加油 I like basketb

17、all, n加油too. A. otherB. anothern加油C. othersD. the other( )8. n加油It is _ boring to watn加油ch TV every night. A. kind ofn加油B. a kind ofC. kinds ofn加油D. a kind( )9. Ton加油ny is a quiet student, _ hen加油 is active in class. n加油A. so B. and C. bn加油ut D. or( )10. Isnt the mon加油nkey cute? _. I like it veryn加油

18、 much. A. Yes, it doesn加油B. No, it doesnt C. Yes, it n加油isD. No, it isnt词汇运用(1n加油0分)()根据句意和首字母填空(5分)1.n加油 Lets go to the zoo onn加油 weekends. There are mn加油any new a _ there. 2n加油. He doesnt want to do any hon加油mework and he is l _.n加油 3. The e_ has a long nosen加油 and two big ears. 4. This yn加油ellow

19、skirt looks very b_n加油_. I want to buy one for myn加油 mother. 5. I have two uncn加油les. One is a runner, n加油and the o_ is an acton加油r. ()用所给词的适当形式填空(5分)n加油6. Id like to visit Beijing bn加油ecause the people thern加油e are very _ (friend). 7. Tn加油he oranges come from _n加油_ (south) China. 8. What otn加油her _

20、 (language) dn加油o you like? 9. There _ (be)n加油 lots of meat in the in加油ce box. 10. How manyn加油 _ (box) of apples would youn加油 like短文填空(10分)从方框中选择恰当的词n加油并用其适当形式填空,完成短文。from, well, win加油th, show, at, friendly, kn加油ind of, old, this, cleverLookn加油, 1 is Andrew. He is a n加油dolphin. He comes 2 the sea. n

21、加油He is only one year n加油 3 . He can swim very n加油 4 . He likes to play n加油 5 a ball. I think n加油he is a good player. People lin加油ke to see his 6 . He is very 7n加油 and 8 . His home is in then加油 Atlantic Ocean(大西洋). But now he isn加油 9 the zoo. I thinn加油k he is 10 homesick(想家的).n加油 1._ 2. _ 3. _n加油_ 4

22、. _ 5. _ n加油6. _ 7. _ 8. _n加油_ 9. _ 10. _ 四.句型转换.(15n加油分)1 .Tom likes dogs because theyren加油 friendly. (画线提问) _n加油_ _ Tom _ dogs? 2. n加油He relaxes 15 hours a day. (改n加油为一般疑问句) _ he _ 15 hourn加油s a day?3. My unclen加油 lives in New York. (画线提问) _ _n加油_ your uncle ln加油ive?4. The twins come from Englandn

23、加油. ( 改为同义句 )The twins _ _n加油_ England.5 . There are somen加油 small parks in the city. (改为一般疑问句) n加油 _ there _ small parks inn加油 the city.6、Jim does his homework even加油ry afternoon.(改为否定句)Jim n加油_ _his homework everyn加油 afternoon8. koala comes from An加油ustralia. (变否定句)A kon加油ala _ _ from n加油Australia

24、.9.He likes dolphins veryn加油 much. (变一般疑问句)_ he n加油_ dolphins very mucn加油h?10.The zoo is across n加油from a big and clean hotel. (对划线部分提问)n加油_ _ the zoo?11.I like n加油Tom because he is very friendly. n加油 (对划线部分提问)_ do _ like Tn加油om?12.The shy girl wants to see gin加油raffes. (对划线部分提问)_n加油 _ does the shy girl want tn加油o see?13.Do you have lots of clen加油ver friends? (变陈述句)n加油_ _ lots n加油of clever friends.14.Pandas an加油re from China. (同义句转换)Pandas _n加油_ _ China.15.She doen加油snt like bananas at all. (变肯定句)Sn加油he _ bananas very _n加油_. 第9页/共9页


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