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1、八年级英语上册Unit4 How do you get to school? 导学案设计学习内容:SectionA 1a-1c 课时:1课时课型:新授 备课人:学习目标: 1.识记交通工具的词汇。2.学会与他人简单交流上学的方式。重难点 : 识记交通工具的词汇及乘坐同一交通工具的不同表达。导学过程 : 一自主学习,明确目标。1.根据第一张图片第一、第二行提示完成剩余图片第一、第二行要求。特别注意第5、第6副图片。 _train_ _ _take the train_ _ _ I take the train to school. _ _I get to school by train. _ _

2、 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _2.小组讨论自学结果并大声朗读。注意:第5、第6张图片的答案和其他图片有什么不同。3.浏览1a,1b题目,弄清题意。并根据提示完成要求。4.你能写出本课时的中心句吗?_ 二借助媒介,正音操练。1.各小组展示答案,评选优胜小组,并跟读。2.积极参与老师组织的快速英汉互译活动。3.听磁带,完成1b题意要求,然后小组讨论听力结果。4.教师订正答案,并就个别知识点答疑。三合作探究,展现提升。根据model conversation所示使用以上图片中的信息进行小组活动:A: How do you get to school? B:

3、I take school./ I get to school .A: How does she/he get to school? C: She/he ./ She gets to school. 四. 达标检测,盘点收获。1He often _(ride ) to school, but sometimes he_ (walk) to school.2.My mother always _( go ) to work by bus3. Tom never _( take) the train to school .4.Yesterday I _( walk) to school .5.Ho

4、w _( do ) your sister get to school ?6I often go to school by bus . =I often _a bus _school.7Jane rides the bike to work on Mondays. = Jane goes to work _ _on Mondays .8He gets to school on foot every day. =He _to school every day .八年级英语上册Unit4 How do you get to school? 导学案设计学习内容: SectionA 2a-2d 课时:

5、1课时课型:新授 备课人:学习目标: 1.识记数字1-100并学会使用它们。2.学会谈论不同人上班、上学的不同交通方式及所花费的时间。3.提高自己听和说的能力。重难点: 识记数词1-100。使用take表述花费时间。导学过程: 一自主学习,明确目标。1、分别用英语数出自己所在两组的男、女生数。2、写出下列数字的英语。1_2_3_4_5_6_7_8_ 9_ 10_11_12_13_ 14_15_16_20_21_22_23_30_32_40_50_60_70_80_90_100_。3.大声朗读以上单词并思考3-9与13-19和20、30、40、50、60、70、80、90这些词之间有什么样的规律

6、。请讨论你们发现的规律并将其写在下列横线上。_.4你会用下面的句型编对话吗?A: How do you get to school? B: I usually get to school.A: How long does it take? B: It takes about二借助媒介,正音操练。1.各小组展示答案,小组互查,选出优胜小组。2.浏览2b,2c题目,按要求完成它们并大声朗读。3.按照交流经验做好准备后开始听磁带,完成题意要求。4.与其他同学及老师交流听音结果。5.齐读听力内容,巩固知识点。三合作探究,展现提升。1.小组大声朗读2d对话并找到与知识链接部分相联系的句子。2.调查你小组

7、的成员,他(她)平时以怎样的方式去学校,花费多久,组织语言并构成一篇文章。 3.与其他小组交流改写的结果。四达标检测,盘点收获。 一用方框中所给词或词组的正确形式填空,每个词或词组只用一次。(10分) be different from; help. with; take the subway; think of; get to; look after; on foot; have a picnic; forty; grow up 1. My mother was out, so I had to _ my little sister at home. 2. What about _ in t

8、he park on Sunday? 3. Miss Gao often _ to work. 4. The weather in China_ _that in America. 5. The twins were born in New York, but they_ in London. 6. He _ school at 7:30 every day. 7. -What do you _the Chinese people? -They are very friendly. 8. “Walk to school” means “go to school _”. 9. Today is

