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1、温故而知新,1.Children under 18 _(not allow)to watch this show without their parents.2.We _(pay)by the boss on the last Friday of each month.3.What language _(speak)in Germany?4.Most of the earths surface _(cover)by water.5.The classroom _(clean)by the students every day.,arent allowed,are paid,is spoken,

2、is covered,is cleaned,Unit 6,Section A 1a-2C,When was it invented?,学习目标:,1.能正确使用一般过去时的被动语态。2.谈论发明物的历史,学习新单词和短语1.同学自读单词.2.同学领读单词.3.看英文单词说出汉意.,挑战你的记忆力,n.V.heel mentionscoop have a pointelectricity liststyle adj.project dailypleasurezipperwebsitepioneerlist,鞋跟,勺子;铲子,电;电能,样式;款式,项目;工程,高兴;愉快,拉链;拉索,网站,先锋;先

3、驱,列表;列清单,提到;说到,有道理,名单;清单,日常的,invent v.发明,创造,发明家,创造者,n.inventions,inventor,Edison was a great _.He _ 1093 things.His _ are very important to us.,爱迪生是一位伟大的发明家,他发明了1093样东西,他的发明对我们很重要。,inventor,invented,inventions,知识拓展,Chinese four great ancient inventions,compass,gun powder,printing,Paper making,Modern

4、 inventions,calculator,klkjuleit,任务提示二,1.完成1a,按发明顺序编号。2.听录音,完成1b.3.小组合作,进行问答,完成1c.,1a PresentationLook at the things below.In what order do you think they were invented?Discuss them with your group.Then number them 1-4(1=first,4=last),1,2,3,4,A:I think the TV was invented before the car.B:Well,I thi

5、nk the TV was invented after the car.,Talk about with your partner.,A:I think the was invented before the.B:Well,I think the was invented after the.,Talk about with your parterner.,1b Listen and match the inventions with the years.,a,b,c,d,When was the.invented?,1876188519271971,a,c,b,d,合作探究,通过听力的学习

6、,小组合作探究英语中年份的读法,221 1949 2008 1700 2014,年份的读法,两个数字一组,分为前后两组,1,2,1865 eighteen sixty-five1989,千年的读法,two thousand 2001,two thousand and one,nineteen eighty nine,3,前两个数字不为零,后两个数字为零。,eighteen hundred1900,nineteen hundred,4,非四位数的年份的读法!,five hundred and thirty-one,five hundred and one,501,翻译下列年代:,1 ninete

7、en seventy-one_ 2 eighteen eighty-five_3.eighteen seventy-six_ 4.1927_ 5.1976_ 6.2008_7.2014_,1971年,1885年,1876年,nineteen twenty-seven,nineteen seventy-six,two thousand and eight,twenty fourteen two thousand and fourteen,1c PAIRWORK,A:When was the telephone invented?B:I think it was invented in 1876.

8、,A:When was the _ invented?B:I think it was invented in _.,1971,1876,1927,Practice,任务提示三,1.听录音,完成2a,2b.2.小组合作,完成2c,2d.,2a Listen and number the inventions1-3 in the order you hear them.,3,1,2,_ shoes with special heels,_ shoes with lights,_ hot ice-cream scoop runs on electricity,2b Listen again and

9、 complete the chart below.,shoes with special heels shoes with lights hot ice-cream scoop,changing,in the dark,serving,合作探究,点拨提升!,小组合作探究重点句型的用法.,Summaries,1.shoes with special heels 特殊后跟的鞋子 2.hot ice cream scoop 冰激淋加热勺 3.run on electricity 电动的 4.be used for,Page 139,被用作,Make conversations using the

10、information in 2b.,A:What are they used for?B:Theyre used for.,2c,see in the dark travel change the style of the shoe serve really cold ice-cream,alarm clock(1350)Eric,A:When was it invented?B:It was invented in A:Who was it invented by?B:It was invented by,microwave oven(1947)makr()wev v()n Spencer

11、 spens,Practice,Car 1885,When was it invented?,Who was it invented by?,Benz.,It was invented in 1885.,It was invented by Benz.,benz,light bulb 1879,When was it invented?,It was invented in 1879.,Who was it invented by?,It was invented by Edison.edsn,Whats it used for?,Its used for seeing in the dark

12、.,1.Its used for serving really cold ice crea【经典习题】完成句子:邮票是用来发送信件的。Stamps are _ _ _ letters.【点拨】be used for doing sth.=be used to do sth.表示“被用于干某事”如:The camera is used for taking photos.=,used for sending,The camera is used to take photos.,【拓展延伸】be used as sth.表示“被用作某物”。be used by sb.表示“被某人使用”,后接动作的

13、执行者。be/get used to doing sth.表示“习惯于做某事”。used to do sth.表示“过去常常做某事”。,完成句子:1.汽车是什么时候发明的?它是在1885年被发明的。When _ the car_?It _ _ _1885.2.带灯的鞋子是什么时候发明的?是去年发明的。When _shoes with lights _?They _ _ last year.,was invented,was invented in,were invented,were invented,当堂训练,巩固所学,3.他们是谁发明的?是朱丽.汤普森发明的。_ were they _ _

14、?They were _ _Julie Thompson.4.他们是用来做什么的?是用来在黑暗中视物的。What are they _ _?Theyre used _ _ in the dark.5.我认为电话的发明要早于汽车的发明。I think the telephone _ _ _the car.,Who invented by,invented by,for seeing,used for,was invented before,Summary What have you learned in this section?总结一下这节课你都学会了哪些内容?,Homework:必做题:完成练习册.选做题:谈论一下自己身边的物品(被发明的时间,何时,何用),Goodbye!,


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