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1、Unit 7What does he look like?,height hait,tall,t:l 高的,Yao Ming is tall.,short,:t 矮的,He is short.,medium height,中等身高的,He is of medium height.他中等身高。,mi:dim 中等的,hait高度,short,medium height,tall,She is short.,She is of medium height.,She is tall.,试一试,Build bild,thin,in 瘦的,He is thin.,heavy,hevi重的,He is h

2、eavy.,medium build,mi:dim 中等的,bild体形,He is of medium build.,thin,medium build,heavy,试一试,She is thin.,She is of medium build.,She is heavy.,hair,short hair,straight hair,short straight hair 短直发,短发,直发,streit,She has short straight hair.,留有,short hair,curly hair,short curly hair短卷发,短发,卷发,k:li,She has s

3、hort curly hair.她留有短卷发,long hair,straight hair,long straight hair长直发,长发,直发,She has(留有)long straight hair.,long hair,curly hair,long curly hair长卷发,长发,卷发,She has(留有)long curly hair.,blank hair VS brown hair,short straight hair,Long straight hair,She has short straight hair.,She has long straight hair.

4、,试一试,long straight blank hair,long curly brown hair,She has long straight blank hair.,She has long curly brown hair.,tall,of medium height,short,Memory Challenge!,heavy,curly hair,long hair,short hair,straight hair,thin,of medium build,tall,medium height,short,Memory Challenge!,heavy,curly hair,long

5、 hair,short hair,straight hair,thin,medium build,9,8,7,6,2,10,3,4,5,1,short haircurly hairlong hairstraight hairtallshortmedium heightthinheavymedium build,c,f,a,a,d,h,e,b,g,e,tall,curly,hair,我眼中的自己,-What do you look like?-Im a.,我眼中的自己,-What do you look like?-Im a little bit heavyIm of medium height

6、 I have long straight hair.,A:What does your friend look like?你朋友长什么样。,pairwork描述你的朋友,What do they look like?,This is my friend Hu Die,She is tall has a medium build and long blank hair.,What do they look like?,Summary,形容外貌的单词。参考课本1a描述人物的句型:1、人物+be+身高/体型2、人物+have/has+发型,Summary,询问某人的外貌特征句子:What does

7、/do+主语+look like?:“看上去什么样?”(look like 看起来像)What does Liu Xiang look like?刘翔长什么样子?,回答:“主语+be+描述人物外貌特征的形容词”或“主语+have/has+名词”He is tall.他很高。He has short hair.他留有短发,1.tall 高的/short矮的/heavy重的/thin瘦的 of medium height 中等身高的 of medium build中等体形的,be,描述人的长相用动词 be 还是 have/has,be(is,am,are)+形容词:,have/has+名词词组,h

8、ave/has(留)有,Whos the man?,Hes WangHan.,What does he look like?,He has very short hair.,Whos this woman?,Shes ChenShu,What does she look like?,She has a medium build and long,blank hair.,Hes very tall.And he has short hair.,Who is he?,Hes Yao Ming.,What does he look like?,She is tall and has long str

9、aight black hair.She is good-looking.,She is Zhao Wei.,Who is she?,What does she look like?,She is thin and tall.She has long curly blank hair.,She is Yangmi,What does she look like?,Who is she?,Who is he?,What does he look like?,2a:Listen and circle“is”or“has”below,1.is/has tall2.is/has heavy3.is/h

10、as curly hair4.is/has medium height 5.is/has thin6.is/has long hair7.is/has short8.is/has a medium build9.is/has short hair,2b,is hasDavid tall curly hair heavySallyPeter,medium height,thin,long hair,short,a medium build,short hair,Exercises,1.What _ she look like?She _ _ _ _(长直发).She _ _ _(中等身高).2.

11、What _ he look like?He _ tall and he is _ _(中等体型).,does,has,straight,hair,is,medium,height,does,is,medium,build,long,用is或has填空:,My English teacher straight hair and she thin.,Yao Ming very tall and he sh-ort hair.,Jims mother isnt thin,she heavy.,He a medium build.,Her friend medium height.,has,is,i

12、s,has,is,is,is,Exercises II,Li Lei isnt short,he is.She is thin,but her brother is.Our Chinese teacher has long curly hair,but our math teacher has_ _ hair.Cathy is not tall or short.(改为同义句)Cathy is _ _.5.My mother is short and heavy.(对划线部分提问)_ _ your mother _ _?,tall,heavy,short,straight,medium,height,What,does,look,like,Exercises III,Homework:,Describe one of your family members and write it down.,Goodbye.,Thank you!,


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