9、my fathers _ birthday. 10. She often _ me _ my English. 二汉译英。1.你爸爸怎样去上班?他乘地铁。2.你怎么去上学?我通常坐公交车去上学。3.Bob怎样到学校?他乘火车。4.我经常坐出租车到学校,但有时骑自行车。5.我妈妈步行到家大约花费20分钟。八年级英语上册Unit4 How do you get to school? 导学案设计学习内容:SectionA 3a-4 课时:1课时课型:新授 备课人:学习目标 : 1.学会谈论不同人上班、上学的交通方式、两地距离及所需要的时间。2.提高自己说和读的能力。重难点: 使用“ how、how

10、long、how far”来谈论去某地的方式、距离和所需时间。导学过程:一自主学习,明确目标。 1.快速浏览3a-4.2通过预习3a,理解句子,将所给问题的答案填写在横线上。 3.根据3a中的文章,翻译下列词组。距离学校10公里_ 离开去某地_ 早班车_在六点半左右_ 公交车站_公交车程_火车车程_ 多长时间_多远_4.会使用3b部分的句子进行知识扩展并编句子。二借助媒介,正音操练。1.检查预习内容。2根据文章内容勾出正确的答案。1.distance(距离) from home to school15 kilometers10 kilometers2.get upat 6:20at 6:003

11、.shower4.have a quick breakfast5.leave for school at 6:30at around 6:306.ride the bike to the bus station10 minutes20 minutes7.the early bus35 minutes25 minutes3.根据上表复述3a的文章。三达标检测,盘点收获。1.小组讨论3b中第一幅图片和对话,找到图片和对话之间的联系。2.根据它们之间的联系及所给对话两人一组制作对话。3.展示对话。四达标检测,盘点收获。A. 选择题。1.I think it may _ them about two

12、hours to do the work. A. start B. pay C. make D. take 2.Class was over. All the students stopped _ and left.A. write B. to write C. writing D. wrote 3.-_ do you usually come to school in the morning? -By bike. A. What B. Where C. When D. How 4. _ too much is bad for your health. A. Watching TV B. Wa

13、tch TV C. Taking a walk after supper D. Take a walk after supper 5.The old man goes to the park _ every morning. A. by foot B. by feet C. on foot D. on feet 6.-_ does it take? -It takes about half an hour. A. What time B. When C. How D. How long B翻译句子。1.张磊的家离学校大约10公里。2.那个小女孩每天刷三次牙。3.首先,他骑着他的自行车去公交车站

14、。4.我每周日下午3点半动身去学校。5从学校到地铁站有多远? C. 作文。 仿照3a文章,根据下列提示写出关于你的文章。 总距离:5milesget up at 6:00 have breakfast walk/5minutes take the bus/20 minutes get to school/7:0八年级英语上册Unit4 How do you get to school? 导学案设计学习内容:SectionB 1a-2c 课时:1课时课型:新授 备课人:学习目标: 1.识记并运用bus stop, bus station, train station, subway statio

15、n这几个词。2.提高自己的听力技巧。重难点: 熟练掌握本课时三个由How引导的特殊疑问句句型。导学过程: 一自主学习,明确目标。1.浏览1a-1c.2.根据提示写出下列词组。公共汽车站_火车站_地铁站_多远_认为_到达_骑自行车_依靠_3.完成1a,1b,并尝试使用1b和同伴编对话练习。二借助媒介,正音操练。1.检查预习内容。2. 浏览2a,2b题目,讨论它们属于什么类型的句子及其意思,按要求完成它们并大声朗读。3.按照交流经验做好准备后开始听磁带,完成题意要求。4.与其他同学及老师交流听音结果。5.齐读听力内容,巩固知识点6.尝试完成下面的对话。A: Hi, Nancy. _ (1)? B:

16、 I live in Wuhua District. A: _ (2) do you live from school? B: I live five miles from school. A: _ (3) do you get to your school? B: By bike, sometimes on foot. A: _ (4) does it take you to get to school by bike? B: About ten minutes. 三合作探究,展现提升。小组合作,尝试着把听力内容以短文形式写出来。四达标检测,盘点收获。A.用所给单词的适当形式填空:1. It

17、s about twenty _ (minute) walk to get there.2. A small number of students _ (take) the subway every day.3. My bag is _ (difference ) from hers.4. How long does it take you _ (get) to the park?5. Traveling by train is more relaxing than _. (drive )B. 句型转换:1. She rides her bike to school. (对划线部分提问) _

18、_ she _ _ school?2. Most students in North America go to school on the bus. (改为同义句)Most students in North America go to school _ _.3. the, early, takes, bus, him, his, to, workplace (连词成句)_4. How do you like China? (改为同义句) _ do you _ _ China?5. I go to the cinema once a week. (对划线部分提问) _ _ do you go

19、 to the cinema?6. They often go to the park on foot. (改为同义句) They often _ _ the park.7. My mother goes to work by train. (改为同义句) My mother _ _ _ to work.8. They have breakfast at eight fifteen. (改为同义句)They have breakfast at _ _ _ _.9. It takes them about two hours to get to the bus station. (对划线部分提问

20、)_ _ does it take them to get to the bus station?10. Mr Brown leaves home on a bike. (对划线部分提问) _ _ Mr Brown _ home?C.根据句意及首字母提示补全单词:1. Beijing is in the n_ of China.2. Dont w_ about me. Im OK now.3. The bus r_ usually takes about 5 minutes.4. You cant d_ on your parents forever.5. He l_ for school e

21、arly every morning八年级英语上册Unit4 How do you get to school? 导学案设计学习内容:SectionB 3a-4 课时:1课时课型:新授 备课人:学习目标: 1.识记并运用3a、3b中出现的重要单词和词组。2.提高自己的阅读能力。重难点: 提高自己的写作技巧和能力。导学过程:一自主学习,明确目标。1.快速浏览3a-4。2.翻译下列词组。北美_乘公交车_在世界其它地区_乘火车去学校_视而定_乘船去上学_更有趣的多_与 不一样_ 三种最受欢迎的到校方式_最受欢迎的交通方式_。3、用心阅读3a中的5个句子,弄清它们的意思,并对照文章判断正误。二借助媒介

22、,正音操练。1.检查预习内容,并抽查部分学生默写。2、再次阅读文章并根据文章提示的问题及短语复述短文。_3.仔细观察3b中的图表和文章.写出下列数字相对应的单词:40_100_175_ 30_50_4.思考文章中第一个横线上为什么要填写“ ride their bikes”而不是“bike”?可否在横线上填写by bike 呢?5.A small number of students意思是 _. 6. 根据图表完成3b。7. 核对答案。三合作探究,展现提升。Write a newspaper artile . Tell how students get to your school._四达标检

23、测,盘点收获。A、.根据答语,完成问题.1._ hours do most students sleep every night ? -About nine hours.2._ does it take ? -About half an hour.3._ does Miss Hill go to work ? -She usually walks to her company.4._ does Ana go to school on foot ? -Hardly ever.5. _ is it from the city ? -Only two kilometers.6._ are your

24、shoes? -One hundred Yuan.B、.用所给词的适当形式填空。1 It usually takes 10 minutes _(walk) from the classroom to the library?2.How long _ it_ (take) you to school on weekdays?3.Shanghai is one of the biggest _ (city) the world.4._(take) a boat to school must _(be) a lot more fun than taking a bus.5.A small numbe

25、r of _ (child) like to eat porridge in the morning.6.The three of the most popular ways of _(get) there are bus, train and bike.7.When it _ (rain), I often take a taxi to school.8.Im so tired, I need _ (have) a good rest.9.Let me _(help) you _ (clean) the room.C.句型转换:1. Mr. Smith often flies to Toky

26、o for the meeting. (同义句转换)Mr. Smith often _ _ _ to Tokyo for the meeting.2. Other parts of the world are not the same as the United States.( 同义句转换)Other parts of the world _ _ _ the United States.3. It takes me twenty-five minutes to get from home to school.(对划线部分提问)_ _ _it _ _to get from home to school?4.His factory is 10 miles from his home. (对划线部分提问)_ _ is his factory _ his home?5.I usually spend 3 hours doing my homework. (同义句转换)It usually _ me 3 hours _ _ my homework


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